Reformed Badge





I discussed with Jack and Poz what to do, and we had a plan back then. We knew it would someday be possible for a villain to turn into a hero or vice versa

[/ QUOTE ]So very.. very.. excited. *renews subscription*

[/ QUOTE ]just remember that side switiching was supposed to be a part of cov, it was even somwhat detailed in the pc gamer that preceded its launch, that was then dropped. Now, also consider though the infamous email survey theat indicated a new expansion was in the offing, and that one of its big things is "morality switching" that eventually allows side switching, so if you have faith in the email,which was confirmed as true by the devs, but was also just a survey so it may or may not come to be as stated, then yeah, it may well be back on



Thank You Posi for a great explaination of the how and why the badge was removed. Also Thanks for putting the badge back in!



After sitting down with Phil and going over the history of EVERYTHING badge related with this issue, Phil and I decided to go back and reinstate the Reformed badge for Heroes. This will be in Issue 14: Architect, but your credit should still be being counted from now until that releases. Of course, you have no progress bar, and something might have happened elsewhere that I don’t know about, so if you really want to make progress towards the badge, I would wait until Issue 14 is released to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome, thank you Positron! Thank you for taking the time and explaining the history and the reasoning, it is very much appreciated.



Thanks Positron. We appreciate you guys make mistakes sometimes. In the other sense of the word appreciate, we also appreciate it when you admit when a poor decision's been made and reverse it.

Thanks again for listening to us Posi and Synapse.



Thanks you for the 'mea culpa', and the reinstatement, and the peek behind the Dev curtain. I wish that folks wouldn't get so personally affronted (justifiably or not) when their own personal 'fave' gets gigged that they have to be insulting to y'all, but "there's not so queer as folk".

This is just another reason why I stay with this game and love it so. But then I'm an unrepentant Dev Fanboi, so what do I know.

keep it up, and thanks for the words.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Positron's progress bar just bumped up.

Good show, sir.




It's been said. I'm saying it again. Thank you, Positron. I appreciate the information, the willingness to look back on, and reverse a decision.

I do appreciate it.



I discussed with Jack and Poz what to do, and we had a plan back then. [u]We knew it would someday be possible for a villain to turn into a hero or vice versa[u], so it was decided that the “impossible to get” badges should have titles and descriptions entered that reflected your “going rogue” status.

[/ QUOTE ]


What Issue is that Coming in?
no 4 reel...

When is that coming?

Answer me Positron!!!

/e pulls hair out....



The Devs have hinted at the possibility of allowing for hero/villain "Crossovers" for years.

It's been something they have been considering for a very long time but they have never guaranteed that it would happen or even pretended to announce a particular Issue it would be a part of.

You're a forum regular. How can you -not- know about any of this?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



The Devs have hinted at the possibility of allowing for hero/villain "Crossovers" for years.

It's been something they have been considering for a very long time but they have never guaranteed that it would happen or even pretended to announce a particular Issue it would be a part of.

You're a forum regular. How can you -not- know about any of this?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I read, and am kinda sick of reading? All the people who week after week suggest Side Switching. Month after Month more and more people ask for it.

When a Dev posts something like this its like. Dang. Your giving them hope... WHY?!?!?!?!?

I would rather carrots stopped being dangled, personally. And just let facts speak for themselves.



Why do you see it as a dangling carrot and not just a hint of what's to come? Is it because you don't have an ETA on when youll get that carrot? Sure youll prolly get it eventually, but specifically when wont be known to u unless its in the following issue. Just enjoy the fact that they are probably working on it.



The Devs have hinted at the possibility of allowing for hero/villain "Crossovers" for years.

It's been something they have been considering for a very long time but they have never guaranteed that it would happen or even pretended to announce a particular Issue it would be a part of.

You're a forum regular. How can you -not- know about any of this?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I read, and am kinda sick of reading? All the people who week after week suggest Side Switching. Month after Month more and more people ask for it.

When a Dev posts something like this its like. Dang. Your giving them hope... WHY?!?!?!?!?

I would rather carrots stopped being dangled, personally. And just let facts speak for themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]
The only "facts" about this I'm aware of relate to a possible future feature which the Devs themselves have agreed would be a "nice to have" thing if they ever got the opportunity to make it work. The "fact" that many players over the years have also expressed an interest in it basically proves that it's at least something worthy of continued consideration.

Sure it still may never happen.
But frankly your reaction to the idea is simply over-the-top pointless on so many levels.
If you don't like the Devs talking about their own game I suppose you'll have to take that up with them.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



The Devs have hinted at the possibility of allowing for hero/villain "Crossovers" for years.

It's been something they have been considering for a very long time but they have never guaranteed that it would happen or even pretended to announce a particular Issue it would be a part of.

You're a forum regular. How can you -not- know about any of this?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I read, and am kinda sick of reading? All the people who week after week suggest Side Switching. Month after Month more and more people ask for it.

When a Dev posts something like this its like. Dang. Your giving them hope... WHY?!?!?!?!?

I would rather carrots stopped being dangled, personally. And just let facts speak for themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]
The only "facts" about this I'm aware of relate to a possible future feature which the Devs themselves have agreed would be a "nice to have" thing if they ever got the opportunity to make it work. The "fact" that many players over the years have also expressed an interest in it basically proves that it's at least something worthy of continued consideration.

Sure it still may never happen.
But frankly your reaction to the idea is simply over-the-top pointless on so many levels.
If you don't like the Devs talking about their own game I suppose you'll have to take that up with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

but your reactions to my posts make it so worth it



The Devs have hinted at the possibility of allowing for hero/villain "Crossovers" for years.

It's been something they have been considering for a very long time but they have never guaranteed that it would happen or even pretended to announce a particular Issue it would be a part of.

You're a forum regular. How can you -not- know about any of this?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what I read, and am kinda sick of reading? All the people who week after week suggest Side Switching. Month after Month more and more people ask for it.

When a Dev posts something like this its like. Dang. Your giving them hope... WHY?!?!?!?!?

I would rather carrots stopped being dangled, personally. And just let facts speak for themselves.

[/ QUOTE ]
The only "facts" about this I'm aware of relate to a possible future feature which the Devs themselves have agreed would be a "nice to have" thing if they ever got the opportunity to make it work. The "fact" that many players over the years have also expressed an interest in it basically proves that it's at least something worthy of continued consideration.

Sure it still may never happen.
But frankly your reaction to the idea is simply over-the-top pointless on so many levels.
If you don't like the Devs talking about their own game I suppose you'll have to take that up with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

but your reactions to my posts make it so worth it

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm always more than willing to temper your "contributions" in these forums with a bit of logic and reason.
I consider it a public service of sorts.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



This is what I like to see. A bit of info from an official position goes a long way. Glad to see this decision reversed.

Thanks guys.



I hope and pray they don't allow side flipping. Let hero-side be hero-side and villains be villains. Let's concentrate on adding new SFs to villain side and new content to both sides. Let's fix all the bugs and errors, lets get some new power sets, I want my MM's with beast control!

Of course... I wouldn't be surprised if he's just having fun and counting how many people ask for the side flipping now.

Those sneaky devs and their sneakiness.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, but wouldn't it be just awesome to have your Hero Beast Master be even better?? <eg>


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



Zeb Cooke, the guy in charge of CoV's development mentioned several times, and in video interviews that Villains and Heroes would be able to Reform and Fall from Grace to switch sides prior to CoV's release.

Unfortunately this guy was canned due to some downsizing. Shame, I started leveling 2 Heroes and 2 Villains that I wanted to switch sides.



but your reactions to my posts make it so worth it

[/ QUOTE ]

And yet you whine and cry that everyone is such a meanie meanie fo feanie when they reply to you.

Go figure.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform




We knew it would someday be possible for a villain to turn into a hero or vice versa, so it was decided that the “impossible to get” badges should have titles and descriptions entered that reflected your “going rogue” status.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, I'm seeing more and more of these quotes from the devs.

And I'm eagerly awaiting the day that my mastermind can finally break cover and come in from the cold.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Unfortunately this guy was canned due to some downsizing.

[/ QUOTE ]

He was canned because his project (bring CoV to Live) was done and his contract was over. You don't keep two producers on one live game.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill




I discussed with Jack and Poz what to do, and we had a plan back then. We knew it would someday be possible for a villain to turn into a hero or vice versa, so it was decided that the “impossible to get” badges should have titles and descriptions entered that reflected your “going rogue” status.

[/ QUOTE ]

So does this mean you are confirming that heroes and villains switching WILL be able to switch sides?

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Introductions, Obey,



Late to the party here, but I'm glad to see devs listening and learning from mistakes, making things better, not not removing things that don't hurt anyone. This is a step in the right direction and shows that you care about the game.

Now, about the LGTF level range....




I want to thank you as well for changing your minds and Communicating to us the reasons for the changes.

Looking forward to Issue 14!!



Personally, I'm all for side switching- and it has nothing to do with badges and everything to do with character evolution! I don't see much logic in limiting 'good' or 'evil' to the powers one ends up with, but rather how they use them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seconded. The face/heel turn is a staple of comic book stories. Personally, I have several toons that were designed to be less straightfoward good/evil and more morally dubious.



I hope and pray they don't allow side flipping. Let hero-side be hero-side and villains be villains.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree, although I understand how badgers would like to see side-switching happen.

What I could see as a compromise is a new AT that can 'jump the fence' so to speak. Something morally ambiguous to begin with, say working for Crey Industries? Paragon Protector perhaps? Science based anyways. Maybe make the new AT a badgers dream( whatever that might be), and tie unlocking it to having 200 badges on any one AT. It might be an interesting experience to be a 'moral chameleon', and being able to move anywhere in the game. A Crey based character would have the right background to fit into either Hero or Villain sides.

Just an idea,

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, yes badgers may and probably will switch sides to get the most badges, but the thing is, heroes and villains switch sides in the comics all the time. Did Marvel's White Queen start out "morally ambigous?" No. She was a villain, through and through. However, now she's a hero, part of the X-Men in fact, her former worst enemies, at least last I heard. SHe might be a villain again for all I know.

Thing is, just like all the people that will be abusing the Mission Architect to creatie farming missions, side switching WILL be abused. All NCSoft can do is TRY to minimize what abuse they can, and be satisfied with that, because some players WILL find a way to abuse any good thing.