Server Downtime Thursday 4/23 7:00 - 10:00 AM




Devs, please please please give server downtimes in UTC as well as US times. I'm in Australia and don't know what timezone CST is.

The server status page date-time is in UTC but the server downtime notices are in CST. Hard to reconcile.



hows about going out and reading the patch notes for 4/20/2009? Perhaps that will clarify whether the bases have been fixed or not. =)

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Those would be the patch notes for 4/20 that they got around to posting on 4/21?!

Should have been a GMotD update, just like with the alert to not edit bases or make changes to storage. Patch Notes the last few months have been slow in being updated. I've stopped looking for them when I log into a new patch as a result.

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Seems to me that "Patch Notes the last few months have been slow in being updated OR NOT UPDATED AT ALL."

And I agree -- if you're going to make a GMOTD to say "hey!! Don't do this!" it would be nice if someone were to do the same when "hey!! It's fixed!"

Or maybe they could update the patch notes in a timely manner....or perhaps a "redname" could make an ANNOUNCEMENT on the forums under -- gee -- "Announcements" instead of replying to a post in "Technical Issues and Bugs."

While I'm grateful to the members of the CoX community that DO have the time to track down this information and re-post it, wouldn't it just make more sense for the information to be put where it belongs in the first place?!

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Well i15 would be nice. I must admit that all these patches are causing pain here in Australia. The servers are shutting down at 10:00 pm seemingly on every night I've tried to play recently.

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We recognize that we have been performing more maintenance periods than usual, and due to the need of the additional Thursday (April 23rd) down-time, we have canceled the Friday, April 24th maintenance.

Thank you for your patience as we resolve the remaining base issues.

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Thank you, Ghost Falcon, for posting this into the Dev's Digest, otherwise I would have had no idea. :/

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



You all better hurry up and fix things, people are rediscovering the real world.

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yup yup! I'll go back to watching tv and cancel my subscription for another 3 or 4 months.

I don't want to do that! I'm soooo addicted to i14!

[/ QUOTE ] I said REAL LIFE, I have yet to see one second of real life on television



Well i15 would be nice. I must admit that all these patches are causing pain here in Australia. The servers are shutting down at 10:00 pm seemingly on every night I've tried to play recently.

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We recognize that we have been performing more maintenance periods than usual, and due to the need of the additional Thursday (April 23rd) down-time, we have canceled the Friday, April 24th maintenance.

Thank you for your patience as we resolve the remaining base issues.

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Thank you, Ghost Falcon, for posting this into the Dev's Digest, otherwise I would have had no idea. :/

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Issue 14: Introducing Mission Architect and a new "game within a game" -- Announcement Scavenger Hunt!!

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



You know last week we started a thread in which I jokingly asked if they were going to credit our accounts for the down time. We figured it at .04 cents per hour.

I have really enjoyed i14. as complex as the code for this game has become over the years I actually am supprised it dosen't have MORE problems.

Anyone who works in IT will also know that (especially with Micrisoft) the products seem to have a 50-50 chance of being even close to bug free (see Windows BOB, every odd numbered service pack for the Windows NT OS, Vista) half of the biggest software company's products are total crap and the rest are just kind of crap.

I think NCsoft has done a stellar job (I'm a 51 month vet, not the oldest but been round a while) of delivering a product that we all enjoy and keeps me coming back time and time again.


I will keep my personal frustrations, more or less, to myself from now on.



Moderator08 is still not showing up in Community Digest. If Ghost Falcon hadn't replied to this thread, I wouldn't have found it there.



CST is 6 hours behind of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

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Beaten to it. Since I would assume that the downtimes are going to continue to be expressed in cst, I'd just recommend everyone make their mental notes about how much time to add/subtract now.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



so when is all this frequent downtime/maintenance going to end? three out of four days this week I haven't been able to play due to servers being down.



Another post from an Aussie - COH going down everyday at prime playing time for us is, to say the least, offputting. Can't you vary the times you pull the servers down? - or put different servers down at different times?. Or something. Not everyone playing this game lives in the U.S.




I'll add to the chorus of Australians who get irritated by not being able to log on during peak hours.



so when is all this frequent downtime/maintenance going to end? three out of four days this week I haven't been able to play due to servers being down.

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Scroll UP

(But allegedly there won't be any maintenance tomorrow. So far. Who knows what might change between now and then?)

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



CST is 6 hours behind of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

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Beaten to it. Since I would assume that the downtimes are going to continue to be expressed in cst, I'd just recommend everyone make their mental notes about how much time to add/subtract now.

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Adding/subtracting means I need to know daylight savings at either end. UTC is simply better than local times for this reason. I found this link though: (click here) which I have now bookmarked as "CoH Server Time" :-)



No, you can't pull different servers down at different times if you patch the client. Do you want access to 6 servers, and the other 6 be "wrong version number" errors? Sorry No.

Seriously though, it is right after a major Issue. Live with it, I only get 2 ish hours to play in the morning and these down times mess me up to. Though I have yet to tell them to adjust the schedule around me.

Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer



they have to publish patches when they as not to itnerfere with A:eb-games opening the doors each morning..B:the viewing of heroes and star trek..and C:..mid-day to prime time in U.S is THE most effective burrito eating time



yeah saying that they are canceling the maintenance for Friday makes me think it'll just be pushed to another day next week.



So the severs are down...I just hope that the Freedom server goes up first unlike last time!!!

-Light Wing
Nights SG Leader



And it LOOKS like they're all up!!

And they're taunting me like the last couple of days: " Account ____ is not allowed on this server. reason: Access to this server is currently restricted for internal use by NCsoft employees to restore corrupted supergroup bases. Your access will be restored to this server once our base restorations are complete. Thank you for your patience. "

11 little green lights all saying "nyah, nyah, nyah!" Taunt, taunt, taunt. *sigh*

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



I expect downtimes every monday,tuesday,thursday, and friday and plan my schedule accordingly. Great time to update the sg website, read the forums, go shopping, spend time with the family, gardening, barbequeing, whatever
I get up a little early since maintenance starts at 9am est and run events, MA's, and missions. Just another part of living in 2 worlds. Knowing they devs are actually working on problems makes me tolerant of having to face the evil REDLETTER MONSTERS (maintenance announcements).
checkout for a good laugh if you love animals, LOLCATS is a hoot!



Devs, please please please give server downtimes in UTC as well as US times. I'm in Australia and don't know what timezone CST is.

The server status page date-time is in UTC but the server downtime notices are in CST. Hard to reconcile.

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For anyone that uses firefox, there is a handy, dandy addon called "FoxClocks." It allows you to pick timezones from all over the world and display them in a bar right within FireFox! If you don't know what time it is in a certain part of the world relative to your own time, you want this addon!




Servers up...patch notes?



You know, it really doesn't bother me when the servers go down, but I get annoyed when I can't find any PATCH NOTES about it. I don't even care if it's trivial glitch fixes- I just like to know what's up!!

Please play and rate my AE arcs! Just look for @Captain Titan, and you'll find them! Also, whoever made the Penelope Yin splash page needs to be told that spines don't work that way.