Badge Re-Organization




I know it's probably been suggested before, and in many different ways, but here goes.

I do realize the time and effort it would take to do this, but a guy can dream, right?

A theory on re-organizing the tabs of the Badge window in the following way:

[u]Accolade[u][*] Ones with pre-requisites (Archmage, Field Crafter, Conspiracy Theorist)[*] Ones with powers (that new one that gives the Ouroborus Portal)[*] Arch-Villains/Heroes/Giant Monsters (Peerless, Dimensional Warder, Master At Arms)

[u]Accomplishment[u][*] Specific Missions (Spelunker, The Doctor's Ally, Bodyguard)[*] "Glowies" (Temporal Spy, Back from the Future, Toy Collector)[*] Task Force/Trials (Positron's Ally, Liberator, Saved the World)[*] Badges-Earned (Tourist, Pathfinder, Trailblazer)[*] Crafting (Despoiler, Artisan, Lord of War)

[u]Achievement[u][*] Defeat "x" foes (Hellspawned, Zookeeper, Man/Woman In Black)[*] Take-beatings (Tough, The Unwavering, Restrained)[*] Assistance (Medic, Guide, Epitome)[*] Level (Protector of Innocents, Defender of Truth, Hero of the City)[*] Consignment (Broker, Vender, Power Seller)

[u]Exploration[u][*] Explorations (this category can't really be changed)

[u]Gladiator[u][*] Gladiators (this category can't really be changed)

[u]History[u][*] Historical (Just Said No to Superadine, Alumnus, Technofreak)[*] Time-spent (Irradiated, Trolls Task Force Member, Web Master)

[u]Honorary[u][*] Player-Versus-Player (Disruptor, Lanista, Vigilante)[*] Super Group (Power Liberator/Master Thief)

[u]Veteran[u][*] Veteran Rewards (Trustworthy, Faithful, Dependable)[*] Event Log-Ins (Celebrant, Reveler, Holiday Spirit)[*] "Inherents" (Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member and V.I.P./Destined One)

Tell me if I missed something.



Don't forget [u]Invention[u] for the 60 or so crafting-related badges

Also: PvP and SG should not be together, SG badges should be separate as they are not character-specific and do not count toward your badge total.



Sorry, to confuse, I meant SG meaning SG missions/raids, and the only example given is the one for raiding Rularuu's palace. ^_^;

As for the Invention, I wasn't sure if it was worthy of its own tab or not.




This is a great suggestion and excellent points made as to how it should be done.

Rich the Done Guy

Da Falcon Scrapper lvl 50
Shadow Hunter Q Blaster lvl 50
Step Up or Step Aside



Why thank you. I try to do what I can. ^_^;

I tried to do this without making any new categories, but the Honorary just came out of nowhere. Though perhaps a different name would be in the future. >_>



I would also like to be able to reorder my badges within the categories, like make all the hinted at and yet to be gotten at the bottom of the list while the already gotten are at the top... I like your organization categories though Tidbit, very nice.



Great idea. It would make hunting for either sliders or already-attained badges that much simpler!

And thanks.



I would take it to the badge section and see if anyone has additional input.




How about lumping the history and exploration badges together under one tab and using the newly freed tab for those pesky crafting badges? As it stands now, the history badges are pretty thin.



Your categories are interesting, but I'd much rather they invested their time in developing a way to sort them alphabetically.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



I'd be happy if they'd just alphabetize the displayed badges in general.



while they're at it, could they throw a button on the badge window (or an inline command) that will write a text file (like charname_badges.txt) to the coh directory listing all the character's badges? That would be nice



I like the idea too. If they have some opposition to reorganizing them, I wish they would at least alphabetize them like Serpine suggeted. That would be a very simple thing for them to do and would be very appreciated on my part.



I think Posi's reponse in the past has been the issue of conversion - and the inevitable data corruption that would result.

There is pretty much no way the conversion would go off without something very messy happening. Tears, crying and gnashing of teeth would result when badgewhores found themselves bereft of their precious. I don't think cryptic is eager to cause a customer service debacle for the sake of fixing the badge categories.



I think Posi's reponse in the past has been the issue of conversion - and the inevitable data corruption that would result.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I believed that the skill of the CoH coders was sufficiently low that data corruption was inevitable in a conversion, I'd probably seek a different game. On the contrary, I have full confidence they can achieve anything they set out to, without destroying the database, given sufficient coding time.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



I like the idea too. If they have some opposition to reorganizing them, I wish they would at least alphabetize them like Serpine suggeted. That would be a very simple thing for them to do and would be very appreciated on my part.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the past, Positron has made it very clear that it's not simple. Neither adding tabs, moving tabs, or re-ordering the lists is something that can be done easily.

I can dig out the quote if you like.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I would relable your title to clearly state this is a User Interface suggestion.

Otherwise the rest looks like a solid suggestion.




Yay! Redname acceptance!

(and first posty thang after Ex! Woot me!!)

I like the suggestions, and echo the sentiment that Inventions need their own place to call home.




I would relable your title to clearly state this is a User Interface suggestion.
Otherwise the rest looks like a solid suggestion.

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe since Ex posted in here it will get a second look. I remember Positron saying that reorganizing the badges would destroy their character database. Maybe he'll see this and reconsider his position...



Long story short: the Tidbit family moved about a week and a half ago, and Tidbit switched ISP's. I'm using his laptop, but it's beyond the time-frame to edit the post. Otherwise I would. I apologize for that.

EDIT: "his laptop" being Tidbit's. >_>;



I think the badges should go:

Exploration - All current explore badges except shady/multidimensional, these need to be moved to accomplishment

Accomplishment - Mission badges, TF/SF/Trial badges, plus shady and multidimensional which are closer to mission badges than explore badges.

Acheivment - defeat villain badges, stat badges (healing, damage taken, debt payed off, sk, etc), and leveling badges

PvP badges - Time spent in PvP zones, PvP kill badges, Pillbox badges, Bloody Bay meteor badge, and Warburg nuke badges.

Inventions - All invention related badges.

Holiday - All badges from the Valentine, Halloween, and Christmas events.

Veteran - As is.

Gladiator - As is.

Also an option to sort the badges within the categories either alphabetically or by completed or uncompleted would be nice.



Ah, much nicer. I like this one too. Plus two organization options are always nice.



Here's what I want with Badges:

A printable, viewable list I can:

Easily view what badges my toons already have


Identify which ones are still needed

Be happy!



WTF, man.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.