Projectionist's Mission Architect Contest




Submitted for your approval:

Arc Name: Whitehawks
Arc ID: 113811
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @ShawnVW
Difficulty Level: Medium-High
Synopsis: Who has hired the Whitehawk commandos? And why must you rescue a gang member from them?

Whitehawks: The Poster



I sent a PM, but here's mine in case anyone else would like to have a go...

Arc Name: A Tex-Mex Mess
Arc ID: 127677
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Renderboy
Level Range: 1-54
Arc Length: Very Short

Can you help the owner of El Super Mexicano recover his secret salsa recipe from a group of evildoers, or will this mission prove too hot to handle? Grab your chips and sour cream and let the fun begin! (Solo-friendly, light-hearted story, no AVs)



I will PM this as well, but anyone can try it out if they wish and give me feedback- I'd appreciate it!

Arc Name: Belated Justice
Arc ID: 88003
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: Grey_Pilgrim
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island find and defeat the murderer of his childhood friend. Fight the Warriors, Tsoo, and Family as you search for justice.
Estimated Time to Play: 45-60 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Use the in-game feedback or PM me. Feedback is appreciated!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I had no idea about this until I saw the notice for this being the final day - better send mine in! My two arcs can be found in my sig for anyone else interested; the first one was the one I submitted.



Well I will submit mine.

Arc Name: A Little RnR
Arc ID: 17523
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Thornster
Difficulty Level: Medium
Enemy Groups: Custom

Promotionnal Poster in my sig.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Arc Name: A Madman's Vengeance
Arc ID: 71523
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Awesomus Prime
Difficulty Level: Moderate to Hard
Synopsis: Slighted supervillain, and noted cybernticist Dr. Samuel Armington has been handed over to the PPD one time too many, and now he'll take his revenge on a world that does not respect him... no matter the cost. [Author's Note: Arc connects with events in #1285; Many non-required 'flavor' objectives]
Estimated Time to Play: Half an Hour.



Arc Name: MacGuffin Delivery Service
Arc ID: 1567
Author: @Lazarus
Faction: Family, Tsoo, Circle of Thorns, Carnies, Freakshow, Council, Paragon Police
Morality: Villainous
Number of Missions: 4
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium
Synopsis: A routine late-night pawn shop robbery turns into a major ordeal when you pick up a mysterious little statue that everyone seems to want for themselves. You don't know what it does, why it's so important, or why you can't seem to just get rid of it.



Arc Name: Broken Promises Part 1-Darkness Within
Arc ID: 13874
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Narda
Difficulty Level: Various
Number of Mission: 4
Estimated Time to Play: 45 min-2 hour
Synopsis: At the beginning of the 80's, the father of David Wincott promised a legendary hero named Marfek to watch over Marfek's daughter as she became a hero. He failed in that promise, and Jo'and disappeared. Now David intends to find out what occured.
The arc goes through what occured to the young hero and a growing threat. Ally near end is Jo'an's daughter (Ally is aggressive due to events in story so take that in mind:} )

Home Server (Pinnacle) Global: @Narda
Susie Vir ----(Level 50 claws/ dark armor scrapper)
Gwendolyn Riely ----(Level 50 Earth/Storm troller)
Goblin Mistress----(Level 50 MM)



PM'ed, and not a moment too soon!

Arc Name: Catastropic Betrayal
Arc ID: 1140
Factions: Arachnos, Rogue Isles Police, Council, Crey, Hero Corps
Creator Global/Forum Name: @atiaxi
Difficulty Level: Medium (One EB)
Morality: Villanous
Synopsis: "Heroes are the ones who are always willing to give people a chance. Time to exploit their good nature by pretending to turn to the light side, and then hitting them where it hurts"
Duration: 5 missions, maybe an hour or two



Just PMed my entry. Thank goodness the deadline is in PST!

Project Catnip
by @Manoa

Arc ID: 114369
Length: Long
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: Crey, Paragon Protectors, Custom Boss, Custom EB/AV
Description: Old Mrs. Shepherd's precious felines have gone missing! Help the crazy old cat lady find them before it's too late!



The contest is now closed for further entries. Thanks to everyone for submitting your work. If your entry is missing in the list below please contact me as soon as possible.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Global ID Arc ID Name
Acid Zero 1004 Welcome to Architect Entertainment
Turgenev 1013 Turg Fiction: The Ghost in the Machine, Act 1
StratoNexus 1044 The Empire - One Alliance
atiaxi 1140 Catastropic Betrayal
Morgenstern CoH 1166 Taking Flight
whatroughbeast 1173 Pro Patria Mori
GreenDon 1419 Her Clockwork Heart
Meagan 1438 A Jaunt Into Dataspace
Days 1444 The Twisted Tongue
Lazarus 1567 MacGuffin Delivery Service
DB Cooper 1626 The Golden Roller Gets His Groove Back!
GrinningSpade 1934 Love Spurned
Bubbawheat 3369 Matchstick Women
Mekkanos 4431 Soldiers of Fortune
13th Stranger 4784 Incense and Peppermints
Cath 4943 The Jo Jo Conundrum
frija 5213 Might Makes Right: The One With Tin Hats
LaLoca Mocha 5332 Bastet's Unleashing - The Full Story
LordXenite 5349 Childhood Horrors
FemFury 5909 Amazon-Avatars
Linarra 6015 Coming Unglued
RaiderRich2001 7544 RJ The Road Dog: Year One
Turbospeed 8344 Unfinished Business
Vulpy 8772 Between Light and Shadows
Lethal Guardian 10931 Future Imperfect
Wall of Knight 12285 Small Fears
Mr. Wuffles 12305 Mr. Yin's Deja-vu
Narda 13874 Broken Promises Part 1: Darkness Within
Stitch Whitewolf 15726 The string Thief
Star Spangled Arrow 15819 The Mantisman Task Force
Turbo-Ski 16952 Brass Reaver: Part 1
Thornster 17523 A Little RnR
Von Krieger 20649 Weary Heartland
OverlordIndigo 20863 A Hero is Made, Not Born
Zeroman 20968 A Day at the Zoo
BackFire 21391 Enter the Father Hat Gang
GadgetDon 24002 A Farming Tale
Tubbius 29205 Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN)
JamieB 34608 Cancelled in Three
NovaFang 37783 The Incursion
The Chesire Cat 41565 Astoria in D Minor
LaserJesus 51357 Rise of the Drakule
_Kai_ 52708 Hijacking the Bitstream
Leese 53951 The Sleeping Star
Strike Eagle 55669 One Hell of a Deal
SoulTrain2 61159 Rites of the Maenads
Trem'Dei 62597 Magical Mousegirl Misadventures
PW 67335 Teen Phalanx Forever!
Shadowrush 68930 Pandas vs Rikti
Awesomus Prime 71523 A Madman's Vengeance
Acyl 74191 The Great Brain Robbery
ErinLyger 75896 The Mysterious Tablet
Sermon 81378 The Broken Chain
Dragon King 81942 Operation: Undertow
DK242-B 84105 Duality
Wrong Number 84420 Death to Disco!
Bella Blizzard 84483 Death and Taxes
Meaning_of_Liff 86654 Long Story Short: We're All Screwed
Soul-Journ 87733 A Few Cards Short of a Deck
Found Boy 87912 The Dead and the Damned
Grey_Pilgrim 88003 Belated Justice
Skydance 89545 Light if the Sun
Hericane 92202 The Lure of the Carnival
dugfromthearth 92630 I Will Dance on Your Grave
Captain Denmark 98079 Hay Fever Hits Heroes Hard
GravenImageRD 98770 A Madness of Blades
ARH 98943 Invasion on Earth BX1132!
rose 99058 The Quest for Fish Melee
Clave Dark 5 101165 TOO MANY BUNNYGIRLS!
Jinken 103878 Gamble for Oakes
Lycanus 110465 Hunter of Beasts: It Starts with a Riot…
Hellguard 110993 Looking Back: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration
Scuzzbopper 111022 Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method
ShawnVW 113811 Whitehawks
Mandu 113956 The Devs Must Die!
Manoa 114369 Project Catnip
Leif Roar 115668 Blackguards in the Night
Ridiculous Girl 119228 HERO Therapy
ObsidianDevil 120462 Entrusted with the Other Secret
Parsec 121766 UTP: Temporal Adjustment
Dark aspect 124746 Terrors of Old
YanYan 126073 The Clockwork Crusade
Renderboy 127677 A Tex-Mex Mess
SkitchNM 128646 The Magic of Longbow
Zombra 129684 Cavallo, the Colossus and the Charm of the Sorceress
Johnny Courageous 131158 Dr. Sigler and the Chronojumper
Slickriptide 132673 The Galaxy Girl Maneuver
Ironik 132772 The Toy Box
Ryo Takenoko 136188 Kidnapping an Idol
doctor 7 148594 Dorks &amp; Dungeons
Mr. Lazarus 153323 White Collar Crime
Stomphoof 153654 Return of the Three Fold King
</pre><hr />

Got a lot of entries the last week so I have over half the arcs still unplayed. I also plan to revisit every arc with a random alt on a higher than lv1 difficulty. My goal is to have the final results before the end of this month.

Lots of good stuff for me to do the weeks to come, I hope you all have patience with me.




That's a long list.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



So many entries! Good luck all!



Very impressive taking on such a massive undertaking and testing all those with various toons - and having to evaluate them as well. Hats off to you, it's more of a task than I would take on!



agreed, lotsa arcs! very cool of you Proj. Good luck to everyone!

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Very impressive taking on such a massive undertaking and testing all those with various toons - and having to evaluate them as well. Hats off to you, it's more of a task than I would take on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Not only that but the offered prizes are pretty impressive too.



Not only that but the offered prizes are pretty impressive too.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a heck of a contest: Lots of quality entries, great prizes, lotta work for Projectionist there.

G'luck to all, and thanks again to Projectionist for hosting a contest for the authors. Cheers.



I'm really excited to be in the contest, no matter how it turns out! Thanks for this awesome opportunity!!



*Bumps the thread, then continues waiting diligently*



Indeed I'm having a lot of fun. Workload and now a nasty cold has slowed down the process somewhat but I only have about 15 entries left to rate. However. I'm pacing myself also so that I don't burn out, I want to play each arc going in with a positive attitude and open mind. So far it worked very well.

Once all have been rated I will take the 20 with highest scores and pit them against each other in one bloody battle, eh, I mean; revisit them to set the final rankings. I hope to be able to announce the winners Sunday June 7th.



I finally managed to decide on the winners of the contest. Thanks to everyone for the patience while I played through your arcs. It was unbelievably hard to reach these results as I had about 30 arcs so highly rated that they competed for the prizes. My motivations are written generally so that no spoilers are given. Remember: this is just the opinions of one single person and one that enjoys everything from Bergman to Bay

1st place: Teen Phalanx Forever! by PW (Arc ID: 67335)
An absolute blast to experience this arc with the brilliant premise; that you are not even playing your own character. With its well written humor and clever use of AE mechanics, the whole arc manages to be a tribute to your character and to the game itself. It’s an arc every one of my high level heroes will play. Every mission is a mini-adventure in itself.

2nd place: Astoria in D Minor by The Chesire Cat (Arc ID: 41565)
This arc left me confused the first time I played it and wasn’t rated that high. However, images from the various missions lingered and surfaced for weeks and I couldn’t shake the creepy feeling I got from playing it. I revisited it and was drawn further into its madness. It’s like a 70s horror movie, disjointed, with a touch of Clive Barker. I eventually came to the conclusion that this is a cult classic I can play over and over again.

3rd place: Pandas vs. Rikti by Shadowrush (Arc ID: 68930)
The cuteness of this arc doesn’t take away from the basic struggle between the two races. It is fun fighting from first to last mission and I got a real Star Wars feeling from it. Good, clean fun that leaves you grinning. And, yes, the Pandas should become a part of the game canon!

4th – 10th place

Turg Fiction: The Ghost in the Machine, Act 1 by Turgenev (Arc ID: 1013)
Humor and drama in a very well written arc. Can’t wait to play Act 2.

Amazon-Avatars by FemFury (Arc ID: 5909)
Very engaging story with an interesting contact. Good fighting and a real challenge on higher difficulties. Liked the use of primarily standard enemy groups with a custom mob here and there.

The Mantisman Task Force by Star Spangled Arrow (Arc ID: 15819)
Simply the hardest of all the arcs even on heroic level. Great custom enemies and while technically not a solo arc I had so much fun just barely beating it on heroic with no defeats that it was impossible to forget.

The Sleeping Star by Leese (Arc ID: 53951)
A very sympathetic story that makes you feel like the hero like never before. It seemed like an origin story told in an unconventional way. Final mission is a blast fighting through.

Rites of the Maenads by SoulTrain2 (Arc ID: 61159)
Tremendously well told story that also puts you in the center as a savior. The custom allies are both through appearance and speech the sexiest goat legged women I’ve ever encountered in a game. Ties in well with both game canon and Greek mythology.

Her Clockwork Heart by GreenDon (Arc ID: 1419)
A deliciously evil arc. Great steam punk theme and a good mix of humor and drama. It happened to fit my bots MM with a Nemesis past to perfection.

Cancelled in Three by JamieB (Arc ID: 34608)
Appealed to the comic geek in me big time. Fun times to try and catch all references both old and contemporary. The custom groups were well designed and were tough to fight, fun even on heroic level. It felt like the classic CoX story just waiting to be told.

Overall the standard on all the entries was very high. I did have time in the beginning before there were so many entries to play other content in the AE so I have seen how bad it can get . I didn’t rate a single entry below 3 stars. Only 2 arcs remained unplayable and were removed from the contest. I will follow up with an ‘honorable mentions’ post tomorrow with the ones that could just as well have won also.

PMs will be sent to the winners so that we can start working on your prizes. I realize a long time has gone by since I played some of the arcs and many things can have changed, but I will still send a PM with my comments to all the participants.



Congrats to the winners