Discussion: Tuesday's Patch Delayed




Is that why i cant login or is my connection that bad today?

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The servers are currently down. We'll post here when they are back up.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



TRANSLATION: We fixed a lot of bugs. We realized there was an exploit in the new version. We are reverting back to the buggy version for now. We are not telling you what the exploit was.






so I got forcefully disconnected because of no warning about server downtime, three quarters of the way through my respec, just for a non update/patch! Must have been a biggie game stopper or at least I hope so to warrant this occurence!

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Hmmm... I wonder if...

...nah. *twiddles thumbs*


"Look out! It's the monk of funk!" - @Hermetic
"With, Keil you just can't fail. >.>" - @Wrax



You guys have me worried now. Twice now, you've lost the Community/Dev Digests, now the scheduled patch isn't ready, and I'm still not sure if y'all got the Toon Server Transfer tool back online again.

Is everything ok?



Anybody know what changes they're making?




You guys have me worried now. Twice now, you've lost the Community/Dev Digests, now the scheduled patch isn't ready, and I'm still not sure if y'all got the Toon Server Transfer tool back online again.

Is everything ok?

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It's what happens when you eat pizza around keyboards.



of course, the day when both my parents have work, and my friend has a half day from school. Does anyone know about how long this will take? 30 mins, 1 hour, 40 days and 40 nights?

In the meantime ill play halo 3. my gamertag is: el pescador 15
your all welcome to party up.

~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~

Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB



What to do now before work... surf the net maybe...

eww found additional info on the delay you can check it here..




While I appreciate the reservation to implement a bugged patch into the live servers, I really wish this discernment had been present for the deployment of Issue 12 in the first place. I'm already upset that many of these bugs have been in place for three weeks without fixes. In learning that this new update is faulty, I am losing faith in your ability to properly support your own game.

At least you were able to identify the problem, and I hope this patch will be corrected so these bug fixes can be implemented ASAP.

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New Features patch ---> fix bugs from that patch with a new patch -----> repeat for each patch ad nauseum.

This is SOP for every MMO that ever was, or ever will be. If you were expecting it to be like a regular PC game (and even those have several patches, usually) you got off at the wrong stop.

Issue 12 is not as broken as the DOOOM-criers want you to believe. Minor annoyances, mostly. No different than any other issue they've put out, and probably better than a few of them.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.




You guys have me worried now. Twice now, you've lost the Community/Dev Digests, now the scheduled patch isn't ready, and I'm still not sure if y'all got the Toon Server Transfer tool back online again.

Is everything ok?

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The loss of the digests was because we migrated to new server hardware for the forums in anticipation of future upgrades. The digests (is that a word?) really have no impact on the live game.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



While I appreciate the reservation to implement a bugged patch into the live servers, I really wish this discernment had been present for the deployment of Issue 12 in the first place. I'm already upset that many of these bugs have been in place for three weeks without fixes. In learning that this new update is faulty, I am losing faith in your ability to properly support your own game.

At least you were able to identify the problem, and I hope this patch will be corrected so these bug fixes can be implemented ASAP.

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You do realize that with an application as large and complex as an MMO, it's near on impossible to release a completely bug-free version, right? Bugs will always be there, plain and simple. Be happy that they're patching them in as little time as it's taken (for the major ones anyway), some applications retain bugs for YEARS before an update comes to repair the holes.

Off Topic: WOOT! First post after a redname! (First time EVAR for me!)


35218 - Shocking Developments - Where's Gameamp!?
44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.



Don't forget... it's all a Nemesis plot.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



In talking with our Operations Team, it looks like the servers will be back up very soon (less than an hour) from now (it's apx 8:30 AM Pacific / 11:30 AM Eastern as I write this).

Thanks again for your patience.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Thanks Lighthouse. Give props to those who got it up and running again so quickly.



What to do now before work... surf the net maybe...

eww found additional info on the delay you can check it here..


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you just pwnt half the forums. i salute you.

~the poster formally known as GI_Shmo~

Champion- Always BS/WP Scrapper, Difficult Bots/Dark MM
Infin- Peace Pirate PB



The patch was to fix all the heroside problems with PvP, however some stalkers got into the system and hacked it to pieces.

"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."

Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher



Besides MMOs do build up an immunity to pesticides which can also be a problem with superbugs. LOL



What to do now before work... surf the net maybe...

eww found additional info on the delay you can check it here..


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you just pwnt half the forums. i salute you.

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I thank you Sir! My original attempt was in bad taste... my appologies Light...



So.......instead of a patch do we get a patch for the patch, or do we get unpatched which means everything falls apart and the game resets back to Issue 1? Just for clarification...

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Sorry if any of you were confused by my message. The Live servers will stay at version 17.20080521.1 that they have been running on since May 28th with Issue 12: Midnight Hour in full effect. We will not be updating to version 17.20080528.1 that is currently in testing on the Training Room as we had previously planned. We'll update you shortly with details of what will be going to the Live servers when. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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... what about those of us that had started downloading and applying the new patch, before it got pulled? Are we S.O.L. ...?



With only 15 people actually working on COX now, I'd say they are doing an awesome job. Keep it up.



What are they nerfing now?