Issue 13: Power & Responsibility Discussion




as long as I can get back on when I wake up which is about noon I won't really care so that leaves them 11 and a hallf hours dont let me and everyone else down



so far this issue has been terrible in that yes it give some new feature(most were not asked for) but it took away so much that affects so many, not including the nerfs in between issues. my account expires in 2 weeks i hope thing are encouraging enough to stay for -- I do like this game but now...???



Woot, I got a (rather roundabout) mention on the Launcher!

Which was the dev nice enough to do that so I know who to thank?


[/ QUOTE ]

FWIW, *really* loved your new vid!



For the ultimate in annoyance;

My roommate comes home a few minutes ago, sits down at his computer and logs right in without a problem. Meanwhile here I am sitting on an approximate total of 65 connect attempts. Some people have all the luck...




Ok, so let's sum up, Devs put out an issue that no one wanted with changes that paying customers begged them not to make. The day it goes live it crashed constantly until servers went down. Servers say they're up, but we can't connect. That about sum up the day?

How about instead of focus on the negative we do something positive like brainstorm names for issue 14 after they tell us Architect is too hard to do again.

How about...

Issue 14 - Go Play Champions!


Issue 14 - You're not getting the hint, we want you all to leave!

What names can you come up with?

[/ QUOTE ]

This ^

[b][color=red] VORI Forever
[b][color=blue] ASX PvP



Woot, I got a (rather roundabout) mention on the Launcher!

Which was the dev nice enough to do that so I know who to thank?


[/ QUOTE ]

FWIW, *really* loved your new vid!

[/ QUOTE ]


*rueful grin*

Hey, if nothing else, it's something to watch while you're waiting to connect.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



damn your roommate is Lucky



I just wanna log in, enjoy the Kheldian love and get all my alts to work at their day jobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well try as I might but I just did not feel the love as my PB ate the floor more tonight than ever before. The reason is mainly due to not being able to switch forms freely!! Let me speak my mind and say this SUCKS! In the middle of a fight if you try and drop out of a form to human you cannot do so while an attack power is cycling! Its even worse when you die simply because you left SS on when you ran into the group and you literally have to stop everything to be able to click SS off!

Not once but twice I ate the floor simply because I stopped everything either to turn off SS or turn it on to get away! This BUG sucks! Give me my fun back!

Guess I will just have to respec my PB to be just a human (not sure why I would need any other form since I cannot transition from one to the other without totally pissing me off!)

Did I mention how much this BUG sucks! Yes its got to be a BUG, I mean who in their right mind would take a perfectly great game and rune it this way!

Heres the kicker, my kids complained more than I just did about not being able to turn off sprint in the middle of a fight!

My 12 year old son had this to say tonight about the game he has always loved!

"WTH, why when I click on a power dose it not just queue it up to turn off or on after my current power is done with its cycle? I can code better than this give me a fricking job"

I will not repeat what my 13YR old said but she was rather upset at how she could not turn off SS when we got ambushed and all she was trying to do was save end to heal her mother!

What a disappointing day!



ok, i give up, going to bed...

i did so much base salvage converting... if there is a roll back.. ugh! night all....


No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



I just wanna log in, enjoy the Kheldian love and get all my alts to work at their day jobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well try as I might but I just did not feel the love as my PB ate the floor more tonight than ever before. The reason is mainly due to not being able to switch forms freely!! Let me speak my mind and say this SUCKS! In the middle of a fight if you try and drop out of a form to human you cannot do so while an attack power is cycling! Its even worse when you die simply because you left SS on when you ran into the group and you literally have to stop everything to be able to click SS off!

Not once but twice I ate the floor simply because I stopped everything either to turn off SS or turn it on to get away! This BUG sucks! Give me my fun back!

Guess I will just have to respec my PB to be just a human (not sure why I would need any other form since I cannot transition from one to the other without totally pissing me off!)

Did I mention how much this BUG sucks! Yes its got to be a BUG, I mean who in their right mind would take a perfectly great game and rune it this way!

Heres the kicker, my kids complained more than I just did about not being able to turn off sprint in the middle of a fight!

My 12 year old son had this to say tonight about the game he has always loved!

"WTH, why when I click on a power dose it not just queue it up to turn off or on after my current power is done with its cycle? I can code better than this give me a fricking job"

I will not repeat what my 13YR old said but she was rather upset at how she could not turn off SS when we got ambushed and all she was trying to do was save end to heal her mother!

What a disappointing day!

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh, i wish i could play with my kids. But they're only 7.



Right now I'm at home experiencing the same issue that many of you are having. Be patient. It might be simple congestion, it might be a genuine problem...either way I'm sure it'll be sorted out soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been patient for 3 hours and up to a #75 connection attempt... that's pretty freaking patient. That patience is wearing *extremely* thin.



Hmmm... it would appear that i13 was given Live status too early. Probably should have stayed on Test for another week or two. Bad show really... will be interesting to see how damage control is handled (I suppose worst case would be a rollback).

Either that or it's a Nemesis plot. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnh!

[/ QUOTE ]

As someone who codes for a living, I doubt that two more weeks of beta testing would have made a difference. This looks like a bug that only became apparent with a very large number of users, something that you simply can't simulate in beta. And the login in problems are likely caused by a larger than usual number of players trying to log in all at once, rather than having the logins scattered throughout the day.

Tomorrow everyone will be able to log in just fine and there will be no widespread crashing. And we'll go back to arguing about the PvP revamp. Deep breaths.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Right now I'm at home experiencing the same issue that many of you are having. Be patient. It might be simple congestion, it might be a genuine problem...either way I'm sure it'll be sorted out soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been patient for 3 hours and up to a #75 connection attempt... that's pretty freaking patient. That patience is wearing *extremely* thin.

[/ QUOTE ]

#75 - Holy Crap, you are way more patient than me. I quit after #9 or #10 and started playing Guild Wars. How long did it take to get up to #75?



Chris_Zuercher I pray you are right



just got in... now i have to go to bed... lol dang #13....

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Right now I'm at home experiencing the same issue that many of you are having. Be patient. It might be simple congestion, it might be a genuine problem...either way I'm sure it'll be sorted out soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been patient for 3 hours and up to a #75 connection attempt... that's pretty freaking patient. That patience is wearing *extremely* thin.

[/ QUOTE ]

#75 - Holy Crap, you are way more patient than me. I quit after #9 or #10 and started playing Guild Wars. How long did it take to get up to #75?

[/ QUOTE ]

About an hour and a half.... eh... no closer to 2 hours



Did I mention how much this BUG sucks! Yes its got to be a BUG, I mean who in their right mind would take a perfectly great game and rune it this way!

[/ QUOTE ]

There is now an in-game report that says this is a "known issue", so yes, it is a bug and the devs are working on it. But yes, this has been a disappointing day.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



just got in... now i have to go to bed... lol dang #13....

[/ QUOTE ]

w00t, i too have just gotten in. Maybe we just needed more people to give up and go to bed.



I played for a few hours starting just moments after the servers went up this morning... hadn't been able to get back on the last few hours, but it just connected now.

Haven't rolled a shield or pain character, although I probably will in a few minutes! I've never been big on PvP, but I checked it out for a bit... didn't seem like a huge disaster to me! The way that mezzes and toggles not dropping work now seemed pretty interesting and different to me (there was a fun moment where I rushed a controller in midair with my stalker, they held me as I hit them with air superiority and they went down while I was floating, until their teammate web grenaded me)

I approve of Day Jobs, although I haven't really seen any effects on Live yet. I definitely approve of the base changes! Upgraded a few SG bases. Hopefully the odd bug with placing items on certain walls will be fixed soon, though.

Thumbs up from me, so far.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



yeah, everyone's trying to log on, seeing if they can, which just furthered the problem

the vicious cycle should end as people go to bed :P



First I was able to download some manifest thing to fix my CoH.exe file or whatever it was doing.

But now, it hangs at connecting or just tries to dl the file but can't.

Too many people trying to log in at the same time could that over load it?

"Philosophy is based on speculation, on logic, on thought, on the synthesis of what we know and on the analysis of what we do not know. Philosophy must include within its confines the whole content of science, religion and art."
~ P. D. Ouspensky ~



Either Im one of the lucky ones or things are starting to smooth out. Just tried to update and log in. Had to get the hotfix 8.4meg patch and that took bout 15 seconds then i could log in just fine.

Hope its starting to clear up and let the rest of you guys in who have been trying for hours now

Global: @Kelig



No mention of Poison Gas Trap changes in the notes so I'm going to assume the changes hey made earlier in beta got reverted