Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




Don't we already pay $14.99 a month for this kind of stuff?

Meh to the lot, especially the rental jetpack for inf spammers, terrible idea



You pay $15 a month for access to the servers. Period. End of statement.

The fact that NC has put out 12, and soon to be 13, entirely free huge chunks of content absolutely for free is completely above and beyond anything your $15 pays for. That's them being really nice, and caring about their fanbase.

They put these completely optional packs out so people that want the extra things, and/or want to support the development team that's been so nice to us, can do so.



Meh to the lot, especially the rental jetpack for inf spammers, terrible idea

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Ummm... where have you been?

The devs never origionally intended to offer a 30-day jet pack for sale. It was just a little perc included on the time card. It was the players themselves that asked for the option to buy the jet pack seperately. The devs were actually surprised at the request from so many players, but they gave it to us anyway.

Cripes. Sometimes I swear the devs could hand every player a sack of gold and personally fellate each and every one of us... and there will still be endless [censored]-ing on the forums!

...and I have absolutely no idea where you got that inf spammer bit from.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I remember a time not too long ago when even selling costume parts would have been thought way beyond the line. I remember a time when someone would have been called crazy for even suggesting that it could lead to selling powers. Yet here we are.

I'm genuinely curious, now that we've moved the line from gameplay-affecting to game-breaking, where is your limit of tolerance? Is everything fair game? What if they start selling access to new zones? Selling access to new archetypes? Selling access to task force/trial rewards? Straight out selling influence/infamy/prestige for cash?

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Buying City of Villains gave players access to new archetypes, powers, zones, and bases. Although everyone now has access to it, when it first came out people had to pay extra. Paying them $15 a month does not give you unlimited access to everything they develop.

If they want to do something in the game that the $15 a month can't support, they have two options:

1. Raise the subscription fees so that everyone is forced to pay for the extra development.

2. Keep the subscription fees at $15, and only charge those who actually want the extra stuff for the extra development.

Option #2 seems the most fair to me. It allows them to expand the game beyond what the basic subscription fees can pay for, while still allowing those who can only afford the $15 / month to stay in the game.

And depending on how much money they make from the Booster Packs, I'd bet that some, if not most of that money might actually go back into making more content available to everyone. So even the people not buying the Booster Packs still benefit from this.



yeah, ummmm, lets see, the game costs $19.99, has quite a few costumes that comes with it, you sell 1 costume for $9.99 ? are you going to implement the cyborg costume into new production DvD's of game and charge $29.99 now? While we are at it, going to keep adding $9.99 each time you come up with a new costume?



lets look at it this way, 100,000 x $15/mnth is 1.5 million a month. where is this not enough revenue to bring new content to the game? multiply that by 12 months and you get 18, million a year, now add the numbetr of players i forgot and you get well over 20 million a year to develop a game.

and dont forget about the other games NCSoft produces. were probly talking a 100 mil a year buisness here. well mnore then enough to add new content to all the games they provide and still amke out like a bandit.



I just used the self destruct power.
It failed to actually kill me and bring up the "go to hospital or base" prompt, but it did make my body vanish. I still had hp, and it was regenerating but I could not move, or use wakies, or do any actions whatsoever.

Anyone else have this problem?

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Yes. There are a few bugs with this power that are being worked on. Castle and Back Alley Brawler have both commented on them, and Lighthouse has a sticky post in the Tech Issues forum. Check the Dev & Community Digests for their posts.

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Logging out and back in restores your body



lets look at it this way, 100,000 x $15/mnth is 1.5 million a month. where is this not enough revenue to bring new content to the game? multiply that by 12 months and you get 18, million a year, now add the numbetr of players i forgot and you get well over 20 million a year to develop a game.

and dont forget about the other games NCSoft produces. were probly talking a 100 mil a year buisness here. well mnore then enough to add new content to all the games they provide and still amke out like a bandit.

[/ QUOTE ]Firstly, what games are you thinking earn them 80 million additional a year?

Secondly, you fail at basic economics. You fail to account for the vast number of expenses they have, such as keeping the servers active, actually paying their staff a decent wage, keeping their equipment up to date, rent and utilities in their office space...and I could go on and on. It's not like that 20 million a year is profit.

You could just as easily look at WoW and their 1 million subscribers. Is all that money not enough for them? Why do they have to charge everyone $40 for an expansion pack coming out soon?

Businesses cost money to run. Unless you're the CFO of NCNC, I don't think you're in any position to say "they have enough money to put out everything for free".



I just used the self destruct power.
It failed to actually kill me and bring up the "go to hospital or base" prompt, but it did make my body vanish. I still had hp, and it was regenerating but I could not move, or use wakies, or do any actions whatsoever.

Anyone else have this problem?

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Yes. There are a few bugs with this power that are being worked on. Castle and Back Alley Brawler have both commented on them, and Lighthouse has a sticky post in the Tech Issues forum. Check the Dev & Community Digests for their posts.

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Logging out and back in restores your body

[/ QUOTE ]Or zoning in any way. Like if someone drops an O portal for you, or you have a mission complete exit.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



i do understand economics, and yes i didn't mention all the other expenses, and yes they do have various other games that chrage a monthly fee equal to CoH/V. the fact is that after all is said and done and everything and everyone is paid they have more then enough revenue left to do what they need to and not have to charge for different in game items.

obviously you not aware that NCSoft has more then just CoH or you wouldnt have tried to flame me. so do some research before you speak. there was and is no reason to charge for a 30 temp travel power when you get 2 of them before your permanent travel power by doing radio missions. the factor behind this is greed. and why did they make it so that only the cards would get it at first for like 2 months before announcing it and that it would be charged for, and in that matter why does it cost $20 for a game card when the subsciption fee is $15.

again, do your research before you speak.



You pay $15 a month for access to the servers. Period. End of statement.

The fact that NC has put out 12, and soon to be 13, entirely free huge chunks of content absolutely for free is completely above and beyond anything your $15 pays for. That's them being really nice, and caring about their fanbase.

They put these completely optional packs out so people that want the extra things, and/or want to support the development team that's been so nice to us, can do so.

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Part of our $15 also goes to the development of issues. They are not 'free'.



and yes they do have various other games that chrage a monthly fee equal to CoH/V.

[/ QUOTE ]And how many of them have anywhere near the subscriber base of CoH? Guild Wars, which I believe comes in second, charges no monthly fees. (I could be wrong on this...but we're not exactly talking about millions of subscribers here in any case.)

the fact is that after all is said and done and everything and everyone is paid they have more then enough revenue left to do what they need to and not have to charge for different in game items.

[/ QUOTE ]No, this is your opinion. Unless you can prove that they're putting out a huge profit every year, not just with speculative imaginary numbers, you have no way to say this.

there was and is no reason to charge for a 30 temp travel power when you get 2 of them before your permanent travel power by doing radio missions.

[/ QUOTE ]Other than the fact that the players asked for it?

the factor behind this is greed.

[/ QUOTE ]No, the factor behind this is capitalism. Wanting to make money and turn a profit is not greed. It's called being a successful business.

and why did they make it so that only the cards would get it at first for like 2 months before announcing it and that it would be charged for, and in that matter why does it cost $20 for a game card when the subsciption fee is $15.

[/ QUOTE ]I believe it was an exclusive deal they had with the distributors of said cards.

And $15 for game time + $5 for jetpack = $20

Seems like you need to follow your own advice and "do your research before you speak."


Part of our $15 also goes to the development of issues. They are not 'free'.

[/ QUOTE ]You don't have to pay specifically for those issues, like you do in other MMOs, is what is meant by that statement.



if you realy want to continue, the numbers are around 32 million toons and 350,000 active accounts in this game alone. do the math.



Maybe *your* numbers are...but the numbers as of last June (the most recent I've seen) were ~138k active accounts.



oh look a 30 day jet pack for only $5!! sad. Can't wait to see what the next $5-$10 gimmick will be.



Maybe *your* numbers are...but the numbers as of last June (the most recent I've seen) were ~138k active accounts.

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Meh. May as well save your breath. The guy claims all this knowledge of economics, but doesn't even know where his SHIFT key is located. And he keeps saying crap like "do your research" while he himself totally exaggerates numbers (or pulls them completely out of thin air).

And now the Sock Puppets appear to have come along.

The bottom line is broken down into two parts:
(1) The devs only made the jet pack purchasable separately because many players asked for it.
(2) Nobody is forced to buy it.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



if you realy want to continue, the numbers are around 32 million toons and 350,000 active accounts in this game alone. do the math.

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Even at its absolute highest, this game has never had anywhere near 350,000 accounts.



if you realy want to continue, the numbers are around 32 million toons and 350,000 active accounts in this game alone. do the math.

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Even at its absolute highest, this game has never had anywhere near 350,000 accounts.

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...but if you call him out on pulling numbers out of his butt, then how will he ever score debate points by claiming that his opponents "need to do their research?"

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



There seems to be the mistaken impression that I think that having the jet pack purchasable via the game cards was a good idea. No matter how it's sold, it still boils down to $$$ = gameplay advantage.

Also, I found out a little while ago (missed this in the announcement) that the Cyborg pack includes the self-destruction power that does extreme damage. Yes, it has a self-kill component, but incurs no debt, so it's basically a purchasable modified nova power. Yet another gameplay-affecting advantage for people willing to shell out the $$$. It won't take many more of these add-on packs before a player with money has characters with an insurmountable advantage over those who don't.

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Bull, You are taking it to extream, and not being realistic about it as many are in the Rant fest of Negativity coming from many of the Nay sayers. Flying is not an advanage in the game anyone can don a dozen ways for Sunday. Yes one can fly at level one. big deal first jet back is avalibe at level five, I can get to level five in an hour.

Self-Distruct was a well thought out theme power that matched cyborgs to a T. It Debt Free because of Balance issues. Debt can be abused for a number of preposes there for it Debt Free. Ye Self Distruct will have some Synergy with self rez powers. I don't understand your point but feel that the inconvince dying off sets it, and as I read it else ware on the forums, ally rez don't work on it.

So first we pay cash for wedding stuff. then for respecs. Now if we want the "neato" cyborg stuff we better pony up some green.

I thought I already bought this game and paid $15 a month for it.

Does this mean we are gonna have to pay for new AT's and powers now to? Oops, we do pay for new powers already.

I'll keep playin, but I ain't buyin. At least not until April of next year.

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Unlike the fact that most games this old have two maybe three expasions some time much more at what 40 dollars a pop, and we have 12 issues for free? [Ands arguablly one Expantion [City of Villains]

These booster packs just have little perks in them with a few emotes thrown in. Nothing game breaking...

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Does anyone here besides me remember that when folks complained about the Valentine's Day add-on wedding pack was released, one of the big justifications for it being okay was that it didn't affect gameplay? That if you didn't want to buy it, you weren't missing out on anything, because emotes and costume pieces don't give you any advantage?

Now, we have add-ons being sold that do affect gameplay. Subpar or not, there's no denying that characters with the jetpack and self-destruction powers can do things--non-screen candy things that do make a difference in the game--that characters without them can't.

I remember a time not too long ago when even selling costume parts would have been thought way beyond the line. I remember a time when someone would have been called crazy for even suggesting that it could lead to selling powers. Yet here we are.

I'm genuinely curious, now that we've moved the line from gameplay-affecting to game-breaking, where is your limit of tolerance? Is everything fair game? What if they start selling access to new zones? Selling access to new archetypes? Selling access to task force/trial rewards? Straight out selling influence/infamy/prestige for cash?

I know, "Wow, that sure is melodramatic, Tony, that would never happen." That's what I thought about selling powers, too, but here we are.

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All the Drama, none of the Entertaiment value, nothing is being done that MMOs haven't been doing for years. There is nothing game breaking about either power.

I can't decide if it's sad or funny that people are willing to pay for something they know will vanish after 30 days. It makes me remember a couple of old sayings.

"There's a sucker born every minute."- P.T. Barnum
"A fool and his money are soon parted." -Thomas Tusser

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Well if I use the Jet pack, and it make things easier/funner for me for the price of a med. bag of beef Jerky or two bags of chips, what have I lost. Nothing, It can be worth it and I not a fool for buying something I find useful. In a world were people will spend 5 buck on a Starbucks Coffee paying for the name on the cup. Paying for 30 real day temp power is not foolish in my mind.

Damn these people were active, after reading 15 pages of this I want to blow myself up!

On to opinions about the Boosters.

I love the Cyborg pack, the features were great the Legs are outstanding! The Chest details were great I would have liked a Chest piece as well, as I do find that to be a weakness for Robots/Cyborgs. Was I the only one that saw the word Aura and knew that is be linked to the level 30 auras. Aura = Level 30 to me. I was quite Suprised at everyone misunderstanding of that. I would like to have seen a Half face opition of some kind that would have been cool. Self Distruct is awesome power and a lot of fun! I think it biggest "Abuse" will be as makeshift Travel power to quicly move around certien zones. Yes it limited by Hospitals tend to be near stuff that is useful.

The Much debated Rental Jetpack, I love it save it colours, I would have liked a more metal look with maybe a trim colour. It cheap enough for me to buy and we shall see if I buy it every month or not. It is a great way for my Natural Characters to get around, which I have to like.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I think the thing that a lot of people are missing with regaurds to the purchasable add-ons, is that this game is a hobby. You choose to do it, you choose to play it. and I gotta be blunt with this one, $15 a month, ah hell let's just say $20 a month (assuming $15 for the month +the $5 for a jet pack every month) isn't a helluva lot to pay for a hobby. I also do table top wargames as a hobby. And I gotta tell ya, compared to $3 for 2oz of paint (Yes that $3 for 2oz!!!) is a helluva lot more then $20 a month. I've become fearful of ever trying to add up what I've spent on my armies.

So I guess what I'm getting to is asking "What do people have a problem with here?" it's $20 a month, I mean come on!



oh look a 30 day jet pack for only $5!! sad. Can't wait to see what the next $5-$10 gimmick will be.

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Don't buy it then. The pack obviously doesn't interest you, so just ignore it.



Okay after being here since the begining I do see all sides, and I have to commend NCsoft for listening to us and making the jetpack available. We as a community have been asking for one and we finally have several available to us.

We have the Raptor Pack available to us from about lvl 5 to 10 safeguard missions and if used conservatively can easily allow you a temp movement power till 20, not including the zero g jump pack.

We have the Jump pack from good and evil temp power which if used in conjuction with other powers gets you where you need to be, a temp style flight if used with zero g jump pack for instance.

We have the Christmas Jingle Jet, one of the Sentinel favorite temp powers a 30 day jetpack with awesome holiday sound effects.

Now we have the Rental Pack 30 day temp power 5 bucks a month. This is bonus, would I have liked to see this as a one time purchase sure, would I have liked to see it as a recipe icon piece sure, are those both still possible yes.

Has NCsoft listen to all of us and did what is in best interest to them, COx and the players I think so.

The Cyborg pack is a nice addtion to the game like the Wedding pack it offers lots of fun things and should be considered a good value for the price.

Which brings up when was the last time you purchased a upgrade to the game itself. GvE issue ?

We have many of free issues and Issue 13 plans to be huge, and free if I understand corectly since I last checked.

15 a month, or 20 with the rent a Jet as wanted or needed overall is pretty good people. Looking foward to Issue 13 I have a base to finish building


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Okay after being here since the begining I do see all sides, and I have to commend NCsoft for listening to us and making the jetpack available. We as a community have been asking for one and we finally have several available to us.

[/ QUOTE ]
Its always nice to have devs that listen to the community.

We have the Raptor Pack available to us from about lvl 5 to 10 safeguard missions and if used conservatively can easily allow you a temp movement power till 20, not including the zero g jump pack.

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I do that all the time.

We have the Jump pack from good and evil temp power which if used in conjuction with other powers gets you where you need to be, a temp style flight if used with zero g jump pack for instance.

We have the Christmas Jingle Jet, one of the Sentinel favorite temp powers a 30 day jetpack with awesome holiday sound effects.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do like the Jingle jet!

Now we have the Rental Pack 30 day temp power 5 bucks a month. This is bonus, would I have liked to see this as a one time purchase sure, would I have liked to see it as a recipe icon piece sure, are those both still possible yes.

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Possible, but not likely, in my opinion, since its already available, albeit for $5/month.

Has NCsoft listen to all of us and did what is in best interest to them, COx and the players I think so.

The Cyborg pack is a nice addtion to the game like the Wedding pack it offers lots of fun things and should be considered a good value for the price.

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If you say so. Damned if Ill be paying $5 for a new powerset though. The powersets all that interests me about it, I dont care about costumes any more than "Does it look ok to me?".

Which brings up when was the last time you purchased a upgrade to the game itself. GvE issue ?

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Sort of. I bought the GvE edition as my first CoX game, so I didnt need to upgrade. Havent bought anything else, and probably wont, if not a new game.

We have many of free issues and Issue 13 plans to be huge, and free if I understand corectly since I last checked.

15 a month, or 20 with the rent a Jet as wanted or needed overall is pretty good people. Looking foward to Issue 13 I have a base to finish building


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If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



Either of these powers/features would be great as a veteran reward!

Why is COH recycling rewards like the Sand of Mu, etc.?



Either of these powers/features would be great as a veteran reward!

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Never happen, as that would mean that vets can essentially get a free travel power, and therefore skip taking one from a pool. It would be unbalancing.

Why is COH recycling rewards like the Sand of Mu, etc.?

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I agree with you there. The game has a lot of other temp power attacks that could have been used.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform