Issue 13: Power & Responsibility Discussion





How about instead of focus on the negative we do something positive like brainstorm names for issue 14 after they tell us Architect is too hard to do again.

How about...
Issue 14 - Go Play Champions!
Issue 14 - You're not getting the hint, we want you all to leave!
What names can you come up with?

[/ QUOTE ]

I like

"Issue 14: Since you think it's so easy to do without ever running into unanticipated problems, why don't YOU make a MMORPG and run it flawlessly?"

or maybe

"Issue 14: Good Luck, Champions, Apparently the Angry Whiny People Are Coming Your Way."



On a brighter note, new PvP seems like i good idea IMO, balancing the battle-field so that n00bs have a chance against teh fotm, uber-pvpers sounds just dandy :P



Sigh, I just want to get my prestige refund, rebuild my base and go to bed...I could care less about Pain Domination and the shield powerset

I dont care about/for PvP so it doesnt bother me. When the devs add new attack powersets and not secondary buff sets ill be happy...give me toxic blast or stone blast any day over PD or Shields...



Issue 13: Making you love WoW!



however not the WORST of issues, it is cool that they brought out day jobs, accolades and 2 new powersets, but with all the problems it took alot of the enjoyment out of it.

lvl 50 - Empath/Rad
lvl 50 - Empath/Elec
lvl 50 - Spine/Reflex
lvl 50 - Thug/Bubble
lvl 50 - Fire/Kin
lvl 50 - Gravity/Rad
(All are in Freedom server.)



Issue 13: Making you love WoW!

[/ QUOTE ]

So not into WoW...

But getting closer!!!



Greetings Heroes & Villains,

We are proud to announce that Issue 13 is NOW LIVE!

To help you enjoy this issue launch the following has been set up for your convenience:
<ul type="square">[*] Character Freespec, one per character has been granted on live servers.[*] Character Tailor Token, one per character has been granted on live servers.[*] Prestige refund, for base owners only, this feature can be accessed by utilizing the base editor tool, once you have done this all prestige that would have been granted from changing out your items will be automatically granted to your base totals.[/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

Really could have used some free character slots to check out the new powers.
Oh, well. I think I still have one free somewhere I think.



less complaining on the forums must mean that people are either going to bed or able to log on.



It's 1:30 AM Eastern Time on a Tuesday night/wednesday morning. I know which way I'd wager.



Able to log in....

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!



On a brighter note, new PvP seems like i good idea IMO, balancing the battle-field so that n00bs have a chance against teh fotm, uber-pvpers sounds just dandy :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh, IMO it give them more than a chance... The new changes murder "good" builds that focus on particular things, like damage buffs or recharge buffs. It also hurts SR more than WP for melee armor sets. The travel suppression removes hit and run tactics. You couldn't pay me to take teleport now. The acc debuff makes strategic killing almost impossible, but does make ganking harder. I will scream bloody murder if that makes into base raiding, if I'm able to get back in game by then. These changes seem to basically take strategy and planning and throw them out the window. Now, just mash your buttons... SO's don't see to put you at any real disadvantage over an IO'ed out toon. Right now I really hate the system, but I need to play now that I can play with my SG in PVP zones, the people I'm use to playing/working with.




How about instead of focus on the negative we do something positive like brainstorm names for issue 14 after they tell us Architect is too hard to do again.

How about...
Issue 14 - Go Play Champions!
Issue 14 - You're not getting the hint, we want you all to leave!
What names can you come up with?

[/ QUOTE ]

I like

"Issue 14: Since you think it's so easy to do without ever running into unanticipated problems, why don't YOU make a MMORPG and run it flawlessly?"

or maybe

"Issue 14: Good Luck, Champions, Apparently the Angry Whiny People Are Coming Your Way."

[/ QUOTE ]

HAHAHAHA! *deep breath* HAHAHA!


Seriously. I love how suddenly *everyone* hates this issue and *everyone* is going to play other MMO's now because the devs suck and they screwed *everything* up.

First, show me the scientific survey that says every single CoH subscriber said this issue is completely horrible and should be totally scrapped. Second, not everything goes according to plan. Cut them some slack. They had a hotfix up within HOURS of the the issue going live. Things go wrong. It happens.



Well... it's patch day. Some MMOs do this every single month, so all in all I think NCSoft is ahead of the curve. They even let us download the biggest part of the update ahead of time (which means all the world to this dial-up user).

It's not atypical for patch day to go south on any game due to the intense traffic hitting the servers up for patch files and all the usually inactive players getting hyped up to see what's new. It may seem strange to those who were on the test server playing this content for ages already that people are still in this mode, but I suspect that the vast majority of players want nothing to do with potentially unstable beta software (not to mention all the low-bandwidth users like me to whom a 4+GB test client download is not an option).

If problems persist for more than a few days, it would be very nice of NCsoft f they'd give up-to-date customers a little free time to compensate for this bump. And I suspect that isn't out of character for this company. But I still suspect the biggest part of the problem is coming from normal patch day traffic rather than errors on the part of the CoH development team. And that it will practically correct itself in a matter of time.

Unfortunately, 52.6MB is eight to nine hours transfer on a dial-up connection, and because of the traffic, and an error with resuming in the patcher I've had to restart that file several times today... even after having almost the whole thing. But it's worth the hassle to me. I dig CoH/CoV, and I've faith in NCsoft to do right by their customers if snags and errors continue for long.



I had a rather strange combinations of things occur when I tryed to log-in... Even after I had logged in for a few minutes just hours before.

I tried logging in on my main computer, which I had used earlier to successfully patch up and play i13, and got the "Connecting....#Exty-Trillion." After messing around with random things (I had assumed it was an issue with my comp.) I tried again and again. Eventually it "fixed" some CoH files, and then gave me "Downloading Manifest ... 0MB/0MB @0MB/sec." It was frozen there for some time.

Meanwhile, I was able to log in without issue on my boyfriend's PC which is on the same router as my main computer. This made me assume that it was DEFINATELY my main computer's problem. But judging by the posts, it would seem that I simply got lucky and was able to log in, and that the other comp. simply was not so lucky.

I hope that I can play when I get home from work (and judging from recent posts, I should be able to). I have a base to re-design, a Hero to make, a Villain to make, as well as lots of time spent respecing and getting my Day Jobs going.

With what little time I did spend on Live with i13, looks good. However, the base editor seems rather... borked. Wall objects won't place, and I can't seem to move any rooms (regardless of how I try).



i was glad to see that my bday bad luck wore off an hour early, get out there and tear it up guys



/unasked opinion mode on
I think they should start a new server. This server should keep the old PVP dynamics and be deemed an "expert level" server. This server should also allow heroes into the Isles and Villains into Paragon. All hazard zones should now be PvP zones with all City zones being co-op zones. I vote the name of the server is the "Shattered Shard"
/unasked opinion mode off
Feel free to discuss.....



Okay, that tears it. Going to bed now, in hopes I can get on later. It was fun for that 45 minutes I got to play earlier.



Sorry I just got on. Guess it was dumb luck.....



Hmmm... it would appear that i13 was given Live status too early. Probably should have stayed on Test for another week or two. Bad show really... will be interesting to see how damage control is handled (I suppose worst case would be a rollback).

Either that or it's a Nemesis plot. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnh!

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it a problem, yes a minor one. Would keeping it on test have resolved the problem, no. It simple wasn't an issue on the test server, I've been on there playing every day with none of the issues. It took me a while to get connected to get the hotfix, but after it downloaded I've been fine since. Hopefully everyone will get through and get it soon.



connection issue has happened before...though as far as I can remember it's been a while since that last happened.

Ok, so let's sum up, Devs put out an issue that no one wanted with changes that paying customers begged them not to make. The day it goes live it crashed constantly until servers went down. Servers say they're up, but we can't connect. That about sum up the day?

How about instead of focus on the negative we do something positive like brainstorm names for issue 14 after they tell us Architect is too hard to do again.

How about...

Issue 14 - Go Play Champions!


Issue 14 - You're not getting the hint, we want you all to leave!

What names can you come up with?

[/ QUOTE ]

lets sum this up, you can't make a statement w/out making a broad generalization since it's ONLY the PvP changes that was [censored] about the most.

Invul, Kheld, War Mace, EA buffs...yep, nobody asked for any of those...

Shields? nope, nobody asked for those at all
Pain Domination? nah...nobody wanted a a Villain counterpart to Empathy...

on a serious note, I can't even think of one time anyone requested for a buff to Dark Melee in such a way it was done.

Day Jobs, Leveling Pacts, Badge UI revamp, sprinkling on the cake

PvP Changes? changes were asked for, but this was done too much at one time and selectable Arena Maps came way too late.



/unasked opinion mode on
I think they should start a new server. This server should keep the old PVP dynamics and be deemed an "expert level" server. This server should also allow heroes into the Isles and Villains into Paragon. All hazard zones should now be PvP zones with all City zones being co-op zones. I vote the name of the server is the "Shattered Shard"
/unasked opinion mode off
Feel free to discuss.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Good idea then the whining would stop and those moaning PvPers will be on their own server (along with the other 150 players that PvP and are unhappy!) Seriously have you been in a PvP zone recently I have never known any more than about 12 players in residence at any one time.

Which would then leave the current servers containing the thousands of happy customers to play in peace




What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?



I manged to get my base expanded and in working condition yesterday before I decided to take a break. That was about the time of the sever problems so it was all good for me.

Got up this morning and downloaded the new patch and seems fine. I logged on for a couple of minutes just to check. No "doom" here.



/unasked opinion mode on
I think they should start a new server. This server should keep the old PVP dynamics and be deemed an "expert level" server.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unsigned. PvPers can learn to play the game as it exists now just like everyone else. And there's nothing "expert" about being unable or unwilling to adjust to dynamic conditions--in fact, that's the opposite of "expert".



Well, it's so nice to know that everyone is in and having a grand ol' time without me. Wonder if I'm doing it wrong.