Avoiding Poverty - 10 Million at Level 6




If you're successfully using this to earn Influence, then you're essentially exploiting some other player who is more lazy or less informed about relative IO recipe prices.

[/ QUOTE ]So?

If anything increasing the popularity of this method will make things better for these people. True, they sell at a loss, but that is the price of conveyance of selling everything at one place.



This is a great guide and a great idea to exploit the system. I am too lazy to run back and forth from WW to a store, but more power to everyone who does!



LOL I've noticed (only from yesterday) that the price of the lvl 50 IOs went from 90k to 106k



LOL I've noticed (only from yesterday) that the price of the lvl 50 IOs went from 90k to 106k

[/ QUOTE ]

IF you log on at a lot of dif times durign the day on any goven day you can tach teh price of levle 50 recipies varie by 30-40k or more sooooooo........

That and for the more commons ones the last 5 is often what sold ig the last 5 mins or less so it coudl be bumped up buy some oen buyign them for crafting etc sicne they will oftne pay a little mroe to get them sooner and dotn care if it;ls less then the vendor pays just that it;s less them the table would cost them.



<<scene opens to show "customer" sitting by a pool at a Beach Resort>>

herohunter: They system really works!! I spent about an hour leaping between Wentworth's and the store in Steel Canyon. I made over 1 million influence just by following FourSpeed's easy to follow plan.

Announcer: You too can be a millionaire! Simply, read the guide laid out by FourSpeed and you'll be well on your way to buying your first set of good enhancements!

<<screen flashes random pictures of heroes and villains holding wads if INF while upbeat cheesy infommercial them plays in the background>>
<<fade to black>>



OP: Nice work, good guide.

Other People: "THIS MARKET COLLAPSED"- this is one niche. (Or 236 niches, actually. ) It's a very fast-refilling niche and it's really nice for the given purpose.

The people who make billions on the market don't do it this way. They do it a lot of OTHER different ways.

People who want to make a lot of inf graduate from this method as they figure out other ones; people who don't want to make a lot of inf quit this method as soon as they have enough. It's self-limiting.

When the market started, I made fifty million or so- at the time, level 30-40 in recharge and end reduction was what worked for me. Then I found other things to do. I graduated.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Agreement. This is not a guide to fantastic wealth, this is a guide to supply enough inf to get some decent enhancements; common IOs and cheaper sets.



Don't just limit yourself to recipes. Another neat little trick I use to get some quick cash is to run to the market in Steel Canyon.

Search for SO enhancements, and filter the results to lvl 48-53, For Sale Only. Run through and check the bids that have items for sale, but no bids, and bid anywhere from 100 to 1000 inf. You can usually fill up your enhancement tray 3 or 4 times at that price.

If you stick to just Mutant and Natural enhancements - those stores are in close walking distance to the market. You should have no problem running back and forth, even at level one...and you can unload all your recipes at those stores at the same time.



I tried this today with a new lowbie today. After I got my rhythm down I made about 500k an hour.

I prolly could make more, but as a general rule of thumb, anything over level 30 I can bid 1-3k and make money reselling it.

Thanks for the strategy! If nothing else I wont have to bank roll this character



Whatever folks, it's been 6 days since someone blabbed a "strategy" for making money at WW and as of 4pm this afternoon you still can't find a recipe that isn't sold out, or already out of profit range.

[/ QUOTE ]
I have two characters that are simultaneously working on field crafter. I'm fairly certain that neither one has paid more than 80% of vendor price for any of the recipes I've bought in the last week, and most of the recipes I've bought have been closer to 50% or lower of vendor price.

As with anything in the market, this technique is all about patience.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



All the lvl 40+ recipes I'm checking (all of them) are basically trading at 1/4 of their crafting value. Niche seems DEAD for now.

"Sometimes you have to roll the Hard Six." -- Adama
Teabagging Ms. Liberty - http://kk-comics.com/allmmproject/rsf21.jpg



All the lvl 40+ recipes I'm checking (all of them) are basically trading at 1/4 of their crafting value. Niche seems DEAD for now.

[/ QUOTE ]You missed one of the important points. It doesn't matter what they are trading at /right now/ because the idea is to make bids and check back a day later or so.



As with anything in the market, this technique is all about patience.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, but, that's easier SAID, than done. Some want their cash RIGHT NOW.

I have one toon that I do this guide with. I Log in, sell/buy, log out. I switch to afew alts and actually PLAY the game. Then, before I log off for the night, I go back and check to see what I bought. Grab it, sell it, buy more, log out.



Cash right now doesnt exist, the very reason you can make a profit you're basically making money from impatient people.

Sellers want to clear out their inventory, and offer a low rate withour research. Buyers want their new enhancement/badge now and dont want to wait until later to get it.

Thats not a bad thing either, time is valuable and waiting around is not always worth the extra money. For 'Marketeers' it is, for the average joe player - its not.



Don't just limit yourself to recipes. Another neat little trick I use to get some quick cash is to run to the market in Steel Canyon.

Search for SO enhancements, and filter the results to lvl 48-53, For Sale Only. Run through and check the bids that have items for sale, but no bids, and bid anywhere from 100 to 1000 inf. You can usually fill up your enhancement tray 3 or 4 times at that price.

If you stick to just Mutant and Natural enhancements - those stores are in close walking distance to the market. You should have no problem running back and forth, even at level one...and you can unload all your recipes at those stores at the same time.

[/ QUOTE ]

It seems very easy, comparatively, to clean out the market for SO's. Not a lot of people put them up for sale. IO recipes seem to have a lot more volume at Wents.

I'm not saying it didn't work when you did it, I'm saying that it could get "overfished" very easily.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



No wonder there was only one of each Mutant SO for sale when I was trying to beef up my brute's attacks.

I thought that was a bit odd until I saw this thread. I suppose this is a way to keep that Quartermaster from getting lonely up on that mountain in Sharkshead.



so yeah. i guess its safe to say this strategy is dead.

~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~

Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB




Works fine. Took my SD/WM Tank up to about 18M by level 12 or so using a variation of this approach. If you can address the periodic market fluctuations and leverage them, you can make out like a bandit...

Well, a bandit with modest expectations, at least.



so yeah. i guess its safe to say this strategy is dead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, far from it... The strategy works exactly as advertised, still. Red and Blue.

Even with I-13, 2XP, Dual Builds and the Winter Event all happening in the past 3 months,
this strategy has been viable throughout that entire timeframe (I have active characters
that have been using the approach on a near daily basis).

On any given day, a recipe may be more or less of a bargain, but I've yet to find a single
occasion where I could not fill all of my slots with profitable buys...

As I alluded to (in some detail above), the fears of depleting this market are vastly overblown.

That's not to say it *cannot* occur, but you're much liklier to have trouble finding Pool C
recipes to use yourself than you'll have finding underpriced common recipes to sell.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



This strategy seems perfectly sound to me, and in all honesty it is below the level of most high powered ebil marketeers.

The time required is pretty inefficient for me personally, all that running about. But for people who need a small nest egg, or a steady stream of cash while they play this strat is great.

Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking



The time required is pretty inefficient for me personally, all that running about.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm unclear on your meaning, could you expand on this statement?

If you look at the session times in the charts, you'll find that most were under 30 mins (total)
for an entire 2-step cycle.

Even the lowbie (in AP) with nothing more than Sprint can make a trip between the trainer (store)
and WW in ~30 seconds. More optimal zone (KR, for example) and a travel power reduces
that time, substantially (1/3 of that for my villain in Sharkhead, for instance).

One of the main reasons I like this strategy is because it is fast.

I'm a bit confused on the "efficiency" issue you raise - I've not run across many strategies
that are faster than this to execute.

I do agree that it's not a billionaire maker though... I consider that a feature for the target
audience the guide was meant for though...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Well four speed,

I just have a different strategy, one that requires less than 5 mins at the market when i log on, and less than 5 mins there once i end a session. Doing this over the last week on my new 50 I have managed to make about 200 Mill, from probably an hour total market time.

So while I see your strat as valid, and really good for people who dont have a huge bankroll. Its too time intensive for me based on the returns

PS. My start has allowed me to build up a good nest egg for my toons.


Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking



Well four speed,

I just have a different strategy, one that requires less than 5 mins at the market when i log on, and less than 5 mins there once i end a session. Doing this over the last week on my new 50 I have managed to make about 200 Mill, from probably an hour total market time.

So while I see your strat as valid, and really good for people who dont have a huge bankroll. Its too time intensive for me based on the returns

PS. My start has allowed me to build up a good nest egg for my toons.


[/ QUOTE ]

Then what you are doing is different then what FourSpeed is doing .. so it's not really right to call their tactic "inefficient'. Your 'strategy' is to build large amounts of income. Fourspeed's is to bankroll a new character, or create a modest income with ease.

Two different strats for two different desires. Sounds right to me.

Yes, it still works and probably will always work.

Did you know that, at times, there is a recipe or two that sells for more in WW/Black market then you can buy it from at a Table? More Easy money.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



I just have a different strategy, one that requires less than 5 mins at the market when i log on, and less than 5 mins there once i end a session. Doing this over the last week on my new 50 I have managed to make about 200 Mill, from probably an hour total market time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd be interested to see a strategy that can be successfully implemented by any character
of either faction, at any level, with minimal start-up funds that will make them 200M in a week,
with only 5 minutes effort at session start and end.

I look forward to reading your guide on the topic.


PS> There are *lots* of ways of making inf in the game, but comparatively few that are
easily doable by a non-market savvy player with an underfunded, lowbie toon.

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



It kills me how many people have posted on this thread saying that it no longer works... who also obviously aren't testing it, just looking at the last five prices of any given recipe. ^_^

People like that are the whole reason these kind of strategies work in the first place!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid