


Being in a ST with lots of Electric we see most mobs with floored End. Boy do they like to take off! But without a Troller to lock them down even a Tank has trouble keeping them around and then they scatter. Kinda defeats the purpose of draining their End doesn't it?

My suggestion is to give every Mob their Brawl attack at 0 End cost so they always have at least something to attack with. Otherwise some Powers require special support to work and now we're back to having to spec-build a team.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



My Necro/Dark MM, I discovered that if I hit a Boss grade mob with my Howling Twilight, even though it's magnitude isn't high enough to disorient them, they run immediately. It's extremely annoying to use that to try and disable minions, and have a boss suddenly sprint away unless I have Tar Patch down already.



Rommy fled today from my Fire/SR scrapper in the final ITF mish. The tank was busy taunting away the healing nictus and we had no immobs. I was "tanking" Rommy and he actually ran around a bit before jumping up on the roof of the temple and onto the hills. LMAO.

I think it was some combination of the DOT from Fire Melee, plus him missing me a lot (due to /SR). Really sucked though. He's a freakin' AV and I'm a lvl 50 Fire Scrapper. Rawr.

"Sometimes you have to roll the Hard Six." -- Adama
Teabagging Ms. Liberty -



I don't know what they changed but I am not enjoying it. Half the time an enemy takes ONE hit and runs. I lost a mission today when the elite boss mob (Biff) I was sent to kill took a single hit and ran right to the exit of the mission and exited! I kept knocking him down, he'd get up and run again. I wish they would change it.



I don't know what they changed but I am not enjoying it. Half the time an enemy takes ONE hit and runs. I lost a mission today when the elite boss mob (Biff) I was sent to kill took a single hit and ran right to the exit of the mission and exited! I kept knocking him down, he'd get up and run again. I wish they would change it.

[/ QUOTE ]Biff is programmed to run, and he's super fast, and immune to slows. That's the problem with runners who can cause missions to fail, you have to make sure they die before they get away.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



It could be obsevational bias but I "SEEM" to get fewer runners on villain side

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



I've noticed something myself... I put an anchor power on an enemy, it almost immediantly runs. If I'm lucky, it may make one or two attacks before bolting, but for the most part, an Anchor power seems to be a signal for the victim to run.

I don't dare use one as an opener. If I don't already have the targets Aggro, placing the anchor on it just makes it bolt... usually to aggro everything else it can reach.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I've noticed something myself... I put an anchor power on an enemy, it almost immediantly runs. If I'm lucky, it may make one or two attacks before bolting, but for the most part, an Anchor power seems to be a signal for the victim to run.

I don't dare use one as an opener. If I don't already have the targets Aggro, placing the anchor on it just makes it bolt... usually to aggro everything else it can reach.

[/ QUOTE ]Castle has said the AI reacts to debuffs by often running away because it thinks it won't win the fight. So more often than not, an anchor mob will end up running away.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



I've noticed something myself... I put an anchor power on an enemy, it almost immediantly runs. If I'm lucky, it may make one or two attacks before bolting, but for the most part, an Anchor power seems to be a signal for the victim to run.

I don't dare use one as an opener. If I don't already have the targets Aggro, placing the anchor on it just makes it bolt... usually to aggro everything else it can reach.

[/ QUOTE ]Castle has said the AI reacts to debuffs by often running away because it thinks it won't win the fight. So more often than not, an anchor mob will end up running away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which kinda defeats the whole purpose of the anchor powers. So... unless we've got an immobilize or a hold in our build... Anchors more detrimental than anything else?

Well THAT sucks...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I've noticed something myself... I put an anchor power on an enemy, it almost immediantly runs. If I'm lucky, it may make one or two attacks before bolting, but for the most part, an Anchor power seems to be a signal for the victim to run.

I don't dare use one as an opener. If I don't already have the targets Aggro, placing the anchor on it just makes it bolt... usually to aggro everything else it can reach.

[/ QUOTE ]Castle has said the AI reacts to debuffs by often running away because it thinks it won't win the fight. So more often than not, an anchor mob will end up running away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which kinda defeats the whole purpose of the anchor powers. So... unless we've got an immobilize or a hold in our build... Anchors more detrimental than anything else?

Well THAT sucks...

[/ QUOTE ]

I played a rad emission character before, so I am familiar with the running. but something is most certainly bugged, as they run as soon as the toggle lands, not before. My mastermind likewise has faced many fleeing foes. This is, I can say with fair certainty, a new bug, not old AI. It needs some attention from the developers.



Just sent in a bug report this morning about this. I play an Energy/Traps corruptor at lvl 34. I was facing a Red Council Lieut. so that would make him lvl 36. I set out some traps, ie Caltrops, Acid Mortar, and Seeker Drones. Then fired one Power Burst (which missed) and ducked back around a corner to pull him into my trap.

He ran away.

Why should a red lieut. be this afraid of a solo corruptor?

Well because he can see my traps...even though they are out of sight. If I would just fire and duck behind without traps, he'd be pulled like I'd normally expect. But because I have to protect myself, and set my Acid Mortar, out of sight, he STILL runs away?

This is broken. This character is not playable if I cannot pull my foes back into a boobietrap.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Yesterday I played an ITF and had Romulus run away.

It was on the third lag-hell of a mission. The Romulus Phalanx computer was destroyed. Requiem was successfully pulled and killed, along with half a dozen soldiers perhaps. Then Romulus was successfully pulled...

He jumped down to the cleared space where the control computer used to be...looked at the gathered bunch of blasters, controllers and whatnot... and turned tail and ran!

This is getting [censored] STUPID!



Yesterday I played an ITF and had Romulus run away.

It was on the third lag-hell of a mission. The Romulus Phalanx computer was destroyed. Requiem was successfully pulled and killed, along with half a dozen soldiers perhaps. Then Romulus was successfully pulled...

He jumped down to the cleared space where the control computer used to be...looked at the gathered bunch of blasters, controllers and whatnot... and turned tail and ran!

This is getting [censored] STUPID!

[/ QUOTE ]

Our ITF team once had to chase him back up the ramps...all the way to the top...aggroing everything along the way.

I can see it if some uber-goober Av gets down to 1/4 health and the damage suddenly pierced his egocentric brain and tells him to run. But running from the first hit of a team? Please...

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



Everyone here does realize that if you just have a little patience the running enemies will come back, right? Use the time to Rest or whatnot until they return. That's what I do. I'm not anxious to follow them to my imminent doom. I realize that I have more patience than most these days, but really, it doesn't take much.



Everyone here does realize that if you just have a little patience the running enemies will come back, right? Use the time to Rest or whatnot until they return. That's what I do. I'm not anxious to follow them to my imminent doom. I realize that I have more patience than most these days, but really, it doesn't take much.

[/ QUOTE ] I also find that the more you chase after then, the farther they will run. It seems they don't turn around and come back until they get a certain distance away from you first.. so go ahead and just wait and they will.. BRB



Everyone here does realize that if you just have a little patience the running enemies will come back, right? Use the time to Rest or whatnot until they return. That's what I do. I'm not anxious to follow them to my imminent doom. I realize that I have more patience than most these days, but really, it doesn't take much.

[/ QUOTE ]
Sometimes. We pulled Rom down on the 3rd mission of the ITF, he headed straight for the computer... then turned around and ran right back up the stairs, dragging all the toggle debuffs with him. Even with the Tank spamming taunt, he refused to stay still and kept running amok, dragging back enemies.

Then there was the Mender Tesseract SF I soloed on my MM - Marchand is a real pushover of a hero, powers-wise, but he wouldn't stop running and I ended up chasing him all over the map, up and down the tower he spawns at the top of. Very frustrating because it took me about 20 minutes to kill.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Everyone here does realize that if you just have a little patience the running enemies will come back, right? Use the time to Rest or whatnot until they return. That's what I do. I'm not anxious to follow them to my imminent doom. I realize that I have more patience than most these days, but really, it doesn't take much.

[/ QUOTE ]

"...You must learn patience."
"Yeah, yeah, patience, how long does that take?"

That's all well and good, but, I'm not playing a game to sit back and do nothing. This would bother me less if they didn't come back, but you would eventually find them cowering in a corner or having joined another mob somewhere down the line.

As it stands, them running away is both idiotic and annoying. The other night when EVERY SINGLE MOB would have someone run off, and given that I was soloing a defender I could neither generate the damage to stop them, nor afford to have him come back while I was fighting another mob, I was ready to just log off.

If it hadn't been double XP weekend I'd have quit in disgust (the session, not the game). As it was, as soon as I finished the mission I changed toons.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Everyone here does realize that if you just have a little patience the running enemies will come back, right? Use the time to Rest or whatnot until they return. That's what I do. I'm not anxious to follow them to my imminent doom. I realize that I have more patience than most these days, but really, it doesn't take much.

[/ QUOTE ]

It depends on what you're fighting. Some things will come back significantly if not fully healed.

Some of them will simply run off again when you re-engage them, making waiting on them to return pretty pointless.

And it's still frustrating. It doesn't add challenge in the general sense. It just adds delay. And for some situations, it is radically immersion breaking. Having to chase Scrapyard all over kingdom come while he goes on about how cowardly you are is ludicrous. Having him then run into a drone or just disappear because his spawn timer expired is absolutely asinine.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I was fighting this stalker in RV, and I kicked him in the he high tails it away -

OH WAIT! that was a PLAYER.


I have mobs run away all the time...but that's why I take taunt...I taunt em and they stop and turn around or even worse (for them) they come back and try to attack me. It's not fullproof, but it has saved me a lot of time getting my toon to 50.

I would say to the players that fought the jade spider, statesman, eocchai, etc and they all ran from ya...

It wasn't the AI, its your toons were too powerful for them...and programmatically they knew it...

Maybe you should have wimpier IO's in your toons or something - that way the critters won't be so intimidated and have such an inferiority complex



I find that applying debuff toggles on a boss/EB/AV before they are engaged in close combat will have a high probability of causing their flight. So as a rule I generally don't apply toggles until they are truly engaged. Not saying that the AI doesn't need to be looked at but that is my work around.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Here's a list of the particular baddies that run away in my experience, some to a degree more annoying then others but all of these particular baddies run away AI is none the less quite annoying

If a group isn't mentioned here then I haven't experience annoying-type run away by them.

Hellion minions run away fairly often in missions when the mob is reduced to only one of them.

CoT ghost run away in missions a lot as do the Earth/Air casters. The Casters also like to get out of melee range and always pull back the the edge of their ranged attacks.

Freak Tanks run very often as do the Juicer Chiefs.

Outcasts usually have one of the mob minions run away when you attack outside missions.

Trolls Gardvors run away somewhat but not too much in missions, but one of the minions usually runs away when you attack a mob outside of missions.

Banished floating Masks run away quite frequently.

Family, one of the minions from a mob often runs away when outside missions.

Tsoo the Sorcerers like to run away to the far reaches of the map in addition to them doing that annoying automatic teleport away thing after being attacked.

Witches run around like a spastic gerbils to get out of melee range to the edge of their ranged attacks. The minions also like to just run for a moment out of line of sight then come back. They, next to the CoT, are the most annoying.

Crey Paragon Protectors run away somewhat.

Sky Raider Porters always 'port away after a few second of them attacking.

Lost, one of the minions will often run away from the mob in outside missions.

Rikti, the teleporter dude, I forget his name, is very much like the Sky Raider Porter and always teleports away after it lands a few attackes.

Devouring Earth swarms of course always run away. In fact when a mission won't complete they are often the culprit and where everyone ends up searching for the swarm.

The part of the run away that is particularly annoying is that not only do they often run all the way across the map, but they also lose aggro and then WALK back to their origin so you have to spend a couple minutes waiting for them or run off trying to find them.

These are the ones I can recall.



Ok, I'm new, so take my opinion for what it's worth.

If you were snagging some old lady's purse...and Superman showed up and punched you in the face...would you turn and face him for a showdown or haul outta there?

To me it adds a bit of ain't easy to chase 'em down...but it seems to me to make sense.

This from a guy who is level 6 and has played 4 hours. Sooo...feel free to discount this post as you feel is appropriate.



Hmm. I like your point of view on it.



Ok, I'm new, so take my opinion for what it's worth.

If you were snagging some old lady's purse...and Superman showed up and punched you in the face...would you turn and face him for a showdown or haul outta there?

To me it adds a bit of ain't easy to chase 'em down...but it seems to me to make sense.

This from a guy who is level 6 and has played 4 hours. Sooo...feel free to discount this post as you feel is appropriate.

[/ QUOTE ]None of our heroes are on the same level as superman. When a bunch of hellions run from my level 3 peacebringer, I question the AI. Don't get me started on when AVs like Rommy from the ITF decide to run like a little girl.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR