And then...

Ad Astra



Jupiter blew up, a rabid squirrel bit off meh pinky, my 401K dropped to $10.57, production began for Catwoman II, and then...



He led me into a dimmly-lit room. I stood in a circle of rednames: the likes of Positron, Synapse, BABs, Castle, and Moderator08; then at once they pulled out nerf bats and started slamming them into me repeatedly, over and over again! And then...



I ducked into a store and bought a bag of Purina Weasel Chow. I ran back outside and scattered it all over the ground and the weasels left my face and eagerly devoured it. That gave me time to escape without them noticing. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I realized I needed to buy a new face, and then...



I went to the local 'Faces-R-Us' to chose a new look. I searched for 2 hours till I found the perfect one! Using a bottle of 'Freem's Foaming Filler Face Fixative' I attached it and waited for 15 minutes per instructions for it to set. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Uranus exploded. And then...



Maianus exploded also and I was thrown into the air and landed atop the Hollywood sign. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



A passing talent agent spotted me and said I was perfect for the starring roll in his next movie,"Passion in a soup can." And then...

Remember that every good friend was once a stranger.



I declined. And then...



I slapped him back for slapping me. My spoincloth fell off and I blushed. He screamed and ran away. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Some random kid laughed. And then...



I grabbed some random kid (probably the one that laughed) and started beating the snot out of him. He began to mutter something in French...I think. And then...



It was magic! And I was put in the body of some random kid and he was put in mine!!! And I hurt really bad, and then...



I got to relive my childhood. And then...



I peed myself, and then...



...the photographers had a field day, until my ex-girlfriend...



won the lottery and hooked up with the REAL random kid (thinking it was me)and went off to live in the Bahamas. I set out to find a witch who could break the magic spell so I could return to my own body. And then...

Remember that every good friend was once a stranger.



The random kid was disintegrated to ash in my body because Nemesis said it would interfere with his nefarious plot, and then...



I received a text message from my ex-girlfriend saying that it was only a Fake Nemesis I had talked to and that nothing in my life is real. She also mentioned that all of her orgasms were fake, as well.

I sighed, smashed my phone, and then...



peed myself again. And then...



I kept peeing myself and I knew something was wrong, so I went to a doctor, and then...