events and double exp WEEKENDS
I'd be all for it, personally, even though I don't usually have to work weekends.
However, from a company standpoint, there are usually a few reasons why companies have events on weekends:
1) You get the most people playing. Basically, you tailor the times to when you normally have the most people on, so that you are benefiting the most people.
2) You get the most people playing. These events are good ways for a company to stress-test the servers and other hardware pieces and software to identify inefficiencies that can possibly be corrected.
3) You get the most people playing. This tends to build a sense of camaraderie during those weekends when events are going on.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
So, in other words, you get the most people playing?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Previously, the Rikti tended to invade for an entire week. Feedback from the some in the forums was that this was too long a distraction from the rest of the game.
I tend not to agree with that viewpoint, though I do acknowledge it as having at least some basis.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Rikti Invasions are a blessing and a curse.
I do like them, in theory. When lots of players gather to fight an army of aliens, it does feel epic.
But then I want to take a break from fighting of Rikti, and in my latest story arc it turns that JUST NOW I have to hunt like five million Carnies or something, and you only get to drop missions once every three days. And especially on blue-side hunting missions are somewhat frequent even in story arcs. Not being able to do that stuff reliably on a weekend, it's something I think everyone can live with, but having it go for a week, not only does the event grow old fast, it also cripples everyone who plays differently.
So yeah, a weekend is long enough to have fun but short enough not to annoy you to no end.
They often schedule these things on long weekends and public holidays as well.
I'm afraid you're just not in the majority. It's not your fault, but the devs gotta go where the money is.
I for one would like to see them extended from Thursday through Sunday. I think an entire week is too much though.
It does kinda suck when you have to work the the whole weekend -- or if you have other such commitments -- and you miss an entire event. I too can't make the event this weekend, so I'm a little biased I s'pose.
Surely I'm not the only person who plays this game and has to work weekends.
Is there the slightest possibility we could have double exp tues., wed., and thurs. just once? the kids are out of school, they're home all week, so it should'nt matter to them.
maybe the rikti could invade on a wednesday just once? maybe they wouldnt be so beligerent if we didn't keep making them work on weekends.
post a reply, if you agree or disagree, im just curious how many people would like to see something going on during the week. after all, rwz gets pretty busy on mondays