Discussion: Changes to Task/Strike Force Missions




<ul type="square">5. No “I Demand Answers” threads[/list]
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AKA: If we don't feel like giving you an answer, we have a "rule" to hide behind.



******* News Flash*********

Miracle+ recovery sells for 100 mill
Lotg+ rech sells for 100 mill

These are record prices. If you dont believe me go check the BM sales logs.

Thanks Dev's . Good job!!!!!!!!!!! I applaud you for killing the lifeblood of an already anemic BM. Way to go!!!

Less than a week with this change and its ALREADY happenning. ARGH! I had hoped to pick up a few for a piddly 60 mill and resell them later for 200 mill a pop. If you have funds on redside? Now is the time to scoop up pool C uniques and sit on them for a month. Don't delay or you will miss out. AS stated above they are already at 100 million as oppossed to 40-60.

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Proof that this change is comprised of epic failure.

Roll it back.

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Can you please provide Screenshots of the BM's UI for those 2 enhs &amp; their sell price?

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I didn't take screenies but this has been grossly misrepresented.

1 LOTG L40 +Rech for 100 mill was sold on 2/15

I checked the rest and the prices were all like they were

Lv 50 LoTGs sold were as follows 55 mill 2/16, 51 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15, 60 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15


1 lv 30 Miracle was sold for 80 mill on 2/9 , and for 100 mill on 2/05

1 lv 25 Miracle was sold for 11.5 mill on 2/9

lv 40 miracles 60 mill on 2/16, 55 mill on 2/12

All the rest of the miracles are in the 30-70 mill range.

There just hasn't been enough market activity to make a determination yet.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




IF they really want to fix farming, they'll make it so you can't reset missions.

I'm not saying that would be popular, mind you...

[/ QUOTE ]

and probably result in a loss of a significant number of accounts. Which will look real bad to ncsoft and the current devs future.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



There just hasn't been enough market activity to make a determination yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm well aware of that.

I logged in &amp; saw exactly what you just posted... and I'm highly amused by the 100mill Miracle... which sold on 2/5, well before this patch even went live.

Bottom line... there is NO bases for this line of argument currently. Only time will tell for sure.



I'm afraid that I'm going to have to agree with everything said here. I love this game and the devs, but... I don't like getting punished for what a minority of the game is doing.

My daughter joined a Synapse TF group when asked, and apparently it was a PuG. They started with five around 4 PM. By 9 PM, they hadn't even gotten halfway. I insisted on my daughter logging off as it was getting too late and she had been attached to the computer for 5 hours give or take without having even gotten her homework started.

The group disbanded with an agreement to meet up at 5 pm the next day to finish.

Sounds good. Except... Only two of the group even showed up. ...
I seriously hope you reconsider the changes that just gave a huge slap in the face to PuG TF's that have to deal with team attrition outside their control.

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If you read the thread before replying to it, you would have read how TFs were originally meant to be time consuming, multiple play session events that were meant not for PuGs, but for groups of players who knew each other in real life or formed a stable Super Group.

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Is there any documentation from the devs that this was the intent? People claim this but they are not devs. Is there a dev quote on this?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



IF they really want to fix farming, they'll make it so you can't reset missions.

I'm not saying that would be popular, mind you...

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and probably result in a loss of a significant number of accounts. Which will look real bad to ncsoft and the current devs future.

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Wow, with so much animosity &amp; angst towards the Devs &amp; their decisions... why do you still pay to play?

Perhaps because you are over exaggerating the severity of this &amp; other changes?!?



IF they really want to fix farming, they'll make it so you can't reset missions.

I'm not saying that would be popular, mind you...

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and probably result in a loss of a significant number of accounts. Which will look real bad to ncsoft and the current devs future.

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Wow, with so much animosity &amp; angst towards the Devs &amp; their decisions... why do you still pay to play?

Perhaps because you are over exaggerating the severity of this &amp; other changes?!?

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Now you are being stupid. Read the post I was replying to.
Fact: many farmers have multiple accounts.
Fact: every day we hear complaints that there are multiple farmers "bothering "people.
Fact: piss these people off too much, they will leave.

I said signfiicant, not majority. but it doesnt have to be majority to affect the bottom line. Companies like ncsoft dont like affected bottom lines. It isnt an issue of animosity, just reality of business. If you piss off your customers and run them off, they no longer provide you with money. Look at SW Galaxy.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I disagree.

- Just look at the number of missions in the typical TF: hours of content for the average player.
- Just look at the fact that there is a minimum number to start it.
- Just look at the fact that you can't use normal contacts during it.
- Just look at the fact that they typically end with AVs.

This is obviously not content that was intended for the average PUG.

As I said before, the Devs may want TFs to change to be intended for average PUGs. If so, THAT would be a change, and a lot more than soft spawning would need to change to accomodate that.

That does not meed that there does not also need to be hardcore content.

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If TF/SF arent intended to be casual player ( which are many PuG players ) then Devs need to adress the way pool C/D recipes are being awarded because these recipes are obviously wanted by most of the playerbase which cause a big demand for them on the market.

It is already problematic that the "normal" players tend to wait to be around level 50 to IO themselve out simply because they cant afford the money to buy the rare recipes that are avaialble around level 20s but that they are so rare that only millionnaire level 50s can afford the cost. For me it right there scream "there is something wrong with how this works".

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




******* News Flash*********

Miracle+ recovery sells for 100 mill
Lotg+ rech sells for 100 mill

These are record prices. If you dont believe me go check the BM sales logs.

Thanks Dev's . Good job!!!!!!!!!!! I applaud you for killing the lifeblood of an already anemic BM. Way to go!!!

Less than a week with this change and its ALREADY happenning. ARGH! I had hoped to pick up a few for a piddly 60 mill and resell them later for 200 mill a pop. If you have funds on redside? Now is the time to scoop up pool C uniques and sit on them for a month. Don't delay or you will miss out. AS stated above they are already at 100 million as oppossed to 40-60.

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Proof that this change is comprised of epic failure.

Roll it back.

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Can you please provide Screenshots of the BM's UI for those 2 enhs &amp; their sell price?

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I didn't take screenies but this has been grossly misrepresented.

1 LOTG L40 +Rech for 100 mill was sold on 2/15

I checked the rest and the prices were all like they were

Lv 50 LoTGs sold were as follows 55 mill 2/16, 51 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15, 60 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15


1 lv 30 Miracle was sold for 80 mill on 2/9 , and for 100 mill on 2/05

1 lv 25 Miracle was sold for 11.5 mill on 2/9

lv 40 miracles 60 mill on 2/16, 55 mill on 2/12

All the rest of the miracles are in the 30-70 mill range.

There just hasn't been enough market activity to make a determination yet.


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OO really? Did you make a note of how many are currently for sale? Course you didn't. So I'll tell you...... 1 of both across all lvl ranges. Unless they sold in the last hour or if some nutcase posted more to sell. But if you think about it... why wouldnt a person post more if they can get a guaranteed 100 mil?



OO really? Did you make a note of how many are currently for sale?

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And the lack of them for sale is something "new"? As in just recently? Just since the last patch?

Um No. The lack of items for sale on the BM is a whole nother problem... completely independent of this change. You are mistakenly combining the two.



Post deleted by Moderator7



the price jacking is JUST starting.

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The Miracle you stated that sold for 100mil sold on 2/5 .... well before the Patch even went live.

Where are you getting your information from?



I have been playing since launch (excleding a hiatus caused by the devs attempting to rebalance the game for PVP) and I have never done a supergoup only TF. I have run at least 50+ and they have always been with pick up groups. In a group of 8 the attrition due to time and computer crashes averages out to about 3 players. This change is not well thought out. Furthermore, I have only managed to run three viallain strike forces because you can never get enough people together. In fact I quit trying a long time ago. It just wasn't worth the effort of forming the team.



Inflation isn't that fast. Most don't even know about this yet.

There is going to be insane inflation though as people solo the first missions of TFs.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Inflation isn't that fast. Most don't even know about this yet.

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Thank you

There is going to be insane inflation though as people solo the first missions of TFs.

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Huh? What good does soloing the first missions of a TF do?



First off, this is a horrible change. It hurts casual players, people who play at odd hours, and anyone who sometimes has things come up. I don’t like anything that hurts pick up teaming.

But, okay, maybe, maybe, maybe I'd be willing to get on board with the change. I don’t like it, but I see the merits. It’s clearly a rough idea, and it needs some editing, but it’s not completely invalid.

However, you went about it in the worst way possible. Like it's just SO arrogant to make a change like this and not deign to tell us. Of course, the flip side is the possibility that you’re letting rogue programmers put things in the game without permission, or so disorganized that a major change like this actually just got missed.

And I don't know if I'm actually hoping you're so arrogant that they thought they shouldn't tell us, or so stupid that you genuinely didn't know, but either way you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh, and when did RMT become the new “it’s for the children?” Honestly, if you guys know who these people are to the extent that you know they’re running TFs, ban them. If you don’t, which I suspect, then stop pulling things out of your [censored].

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Huh? What good does soloing the first missions of a TF do?

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For many people who don't read the boards, that's when they'll first discover the change.



I've run a crap laod of TFs.

The only ones that ever dissolved were STFs cuz we couldn't make it past the four patron AVs.

Though there was the one time i solo'd the Clockwork King at the end of Synapse. Still could have done so if the miss were set for 8, it just woulda taken a longer time.

And in my experience, even PuGs stick together. The whole notion of needing rl friends or an SG to run tfs seems misguided.

Then again, I play on virtue, where there's more, and better, players, it seems. =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



******* News Flash*********

Miracle+ recovery sells for 100 mill
Lotg+ rech sells for 100 mill

These are record prices. If you dont believe me go check the BM sales logs.

Thanks Dev's . Good job!!!!!!!!!!! I applaud you for killing the lifeblood of an already anemic BM. Way to go!!!

Less than a week with this change and its ALREADY happenning. ARGH! I had hoped to pick up a few for a piddly 60 mill and resell them later for 200 mill a pop. If you have funds on redside? Now is the time to scoop up pool C uniques and sit on them for a month. Don't delay or you will miss out. AS stated above they are already at 100 million as oppossed to 40-60.

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Proof that this change is comprised of epic failure.

Roll it back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you please provide Screenshots of the BM's UI for those 2 enhs &amp; their sell price?

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I didn't take screenies but this has been grossly misrepresented.

1 LOTG L40 +Rech for 100 mill was sold on 2/15

I checked the rest and the prices were all like they were

Lv 50 LoTGs sold were as follows 55 mill 2/16, 51 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15, 60 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15


1 lv 30 Miracle was sold for 80 mill on 2/9 , and for 100 mill on 2/05

1 lv 25 Miracle was sold for 11.5 mill on 2/9

lv 40 miracles 60 mill on 2/16, 55 mill on 2/12

All the rest of the miracles are in the 30-70 mill range.

There just hasn't been enough market activity to make a determination yet.


[/ QUOTE ]

OO really? Did you make a note of how many are currently for sale? Course you didn't. So I'll tell you...... 1 of both across all lvl ranges. Unless they sold in the last hour or if some nutcase posted more to sell. But if you think about it... why wouldnt a person post more if they can get a guaranteed 100 mil?

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course I did. Hardly anything is for sale and that trend isn't new and you know it.

You got caught misrepresenting your info. When I last checked it about 2 hours ago only those 2 recipes I noted had sold for 100 mill. The Miracle had sold several days before the patch was even live.

Not only that LoTG lv 50s show a trend of staying the same with 6 for sale at the time and the selling history I posted.

I also checked Numinas as well and they were going in 20-40 mill range.

Tremere is right the lack of recipes on the market is a matter of villain side player population not the TF/SF change.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




"Tremere is right the lack of recipes on the market is a matter of villain side player population not the TF/SF change."

Correct, but only barely.

The lack of recipes on the black market IS largely a matter of low population. As this change ages, it will become a matter of a low population AND the increased difficulty of completing TFs.

Low population will account for the lack of most recipes/salvage, but Tier C availability will necessarily be hard hit by the change, if soft loading was a major factor in SF completion (if it wasn't, why introduce the change in the first place?).

Prices will only rise, since a low number of black market transactions also lowers the amount of money funneled from the system by 'consigment fees', leaving villains with a lot of cash and nothing to spend it on.

This is without even considering the inflationary farmapalooza side effect this change has introduced... I intend to make use of it myself, tonight, to farm IO money with my AoE-focused plant dominator.



******* News Flash*********

Miracle+ recovery sells for 100 mill
Lotg+ rech sells for 100 mill

These are record prices. If you dont believe me go check the BM sales logs.

Thanks Dev's . Good job!!!!!!!!!!! I applaud you for killing the lifeblood of an already anemic BM. Way to go!!!

Less than a week with this change and its ALREADY happenning. ARGH! I had hoped to pick up a few for a piddly 60 mill and resell them later for 200 mill a pop. If you have funds on redside? Now is the time to scoop up pool C uniques and sit on them for a month. Don't delay or you will miss out. AS stated above they are already at 100 million as oppossed to 40-60.

[/ QUOTE ]

Proof that this change is comprised of epic failure.

Roll it back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you please provide Screenshots of the BM's UI for those 2 enhs &amp; their sell price?

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't take screenies but this has been grossly misrepresented.

1 LOTG L40 +Rech for 100 mill was sold on 2/15

I checked the rest and the prices were all like they were

Lv 50 LoTGs sold were as follows 55 mill 2/16, 51 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15, 60 mill 2/15, 70 mill 2/15


1 lv 30 Miracle was sold for 80 mill on 2/9 , and for 100 mill on 2/05

1 lv 25 Miracle was sold for 11.5 mill on 2/9

lv 40 miracles 60 mill on 2/16, 55 mill on 2/12

All the rest of the miracles are in the 30-70 mill range.

There just hasn't been enough market activity to make a determination yet.


[/ QUOTE ]

OO really? Did you make a note of how many are currently for sale? Course you didn't. So I'll tell you...... 1 of both across all lvl ranges. Unless they sold in the last hour or if some nutcase posted more to sell. But if you think about it... why wouldnt a person post more if they can get a guaranteed 100 mil?

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course I did. Hardly anything is for sale and that trend isn't new and you know it.

You got caught misrepresenting your info. When I last checked it about 2 hours ago only those 2 recipes I noted had sold for 100 mill. The Miracle had sold several days before the patch was even live.

Not only that LoTG lv 50s show a trend of staying the same with 6 for sale at the time and the selling history I posted.

I also checked Numinas as well and they were going in 20-40 mill range.

Tremere is right the lack of recipes on the market is a matter of villain side player population not the TF/SF change.


[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't get caught misrepresenting anything. In fact? I'll drive it home HARD in a few days.



Tremere is right the lack of recipes on the market is a matter of villain side player population not the TF/SF change."

Correct, but only barely.

The lack of recipes on the black market IS largely a matter of low population. As this change ages, it will become a matter of a low population AND the increased difficulty of completing TFs.

Low population will account for the lack of most recipes/salvage, but Tier C availability will necessarily be hard hit by the change, if soft loading was a major factor in SF completion (if it wasn't, why introduce the change in the first place?).

Prices will only rise, since a low number of black market transactions also lowers the amount of money funneled from the system by 'consigment fees', leaving villains with a lot of cash and nothing to spend it on.

This is without even considering the inflationary farmapalooza side effect this change has introduced... I intend to make use of it myself, tonight, to farm IO money with my AoE-focused plant dominator.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not saying that prices won't rise later. What I'm saying is the info presented was misrepresented and it was.

I still think that people will figure out that they can still get thier cap runs in about 30-40 minutes and we will see people doing that agian.

Its really going to be a few weeks before we see the full effects of this change.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




I didn't get caught misrepresenting anything. In fact? I'll drive it home HARD in a few days.

[/ QUOTE ]

Concepts like truth, facts, and giveing all the relevant data to compare things agianst mean nothing to you does it?


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




The Quarterfield Task Force [u]NEEDS[u] to be reduced to 4 players then. There is no reason for the required number of people needed.

While you are at that change, might I suggest removing the redundant missions?

Removal of missions 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23 should stongly be considered.

[/ QUOTE ]


I still haven't been able to run it because of its length and the fact getting 8 people together to run a long TF on a low pop server is nigh impossible.



I think the change is wonderful and i fully agree with it.