Discussion: Tuesday's Patch Delayed




do away with the bugs that make the would make the live patch a nightmare.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buff icons? Broadsword vs. Katana balance horribly mangled? Half the cone attacks in the game not working?



right now there are 4 ppl on champ lol

~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~

Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB



You really want to know what happened... The Feds aren't the only ones with phone Taps.

Service Rep: Sir, something has burned within your power supply.

Positron: I bet that there is some command that I can put into
the AUTOEXEC.BAT that will take care of this.

Service Rep: There is nothing that software can do to help you with
this problem.

Positron: I know that there is something that I can put in...
some command... maybe it should go into the

[After a few minutes of going round and round]

Service Rep: Okay, I am not supposed to tell anyone this but there
is a hidden command in some versions of DOS that you
can use. I want you to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add
the last line as COSNOSMOKE and reboot your

[Customer does this]

Positron: It is still smoking.

Service Rep: I guess you'll need to call Microsoft and ask them for
a patch for the NOSMOKE.EXE.

[The customer then hung up. We thought that we had
heard the last of this guy but NO... he calls back
four hours later]

Service Rep: Hello Sir, how is your computer?

Positron: I called Microsoft and they said that my power supply
is incompatible with their NOSMOKE.EXE and that I need
to get a new one. I was wondering, where can I get it
done and how much it will cost..

(An oldie but a goodie)

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



I noticed all of Lighthouse's reponses to various questions and I just wondered how many times he had to delete what he wrote and start all over again...

You ungrateful little brats!!! GROW UP...

<deletes all> <takes deep breaths and counts to ten> <starts over>

On Tuesday, June 10th, we uncovered a last minute issue with the planned game update that was scheduled to go out to the Live servers. As a result of this, we have delayed this update and it will not go into effect today.

Additionally, the maintenance necessary to revert the patch out is running over the planned 8 AM Pacific (11 AM Eastern) end time. We'll update this thread when the servers are back up. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.



SERVERS are almost back up, you can check the status of the servers here

Server status

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I hate you.

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dont tell me thats twice?!?




He's probably referring to the frequent crashes we've been seeing on Virtue and Freedom lately...

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Hi Reiska,

Just to set the record straight, Freedom had a brief interruption on Sunday, but outside of that one incident, both Virtue and Freedom have been online and connected (outside of announced server maintenance) with thousands of players playing on them just fine. If you are encountering difficulty in staying connected, please be sure to let us know about it via the in game /petition command or on the website



Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



right now there are 4 ppl on champ lol

[/ QUOTE ]

You sure those aren't the devs there? ROFL



Couldn't you send in-game emails in advance about non-scheduled maintainence to everyone if you know it's going to occur. Not just post it in obscure forums that most people don't even know about?



Just for you Evil.

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They're just so cute. Look at the young'uns go. And yet, Mick hasn't aged a day (or he's always looked like an old man).

Notice nobody complaining about lip syncing back then. It was just a great straight up song and a great straight up performance.

/* Trip of nostalgia ends feeling comfortably numb */

* Freedom -
PlanetStar - 26 Earth/Kin
Mary GoldThorne 18 Corr
* Infinity -
BoltStar - 28 Blaster
PlanetStar - 24 Earth/Kin
Tempest Howl - 30 Def Son/Son



Couldn't you send in-game emails in advance about non-scheduled maintainence to everyone if you know it's going to occur. Not just post it in obscure forums that most people don't even know about?

[/ QUOTE ]If people don't know about the official City of forums it's not because they are obscure, it's because they choose to be ignorant. The official site and forums has always been the source ot get info, including a link at the log in screen and in game tips on the load screens saying such things.



Why do you always do this on my day off
It's like you know my schedule or something!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

You and me both...



I did that and i still have a bug in my lvl 50 ice blaster, when i log in i dont see any baddies or contacts and i cant leave to another city, it wont let me on the train or take tunnels and i cant open doors to get in the buildings like the university, is this the bug they're fixing?



Swweet.... Triumph is up!... Up! Up! and aw...er... clobbering ti...hmmm Avengers assem.... oh heck.... time to get bad guys!



do away with the bugs that make the would make the live patch a nightmare.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buff icons? Broadsword vs. Katana balance horribly mangled? Half the cone attacks in the game not working?

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me define what I classify as a nightmare. Client Crashing bugs that you cannot avoid, holes in maps where /stuck wont work on, things like that. I am aware of the known issues list about the client crash if you alt from your sg base, but there were others that were not this avoidable in beta.



I did that and i still have a bug in my lvl 50 ice blaster, when i log in i dont see any baddies or contacts and i cant leave to another city, it wont let me on the train or take tunnels and i cant open doors to get in the buildings like the university, is this the bug they're fixing?

[/ QUOTE ]That's an out of synch error. Result of your client saying something and the server saying something different. The only way to fix that is to relog or to teleport (or get teleported).



I did that and i still have a bug in my lvl 50 ice blaster, when i log in i dont see any baddies or contacts and i cant leave to another city, it wont let me on the train or take tunnels and i cant open doors to get in the buildings like the university, is this the bug they're fixing?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi iceninja,

We have a discussion thread about this issue (that is not specific to Issue 12) in the Technical Issues Forum. You can find more information by clicking that link.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



do away with the bugs that make the would make the live patch a nightmare.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buff icons? Broadsword vs. Katana balance horribly mangled? Half the cone attacks in the game not working?

No, I think the devs swung and missed and got their hands forced by Age of Conan's launch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me define what I classify as a nightmare. Client Crashing bugs that you cannot avoid, holes in maps where /stuck wont work on, things like that. I am aware of the known issues list about the client crash if you alt from your sg base, but there were others that were not this avoidable in beta.

Also I really dont understand why people mention the not so similar competition as this stuff does not make the devs hands sweat at all. The devs have jobs to do and it is not to worry about other MMO's.

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I did find one of them global bugs. The safeguard for Founders Falls has one on the Arson Side Mission. After you complete it successfully, you exit the side mission to find yourself beneath the map.



I did find one of them global bugs. The safeguard for Founders Falls has one on the Arson Side Mission. After you complete it successfully, you exit the side mission to find yourself beneath the map.

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I had that happen to me as well but /stuck got me out of it. It's never happened since.



I think that's missing the point - would it really be so hard to email people ingame in advance to notify of non-maintaince schedules? I don't think so.



Virtue didn't have any full-blown crashes like Freedom did, but at least twice that same night I and everyone else on the VU2008 global channel (several hundred strong) all mapservered at once for long enough to get logged out of the game. Something was wonky. :P




I did find one of them global bugs. The safeguard for Founders Falls has one on the Arson Side Mission. After you complete it successfully, you exit the side mission to find yourself beneath the map.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the bug report! If you run into other such issues, please be sure to tell us about it via the in game commands /petition or /bug and/or visit the Technical Issues forum.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Darnitall. I was really looking forward to having a working portable crafting tableĀ…



Couldn't you send in-game emails in advance about non-scheduled maintainence to everyone if you know it's going to occur. Not just post it in obscure forums that most people don't even know about?

[/ QUOTE ]If people don't know about the official City of forums it's not because they are obscure, it's because they choose to be ignorant. The official site and forums has always been the source ot get info, including a link at the log in screen and in game tips on the load screens saying such things.

[/ QUOTE ]I think that's missing the point - would it really be so hard to email people ingame in advance to notify of non-maintaince schedules? I don't think so. And actually, I doubt most people are choosing to be ignorant, they probably just don't have any idea that the information exists.



I think that's missing the point - would it really be so hard to email people ingame in advance to notify of non-maintaince schedules? I don't think so.

[/ QUOTE ]And I doubt people would pay attention to it to begin with. I check my email almost every other day.