




I would bet I can go to any "Story" Arc out there and find something in it I find offensive. (Either through language used, morallity, Ethically, or from a standpoint of Religion).

People have come on this Forum targeting Farms, and bragging that they are going to report them, and get them Banned.

I'll target your "Story" Arcs, if I condsider the least little thing offensive in the least way, you will be Reported for Content.

I'm just a casual Farmer who hasn't created a Farm Mission in AE. But I'm sick of these people trying to tell other people how they should play the game they pay their own hard earned money for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have nothing against farmers. heck. I've farmed my new widow to 30 this week just to experiment with her build.

I have something against farmers who either

1: pretend as though I'm a complete moron for not levelling my characters to 50 at warp speed and then doing moar farms and nothing else.

2: are invasive about it by sending me tells when I have "not interested in farming" or similar things in my search comment begging me to join their team, or who otherwise seem to think me being on a lvl 2 with my looking for team flag up means I want to anchor for them.

[/ QUOTE ]
Fair enough, but there are just as many idiots who behave that way in teams as there are in farms.
You wouldn't say "nobody should be alowed to team" for those reasons So you can't site them as reasons for banning farming.



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

And it keeps going...look below. Funny and sad.



well he did ask why people have it out for farmers. so I asnwered. :P

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!





Right. You go on believeing that.

Its not like almost every non-farmer has ever gotten the following tell or something similar

"U want to farm?"

"No thanks, I don't like farming"

"Lol y? dont u like having fun? stupid n00b"

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope. Never have. Every farmer I've run into on Victory in three years has been polite. When I decline, they just say "OK, thanks" (or some variant).

Dec out.




because generally, a filler or anchor is there simply to pad your mission and then drop team. it slows down my looking for a real team and I get no benefit out of it. You having more spawns to kill does not give me a thing.

. Why should I be any less selfish than you who wants a team of 8-man spawns, and want a team where I get exp instead of being there just so only you benefit?

And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine but we are clear about what we want, you don't have to help us by filling you can choose not to. It does not slow you down any more than someone asking you to join a TF when you don't want to.

And again, people are rude in every aspect of the game, you can't use that as an excuse to bann one aspect without banning them all.



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah but I have some time to kill, I will drop it after a few pages.
Fundamentally not a single person has ever given me a good reason why it is OK for a few players to dictate to other players how they should and should not play.




because generally, a filler or anchor is there simply to pad your mission and then drop team. it slows down my looking for a real team and I get no benefit out of it. You having more spawns to kill does not give me a thing.

. Why should I be any less selfish than you who wants a team of 8-man spawns, and want a team where I get exp instead of being there just so only you benefit?

And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine but we are clear about what we want, you don't have to help us by filling you can choose not to. It does not slow you down any more than someone asking you to join a TF when you don't want to.

And again, people are rude in every aspect of the game, you can't use that as an excuse to bann one aspect without banning them all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not saying to ban farmers anyway. Just voicing my gripes with some farmers who make the rest look bad. The majority of farmers I've met are polite people who generally understand that not evryone likes farming and that its okay for them not to.

Its the vocal and annoying minority that gets me mad sometimes when they do things like exploit bugs and then scream when the devs nerf it back in line or who treat me as stupid for liking roleplay and soloing and running the ITF without speedrunning it.

After all, without farmers how would I make a fortune off playing the market?

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah but I have some time to kill, I will drop it after a few pages.
Fundamentally not a single person has ever given me a good reason why it is OK for a few players to dictate to other players how they should and should not play.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats the thing. You wont get anything but opinions of it. Not facts that can only come from a dev. Farming controversies have been going in circles on these forums ever since this game went live.



And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and they have a right to be Irate when this occurs. Most folks announce to the Team that they are Farming a Mission, they do not want completed. They explain in detail what not to do.

When a Jerk decides to go out of his way to complete the mission anyways, it is done on purpose.

Once the Mission Completes, it is gone.

In this case, I have invited said offenders to be Global Friends, so that I will know their Alts. I then circulate it out to all the other Farmers I know, and the are "Black Flagged" as a Farm Crasher.

They deserve it.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and they have a right to be Irate when this occurs. Most folks announce to the Team that they are Farming a Mission, they do not want completed. They explain in detail what not to do.

When a Jerk decides to go out of his way to complete the mission anyways, it is done on purpose.

Once the Mission Completes, it is gone.

In this case, I have invited said offenders to be Global Friends, so that I will know their Alts. I then circulate it out to all the other Farmers I know, and the are "Black Flagged" as a Farm Crasher.

They deserve it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont mean that way.

I agree thats just low.

I mean how I pretty much avoid ever teaming when doing those mish chains like that or the council empire stuff on my characters in groups because I just know someones going to gripe at me for not farming it when I personally want my Couch potato badge. :P

If you wanna farm it? great. But I hate when people get angry at me for having the "gall" to finish those mishes rather than keeping them so other people can farm my mish.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Np, just showing you the other side of the story, so to speak.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah but I have some time to kill, I will drop it after a few pages.
Fundamentally not a single person has ever given me a good reason why it is OK for a few players to dictate to other players how they should and should not play.

[/ QUOTE ]

Phrase that as the Devs and the GMs.
They are the ones who wrote the release notes, and they are the ones pulling arcs.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



every mish is a farm mish. i say this beacuse the object of the game is to earn xp and inf. so the way you go about it is up too you. who is to say you are farming or as i call it "a massive arresting swep"? its all in how you look at it and if it wasn't for farming i would have cancelled my accounts (2) as i became soooo bored with the game content doing the same content over and over. i know the same can be said about repeating mishs in a "farming" way but its all about the bottom line in this game.... levelling.

so i say it doesn't matter how you go about it, its what works and makes this game enjoyable for you. remember we all pay to play this game and what and how you want to play it is up to you as long as you don't hurt anyone doing it, except the baddies. i never ask for fillers and run the mishs with 2 accounts. i know the mobs are not huge but the xp and inf is great for the run. i may not level as fast as a filled map but i'm in no rush getting double drops as i go solo.

thats my 2 cents on the matter.

@Canadian Canuck @Canadian Canuck2



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah but I have some time to kill, I will drop it after a few pages.
Fundamentally not a single person has ever given me a good reason why it is OK for a few players to dictate to other players how they should and should not play.

[/ QUOTE ]

Phrase that as the Devs and the GMs.
They are the ones who wrote the release notes, and they are the ones pulling arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, if a dev told me it was wrong I would be fine with that (it's there game after all), but I am not OK with being punished for something when there is no rule in existence that says I should be punished. I prefer that they allow farming. But I am OK with it if they don't. I just want them to say something official to put an end to all this.
See my problem?

Note: GMs are not even close to Devs, they often make mistakes and do things counter to the existing rules. Or take it upon themselves to make a ruling. IMO what they do does not indicate what is a rule and what is not. Even if it was though, simply banning my AE mission without telling me specifically why, doesn't exactly tell me what is and is not legal does it?



Didnt I tell ya this would happen? hehe

Here it goes, round and round, where it wont till it gets locked like 95% of the other threads that have to do with farming.

I warned ya

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah but I have some time to kill, I will drop it after a few pages.
Fundamentally not a single person has ever given me a good reason why it is OK for a few players to dictate to other players how they should and should not play.

[/ QUOTE ]

Phrase that as the Devs and the GMs.
They are the ones who wrote the release notes, and they are the ones pulling arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, if a dev told me it was wrong I would be fine with that (it's there game after all), but I am not OK with being punished for something when there is no rule in existence that says I should be punished. I prefer that they allow farming. But I am OK with it if they don't. I just want them to say something official to put an end to all this.
See my problem?

Note: GMs are not even close to Devs, they often make mistakes and do things counter to the existing rules. Or take it upon themselves to make a ruling. IMO what they do does not indicate what is a rule and what is not. Even if it was though, simply banning my AE mission without telling me specifically why, doesn't exactly tell me what is and is not legal does it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Er..the point here is that its specifically stated in the rules for the AE server that farms will be deleted if found. >>

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



My suggestion Markus, would be to read some of the background interviews on the various game sites.

Joe Morrissey (Hero-1) actually went into some details on how missions get flagged, how the GMs were involved in getting the reporting system set-up right from the get go.

I read one yesterday that was very good and clear on how this porcess worked. Unfortunately, I'm at a different location so can't pull it from my browser history to link for you.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




NCsoft reserves the right to ban or remove any mission at any time for any reason.

[/ QUOTE ]

Straight from the I14 release notes, that is the bottom line here. No appeals, no reasons need to be given to the player, any time for any reason

Beyond that, there was the long list of more specific reasons as well.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




Er..the point here is that its specifically stated in the rules for the AE server that farms will be deleted if found. >>

[/ QUOTE ]
I shall take the wait-and-see approach.

If they follow up on deleting farms, but do not stop farm-makers from going right back in and making more, then it will be hard to tell. New farms will replace deleted ones so fast that we'll never see the difference.

If they delete farm missions from the AE and ban the makers from making new ones, and do so in a consistant, sweeping manner, making sure to get the majority of them....then we will know that the Powers-That-Be are against farming. And even if someone claims that the GM's don't represent the Devs because the GMs make mistakes sometimes (being only human), it's hard to say that they consistantly go against the Dev's wishes.

Here's a challenge to the pro-farming side of the fence. Do the "Welcome to the AE" introduction and read the whole thing. Tell me that there is nothing against farming.
Now go and select the best farming mission in the AE that you can find, that has a blatant description or better yet TITLE that states that it's for farming. 5-star it. Tell all of your Farming friends to 5-star it. Get everyone on the Farming global channel for your server to 5-star it.
Get that sucker into the "Dev's Choice" or "Hall of Fame".
If I see something titled "Awesome Farming Mish" in there, I will agree that the Devs are Pro-farming and that farming is completely okay.



It should be pointed out that no one is saying, you can't farm missions. If you want to farm missions, then choose a mission and farm it until you get sick of it.

What is being said, is that creating missions specifically for farming is frowned on. Thus, if you want to farm in the MA choose a mission (probably one mission story arc) and play it over and over again. This way you can farm MA missions and not get the higher-ups banning your missions that were created for farming only.

If Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Why are You Reading This?



My response to all of this. Make a story line, make a reason for their to be FIVE outdoor maps in a row. Don't use "all comm officers", just select your favorite enemy group or even mix it up, have it make some sense. And have it so that one objective "ends" the mission for each map, so someone can legitimately go through and kill just the objective and go through the story line easily.

Now that you've published this story line based arc, play it repeatedly, clear everything, and you're golden. If you try to make the map only for farming, aka "comm officer only", or "flying farm" (custom mobs with no ranged attacks), you're going to get it deleted. Leave the words "farm" out of it too even.

There's nothing wrong with making a story arc that can be farmed, but making it so that it's obviously only meant for farming (aka, comm officers only, custom mobs with no ranged attacks, etc) it's likely going to get attacked and taken down.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

Just noticed Damage Proc Mini-FAQ wasn't working with new forums, it's been updated.



Having some personal experience with this and it's link to the AE, I posted a mission arc five missions long called Trainer Mission. In this, you were sent to a cargo ship 5 times, each time filled with ninjas, which were regular DB/Regen Lieutenants, and were some good experience and tickets. Also please remember that in the description or the intro dialogue (one of them, I forget) I practically told the people who played it to not play it if they didn't already have good experience with the game. After two or three days and 18 perfect ratings and good feedback, someone must've reported it for farming, and it got banned. If I could just please say, farming is a useful tool for getting salvage, recipes, and more from the AE. As said before, farmers can come up with some of the best builds. I have a 50, and I'm working on getting more, but when I'm out of inf or need experience, I'll farm. Please unban, devs are starting to sacrifice fun for balance, and games aren't meant to be about balance, they're meant for you to have as much fun as you can.

[/ QUOTE ]
DB/regen is hardly an "easy" fight. Why ban? it is up to the individual GM. they dont have to have a clue.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



This is not a rant thread, I would really like some dev answers.
Is farming OK to do or not?

[/ QUOTE ]

Straight from Lady_Sadako:[ QUOTE ]
Let's not forget what Positron said:

I should probably take this moment to talk about what the Mission Architect is not meant for. It is not meant for “easy leveling” or “badging” or “farming”. Those are things that we specifically wanted the Mission Architect NOT to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]
Could it just be lip-service paid to make themselves sound anti-farming?
Having obvious farms pulled tells us that they are acting against farming, at least a little.
Barring the farm-publishers from simply replacing their farms with new ones? That will tell us that they actually mean it. They did state in the introduction that a player can be banned from the AE (from playing or just from publishing?) based on what they publish.



Unfortunately there are a number of threads on this subject already. Please discuss this subject in one of the existing ones.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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