The Epics : 4-5 Missions Only Arc Reviews




Great idea for a thread! It looks like you'll be busy with all these arcs, but if you can run through mine when you can I'd appreciate it.

Title: Fatale Attraction
Arc ID: 181264
Synopsis: This is a story focused arc about a rising gang of female street criminals in Paragon City that Meg Mason is looking to bust. What starts off as a missing persons investigation and the search for a possible witness leads you into a much broader and darker case that requires a hero to resolve. [SFMA]

There are two very short missions, one timed mission, and the remaining two are on lareg maps. Only one short mission has a Defeat All Enemies condition. The missions are all for levels 1-54 and you could solo this one all the way if you had to, but a team would make it more fun. Total play time required should be no longer than one hour.



Arc Name: The Crey Conundrum, Act I - Project: Sleeper
Arc ID: 149765

Mission 5 contains an EB, nothing else should be more than a Boss. Currently sitting at 13 rates (haven't logged in today yet, but I doubt I hit 100 in 12 hours). Can't wait to get some feedback!



I realize that you have a long list, but I would definitely appreciate it if you could add this one to your queue.

Arc Name: Meet the Demon Spawn
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Alari Azure/Telstar
Are you ready to accept a challenge from Paragon City's newest gang of thugs and their leader, Slash DeMento? Hang on to your hat and be ready for a wild ride. These guys are new in town and they want to make a big impression. The bad kind! After Slash gave Frostfire a nasty beating, they left the Outcasts behind to make much bigger plans. Can you help Flux keep these guys from getting too big for their britches?

The enemy group is all custom. Their descriptions add a bit of background and flavor to the story. There are no EB/AVs, so it can be soloed, but there are a few enemies that can be tough. Squishies and lower levels may have some problems with a few of them. None are extremely hard, but it may depend on whether you're solo or go with a team. If soloing, I suggest using a strong tank/scrapper (or equivalent villain, if so inclined). There are a few axers, including 1 Lt and 2 bosses, that may be brutal on other character builds. All are set on standard difficulty, but they can still pack a whollop. The enemy mix is similar to Outcasts with a few additions as far as weapon/power choices go. Basically, it's a gang that has a wide range of backgrounds as some have joined their ranks after the main chars left the Outcasts.

Arc ID: 151099
Faction: Heroic

No AV/EBs Deal with The Devil's Pawn-207266 Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons-100045 Meet the Demon Spawn-151099 Feedback



Hello I have two for consideration:
!st is A "simple" day (ARC#117154) This is the intro for TEEN FORCE
2nd is TEEN FORCE to the Rescue (or to be rescued) (ARC# 116459)
Both are listed under Energylord.
Any helpfull critics would be appreciated. This is a story so even though the numbers are out of order, you should do ARC# 117154 1st. I prob. messed it up when making early corrections. TY for your time.

Deeds not Words....



If you're still taking on arc requests, I'd love to toss mine into the ring. I haven't really started to promote it, so it's had one (1) play/review since it was first published at the start of May.'s not that bad, promise!

The arc is titled Paragon's Abyss, # 161540.

It's listed as very long, with 5 missions on small and medium sized maps. The current play suggestion is 40+, and it does contain both custom units and a custom boss/EB.

I would love and appreciate any feedback on this arc! Thanks in advance!

Current Scrapper Projects: Elec/Invuln, Fire/SR and the eternal MA/DA adventure
Current Defender Projects: Emp/Psy and Storm/Arch
lol Stalker: Nin/Nrg



Please add this to your waiting list:
Arc Name: Red Typhoon
Arc ID: 4912
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @mm3squints
Difficulty Level: 40-53
Number of Mission: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 30 min-2 hour
Synopsis: Tension rises after N. Korea launches a missile. Nuclear war may happen can it be stopped?
Link to More Details or Feedback: Can be soloed, but best if team played

MA Arc:
Red Typhoon 4912
Akhdar Blood Arc: 247198



I'd appreciate it if you could add this arc to your list as well.

#195149 - "The Horsemen Chronicles (Part I)"
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global: @Citizen Razor 2
Difficulty Level: Lv10-14
Number of Mission: 5
Estimated Time to Play: 30 min - 2 hour
Synposis: Tyrant wants to establish a permanent portal into Paragon City, but realizes that as long as the eyes of the Freedom Phalanx is on him, he will never be able to do so. Therefore Tyrant is using the Wolfpack, a fledgling group of villains, to do so. Tyrant has sent Omega (custom critter) to Paragon City to collect five artifacts that will be used to build a permanent portal. You have to prevent that from happening.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



If you want to give the arc in my sig a shot.It is a 4 mish arc that I try to strive to keep a villainous flair. There is one EB at the end who can pose a bit of problems solo. If you could I would prefer a pm on the review. It has just under 100 and I am looking for some more good reviews.



I offer:

[ZQ] Power Play - Arc #187269

A City of Villains story arc uniquely told in the first person.
Story-focused, solo-friendly
No EB/AV at all. Signatures will scale to Lieutenant on challenge level 1. Increase your difficulty and/or team size to face bosses.



Here's the first list of the arcs I'm scheduled to review. Once I'm done with this batch, I'll start working through the second list.


  1. ID: 84105 Duality
  2. ID: 53951 The Sleeping Star
  3. ID: 101681 Through Rose-Tinted Glasses
  4. ID: 12669 How to Survive a Robot Uprising
  5. ID: 12647 Tales of cimerora, volume 1 : of feathers and fur...
  6. ID: 111352 Title is Fallen Angel: Crossing Over
  7. ID: 2180 Bricked Electronics
  8. ID: 5073 The Bravuran Jobs
  9. ID: 91897 The Oblivion Lens
  10. ID: 1356 This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz
  11. ID: 2922 Hunthing the Dark Dragon
  12. ID: 4572 Blargrimmar Wants You!
  13. ID: 2622 A Tangle in Time
  14. ID 64609 Eclipse Over Paragon
  15. ID: 58812 Something Comes to Yarmouth
  16. ID: 1233 welcome to donut world
  17. ID: 36492 "The Saga of Uuralur."
  18. ID: 33969 The Darkman Cometh (pt.1)
  19. ID: 3416 Blitzkrieg
  20. ID: 4431 Soldiers of Fortune
  21. ID: 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant
  22. ID: 4643 Blowback
  23. ID: 62807 Rock & Revenge
  24. ID: 33034 The Descender
  25. ID: 87912 The Dead and the Damned
  26. ID: 48942 Too Drunk To Be Alcoholic
  27. ID: 29659 Revenge is a Dish Best Served From My Cold Dead Fingers
  28. ID: 70210 Is it Live or is it Memory-X
  29. ID: 71797 The Gorgon Maneuver
  30. ID: 31975 Fire and Ice: Naughty and Nice
  31. ID: 15447 - Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears
  32. ID: 15976 - Glory Days
  33. ID: 103878 Gamble for Oakes
  34. ID: 16376 The Aegis Affair
  35. ID: 5909 Amazon-Avatars
  36. ID: 6143 Escalation
  37. ID: 1579 The Council's Long Con
  38. ID: 113294 The Siphon
  39. ID: 77311 The Ballad of Murky Thecat
  40. ID: 75386 The Knights of Rularuu
  41. ID: 1033 (NO TITLE)
  42. ID: 1484 That Which Defines Humanity
  43. ID: 113886 The Marcovici 7

[/ QUOTE ]

  1. ID: 81451 Missing Persons, Missing Pieces
  2. ID: 52424 Drogianite Invasion
  3. ID: 21144 Spanks For The Memories
  4. ID: 42436 The Ideality - Part 1: A New Foe
  5. ID: 103737 The Ideality - Part 2: A Ideal Plan
  6. ID: 141338 Vectors of Infection
  7. ID: 57352 The All-Seeing Eye
  8. ID: 1567 MacGuffin Delivery Service
  9. ID: 1709 The Amulet of J'gara
  10. ID: 3326 The Portal Bandits
  11. ID: 131780 The Day I Tried To Live
  12. ID: 186198 A bad hand from a worse deck...
  13. ID: 171031 The Fracturing of Time
  14. ID: 188867 Wails, Tales, and Hell's Bells
  15. ID: 24926 Ambitions of Small Men
  16. ID: 181264 Fatale Attraction
  17. ID: 149765 The Crey Conundrum, Act I - Project: Sleeper
  18. ID: 151099 Meet the Demon Spawn
  19. ID: 117154 A "simple" day
  20. ID: 116459 TEEN FORCE to the Rescue (or to be rescued)
  21. ID: 161540 aragon's Abysss
  22. ID: 4912 Red Typhoon
  23. ID: 195149 The Horsemen Chronicles (Part 1)
  24. ID: 12217 Mylia's Orgin
  25. ID: 187269 [ZQ] Power Play



No kidding and this is just the Epics list...I have 2 other threads



If you're looking for more arcs to review, have a look at #184130, "Party Like a Troll", Lvl 5-20, heroic story, Starts with a rescue mission and then...
It's maybe a little dark and a little mature.
This is the second finished version, already modified from some folks comments. I'd be interested to see what you think.



Go ahead and strike "The Descender" ID 33034. From your list. I pulled the arc to make room for my three part epic "The Lost Choir". I would ask you to review that one too, but you have a LOT on your plate!



No kidding and this is just the Epics list...I have 2 other threads

[/ QUOTE ]

So how is all that coming Altaholic? That is a lot of work.

Take Care,
Virtue: CaptainMayhem-50 Inv/SS Tank; NaomiArmitage-50 DM/Inv Scrap; Captn Randomizer-50 MC/Kin Cntrller; Murky Thecat-50 Claws/SR Scrap; Professor Junk-50 Bots/Traps MM; +Others Arc Id #77311, #227436



Arc Name: Rage Within The Machine

Arc ID: 137705

Faction: Heroic

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Freedom Force / Saul_Invictus

Difficulty Level: Medium. Most 30 or higher characters should be able to solo this arc, although some defender builds may find it tough. No EBs or AVs, but several Robotics Masterminds appear throughout.

Synopsis: This is the first arc I've developed that I feel is good enough to publish. It's a story-oriented arc, with a serious tone. The plot revolves around an uprising of robots across Paragon City, but there's more to it than just rampaging robots. It's set up as a mystery-- initially you don't know why the robots are attacking, and you'll encounter some red herrings before you finally figure out what's really going on. There's a lot of text in this arc, but I've tried to repeat important plot points in several places, so you shouldn't find yourself confused if you occasionally forget to read a clue or a line of dialogue.

Estimated Time to Play: Depends on the build-- a high-level, heavily IO'd scrapper can probably finish in less than 1 hour, while a mid-level defender playing cautiously might take as much as 3 hours. That's assuming you fight every mob you encounter, though. There are no "defeat all" requirements anywhere in the arc, so if you have any sort of stealth powers available, you could ghost through the arc and save a lot of time.

Arc# 137705: Rage Within The Machine. A mystery in five acts. Robots are rising up and attacking hero and villain alike. Who is responsible? Heroic, Very Long, Story arc, no EBs or AVs, no "defeat all", no Ninjitsu. For level 30 and up.



No kidding and this is just the Epics list...I have 2 other threads

[/ QUOTE ]

So how is all that coming Altaholic? That is a lot of work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just call me Alty, easier to spell

Well now that I've finished doing some SG site work and my RL has calmed back down again. I can return to reviewing arcs. I see that my Independent list got eaten by the forum so I'll have to repost that.

Since there are so many EPIC, I'll have to start running through at least 2-3 a day, if possible. I'd like to be through all the arcs by month's end..that's my plan anyway.



I would like to submit my newly spell checked and plot hole fixed arc for your consideration.

17006: End game - Final Moves.



Since I submitted my arc (87912) for review, it has surpassed 100 plays. Does that disqualify it from review? If so, I can submit another arc instead.



Since I submitted my arc (87912) for review, it has surpassed 100 plays. Does that disqualify it from review? If so, I can submit another arc instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, you're fine. If I can't get to your arc in time and it goes over 100 but was under when you posted, that's okay. I don't expect your mission to sit idle while it waits for me to run through it.




Just call me Alty, easier to spell

[/ QUOTE ]

Will do



Since there are so many EPIC, I'll have to start running through at least 2-3 a day, if possible. I'd like to be through all the arcs by month's end..that's my plan anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

2-3 a day sounds like fun Wish I had that time, but not anymore.

Looking forward to the reviews, so I can add ones that you like to my list to run (its getting long, but I've found such fun ones this way )

Take Care,
Virtue: CaptainMayhem-50 Inv/SS Tank; NaomiArmitage-50 DM/Inv Scrap; Captn Randomizer-50 MC/Kin Cntrller; Murky Thecat-50 Claws/SR Scrap; Professor Junk-50 Bots/Traps MM; +Others Arc Id #77311, #227436



I hope you've got time to review my arc.

My 2nd Arc , published recently.

Title: A Shadowy Way of Light
Arc ID: 221466
Creator’s Global Name: @KemLi
Faction : Neutral (Villainous story)
Difficulty Level: Medium-High. Adjust difficulty to suit your playstyle.
Synopsis – Purely Villain arc. You've been contacted by a new Religious Sect in the Isles and they've thrust you into dangerous situations. But they've fed your desire to be truly evil and have led you to face some of Paragon's finest. You will be the ultimate victor and rule all that you survey.
Story Type – Serious/Dramatic
Mission Count: 4

Note – All bosses , EBs and AVs scale.I'd suggest you not go in alone..unless your skills rival well..he who shall not be named but looks remarkably like me -_-

Feedback appreciated.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Altoholic_Monkey, I just took down Blargrimmar Wants You! (4572) and replaced it with The History of Statesman (219484). Go ahead and do the same to your list, it's still a long arc with less than 100 ratings.



The Fireside Poet - #189439
5 missions, but a fast run.
Levels 1-14
Currently at 58 plays

Thanks for consideration



I took down Wails, Tales, and Hell's Bells (188867). If you want, you can rate The Guardian Diggers & The Brainwashed Miners (131500) instead. It's still only at 5 ratings.