Reformed Badge




If they removed every badge a villain or hero had when they side-switched, I'd still be happy with the option. They could force you to only side-switch level 50's, and make them level 1's on the new side, and I wouldn't hesitate. They could remove the ability to get any further badges, *ever* and I'd be thrilled.

Just give me the choice, any way you have to.



Now when will they admit the mistake that is i13 PvP?

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Hmm if we use this and other dev confessions as a guide (based on time lasped from act to confession) Id say a couple of years at least!

Seriously though, I totally respect Posi for stepping up and taking ownership. So few people are willing to do that these days.

As to his comments about side switching, I drool for it. It *should* be done because the precedent for it is well established in the genres this game is based on. Hey Devs, how about a goal of i16 for this? (i15 should be alll bug fixes imho, but that just me. )

Someone mentioned a third kind of character that could wander back and forth from blue to red side; would this new "class" be like the 'grey side'?

Seriously (again), for side switching; If it meant that:
1) its one way
2) only available at level 50
3) have to start over from level 1 ( a] thematically to prove youre serious and to gain the 'trust' of the hero community' and b] to give you a chance to earn badges that you cant get any other way but form low levels)
4) my build would be preserved as is pre-reformation\betrayal and powers\slots became active as they normally would as leveled up (thus any io sets slotted would still be there although behaving as if exemped)

..Id do it in a heartbeat.

Pinnacle: Sgt. Major - L50 ARDevicesElec Blaster ,Sgt. Medic - L50 IllusionEmpathy Controller, PootyButt - L50 DarkDP Defender Skunk
Virtue: Rockford Pennington - L50 StoneSS Tank, L50 WPSS Tank, L40 ElecDM Tank, L37 DADM Tank, L50 EmpRad Def, Zoom Jr - L50 FireDev Blaster




I discussed with Jack and Poz what to do, and we had a plan back then. We knew it would someday be possible for a villain to turn into a hero or vice versa

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Neither. It's not exactly a secret. Positron mentioned in an interview around the time of issue 7 that the "going rogue" system was being developed.

Further, this past summer, NC Soft announced the Going Rogue system as being something upcoming for the game.

So very.. very.. excited. *renews subscription*

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Methinks this was either an oopsy or a very sly move to get around marketing... either way, rumors are SO going to run rampant now.

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It's not exactly a secret. Positron mentioned in an interview around the time of issue 7 that the "going rogue" system was being developed.

Further, this past summer, NC Soft announced the Going Rogue system as being something upcoming for the game.;pid=536558

1.) New high level Space Station Zones (PVE, PVP, & Co-op)
2.) Characters that do not wish to change sides are rewarded by becoming exemplary heroes or villains, and earning rewards not available any other way
3.) Heroes and villains who go to the other side can also act as Double-Agents
4.) Character Creator 2.0 includes Powers Customization, allowing players to customize not only the character, but also the actual look of its powers
5.) Players undertake missions that define their character's morality and steer them in a more heroic or villainous direction
6.) By switching sides (going from good to bad or bad to good), players can access content "on the other side" (heroes can experience villain zones and content, and villains can experience hero zones and content)
7.) Completely new low-level player experience/zones for new characters in which new characters do not begin a hero or villain, rather become one or the other through early gameplay
8.) New Spy Archetype, Power Sets & Costumes
9.) Universal Enhancement Slots - at level 50, these enhance powers to the character, essentially bringing them to a hypothetical "Level 60" once they have earned all ten slots

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Now when will they admit the mistake that is i13 PvP?

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Someone mentioned a third kind of character that could wander back and forth from blue to red side; would this new "class" be like the 'grey side'?

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From the marketing release, I expect it will be called "Rogue". "let their actions determine their hero, villain or rogue identities"


Seriously (again), for side switching; If it meant that:
1) its one way
2) only available at level 50
3) have to start over from level 1 ( a] thematically to prove youre serious and to gain the 'trust' of the hero community' and b] to give you a chance to earn badges that you cant get any other way but form low levels)

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None of this sounds likely from the marketing release. From what they say, it sounds like changing sides is a process, you will need to undergo certain kinds of missions to move your moral compass to permit you to switch sides. So, I expect it will be available from level 1 (the release said specifically all new characters start neutral) and from there on in you can switch sides as often as you can manage to push your moral compass the right direction.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



If history is any guide, some version of "going rogue" absolutely will happen at some point.

It's vastly cheaper to recycle (or, to drink the koolaid, I could say proliferate) existing content than it is to make anything new. It happened with costume pieces. It happened with powerset recycling. It is reflected in the lack of new hero-only or villain-only zones.



Why would anybody want more hero zones? We've got too many as is.



Further, this past summer, NC Soft announced the Going Rogue system as being something upcoming for the game.;pid=536558

[/ QUOTE ]
I see you failed to quote this line:
"Keep in mind, this was just marketing research, but damn, I like the fact they're asking about these things."
and this:
"Lighthouse and Niviene have already stated this is just marketing research, so as much as I'd like to, I wouldn't suggest taking this as a list of 100% guaranteed to be in the game features."

So, quite frankly, when someone says "NCSoft has announced these things are coming.", they are mistaken or lying.

Will we see some of these things? I'm sure. Was it an announcement of what's coming? Sorry, no.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



i cant help but notice that nothing after the first couple of posts on this page have anything to do with the reformed badge...

is this a nemesis plot to distract us from the issue?

....quite possible i say....

ps: its also quite possible this is a completely shameless way to raise my post count, but thats just pure conjecture unless anybody can prove it