Avoiding Poverty - 10 Million at Level 6




Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Well, given the lack of response to a direct question, I think it's safe to
infer the word troll, at least...
Thats a 5 letter word.

Great guide, by the way. I just don't understand how the market determines who gets what all the time.

I filter for sales, and sometimes its instant, other times its not.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So something that's been going on for YEARS is why the market is messed up?

No. No, I don't think so.

The subject here is COMMON IOs.

I use this vendoring trick to "nest egg" lowbies. I use it as a "fire and forget", rather than an agressive manner (and I'd make more if I were). As such, most of my lowbies have between 20 and 50 million by the time they hit 20 or so.

At that point, I move on to more profitable niches.

And, in all the time I've been doing it, I have yet to drain the supply.

Were he talking set IOs, I'd be in agreement.

If your argument is "But I'd get it cheaper if you guys let that stuff build up and didn't do this". My reply is "well yeah, but this is not a store".

If you want cheap commons, plan ahead. Use the same strategies the vendor-runners do, bid low and wait. It's quite nearly zero effort. And if you bid stacks and only keep one? Well, the IO pretty much paid for itself at that point.
You sound like a thief wallstreet banker. That's right keep justifying what you're doing - It will help you get to sleep at night.



I don't know what people are so worried about. You're never going to drain out the supply of level 50 common IO's because they drop like crazy any time you do a mission with a bunch of level 50 toons. I used to delete them to make room in case a set IO drops. But at 100k per recipe, I guess I'll start keeping them now...

For level 50's who want to sell their IO recipes on WW, .... it's good to know you can get a buyer really fast. Most level 50 toons don't really care about losing a "mere" 100k worth of inf if they can get closer to a sales badge.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
You sound like a thief wallstreet banker. That's right keep justifying what you're doing - It will help you get to sleep at night.
You cant be serious. If anyone is losing sleep over make believe money, in a make believe game, they need to step away from the monitor.

Dont let the make believe man keep you down!



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
This is the reason why the CoH market is messed up and oddly enough it's one of the reasons why the RL market is messed up. Should I be laughing or crying about this?
I'm sorry, I know I should just let this go, but I can't - for some reason today I just can't let this go.
You ASSume the people who have educated themselves about the market and learned to profit from it are "bad" people taking advantage of "good/innocent" people. The problem lies with the people who CHOSE to use the market without educating themselves, if, that is, there's any problem at all - some people are just lazy or don't care, so they sell stuff for less than market value because it's easier (I'm not criticizing, I myself fall into this category sometimes).
Anyone who loses money because they chose to use a system they don't understand DESERVES to lose their money (whether it's the stock market, poker, real estate, some silly game, etc.). Sorry if that sounds harsh or is difficult to hear, but it's just a fact of life. Of course, the easy way to fix the problem is to get educated - does this mean you'll make money hand over fist, maybe, maybe not, but you'll give yourself the best chance to make money or maybe you'll decide you don't like the system and avoid using it altogether. Of course, the other option is to simply whine about all the "evil" people in the world - the easier option. So, I guess, in answer to your question 'Should I be laughing or crying about this?', cry, cry yourself to sleep for all I care.



Originally Posted by HeroeMan View Post
Great guide, by the way. I just don't understand how the market determines who gets what all the time.
Thank You.

As for your question, it's fairly simple, although it isn't intuitive. Bascially,
what happens there is that the highest bid buys the lowest listed item
(assuming, of course, that the bid is higher than that listed price). In terms
of time, the markets can (and do) lag, as can the game client, so there
may possibly be some "gray" areas where goofiness can occur, but taking
lag out (ie. instant transactions), here's how it actually works.

For example:

Widget IO recipe
Listed: 4          Bids: 0           Last 5
1> 500                              No History
2> 5
3> 10000
4> 500
We have 4 recipes for sale at these prices (note, in the game, you cannot
see what those prices are)...

You come in with a bid of 1 inf... That bid isn't higher than any listed prices,
so no sale for you... The bid is logged and queued and that's it.

The next person comes along, and they bid 50,000. That's definitely high
enough to buy one, but which one? The one they get is #2, because it is
the one currently listed for the lowest price. The Last 5 sale price history
is updated to show that 50,000 is the most recent price that bought
one of the recipes, and the bid and list counts are also updated.

Then another person comes along and bids 25,000. Like the prior guy,
that will buy one, also. In this case, though, there are 2 at the same low
price (500), and he'll get one of them. In that case, we don't know exactly
which one (it's based on a pseudo-random number algorithm). So, for the
sake of discussion in that case, we'll assume the random buy was #4 (we
know it *isn't* first-in, first-out from peterpeter's testing some time ago).

At the end of the this process, the market info now looks like this:

Widget IO recipe
Listed: 2          Bids: 1           Last 5
1> 500             1                 50,000
2> 10000                             25,000
Once again, what you see in the interface is: 1 bid, 2 listed and the last 5
sales history. This matching of bids and lists continues on as activity for
this niche proceeds, according to the same rules we just layed out here.

Barring lag-caused weirdness, this is how it matches and handles sales.

Hope that helps.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.




You have made the following statements.

You sound like a thief wallstreet banker. That's right keep justifying
what you're doing - It will help you get to sleep at night.
This is the reason why the CoH market is messed up and oddly
enough it's one of the reasons why the RL market is messed up. Should I
be laughing or crying about this?
I, for one, would welcome and happily discuss any intelligent (or at least,
sincere) questions you might have about this strategy.

Unfortunately, you couldn't be bothered to actually answer the direct question
I asked you earlier, and all I'm seeing here is completely uninformed, trollish vitriol...

So, with your "tilting at windmills" commentary firmly in mind, I can answer
the one question you actually did ask.

Yes, you should be crying about this.

The woeful lack of understanding about the market you show leaves little
other viable choice, given the apparent absence on your part of any willingness
to learn.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by vinque View Post
I'm sorry, I know I should just let this go, but I can't - for some reason today I just can't let this go.
You ASSume the people who have educated themselves about the market and learned to profit from it are "bad" people taking advantage of "good/innocent" people. The problem lies with the people who CHOSE to use the market without educating themselves, if, that is, there's any problem at all - some people are just lazy or don't care, so they sell stuff for less than market value because it's easier (I'm not criticizing, I myself fall into this category sometimes).
Anyone who loses money because they chose to use a system they don't understand DESERVES to lose their money (whether it's the stock market, poker, real estate, some silly game, etc.). Sorry if that sounds harsh or is difficult to hear, but it's just a fact of life. Of course, the easy way to fix the problem is to get educated - does this mean you'll make money hand over fist, maybe, maybe not, but you'll give yourself the best chance to make money or maybe you'll decide you don't like the system and avoid using it altogether. Of course, the other option is to simply whine about all the "evil" people in the world - the easier option. So, I guess, in answer to your question 'Should I be laughing or crying about this?', cry, cry yourself to sleep for all I care.
If they know enough about the economy to know how to exploit it, then they should also know enough about it to know whether they're destroying it for everyone else. In a proper capitalist economy, you can only profit by adding to the pool. An exploit is a case where you are able to add nothing, but you take something away. There is no such thing as an entitlement to be a parasite. That would be like congratulating a bank robber on their bank robbing skills. ....But that's all real life.

The reason I like 4 Speed's method so much is because it does nothing at all to hurt the market for anyone else. Level 50's are dying to sell their non-set IO's regardless of price. (If getting undercut bothers them, then they're free to sell to a store.) Right now, non-set IO's drop so much they get annoying after a while.

A lot of market laziness happens simply because the inf being lost is very small from the perspective of the person losing it. I overbid on salvage all the time, just because I don't have the time or energy to wait for a lower bid to find me a buyer. Probably same for an epic who puts a 50 recipe on WW at a low price. Better to just clear the slot so you can use it for other things.

Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post

For example:

Widget IO recipe
Listed: 4          Bids: 0           Last 5
1> 500                              No History
2> 5
3> 10000
4> 500
We have 4 recipes for sale at these prices (note, in the game, you cannot
see what those prices are)...

You come in with a bid of 1 inf... That bid isn't higher than any listed prices,
so no sale for you... The bid is logged and queued and that's it.

The next person comes along, and they bid 50,000. That's definitely high
enough to buy one, but which one? The one they get is #2, because it is
the one currently listed for the lowest price. The Last 5 sale price history
is updated to show that 50,000 is the most recent price that bought
one of the recipes, and the bid and list counts are also updated.
So, basically, if there are like 50 bidders, and the price has been consistently high for a while, I don't need to post my recipe at a high price in order to avoid getting undercut by some guy who's put in a bid of 5? That's good to know. I've always been worried that the high bidder would get passed over, some how.



Your guide utterly fails to address my own willful stupidity, and I demand you retract it...

...oh, wait...sorry...had one of my little moments.

I haven't really touched the market in a while, and when I did, I used other methods to acquire a semi-reasonable stash, but I was aware that this strategy existed. I wasn't aware it was as lucrative as it was for a starting character though. It's nice to see that new players can potentially get themselves on a semi-solid footing early on without too much fuss.

Oh, and my badger -never- had a problem with getting recipes when she got all her crafting badges. The only thing I ever had a bit of a speed bump with were the sometimes ludicrous common salvage prices. (which were easily solved by, you know, waiting for them to invariably come back down again) The infinite supply of recipes is kinda handy that way.

And I'm one of the people who dumps cheap stuff on the market (or I am when I bother to use it.) I'm happy to see people make a profit on it, frankly...it's a lot more useful to me to see someone get ahead (and have more people with characters they're happy with) than to add to my stack with the slightly higher profit I would've made fussing at the store.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
You cant be serious. If anyone is losing sleep over make believe money, in a make believe game, they need to step away from the monitor.

Dont let the make believe man keep you down!
I find it funny you don't understand sarcasm. Who's losing sleep? Me shaking my head at wall street bankers or people who don't know how to make money actually playing the game so they are forced to spend time farting around at WWs.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey
'Playing' the market is what gets things like like regenerating flesh
selling for one+ million. Is this not proof enough?
No, it isn't "proof enough" - In fact, it's not only not proof, it's not even
supporting evidence.

"Playing the market" is not what is driving prices up on something like
Regenerating Flesh.

We just had a 2XP weekend - it boosted the XP levels and influence holdings
of a bunch of toons in a very short time.

RF is used in several high level recipes (see P-Wiki), some of which are quite
desirable (Crushing Impact, Doctored Wounds, Blessing of the Zephyr to
name just a few).

What do you suppose happens to price when a bunch of newly levelled
toons, with inf to spend, start trying to buy/craft shinies that all use RF,
all within roughly the same timeframe? It's called shortage. More people
want an item than there are available. The next step is inevitable then.

Tada - price rise... no "playing the market" involved... Just normal folks
trying to put nice IO's into the toons they worked on over 2XP, and trying
to grab more Regenerating Flesh salvage than is being put on the market...

Watch the price of RF over the next couple weeks - it is quite unlikely to
stay at those prices long.

Originally Posted by orangemonkey
How does buying up all the L50 IOs NOT effect the game? You're
taking an item out of circulation. It's not hard to understand. I know you
all can't be this stupid.
This is even easier to answer than the prior question.

You *can't*. It is IMPOSSIBLE to buy up all the L50 Common Recipes.

Crafting tables *always* sell them - they are a "store" purchasable item,
in exactly the way SO's are from contacts and stores. Invention Tables
always sell them. There is an infinite supply at a fixed price.

The common IO recipes listed on the market are excess throw-a-ways...

So, your idea of common IO recipes being removed from circulation is,
plain and simple - wrong. It's not possible to do that.

Either you're unaware of that simple fact, or you're confusing common IO
recipes with Set recipes... Only common IO's are used in this strategy.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Beserker_NA
So, basically, if there are like 50 bidders, and the price has been consistently high
for a while, I don't need to post my recipe at a high price in order to avoid getting undercut
by some guy who's put in a bid of 5? That's good to know. I've always been worried that the high bidder would get passed over, some how.
Maybe I'm not reading this right or understanding exactly what you mean.

"Price", ie. the Last 5 sales, isn't necessarily what the item costs. It was
the amount that a person who bought one "paid" at that time.

In the blind market, you don't *know* what list price actually is. Depending
on the timing, in my first example, you might have been able to get one for
5 inf, and, you'd have absolutely been guaranteed one if you paid 10,000.

The guy that bought one at 50,000 clearly overpaid (at that point in time)
as did the guy who paid 25,000 for the next one. We can see that none of
the items listed were that expensive.

However, buyer #3 (who hasn't come along yet in my example) may well
think that somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000 is the "normal" price
if he only looks at the last 5 even though (in this case), he could actually
buy one for 500, and buyer #4 won't get one for less than 10,000 without
someone listing another one for less than that amount.

The point on the last 5 is this: It is NOT telling you what the items are
listed at. It IS ONLY telling you what the last 5 people who bought one PAID
for them... For all we know, they might have been listed at 1 inf, but what
was paid was what shows in the last 5.

That's a fine (but important) distinction to understand clearly.

In terms of "undercutting", the guy who lists his item for less than you list
yours will always sell his before you do.

The guy who bids more than you do will always buy his before you buy yours
(assuming an item is for sale at a price equal or lower to your bid).

Finally, keep in mind the bids/lists are changing all the time in real time,
so the only constant rule is: The Highest Bid buys the Cheapest Listed Item
as long as Bid Price >= Listed Price.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
I find it funny you don't understand sarcasm. Who's losing sleep? Me shaking my head at wall street bankers or people who don't know how to make money actually playing the game so they are forced to spend time farting around at WWs.
sar·casm (sär'kăz'əm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
You sound like a thief wallstreet banker. That's right keep justifying what you're doing - It will help you get to sleep at night.
This isnt sarcasm. This is paranoia. You made yourself the butt of contempt and ridicule. "Dont let the make believe man keep you down!" However, is sarcasm.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
'Playing' the market is what gets things like like regenerating flesh selling for one+ million. Is this not proof enough? How does buying up all the L50 IOs NOT effect the game? You're taking an item out of circulation. It's not hard to understand. I know you all can't be this stupid.
The strategy 4 speed just posted has a zero chance of causing the effect you are complaining about. In the first place, it doesn't work very well on invention sets. In the second place, it has no chance of ever driving the price higher than what an in-game store would be willing to pay for it. Once that price is reached, nobody will continue using this strategy on that item.

Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Maybe I'm not reading this right or understanding exactly what you mean.


In terms of "undercutting", the guy who lists his item for less than you list
yours will always sell his before you do.

The guy who bids more than you do will always buy his before you buy yours
(assuming an item is for sale at a price equal or lower to your bid).

Finally, keep in mind the bids/lists are changing all the time in real time,
so the only constant rule is: The Highest Bid buys the Cheapest Listed Item
as long as Bid Price >= Listed Price.


Yeah. That answers my question. I'm wondering if I find say... a level 50 Luck of the Gambler Defense, and notice that there are zero people selling right now, and about 50 people bidding, and the price has been about 50 million for the last 5 sales, do I need to bother raising 2.5 million inf so I can post the recipe at 50 million, or can I list it at 5 inf, and be pretty sure it sells for at least 20 million?

I was worried that the low bidder would get it. Like maybe there'd be one bidder bidding 30 million, and another bidding 200 thousand, and I'd end up selling to the bidder who was trying to low ball me instead of the high bidder. This puts a lot of my fears to rest. I'm sure it was still wise of me to list at 50 million, in case the high bidder were bidding less than that, but it seems I would still have gotten a good bundle of inf either way.



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Yeah. That answers my question. I'm wondering if I find say... a level 50 Luck of the Gambler Defense, and notice that there are zero people selling right now, and about 50 people bidding, and the price has been about 50 million for the last 5 sales, do I need to bother raising 2.5 million inf so I can post the recipe at 50 million, or can I list it at 5 inf, and be pretty sure it sells for at least 20 million?

I was worried that the low bidder would get it. Like maybe there'd be one bidder bidding 30 million, and another bidding 200 thousand, and I'd end up selling to the bidder who was trying to low ball me instead of the high bidder. This puts a lot of my fears to rest. I'm sure it was still wise of me to list at 50 million, in case the high bidder were bidding less than that, but it seems I would still have gotten a good bundle of inf either way.
I advise to be very careful with this. In your example above, you will certainly sell to the high bidder, but I've seen many instances where the high bidder is well below market value. Every once in a while, you'll see a very high value item sell for 111,111. I bet this is almost always folks thinking simlarly "Last 5 are 50M, there are tons of bidders, so I'm sure the highest is reasonable." You never know when a supply spike hits that just took out the last reasonable bid. Selling a 50M item for 100k stings. I recommend always listing for the absolute minimum you're willing to part with it for, no less. You may get lucky and have a high bidder well over your amount, but don't count on it. Of course, I also have never had a situation where I had a toon that had a high dollar recipe, but neither the funds nor the means to get funds quickly for the listing fee.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Yeah. That answers my question. I'm wondering if I find say... a level 50 Luck of the Gambler Defense, and notice that there are zero people selling right now, and about 50 people bidding, and the price has been about 50 million for the last 5 sales, do I need to bother raising 2.5 million inf so I can post the recipe at 50 million, or can I list it at 5 inf, and be pretty sure it sells for at least 20 million?

I was worried that the low bidder would get it. Like maybe there'd be one bidder bidding 30 million, and another bidding 200 thousand, and I'd end up selling to the bidder who was trying to low ball me instead of the high bidder. This puts a lot of my fears to rest. I'm sure it was still wise of me to list at 50 million, in case the high bidder were bidding less than that, but it seems I would still have gotten a good bundle of inf either way.
Like Big King mentioned, I'd advise some caution with that. You're making
a risky trade-off between selling quickly and sales price.

With none for sale, your item at 5 is pretty certain to sell right away, but
you have no idea what those 50 bids are at... Sure, there could be some at
50M, but it could also be a bunch of cheapskates bidding at 10,000 and
hoping to score a bargain.

My personal rule of thumb is to list it for the minimum I'd be satisfied with
getting for it... You want it to sell quickly, but you don't want to get hosed
by a lowball group of bidders. Of course, the flip-side is also true - If you
list for a high price, to get the most you can from it, there's a decent
chance that it could sit awhile, or even be overpriced and not sell at all
(or force you to re-list eventually, losing those fees).

It's always a trade-off.

So, list for what you would settle for, if it sold at your list price (I'm betting
you'd have been *really* unhappy if your LotG sold for 5). Typically, for me,
that's somewhere between 20% and 70% of last-5 sales (depending on the
item, of course, and how the niche is actually behaving).


PS> Also note that you should never list at 5 or less. The minimum list fee
is 5, so if it sells for the price you listed at, you made 0, or even lost inf
on the deal - ie. you might as well just use the "delete" key instead...

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



This method is still valid. I have nothing on redside and I just started a Corruptor. I made around 500K Influence in about 20 to 30 minutes shuttling back and forth to the quartermaster on Mercy with Ninja Run...It isn't a ton of cash but It will see me through DO's and if I do it a few more times it should see me through SO's. I'm planning on moving her over to blueside once GR comes out so I am not worried at all about sets for her right now. I get a few mill and I am good to go to 50. Though I may make some Invention IO's in the 25 to 30 range so I wont have to keep replacing the standard SO's.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
sar·casm (sär'kăz'əm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

This isnt sarcasm. This is paranoia. You made yourself the butt of contempt and ridicule. "Dont let the make believe man keep you down!" However, is sarcasm.
The only butt here are the people who can't seem to make any money PLAYING the GAME - but if name calling suits you...



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
No, it isn't "proof enough" - In fact, it's not only not proof, it's not even
supporting evidence....
And you think your made up facts about double xp weekend are? Prices didn't go up during that time - they went DOWN because there was a wealth of people playing the game and ADDING things to the market while in the process of taking things out. You and your gang take things out of the market without putting things in. Does this make sense to your thieving mind?



lol - you're funny (clueless, but funny)... I like you...

PS> Regenerating Flesh was going for 111 (both sides) over the weekend.
Gratz on your "massive understanding" of the market... (yes, that's sarcasm").

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
And you think your made up facts about double xp weekend are? Prices didn't go up during that time - they went DOWN because there was a wealth of people playing the game and ADDING things to the market while in the process of taking things out. You and your gang take things out of the market without putting things in. Does this make sense to your thieving mind?
Look at my sig.

Pretendy fun time games.



I just wanted to say thanks to 4 for this wonderful guide.

Using just the level 45 and 50 recipes I was able to fund three crafting badges and still come out 10 mil in the black. In under 3 hours. It's like free money. The reason I stuck with 45 and 50 is because I'm not that great at math and didn't want to break out a calculator... with 45-50, you just have to take the crafting price, round it down, divide by 4, and don't bid higher than that.

This method will never be completely defunct due to the simple fact that it's easier to just dump stuff in the market than it is to vendor it, especially if you are trying to get the market badges or you're going to the market to make a purchase anyways.

This works for everyone involved. The person dumping the recipes gets rid of junk that they'd probably just delete otherwise and the buyer gets a nice little chunk of money. I don't see anyone becoming an "Ebil Marketeer" off of just this method, but if you need some inf to get a couple enhancers, this is a great way to do it.



Originally Posted by MrNoj View Post
This method will never be completely defunct due to the simple fact that it's easier to just dump stuff in the market than it is to vendor it, especially if you are trying to get the market badges or you're going to the market to make a purchase anyways.

This works for everyone involved. The person dumping the recipes gets rid of junk that they'd probably just delete otherwise and the buyer gets a nice little chunk of money. I don't see anyone becoming an "Ebil Marketeer" off of just this method, but if you need some inf to get a couple enhancers, this is a great way to do it.
I actually sell all recipes and salvage on the market not because it is convenient, but because it destroys Inf. Some of the junk recipes I know will never sell even at 1 inf, I will vendor, but if I can move it, I will. Maybe someone else will buy it and vendor it, creating only 90% of the inf that I could have, or maybe they'll craft with it and destroy 110% of the inf. Either way, it is a win for the economy and I get inf out of it.

So my generic recipes all go on the market.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
The only butt here are the people who can't seem to make any money PLAYING the GAME - but if name calling suits you...
Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
You sound like a thief wallstreet banker. That's right keep justifying what you're doing - It will help you get to sleep at night.
Looks like it suits you just fine.

This is an excellent guide for people just starting out in the game and need infl. or for people who are interested in trying their hand at the market, but are intimidated by it.

Shake your head all you want, hopefully you will realize that you don't pay other people's sub fee's, and as such, have no right to tell them how to play. I don't understand the whole badge collector mentality, but I wouldn't tell them how to do it.



Originally Posted by MrNoj
I just wanted to say thanks to 4 for this wonderful guide.
You're very welcome, and I'm glad you (and others) have found it helpful.

On that note, I should be thanking you, and all the other folks who have
put this strategy to good use.

This guide originally started as a simple post in the market forum in response
to a whiner who contended it was too difficult to make inf in the game, and
even simple marketing was too hard and too time consuming...

When I see posts like yours, from people who's game experience is improved
as a result of having this knowledge, I'm happy that peterpeter suggested to me
to put it here as a guide. The research and effort to do that (which was quite a
bit more work than what actually using the method takes ) seems much more
worthwhile when I see comments like yours from folks it has helped.

So, Thanks! I'm glad I put it out here for players to benefit from...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.