The Sequels : 2-3 Missions Only Arc Reviews




I would be happy if you wanted to review my 3 mission arc 90363 The Rise of Cod Frozen Fish.




Arc Name: Titanic 2: Electric Boogaloo
Arc#: 3016
Difficulty: Medium (1 EB in second mission)
2 Missions
Enemies: Council, Custom
Levels: 1-54

Story: The Council have caused the new luxury liner Titanic 2 (great name, eh?) to run aground just off the coast of the Rogue Isles. There's plenty of loot to be had before the ship goes down, so why not help yourself?

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Arc Name: Rider's Ribs Restaurant Rescue
Arc ID: 163967
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Chocolate Rage/Zamuel
Difficulty Level: Medium. Fluctuates a bit based on where certain enemies spawn and in which amounts.
Synopsis: [SFMA] Your best friend's father has been known throughout the neighborhood for the quality of his restaurant which is run inside the Lucky Six Casino. However, someone has a sinister plan to shut him down...permanently. -Originally created as a project for Simulation & Game Development @ CPCC-
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback thread

Designed as a final for one of my courses in the Simulation & Game Development curriculum, it is a character story done in a way to put the player's character in a role that would have otherwise went to the character Chocolate Rage.

Feedback gladly appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Made a few changes so I'd like to see people's opinions.



175675 - A Princess of Mars

A tale of Barsoom. If John Carter of Mars was one of your heroes growing up, then this is for you.

It's an Auto 50 mission - I highly recommend a full team so you get the feeling of the Green Warrior hordes attacking.

I did have to use Cimerorian Traitors in the last mission as my custom Zodangan army made it too large.

The Mars books (some of them) are now public domain! They can be found online.



My two arcs (listed in my sig) are both only 3 missions long. I'm the first to admit the first one ("Too Many Bunnygirls!") is the stronger of the two by most accounts, but they both have 4 star ratings last I checked yesterday, and Bunnygirls was "only" at 29 plays ("Premium Quality" was at 22 I think).

If you'd like, take a spin and enjoy!



Digital Transition (143017)
Description: A strange message appears in your email. The citizens of Paragon City are about to be enslaved by Television. You must break into a Freakshow base and recover the parts to the one being that can defeat it - the Radio! [Type: Story, Estimated Time: 1 hour (3 missions), the 3rd mission has a 30 min timer and EB]



Arc Name:A father's iron will
Arc ID :198952
Faction:An overly serious/ dramatic Custom Group
Creator Global/Forum Name:@Kemli
Difficulty Level:Moderate to Hard. Multiple EBs possible, AV.
Synopsis:Simple arc where a girl has been kidnapped and it's up to you to rescue her.Try to keep your allies alive, they come in handy.
Other notes: Despite the multiple EB's,Lt's and minions,the arc is soloable,however it's probably more fun and is optimised for a team.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.