Discussion: Cyborg and Jetpack Boosters




Hrm. I'm all about sharing the wonders of CoX...but color me surprised and vaguely disappointed that the Booster Pack auras operate the same way as the game auras, but are treated differently. Hrm.

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Well the booster auras aren't the same as the other auras: they only can go in one spot and they only activate in combat mode.

Also you are paying 10$ for them (plus the emotes, one long recharge power, and some costume pieces).

The SE capes were a small fraction of the cost of the DVD Edition so I can see why people never complained about them since we were already complaining about levelling to 20 just to get ANY capes. That's why they gave us the vet wings and shoulder capes, so we could use them pre-20. Also the wing costume pieces allow 'early' access to wings.

While it'd be nice for the SE capes to be available from level 1 I don't think there's ENOUGH people with them that are upset to have the devs spend time coding in a way to unlock them earlier. Jay has explained (to me in person at least) some of the flaws and headaches in the current costume creator and how adding or change costume options is not a simple matter that people would think it is. It's part of the reason many costume pieces aren't in every subsection we'd think they should be in. I suspect the same mentality that went into the costume creator is the same that's made it feasibly implausible to have powerset color customization.

Things like this are why we end up with new versions of games, you can only modify an existing game engine so far.

So while the SE capes would be nice I don't think we'll see it happen due to 'return on profit' from them compared to possible future sales of the cyborg booster.



Well the booster auras aren't the same as the other auras: they only can go in one spot and they only activate in combat mode.

Also you are paying 10$ for them (plus the emotes, one long recharge power, and some costume pieces).

The SE capes were a small fraction of the cost of the DVD Edition so I can see why people never complained about them since we were already complaining about levelling to 20 just to get ANY capes. That's why they gave us the vet wings and shoulder capes, so we could use them pre-20. Also the wing costume pieces allow 'early' access to wings.

While it'd be nice for the SE capes to be available from level 1 I don't think there's ENOUGH people with them that are upset to have the devs spend time coding in a way to unlock them earlier. Jay has explained (to me in person at least) some of the flaws and headaches in the current costume creator and how adding or change costume options is not a simple matter that people would think it is. It's part of the reason many costume pieces aren't in every subsection we'd think they should be in. I suspect the same mentality that went into the costume creator is the same that's made it feasibly implausible to have powerset color customization.

Things like this are why we end up with new versions of games, you can only modify an existing game engine so far.

So while the SE capes would be nice I don't think we'll see it happen due to 'return on profit' from them compared to possible future sales of the cyborg booster.

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I fail to see what they lose from applying this same rule to the SE capes. They are already working on this for the aura's, so if they figure it out, it sounds like it would be reasonably possible to apply it to the capes as well. I don't see how comparing Vet rewards can compare since that's waiting 15 to 21 months of play (if I remember correctly) to get those other options rather than dropping an extra 10 dollars (for the pack or for the DVD versions) to get them now. Since they are already working on making it possible and since it's actually possible to still get the DVD capes for the game, it only seems like a fair thing to ask for.

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Loving it!

As an altoholic I only have a handful of characters at 30 or higher and more than 40 below that point. The 2 or 3 characters I have that will use those auras are all below 30.

IM SO HAPPY! well, ok, thats an exaggeration, but its still pretty damm cool

If your curious the characters are on my page under my sig.

Agent Pavlichenko and Sturmhammer to be precise

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Thank you, thank you, thank you...Great to hear this news!!!



Nice to hear about the Cyborg auras being available at level 1. When you pay extra for something, you really want to use it from the beginning of your character's lifespan.



Nice to hear about the Cyborg auras being available at level 1. When you pay extra for something, you really want to use it from the beginning of your character's lifespan.

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Amen to that. I don't mind some stuff being unlockable, like the vanguard and roman sets. But booster packs, with thier $10 charge should be free use to all once you purchase

Well done NCSoft, who says you never listen

Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
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Great news about the auras being usable at level 1. This will make it easier to make my cyborg warrior!

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



This is indeed great news. The only other change to the combat aura's that I'd love to see (but am not expecting to happen) would be for the aura to still be seen when using certain armor types like Granite.

Seeing a granite stoner's eyes light up in battle would be nifty.



I am pleased to hear that CAs are going to be useable at Lvl 1.

I only wish that they were separate from the normal auras that we unlock at Lvl 30. Meh, I'll live with foregoing Lvl 30 Auras on a character or two to use the CAs I paid for. Maybe one day we will have options for CAs at Lvl 1 and be able to add the Lvl 30 Auras when we get that far.

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Awesome. Now when do we get the top portion of the Cyborg outfit? I can't think of a single valid reason why a costume would be released incomplete, while charging to obtain said incomplete set.

We'll see....




Dev's --- PLEASE PLEASE while you are working this out, please do not forget to tag these auras for SG mode color settings. Often, the other special costume pieces available at level one including shoulder capes and angel and demon wings default to SG colors when in SG mode. Most of the time, until you unlock capes and have a costume with a cape, you cannot correct this and can get forced to play with a miscolored back piece. I'd hate to see the same happen for these special auras.



I am pleased to hear that CAs are going to be useable at Lvl 1.

I only wish that they were separate from the normal auras that we unlock at Lvl 30. Meh, I'll live with foregoing Lvl 30 Auras on a character or two to use the CAs I paid for. Maybe one day we will have options for CAs at Lvl 1 and be able to add the Lvl 30 Auras when we get that far.

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Well it seems the mechanics for multi auras do exist. Before they removed the aura/visuals from mayhem/safeguard temp powers like the ones from PI, Talos, Brick, and FF you could have them all plus your costume aura and still have a visibile aura bestowed to you from an empowerment station.

So multiple aura's might well be possible, just a bit of a pain to code



I think this is a great move to allow us auras from lvl 1 and on. We paid for these items so it makes sense to get them ASAP. Good move, DEVS!



When I bought the pack I assumed the auras were available at lvl 1. I was a bit sad when i realized different but I just blew it off. The rest of it is good and after lvl 30 it was complete.
This is just a bonus. It's now become what I originally thought it was. I was happy before and now I am happier.

Question to a redname though:
I am curious to the devs. Was this planned from the beginning but a glitch or something made it lvl 30+ or did you guys just change your minds after looking at the situation post release?

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Dev's --- PLEASE PLEASE while you are working this out, please do not forget to tag these auras for SG mode color settings. Often, the other special costume pieces available at level one including shoulder capes and angel and demon wings default to SG colors when in SG mode. Most of the time, until you unlock capes and have a costume with a cape, you cannot correct this and can get forced to play with a miscolored back piece. I'd hate to see the same happen for these special auras.

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Just so you know, if you visit the talor with an outfit that has bugged parts like that on the SG Color screen, the parts will show up when you go to the SG Color screen.

I've had to do this to fix shoulder capes and wings. It's not perfect, but it's a workaround until they fix this bug.

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Permanent jet packs would be awesome. None of the travel options really jive with the RP story of my hero (he's just a regular guy that relies on technology, and not silly tech at that) so the raptor pack is literally my only realistic option for travel.

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Again, as many have already pointed out, permanent packs would allow you to skip your travel power, freeing up not just two power selections but an entire pool. Not. Going. To. Happen.

Your "regular guy" just needs to have the costume option of a jetpack. You'd still have to take fly, but whenever you were flying around, you just switch costumes to the one with the jet pact. It's something that the players have been asking for for quite some time. And SexyJay is working on them as we speak.

But for that matter, you already have "just a regular guy that relies on technology" options. You can get tech wings, rocket boots, or piston boots as costume options.

But you're not going to get to buy permanent travel powers with cash monies.

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Will these "jetpack" costume options actually look like they're turned on/running when flight powers are engaged? Like, does turning on flight powers make fire or wash come out of the nozzles?

Or do the jetpack costume options just look "always on?" It would be nice if it was automated to the point that when flight powers were activated they "engaged" to look like they were actually in use.



I would imagine the jetpacks would act like the jet boots, activate when fly is on and off when fly is off.

I'm happy that they are allowing the Combat Auras at lvl 1. I'm hoping this is the first step to separating the Combat Auras from the regular auras and allowing you to get both.

In reading some of the posts above regarding the GvE cape, I'm not sure I agree with making it available at level 1. It's a "cape" that is available to you when you earn a cape. I don't think you can compare that issue with Combat Auras since Combat Auras are a new feature. With allowing CAs at level one, I think that shows it. I do think they should have the GvE cape available as a shoulder cape though. Not having it as an option there doesn't make sense.



Okay, most of the posts in here have changed my tune.

Now...since the Booster auras are not the same as the regular costume auras in any way...can we have our costume aura AND Booster aura, then?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



That's the suggestion I've been making in almost every thread on the topic



Awesome. Now when do we get the top portion of the Cyborg outfit? I can't think of a single valid reason why a costume would be released incomplete, while charging to obtain said incomplete set.

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The top pieces were in at launch. Try selecting the Cyborg full costume option. The cyborg pieces are under robotic arms.

Also, I'm glad that they changed this to lvl 1. I thought it was kind of strange (character-wise) to be a cyborg that had to wait 30 lvls to get glowing eyes or a heads up display.




Yes, cause the SE capes do not come in Shoulder Cape style, only normal style. And you paid extra for those two capes. All I'm saying is if they are going to change the rule for this non-vet, paid for extra, then they should do it for the others. Currently the only way to use my paid for DVD edition capes is to lvl to 20 and earn them, even though I paid for them ahead of time. However I knew that was coming. Players already knew aura's had to be unlocked before using them, but complained about this. I'm simply saying if they are going to do this, which isn't a bad idea, then it should apply to the capes as well.

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Well my only complaint is that they directly made them "combat aura" not "aura" these aura's are tiny by comparison, and aren't always on. If they would have made more aura options that encompassed more of the body or made options to have them always on, I wouldn't mind waiting. At least your capes are on all the time when you get them, and there not little midget capes either.

Though I can see your point about the fact that the situation is similar and should get them early.



Lighthouse has just posted announcement that Cyborg Auras will be changed so as to be available at level 1 instead of unlocking at 30

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I can see why they did it, but that seems hardly fair. I hope they intend to do this for the Special Edition capes as well, after all we had to pay extra for them too.

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What do you mean? Still only the people who purchased the pack can use the auras.

They just don't have to reach level 30 and complete the aura mission first.

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And only people that bought the DVD versions of the game can use the capes they came with, but we still have to wait til lvl 20 to earn them.

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The DVD didn't cost you extra. Meaning it didn't cost you game+x, it just cost you what the game cost. The special edition capes were free. If you decided to re buy the game just to get the special cape, then you chose to buy the game all over again.

You didn't pay a specific extra amount just for the cape. You decided to buy the game again to get the free cape. Thats the big difference.

I for one am glad that combat auras are available at level 1 now.



Awesome. Now when do we get the top portion of the Cyborg outfit? I can't think of a single valid reason why a costume would be released incomplete, while charging to obtain said incomplete set.

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The top pieces were in at launch. Try selecting the Cyborg full costume option. The cyborg pieces are under robotic arms.

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Sadly, you are mistaken. There is no Cyborg top piece. The costume set uses ExProto as it's top piece. So no, it is not a complete costume set. At least this is true for the female side, male side may have it *shrug*

We'll see....



I love the Cyborg Pack, but was a little disappointed in it not including a Cyborg Chest. Yes, there are a few pieces that can you can use, but I was hoping for a see-thru robotic chest (similar to the Clockwork but prettier).