Projectionist's CoX Advent Calendar Volt Sentinel
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
I have two pieces of free art generously being done for me, so plugging someone else Lydia could use a nice sketch.
There is always Flame Enchantress if you decide.
I'd like to see something else done in her more witch-y outfit, but alas I don't have a screenie. (Gr I need to get on that...) The sleeve patter is flames, cape is gothic, skirt pattern is magic.
Edit: oops! Wrong link! And yay #3!
i would love it if you could do my archery/fire blaster Aquarian Draconum
[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!
Well then, if you'd like to give the new Spearhead Lambda a try, I certainly wouln't mind. He lost an arm and his tail a while ago, and while I've gotten some cool shots from people for his bio page, I don't have one with the cybernetic replacements, so I'd really appreciate one of the updated look.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Here's my main Crestent .
Out of the game he wields a spear, you don't have to draw it though...
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
pick whoever you wanna draw
My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)
My Character Reference page:
If you're so inclined.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Yer welcome to anything from The Heriverse
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
You can always use Chase Savage!
Close Up
Full Body
With Sword
In the spirit of the season you can use The Famous Frosty Femme if you like.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
What a cool idea this is.
Here's my stable, please use any that interest you.
My little stable o' characters
Busting heads since 1938
Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic
Feel free to use any of my chracters too ^.^
um... what's an Advent calendar?
Advent is basically the start of the Christmas season, roughly the end of November to Christmas day. The beginning of Advent is the start of the western liturgical year.
An advent calendar is usually like a big picture with the days marked on it in different places. Each of the days would be a little fold back window with a treat inside, like chocolate.
hehe, thanks a lot BW *hugs*
that means the calendar isn't limited to to 12 but like 30?
*sees that there is an update* ooh! 24 slots!
*gasps* I got slot 13! my favorite number ^.^ oooh and it looks like Amarilla has been selected, she's kinda like my little angle, but she uses the old fashion halo and no wings, don't plan on 'upgrading' to the new halo, but I know I'll be costume hoarding it :3.
Thanks a lot Projectionist, looking good so far ^.^
Sweet, I'm number 6.
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
This is a really cool (and generous) idea. As for a character, my new guy, Finest Hour, could use some art.
Woohoo! Thanks for including me Projectionist! I lurveles your work.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
You can use my ill/rad See and Believe if you want
Holy holiday treats, Batman! Thanks for adding Shrike to the list, Projectionist
The first pieces you've done are gorgeous. How on earth have I missed your work until now? *smacks self on head* Can't wait to see the rest!
Busting heads since 1938
Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic
Thank you for including Chase as well, can't wait to see what you come up with.
Entering Sunwind
A TA/Ice since it did just snow here today. Cerulean Archer
Squeee! Britt's in the list! Thankyewthankyew!
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I planned on doing a sketch thread and do at least one each day. In spirit with the season I might make it in the form of an advent calendar of sorts.

I'm already 5 days late so please post some heroes or villains for me to start with. Any special requests can be supplied here or PMed to me, but I cannot guarantee I'll fullfill them since these are going to be pretty rough drawings mostly.
As I said these are going to be pretty rough sketches but I might revisit them once I've caught up a bit.
1 - Volt Sentinel
2 - Lydia
3 - Flame Enchantress
4 - Aquarian Draconum
5 - Spearhead Lambda
6 - Crestent
7 - Sweet Zombie Jesus
8 - Bitter December
9 - Wherrlwind
10 - Chase Savage
11 - Frosty Femme
12 - The Masked Shrike
13 - Gata Amarilla
14 - Finest Hour
15 - See and Believe
16 - Sunwind
17 - Cerulean Archer
18 - Aggelakis
19 - Sparkerella
20 - Major Tom
21 - Ms Frost
22 - Weatherby
23 - Snow Globe
24 - Mr Wentworth
An advent calendar is picture with small windows you can open to revael another underneath. Kids use them here in Scandinavia at least to count down the days in December until Christmas Eve. If I'd done this proper I would had made a big CoH picture with numbered sections which then hyperlinked to these sketches as i made them. Now you'll have to do with a budget variant in text form
* EDIT *
Thanks everyone for the interest in this, for those posting after #24; I'm sorry I can't commit to extend this further, but I might put you in as cameos in the others.
* EDIT *
Thanks to the heads-up from Bubba I've pre-linked all the pictures. Sort of makes it even more like an advent calendar, except you can't peek...