The Sequels : 2-3 Missions Only Arc Reviews




Hi MA Producers,

It's nearly May and that means its time for those blockbuster films. Fast action sequels that promise to deliver the better thrills than the originals. I look forward to experiencing missions that are as exciting as a summer feature.

I would like to review mission arcs that are 2-3 missions long and have less than 100 ratings.

These sequels should have great pacing and plot to carry it through the next mission. Unlike many sequels, yours should be great from start to finish, no slacking off or failing to deliver in the end.

I will also give feedback to the directors/writers/producers using the MA feedback system. A longer summary will be posted in this thread as well. I’ll be running the missions primarily on my Illusion/Storm controller, but will change alts as the mission dictates. Typically I’ll run on Difficulty Level 3 and will turn down if necessary.

Please list your Arc ID # and any other information you deem necessary.

Thank you!

Alty M.

Also, if you have a shorter or longer arc, please post in my other review threads:
The Independents (1 Mission) & The Epics (4-5 Missions)



I don't know if my arc will meet your requirements, I ran out of time working on it (My leave ends and I return to Duty with the Army today :/) but here goes:

Arc ID: 110733
Creator: @Clorius
Arc Name: Roleplayer Renegades
Length: 2 Missions
Enemies: Custom Mobs (LAIRE Extremists)
Level Range: 1-54
Difficulty: Easy-Medium (depending on AT, difficulty setting and build - most AT's and builds should breeze through the mobs.)

Specials: None - no AV's/EB's. 1 LT upgraded to boss.

Custom Mob Information: All mobs set to Standard difficulty at creation and Easy for special encounters. Main AT = BS/Shield Scrapper. Minor AT's: Psi/Archery, SS/Regen

Arc Synopsis: A group of Live Action Roleplayers goes on the rampage, hinting at a mysterious Game Master and a large scale plan (Initially was going to be a 5 story arc, but I decided that with my time constraints 2 would be good to introduce the custom mobs and tease at the story).

Warning: My writing skills are very rusty.

Hopefully I didn't flop too horribly on it

Edit: Gah - I should have read the title and thread closer. No sleep = bad. You are looking for sequels? Er, this is a starter not a sequel . I would still like some feedback on it.



I interpreted the conditions as the 2nd mission in an arc being the "sequel" to the 1st mission.... But if that's wrong, disregard:

Arc Name: Females for Hire
Arc ID: 110723
Faction: Either
Creator Global/Forum Name: suedenim
Difficulty Level: Medium
What you see is what you get... with Females for Hire!

Meet Paragon City's fastest-growing all-girl, all-stereotype mercenary group. Studies have shown that over 95% of all mercenary hiring managers are men... so Females for Hire consciously plays to male stereotypes of "action girl" operatives, while maintaining top-notch professionalism.

You're playing with fire... with Females for Hire! From Independent International Pictures. Rated PG.

Estimated Time to Play: 3 missions, relatively short.

Fun new custom group, a bit of mystery, a bit of humor. Very loosely inspired by this wonderfully cheesy radio ad for a '70s B-Movie.

I'm curious how a solo Controller type will fare, as I don't have any high-ish level characters of my own to test with....



Huh... there don't seem to be a lot of 2-3 mission arcs out there.

Don't feel too pressured on this one, Monkey- I've already got an arc in your epic thread, but if you have the time, feel free to take a stab at "Small Fears" (#12669), my horror-themed arc.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Arc ID #: 1438
Arc Title: A Jaunt Into Dataspace
Length: 3 missions, 40-60 minutes
Difficulty: Easy solo, difficult on teams
Description: Dataspace: It's Not Cyberspace! While we're waiting for the no doubt sinister truth about the architect to be revealed, why not use it to take a look at Crey's fileserver? Yeah, it's hacking, but they probably deserve it.

Character index



Arc ID #: 99458
Arc Title: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
Length: 3 missions
Difficulty: Mostly pretty easy, but there's an AV in the last mission.
Description: The noble mages of the Legacy Chain are under attack, just as they're beginning an ambitious new project. When dealing with magic, be careful what you wish for.

Thanks in advance!

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics



Arc ID: 5349
Arc Name: Childhood Horrors
Faction: Council, Arachnos, Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Xenite Blackthread / LordXenite
Length: 3 Missions
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: Discover how growing up surrounded by Superheroes and Supervillains can affect the mind of a child...
Estimated Time to Play: Anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



This is my most cinematic story arc, so I hope matches what the original poster is going for. It also qualifies by virtue of having only 3 missions and less than 100 plays:

Arc Name: Celebrity Kidnapping
Arc ID: 1388
Faction: Paragon Police, Longbow, Convicts, Vagrants, Family, Paparazzi
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Easy. No AVs or EBs. Have to keep an NPC alive through ambushes though.
Synopsis: Boy, does Willy Wheeler have a deal for you! A celebrity heiress has been sentenced to jail for drunk driving. The plan is to break her out of the Zig with the help of some thugs, then hold her for ransom for immense profit! What could go wrong?
Alignment: Villainous
Estimated Time to Play: 3 missions, small maps, no kill alls. About 30 minutes.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Arc Name: Master of the Nether Realms![/b]
Arc ID: 1440
Creator: @PyroICFFII
Difficulty Level: Easy. No EBs/AVs. No Custom Enemies.
Level Range: 1-14
Description: In which the Hellions attempt some serious black magic, and have to deal with unfortunate consequences.
Featuring a full cast of Hellions, Thorns, Summoned Creatures and More!
Alignment: Heroic
Length: Three Missions. 30 minutes to 1 hour.

"The gaping maw of your mind is filled with layered circles upon circles of bloody razors, I am finding."
- Twoflower



Death for Dollars!

Arc ID: 1050
Difficulty Level: Low-Medium

Synopsis: The makers of arcade classics 'Destruction Cinema' and 'Absolute Mayhem' bring you the action-packed, gore-filled Virtual Reality show, 'Death for Dollars'!

Please do not review the "Extreme" version (1100). That one is obnoxious, and meant for a large, AoE centric team, or it won't be much fun at all. The stories are identical anyway (or will be, I've made some modifications to the solo one).


Win the Past, Own the Future
Arc ID: 1429
Faction: Multiple
Difficulty Level: Medium (custom bosses, an AV in the last mission, but there is an ally)

Synopsis: In the midst of a riot, someone has escaped from Ziggursky Penitentiary. Discover who it is, what his plans are, and find an unlikely ally in your quest to stop a plan that will otherwise leave the world in a terrifying state.

I'm not sure I'd recommend soloing this with a Controller, but then, I'd be interested in hearing how you fare in the final mission.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



I interpreted the conditions as the 2nd mission in an arc being the "sequel" to the 1st mission.... But if that's wrong, disregard:

[/ QUOTE ]

No they don't have to be sequels...I was just using that term to give the 2-3 mission arcs a name.

They DO NOT have to be a sequel to the first mission in the arc

All the responses are awesome...I got some work to do



Sounds like a fun idea. Here's one for your consideration, should you have the time. It's a shorter, more action-packed arc than the one I've been working on, and I think it meets your criteria.

Arc name: The Second Coming
Arc ID: #40333
Number of missions: 3
Faction: Heroic
Diffficulty: Some EB's (AV's at higher settings) in the last mission, but ample help is available. Suitable for both solo and team-play, though large teams are warned to beware the ambushes in the second mission.
Synopsis: The secret Vatican vaults have been broken into, and you have been asked to help! Slay demons, rescue priceless relics, fight alongside the forces of good, and save the world!



Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
ID: 111486
Morality: Villainous
Length: 3 missions
Enemies: Longbow, Custom Group, Elite Boss/Archvillains in all missions though the first one is avoidable.

Description: For too long has the hero Azure Song impeded villainous activities, now Malaketh has an idea that will put her down for good.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Arc Name: Operation Pitcher Plant
Arc ID: 4370
Faction: League of Mayhem / Fifth Column
Creator Global/Forum Name: @mechagm / Mecha_GM
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Synopsis: The League of Mayhem stage a series of crimes to lure a particular hero (you) into a trap. Can you thwart their schemes and find out why they're after you?
Estimated Time to Play: Approximately 1 hour (3 longish missions)

I'd love to get some feedback on this arc, it's my first one and I've enjoyed playing it myself, but I would like to know how it works for other people. (and especially how it works for teams)

Vila: Why don't you go?
Avon: You are expendable.
Vila: And you're not?
Avon: No, I am not. I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.
Gan: I'll get the guns.
- Blake's 7, Horizon



Due to the enthusiastic responses, (awesome!) I'm going to post my completed reviews in a seperate review thread once I have enough of them done.

If the creators do not want their review posted pubically, please let me know after I send my review to you.

I will be sending short reviews via MA feedback and longer detailed reviews via PM. If you're an EURO player, I'll use the PM system only.



By 100 plays, I assume you mean 100 ratings. I'm growing slowly but surely at around 30ish.

Arc Name: Matchstick Women
Arc ID# 3369
Faction: Council, custom
Creator: @Bubbawheat
#missions: 3
Difficulty: Moderate
Synopsis: You come across a mysterious flame that draws you into it, telling you the tale of a fiery group of women and their unique leader.
Estimated time: 45-60 mins
Other notes: one standard difficulty AV, clues, bios, story.



Saving Santa arc 80005 (Funny)
The Fight For Halloween arc 59692 (Funny)
Save The Kingdom arc 97952 (Serious)
All custom mobs for every arc.



Here's mine

I dream of Fusionette
Arc# 86187
Level 35-50
3 missions, all small maps, 1 EB



Attack of the S00p3phr34k!

Arc ID: 49744
Difficulty Medium
Length 3 missions
lvl 30/31 EB/AV at end of arc

Saber Spectre Inv / EM Tanker on Guardian
Wraith Scimitar EM/ EA Brute on Guardian
Attack of the s00p3rphr34k ID 49744



By 100 plays, I assume you mean 100 ratings.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes and clearly I should not post that early in the morning/late at night. I've edited my OP accordingly.



Arc ID: 85385
Creator: @The Combat
Arc Name: The End of All Things
Length: 3 Missions
Enemies: Custom Mobs
Level Range: 1-54, 45-54 in second mission because of an ally
Difficulty: Medium-Hard(depending on AT, difficulty setting and build - most AT's and builds should breeze through the mobs, but the first EB may be difficult for a soloer and you may need to bring some extra firepower to take down an AV in the second mish, even with the help.)

TW/Elec Optimization



I'd consider these to be connected so I'll place them on The Sequels (2-3 missions) lists, if you don't mind. I'll be sure to review them as a unit but they'll all get individual ratings, naturally.
EDIT: Since you're not finished, feel free to repost the completed series with IDs in the Sequels.

[/ QUOTE ]

*note: I re-edit the mission to add the newest one in order to keep the same arc ID, I plan on adding a new one every two weeks and rotating them out once I get over 5, so they would end up getting rated as a whole, but they should be reviewed individually.

If you would, I'd like a review of any/all of my missions created for my City Scoop article series: Exploring the Architect. It's technically more than one mission, but they are all independent of each other.

Mission Name: Exploring the Architect
#1 (final mission): Whack-a-Mole!
#2: Choices
#3 (coming Fri): Lowbie Logic puzzle.

Arc ID#: 2711
Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Synopsis: A series exploring different facets of the Mission Architect system in order to hopefully produce some interesting results. Find out more in the Scoop!



I'll add in one for you

53385: The Internet is for Crime. Villainous, 3 missions.



Arc name: Santa Clause and the Praetorian Christmas
ID: 110770
Length: 3 missions
Details: Help Santa save Mrs Clause from the praetorian Santa.

I soloed this on difficulty 1 with a mastermind and it was a breeze. I don't think it shouldn't be too hard for most. Main enemy in each mission though is praetorians which are lvl 45-54.

Any critique would be appreciated but I am especially interested in feedback on my map choices. When I thought this arc up I didn't realize the Baby New Year map wasn't available. I fully intend to replace the first mission map if it ever becomes available. Have fun!



Hey Alty!

If you're still looking for 2-3 mission arcs, I've got one for you. Arc #114776, "The Land Before Time-and-a-half". It's a goofy one using Technician Naylor as a launching point. Three missions long, and has an EB at the end, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
