AE killing Game content




there are too many people driving those automobiles and not enough people in horse drawn buggies! the end is near.....please get rid of those roads so i can find people who want to ride along in my buggy with me

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/quoted for truth and it's darn funny

For Great Justice!



there are too many people driving those automobiles and not enough people in horse drawn buggies! the end is near.....please get rid of those roads so i can find people who want to ride along in my buggy with me

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Farming is not the real issue in these threads; the real issue is PUGs. Some people are having more trouble finding full groups than they did pre-MA.

Farming becomes the excuse for griping about the success of MA making it more difficult to find non-MA teams.

Also a lack of patience in waiting for the "newness" factor to slow down. Then people will filter back into the "real" CoH world. Better balance will come with time.

Side note: I've seen the quote in your signature attributed to Henry Ford.



I really don't know what planet you people are living on.

On freedom redside the game pre-i14, post lvl 40 was nothing but farming. It was harder to find a team, and there was only one mission everyone was farming.

At lease now we have a variety.

So stop trying to pretend farming is new with i14 and you can save the day by reporting farming missions.



tl;dr -- PUGs for the lose. As noted before, you get a random group of strangers, odds are you're gonna end up running whatever the most boring and XP-rich activity of the day is. Previously: newspapers. Currently: MA farms.

Solution: Don't team with a bunch of random schmucks who don't care about fun, don't care about happiness, and see City of Heroes as some variant of Progress Quest. Find people who appreciate interesting content and good stories and play with them instead.

I've been here for five years and TWICE have I run with a PUG. I belong to a medium scale supergroup and there's always someone around to play with, and weekends we organize up and do eight man teams. Any time I can't grab someone I just solo. Works fine and I don't have to deal with the FARM MOAR kiddies, be they sewer crawlers, paper runners, or MA farmers.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Teams can't be found because they're farming pvp recipes so they can pwnxorz you.




MA is new ... and people are enjoying it ... so yeah it is hard to find team for other stuff ... but it will settle down. I wouldn't worry about it ...

As for farmers ... well they were in PI before and now they are at AE ... the only difference is that it is easier for a lvl 1 PLer/Farmer to find a group ... but they will always exist.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Teams can't be found because they're farming pvp recipes so they can pwnxorz you.


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*takes the above seriously*

/em nerdrage



For all the lazy fanboi's who say 'MA doesn't create farmers', you're full of it. I have never farmed in 5 years, and now that AE is here that's the only thing to do. Solo'ing is boring, if I wanted to play by myself I would be on the ps3, xbox, wii, or something else that isn't an mmo.
Now since I14, I can either sit around not finding a group, or I can take what I can get and join a farm. I hate them with a passion, but it's either that or waste my $15/mo. And everyone else out there like me will say the same thing. I am not the only person who feels like farming has been forced upon them in order to play.
And to the other group that is full of it (the people who say they genuinly use MA for what it was intended for... b.s.) if the most important thing is the story you create, then taking the xp away from it wouldn't hurt. If you want xp, play the xp missions as the dev's intended them, if you want to play your own story, play MA with no xp. IF MA truly is all about the story for you, then reduced xp or none at all wouldn't matter to you.

The game is already hurting for content as it is (noone can deny the repetition here, not even the fanboi's), if they don;t do something to fix this, that is only more people who will be flocking over to Champions for 'new content' and a 'not yet' borked game.



To the OP, et al:

Mind your own business! I'll play this game as I choose to play it, thanks loads. If I wish to farm, I shall do so. If I don't want XP, I'll turn that option on. If I don't wish to team with you, I won't. It's really just that simple.




And to the other group that is full of it (the people who say they genuinly use MA for what it was intended for... b.s.) if the most important thing is the story you create, then taking the xp away from it wouldn't hurt. If you want xp, play the xp missions as the dev's intended them, if you want to play your own story, play MA with no xp. IF MA truly is all about the story for you, then reduced xp or none at all wouldn't matter to you.

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I want to create my own mission content. I want stories appropriate for my characters, and I want my characters to make progress as the do those stories. I need both plot and development. The current MA allows me to create missions that fulfill that purpose.

There are certain characters of mine who are better off doing my MA missions. This includes my Kheldians and Dominators.

Take away the XP, and I have no reason to use the MA as an alternative to standard missions. I create my own stories because they become an alternative, not because I want to write a story. If I just want to write a story, I have Word for that.

Don't nerf my MA XP.



god knows kheldians and dominators couldn't lvl pre MA, obviously why there were never any lvl 50's before I14, then after 3 days of MA the game is flooded with lvl 50 doms and squids... ...

wake up.



If AE missions gave no EXP, all of the farm teams you currently see would stop doing AE missions and... start doing newspaper missions again over and over and over. Meanwhile, no one would play AE missions unless they were roleplayers or friends of the author, because even roleplayers generally like to be rewarded for the time and effort they put into running through a dungeon. I vastly prefer the current system where you can form your own team with likeminded people to take things slowly and do storyline missions and actually get rewarded for it. Trying to penalize the farmers will, in the end, only penalize the people using the MA for stories more.



god knows kheldians and dominators couldn't lvl pre MA, obviously why there were never any lvl 50's before I14, then after 3 days of MA the game is flooded with lvl 50 doms and squids... ...

wake up.

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You're really not making any kind of sense.



. . .some variant of Progress Quest. . .

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Porn Elemental Lube!



god knows kheldians and dominators couldn't lvl pre MA, obviously why there were never any lvl 50's before I14, then after 3 days of MA the game is flooded with lvl 50 doms and squids... ...

wake up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got my Warshade to 50 AND Purple IO'd in 3 days? Hot damn, I am good!



For all the lazy fanboi's who say 'MA doesn't create farmers', you're full of it. I have never farmed in 5 years, and now that AE is here that's the only thing to do. Solo'ing is boring, if I wanted to play by myself I would be on the ps3, xbox, wii, or something else that isn't an mmo.

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Like you, here for almost five years. Have not farmed, and don't plan to start with Architect.

Now since I14, I can either sit around not finding a group, or I can take what I can get and join a farm. I hate them with a passion, but it's either that or waste my $15/mo. And everyone else out there like me will say the same thing. I am not the only person who feels like farming has been forced upon them in order to play.

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I think this is the problem. It sounds like you set you LFT flag, maybe braodcast a few times, and take the first invite that comes along. What you are experiencing in any place with an AE building now is exactly the same thing you were experiencing in PI and GV pre-Issue 14. If the people who are inviting you aren't doing what you want to do, don't play with them any more and form your own team. It really isn't that difficult, unless you must have a team of 8 or a particular AT mix in order to start, in which case your problems with the game go even deeper.

And to the other group that is full of it (the people who say they genuinly use MA for what it was intended for... b.s.) if the most important thing is the story you create, then taking the xp away from it wouldn't hurt. If you want xp, play the xp missions as the dev's intended them, if you want to play your own story, play MA with no xp. IF MA truly is all about the story for you, then reduced xp or none at all wouldn't matter to you.

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MA was not intended to be only a story tool. It was also intended to be possible to level from 1-50 using the Architect. If they removed XP, then that would be impossible. People making farm missions are getting those missions squashed in short order. If you get enough missions squashed, you lose your Architect priveleges. In relatively short order, enough farmers are going to be banned from the system that they will gravitate back to PI and GV. The only farmers left in AE will be the smart ones who don't spam broadcast, and don't advertise that their arc is a farm.

The game is already hurting for content as it is (noone can deny the repetition here, not even the fanboi's), if they don;t do something to fix this, that is only more people who will be flocking over to Champions for 'new content' and a 'not yet' borked game.

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No one has denied that the game is "hurting for content" because it is true, and we know it. Those of us using the Architect to try to tell good stories or play through good stories are loving it because Architect fixes this problem for us.

And, ummm, I've been watching the Champions boards. I'm pretty sure that, if the game is released in June as planned, all the folks who flocked there will be back here before their first month is up.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Everyone all has good points above..Farmdom has always been will stay that way.

A couple things i have noticed though::

1. The amount of tickets xp dropped on these farms are RIDICULOUS! I played one mission last ngiht..I told the others I felt like I was cheating on my taxes or something! I know this will have to get corrected, they won't allow this to continue. At the end of the mission I had 3500+ tickets and 3 levels. What??

2. It was sad to go into Cimerora last ngiht at prime playing time on the West Coast...and be all alone. I have NEVER seen this happen.

Hopefully things will change soon.



god knows kheldians and dominators couldn't lvl pre MA, obviously why there were never any lvl 50's before I14, then after 3 days of MA the game is flooded with lvl 50 doms and squids... ...

wake up.

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I got my Warshade to 50 AND Purple IO'd in 3 days? Hot damn, I am good!

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I finished getting my Warshade to level 22 after only one MA arc!

Granted she was most of the way to 22 already. I'm certainly not part of this "flood".



On Triumph I see more tf's starting up now then before. On smaller servers there are just a lot more people playing so it is easier to find a team.

I play MA, I've been soloing - because I've been reviewing arcs for people. There are a lot of people trying to make stories not farms - I am one of them.



It's been what, two weeks? It's still shiny and new. Wait a while before you sing the doom song, yes?

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That is a win comment.

And to the OP... Quit being a cry baby. If you don't wanna do MA missions put it in your search comment. I can barely find MA teams at the moment on Virtue/Freedom/Justice/Victory/Champion, but I get tons of newspaper mission invites. (partially because all the farmers have their teams full constantly).

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I call BS on the part about virtue having more regular content team recruitment than MA recruitment. I see very little other than AE team spamming in broadcast on Virtue in every MA zone, and get nothing but AE team invites, most of them farms. The regular "lft" or "non-MA team" are rare by comparison.

Now I agree that we need to wait for things to shake out before we start yelling DOOOOOM!, but to claim that there are more paper mission teams looking for people than AE teams on Virtue is just plainly a false statement.

Finding MA teams on virtue is much, much easier than paper mission teams, across the board.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




MA was not intended to be only a story tool. It was also intended to be possible to level from 1-50 using the Architect. If they removed XP, then that would be impossible. People making farm missions are getting those missions squashed in short order. If you get enough missions squashed, you lose your Architect priveleges. In relatively short order, enough farmers are going to be banned from the system that they will gravitate back to PI and GV. The only farmers left in AE will be the smart ones who don't spam broadcast, and don't advertise that their arc is a farm.

It is rather easy as a farmer not to get you mission squashed it is quite simple. When you are ready to farm you publish your story run it and before you log unpublished the arc

They are not going to go away they will just be hidden and out of site.

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



I've seen plenty of farm chatter on Virtue, in zones that didn't use to have it. I'd like to see a solution besides taking Broadcast out of my tabs altogether.

[/ QUOTE ] ... Yes, make the AE buildings their OWN zone instead of a building inside of a zone!



Please use one of the other threads on this topic for further discussion.


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