46 -
Personally i would never quit a team for such things. More likely than not i'd probably get a flamefest started on the team instead, and get you to quit if you were really bothering me.. but after i read the OP it seems you were playing true to your AT and "pewpewing" all the same, nobody can fault you for that i guess. GL on future teams!
I would have to say /rad or /storm mostly because i play a rad, and absolutely love it, and have for a couple of years now (my only toon that can solo AV's)... at any rate hope you decide on somthing!
I have to say, I did a double take on this one.....
Is this still going on? I was enjoying reading it.
[/ QUOTE ]
yeah i was enjoying it, even tho it was getting off to a shakey start -
i like them all, my favorite being the dramatic pose w/ the yellow background. ^.^
you did a wonderfull job projectionist tyvm
Also, if you want to show them anywhere else, like in the Scoop or on dA, that is perfectly OK.
[/ QUOTE ]
I posted it in my DA page, crediting you w/ the work. If you would like to see it you can find the linky in my signature. -
>See and Believe randomly walks up and thows a pencil at you face
what can i say, i peeked and OMG That is teh [censored]!! thx so much projectionist, its truely wonderfull
btw is that a vet pet next to him, 's the only thing i can think it would be :P i actualy get it next month
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Glad you liked it. The other character is Xyi who posted later in the thread. You have to ask Mr_McPops if she can be your pet
[/ QUOTE ]
^.^ -
>look down the hall for somone who can help
what can i say, i peeked and OMG That is teh [censored]!! thx so much projectionist, its truely wonderfull
btw is that a vet pet next to him, 's the only thing i can think it would be :P i actualy get it next month -
Virtue here. I'm usually hiding though.
[/ QUOTE ]
who are u hiding from o.o -
I hail from Freedom. The two toons i play the most are See and Believe and See and XP. You can find me on at random parts of the day from 9am-12midnight est
^.^ the one for today is my favorite so far, wonder job projectionist.