Your best defender moment!
Every time I get on a team that's had its morale broken, and I bring my Force Field defender.
Invited to a timed Devouring Earth mission, +4 to the group, fourteen minutes left on the clock and with us, there's five guys on the team and it's still set for eight? "I'll be back with S-Orbital." We won.
Hour and a half into a way-too-hard Oranbega mission, repeated teamwipes, people have started hearing the Call of the SG? "No. We aren't going to lose. I'll be back in two minutes. Just do what I tell you and we will beat this."
Other Defenders do more. But sometimes, a singletarget hold, some knockback and NOBODY ON THE TEAM TAKING DAMAGE, PERIOD is enough.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
We all know defenders are awesome. But what was the time that made you go "Woah, I can't believe I managed that! I'm just too awesome!" while playing a defender?
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Everytime I play my D4. Nuff said.
Lumin (D4,50), Caelestes Lux (PB,50), Corpus Operandi (MM,50)
soloing lusca
soloing lusca
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Ok... I need a little more info for that one, Sets did you use pets?... anything.
And for me it would definitly be soloing an 8 man spawn of romans on the third miss of he ITF by using Siren's Song and Mass Hypnosis repeatedly, just gave me this god like feeling.
Geez there are so many but if I had to pick one it would be with DEFBOT ONE my Rad/Rad. Now I'd always heard that Rad/Rads were GM busters so I decided to try one. One night I see a message that Babbage is up in Skyway and the TF is begging for help. I can't remember what zone I was in but I decided this was THE time to prove myslef as a Rad. I arrived and tried to get on a team....... was ignored completely. Being stubborn I decided to heck with it I am going anyway!
Now as I head to the location the TF gave I can hear that things are NOT going well with the battle. I arrive and hit the giant rusted metal thing with both my debuffs and within minutes he's down.
Of course I wasn't on the team and did no where near enough damage to earn the badge, that came later, but as I flew off I could hear the teams patting themselves on the back for how they'd turned it around. LOL Uh huh magically the same tactics you were using before the poor little Rad no one wanted arrived just suddenly started to work. heheheh
Of course no way I can take all the credit for that victory.. the Blasters and Scrappers still had to actually do the damage needed , Tanks held aggro, etc. But I couldn't help but smile as I headed off to my next mission knowing it was a GOOD does of radiation that turned the tide that day.
Yep that one will always stick in my head as one of the best! if not THE best moment as a Defender.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Bastion Task Force, we had this nimrod of a scrapper that would intentionally overaggro the whole 5th col cave map and bring them back on the team. We had many wipes, people were competing to voice how the team should improve. So the scrapper QUITS after aggroing at least four 8-man groups, along with a couple other players that were fed up. Most of the rest of the team was down or in the hospital except the empath and my stormy. I told the empath to hotfoot it back to the mission door, and I would cover her so she could recall friend and resurrect more support. Hurricane and tornado held back the oncoming hordes of Nazies while the empath did just that, and she even popped up close enough to heal my stormer from time to time. The remaining 5 of us had no trouble finishing the Task Force without our 'damage dealer' and the other two that got fed up.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
soloing lusca
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok... I need a little more info for that one, Sets did you use pets?... anything.
And for me it would definitly be soloing an 8 man spawn of romans on the third miss of he ITF by using Siren's Song and Mass Hypnosis repeatedly, just gave me this god like feeling.
[/ QUOTE ]
Used my rad/sonic. No temps, no inspirations, no pets. Video if you're curious:
Ooo this is cool, I remember when my defender was probally only a wee lvl 30(she is a rad/arch).
I was flying through boomtown picking up the badges for the beacon when I came around to see Babbage clunking around so I hit out the broadcast only to find one more to come and help me, another fender, a rad/sonic.
Once he joined the team, I got to close to babbage, so we decided to test our luck and see how we go. Well after 15-20 mins we had him realing on the end when he started popping out his clockwork minions.
Freaking out seeing that they were fifties. We must of had horsehoes up our [censored], or something but we were able to duo it with just us two.
(she was 50 if it does help)
When I found out my "defender" had the most kills in Steel Canyon in a 24 hour period.
The best defense is a good offense.
Was doing goldrush, and I was the only healer on defense. I managed to stay alive the entire first round. The team was all saying how I was amazing. I wanted to tell them that the good team communication was what won the match, but my mic was broken.
H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.
soloing lusca
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok... I need a little more info for that one, Sets did you use pets?... anything.
And for me it would definitly be soloing an 8 man spawn of romans on the third miss of he ITF by using Siren's Song and Mass Hypnosis repeatedly, just gave me this god like feeling.
[/ QUOTE ]
Used my rad/sonic. No temps, no inspirations, no pets. Video if you're curious:
[/ QUOTE ]
... I'm not calling shenanigans because I want to believe, however, that video doesn't really prove much, since he had like 1% health at the beginning of the video, and it was just the head.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Oh, and I suppose I should add my own to this list.
On a pug with my TA/A, no other defenders, no trollers.
running a few missions, I get a "Nice Heals" comment. at that point I had not dipped into the med pool (As of now, I only have stim and aid self from it)
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
soloing lusca
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok... I need a little more info for that one, Sets did you use pets?... anything.
And for me it would definitly be soloing an 8 man spawn of romans on the third miss of he ITF by using Siren's Song and Mass Hypnosis repeatedly, just gave me this god like feeling.
[/ QUOTE ]
Used my rad/sonic. No temps, no inspirations, no pets. Video if you're curious:
[/ QUOTE ]
... I'm not calling shenanigans because I want to believe, however, that video doesn't really prove much, since he had like 1% health at the beginning of the video, and it was just the head.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can provide more videos if you want. I can also do it again if you're on champ
soloing lusca
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok... I need a little more info for that one, Sets did you use pets?... anything.
And for me it would definitly be soloing an 8 man spawn of romans on the third miss of he ITF by using Siren's Song and Mass Hypnosis repeatedly, just gave me this god like feeling.
[/ QUOTE ]
Used my rad/sonic. No temps, no inspirations, no pets. Video if you're curious:
[/ QUOTE ]
... I'm not calling shenanigans because I want to believe, however, that video doesn't really prove much, since he had like 1% health at the beginning of the video, and it was just the head.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can provide more videos if you want. I can also do it again if you're on champ
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd love a full video of just the head, honestly, that's probably the easiest part, but still.
Of course, I could also just pull out my rad/son and give it a shot.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Sadly fraps only does 30 seconds at a time (at least the version I have). If you have a toon on Champion, or just make a level 1, I'm happy to show you. It takes about 3 hours.
Heh, difficult question. Some definitely memorable moments as a defender at heart, not necessarily the player behind the keyboard.
- Encountered a lowbie dark miasma/electrical blast defender in Hollows on my main, way back when the zone was a pain to travel through. I used to run through the area and use radiation infection, enervating field and mutation if needed. We chatted a little after she mopped up a group that had been pounding her badly before I had helped out with some debuffs. She had only used Twilight grasp so far, but understood the concept of a debuffing set like Dark miasma quickly after seeing what -ToHit could do for survivability firsthand and we kept in touch sporadically. Some weeks later, she sent me a tell asking to join her for a mission - I accepted, and she just said "Wait here, I want to show you something."
This taking place a long time before IO's, aggro-cap and nerfing of -ToHit-enhancements, she herded the map with Darkest night and obliterated what came in range. Afterwards, she turned around to me and said "See? Debuffs are great, just as you said." I couldn't help but smile a broad smile, seeing how she had embraced and mastered the debuff-part of being a defender.
- Similarily, at another time I played a suicidal blaster in a supergroup team. During defiance 1.0, and I did love to defiance-surf at orange to red health to get the extra damage my electrical blaster sorely needed for her AoE. Circle of Thorns-mission, packed with Earth thorn casters and the -Defence autohit in Quicksand. Having defence-based melee on the team together with the stuns from the Stalagmites, this quickly became a nightmare.
Of course, teammates offered to relog and mentioned some alts, one of which being a dark defender. I quickly suggested that'd be the best option over the otherwise suggested empath. Between fearsome stare and darkest night, even my maniac blaster made it through fairly safely for the remainder of the mission.
- Finishing Master of Statesman TF in the first attempt with something as rare as a competent empath. Being mostly players that knew eachother from beforehand, most just took whatever character they needed the badge on for fun to see if it'd be possible and what'd be missing. The empath stayed on top of things throughout the whole thing and didn't miss any critical buffs, ultimately being a huge enabler for a weird team that got the Master of Statesman-badge on the first attempt together.
So many other times I've had amazing defender teammates that should be brought up, but I've ranted long enough. For me personally, any of those times my friends have borrowed my main character for a mission or two and said, "Wow, it's a lot harder than it looks when you're playing teamed with one of my characters."
There was that time I (Emp/Electric) and a Controller (Ill/Rad) duo'd the Mender Silos TF.
No nukes, no Shivans. The Jade Spider was a purple AV.
Duoing Kraken with my rad/sonic and my buddy's claws/regen.
I'll go back and solo him later when my build is finished. Only level 42 right now with no IOs at all.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Soloed (with shivans) Adamastor on my (then level 42) dark/ice.
I don't think I could take him just by myself as he's got 25% cold resist, and doesn't seem to like staying on my Tar Patches too well.

Before IOs, before Sonic, before Shivans...I was on a team doing the praetorian arc, and we ran into Battle Maiden. For whatever reason, most of the team had quit by the time we found her and all that remained was an AR/? blaster, an Emp/? defender, and my Rad/Elec defender. Yeah. I think we battled her for over an hour , and I wouldn't be surprised if the blaster got a debt badge just from that fight
, but the final, telling blow, came from a vengence fueled fallout. It was a thing of beauty.
My TA/Archery 'fender kept an underlevel'd sewer team alive completely with Blinding and Glue arrows.
Back in the day with my 50 kin/psi defender, using my nuke on every other 8-man spawn of freakshow, while keeping a full end bar, making the blasters on my team jealous, and everyone awe at the usually unseen nuke at the time.
H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.
Very backwards, but...
My first character was an Empath, and other than a brief solo career in WoW, my first MMO. I PuG'd her to 50 fairly quickly and was still learning about the game at that point. I found an SG, but it was mostly blasters, and so I spent a lot of time keeping their green and blue bars healthy and using my buffs. But mostly, just keeping their green bars healthy since healing and damage were our sole mitigation. (And hey, it worked!)
Later on as my blaster team faded out of the game, I found other friends... a group that used other buffs and debuffs to mitigate damage. I'd still been dedicatedly playing my Empath and didn't know much about other powersets yet. On an Unyielding ITF with them, I realized I had gone through 3 missions and hadn't healed anyone once (yes, I was still buffing and blasting, not just hanging around ).
And that was my proud Defender moment, when things just... clicked... about buffs and debuffs and damage mitigation.
I only pull out my Empath once and a while now, usually for low level task forces or when everything else has been covered and we want a little extra insurance (like MoSTF). I've found other ways to keep my team safe. And heck, not all of my characters have the blue shield, but I play all of them like defenders
My Kin/Son defender was running on a Synapse TF with 4 members. After a mish, 1 was selling and the other 2 were AFK for what ever reason. Babbage spawned on me so I decided to attack. I 'soloed' it, per se, using all 3 WB nukes and a shivan (no inspirations or Amy).
My 3 teammates came back and asked what had happened, and when I told them they were stunned.
It was fun.
We all know defenders are awesome. But what was the time that made you go "Woah, I can't believe I managed that! I'm just too awesome!" while playing a defender?
Not even dying can make me slow down! It was a rush, going from being defeated to taking down an entire spawn.
For me, it was on my kinetics/energy (level 40 or so). We were in one of those multi-layer cave rooms against some +3 Freakshow. The tank and most of the team was near the top. I fell (I'm terrible at those rooms!) and landed in the middle of a big mob (it was an 8 person team). I got stunned by a tank boss and died. Well obviously I wasn't going to let that slide...
So I used an awaken, a break free, and a catch a breath, followed by Transference, fulcrum shift, and NOVA. Boom! Freaks flying everywhere. Used another catch a breath, sped towards the boss, used transfusion and transference, and proceeded to pick off the few Freaks that Nova didn't grab.
All while my team was still three layers above me.