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  1. ottomadog

    Server down?

    I'm sorry, everyone, it's my fault the servers are down, i have the day off, and it's a scientifically proven fact that [my day off = downtime x 2]
  2. Surely I'm not the only person who plays this game and has to work weekends.
    Is there the slightest possibility we could have double exp tues., wed., and thurs. just once? the kids are out of school, they're home all week, so it should'nt matter to them.
    maybe the rikti could invade on a wednesday just once? maybe they wouldnt be so beligerent if we didn't keep making them work on weekends.
    post a reply, if you agree or disagree, im just curious how many people would like to see something going on during the week. after all, rwz gets pretty busy on mondays
  3. ottomadog


    well how about everyone who reads this, when they get back in the game, sends a petition to the devs to do just that?
  4. ottomadog


    all im asking is how tough would it be for them to go to announcements and put up a two line post giving us some kind of idea when things will be up and running again? add an hour to your estimate, then when you get done early everyone will be happy, mechanics and star ship engineers have known that trick for eons 8P
  5. ottomadog


    its 9 am est for scheduled maintenance, but as far as i know, this isnt scheduled
    if it is, id like someone to show me where they post the schedule
  6. ottomadog


    it would be nice if they actually tested something long enough to make sure it works before they release it, that seems to be a computer industry wide phenomenon, its apparently more important to release a product now than it is to release a product that works and won't piss off 1/2 of your user base
  7. ottomadog


    so adding a g to bitchin makes it bad? all this time its been g's that are bad, and here i thought it was the hateful intent behind the word
  8. ottomadog


    this really isnt me [censored], i dont think they have much of a plan, if its regular scheduled maintenance it usually goes pretty smooth, but if its unscheduled theres an actual problem maintenance, your guess seems to be as good as theirs
  9. ottomadog


    has anyone found any info on why they are down? thats what i was actually looking or before i got caught up bitchin 8)
  10. ottomadog


    dont so that! if im off every day they'll never come back up
  11. ottomadog


    because i have a EFFING DAY OFF. its all my fault, if i have to work or am too busy to play the servers run like a top, if i have a day off or a few minutes to play, they GO EFFING DOWN
  12. virtue server

    agent boriss

    shadow of twilight

    when i enter/exit a mission, sometimes in the middle of a mission, sometimes when im just standing around

    it looks like it does effect all my characters
  13. virtue server

    atomic cabby

    grey enterprises

    sometimes crash when i enter or exit a missin, sometimes i just stall out in the middle of a mission, and get mapserved

    it does appear to effect all my characters
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You all better hurry up and fix things, people are rediscovering the real world.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yup yup! I'll go back to watching tv and cancel my subscription for another 3 or 4 months.

    I don't want to do that! I'm soooo addicted to i14!

    [/ QUOTE ] I said REAL LIFE, I have yet to see one second of real life on television
  15. You all better hurry up and fix things, people are rediscovering the real world.
  16. I'm an artist, and I've got more work done this week than in the last month, i guess hours and hours of downtime can be useful, as well as frustrating and irritating
  17. ottomadog

    Spam Emails

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lucky666:[ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    LOL wouldn't it be funny to /search one day and no one shows up but the server is full?!?!?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Note to self hide from searches to avoid spam email. Thanks

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That only works to hide the day(s) that they are skimming the /search menu to compose new character lists to send Email to.
    It's like junk mail. Once they write your name down in thier address books, they continue to send it whether you're online or not.
    Eventually, your character might drop off thier list as they compose new lists, but it takes awhile.

    [/ QUOTE ]i dont think it works at all, i know im seeing names that get knocked off of my ignore list re-appear at the bottom, two or three weeks later, if im reporting these people to someone, they aren't banning these accounts, or i wouldnt be seeing the same names again and again
  18. ottomadog

    Spam Emails

    [ QUOTE ]
    i recently sent a petition to ncsoft about the spam emails. they sent me a response telling me to put the spammers global on the ignore list. I then sent them one saying the spammers just create a new global and continue. my ignore list is so full, it has to push one out to add another. so my idea to them was to create a "do not accept emails" option in the option menu or "accept from friends list/sg members" only option. they said, yet again, to put it on the forum and see what kind of feedback it gets. either no one has thought of this yet or the devs chose not to implement it in any of the last few issues. so im bringing it up again to see what you all think and to add your own ideas/comments and maybe we can get it in a patch or Issue 15.

    p.s. on the off-chance this already exists, where the heck is it? I can't find it.

    [/ QUOTE ]i was just getting ready to post the same idea, it would be nice to be able to limit e mail to friends/sg mates/maybe coalition mates.