King of the Defenders: A Defender Forum Game
Vote for Dark/Dark.
Sure you can put the toggles on me. But I throw HT on ya then Tar patch and everything else... game over. I hope.
"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"
Rad/Sonic: 0
Dark/Dark: 2
Darkies do it in the dark :3
[/ QUOTE ]
Dork. You're supposed to vote one of Dark/Dark or Rad/Sonic.
Also: Dark/Dark
Winston Churchill
Highest level Dark/dark was 12. Highest level Rad/sonic is 41 and it's been one hell of a ride. A D3 in just about any other fight would win, but even if you argue D3s are better for teaming, Rad/sonic is better for soloing and PvP.
D3: 3
Rad/sonic: 1
My first defender to get off the ground was a Dark/Dark, currently level 30.
Rad has always bugged me because the grab-bag of powers have next to nothing to do with radiation, yet half the Rads I see have big nuclear logos plastered all over them.
Sonic's great for the first few levels, but I really can't stand the sound the attacks make.
So call me sensitive, whiny and emo, but I choose D3
Dark/Dark: 4
Rad/Sonic: 1
Breezes through normal pve (minions, luts) thx to sirens song.
Destroys AV's thanks to rad and sonic -res
Actually useful (and very powerful) in pvp
edit: AM is also so nice
Gotta love the Awooooo!
That and it just melts stuff right before your eyes.
Dark/Dark. Siren's Song has NOTHING on Fearsome Stare.
Dark/Dark: 5
Rad/Son: 3
No contest. My first 50 is a D4.
Dark/Dark: 6
Rad/Son: 3
Lumin (D4,50), Caelestes Lux (PB,50), Corpus Operandi (MM,50)
Dark/Dark: 7
Rad/Son: 3
My Dark/Dark's my highest leveled character, although my Trick Arrow/Archery is nipping at its heels.
dark/dark gets my vote
dark/dark: 8
rad/son: 3
Is this mano a mano? Then DD.
rad/son: 3
More villain than hero these days
Oui. Much loves for the Dark.
Dark/Dark: 10
Rad/Sonic: 3
D3 wins!
Next match:
And... Fight!
/rad is my fav...
Dark/Dark: 0
Dark/Rad: 1
Played them both and ill give a slight edge to Dark/Rad so....
Dark/Dark 0
Dark/Rad 2
One for Dark/Rad here...I've always liked that combination
Dark/Dark 0
Dark/Rad 3
"Prediction is extremely difficult. Especially about the future." - Niels Bohr
The high accuracy and Def Debuff of Rad does seem to complement Dark very nicely, and wins points over D3 for originality.
The To Hit Debuff of /Dark really comes into its own when stacked with that of Dark/ against higher level enemies.
AoE wise, in the Dark corner we have an Immobilise cone that lines up really well with Fearsome Stare.
In the Light corner we have a 25% Knockback cone.
Rad is somehow dissapointing visually, X-Ray Eyes never looks as cool as it sounds, and Neutron Bomb is a bit off with its beachball tossing animation.
Dark gets the awesome visuals of NightFall, a single blast for every target in the cone.
Im going Dark again.
Dark/Dark 1
Dark/Rad 3
Championship face off to determine which build is King of the Defenders

<ul type="square">
1. Each contest shall consist of 2 Defender Primary/Secondary combinations.
2. Anyone may start a contest, but having done so may not vote in it.
3. You may not vote more than once in a given contest.
4. The winner is the first set to 10 votes.
5. Once a winner is determined it must be included in the next contest against a challenger.
6. If multiple posters attempt to start a challenge, the first one in wins, the others will have to try again later.
7. Players of the current champion power set gain the unofficial right to include the title "King of Defenders" whenever they refer to it.
8. If this thread disapears the last champion holds the title until the end of time, or until someone starts a new thread, whichever comes first.
9. There is no rule 9.
10. Post in the following formats:
To start a challange:
[Amusing comment]
Round 1. FIGHT!
To vote:
[Champion]: Vote Total
[Challenger]: Vote Total
[Reasons why if you want]
[Amusing comment][/list]
First match:
You knew who I was going to put up top first
Round 1. FIGHT!
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes this catches on rather than just dying quietly, leaving him feeling embarrassed