The City Scoop! ~ Discussion ~ Oct. 5, 2007




Edition 21 of "The City Scoop!" a publication for Supers by Supers!

This edition is full of win for showcasing all the great things our players are doing in the community. We have a great article on the 3rd Anniversary of Tanker Tuesday, we have more winners announced for the Mr. & Ms. Paragon/Rogue Isles Contest. There is art, news, interviews and overall just a great showcase of an incredible community. Here’s to more scoop’s to come! Oh and did I almost forget to mention Issue 11: A Stitch In Time! The only thing I am still curious about is whether it "saves nine!"

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Lemur_Lad or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind the Mask’ Teldon or ‘Encounters’ please contact MrsAlphaOne

If you need some “Advice” contact Lady_Athyna or would like to “Ask The X” contact LiquidX

For a printable version of "The City Scoop" please send an email to the following!

If you have an event you would like covered by “The City Scoop” please post your events under the event forum located here: Event Forum

Discussion on the latest edition of "The City Scoop" is located here.



/e wait....
/e wait...

<~~~ tappin da foot here....

o god- help me... im jonesin for the scoop.... somethings wrong!!!!

well - at least i got my fill of /em smack...

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!




o god-- ummm any1 wanna take me to the hospital?

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



Quick, someone replicate my drawn weapon timing results with the other drawn weapon sets so I know I'm not insane.

- Protea

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Fantastic work on this edition of the Scoop, folks. Kudos all around!

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



and of course, another I11 puzzle was in the Times.


My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



and of course, another I11 puzzle was in the Times.


[/ QUOTE ]

DT seems to fit into that pattern...whatever it may be.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



*dances with 15 minutes of fame, then realizes how much of a drama **** he was there*



and of course, another I11 puzzle was in the Times.


[/ QUOTE ]

DT seems to fit into that pattern...whatever it may be.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I am totally stuck trying to figure out what it says o.O



and of course, another I11 puzzle was in the Times.


[/ QUOTE ]

DT seems to fit into that pattern...whatever it may be.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I am totally stuck trying to figure out what it says o.O

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried having D = T and then swapping out letters where it was appropriate.. but it still ends up like gibberish. So that's probably not what the DT thing means.

Leader of The Twilight Crusaders
Blazebolt - Elec/Fire - 50
GoldStreak - MA/Invul - 50

Avaritia - SS/Invul - 50
Pyrestrike - Fire/Kin - 50

Global - @Blazebolt



Ok here is what I have so far... go back an issue and look at the classafieds.

Menders seek like-minded individuals. Call (555) 687-6267 ext. 67.

[/ QUOTE ]

now look at the I11 writeup...

Ouroboros System
Through the mysterious Menders of Ouroboros, players gain...

[/ QUOTE ]

The Menders of Ouroboros seem to be recruiting and the recent puzzle seems to have something to do with that.

Ohhhh ooohhhh oooohhh! *Waves hand* - Go back 2 issues & you find your Silos


Are you confused? Do you feel out of place in your life? Do others around you not seem like the people you used to know? Do not be alarmed. Call us for a free consultation at (555) 687-6267 ext.67. Ask for Silos.

[/ QUOTE ]

SNAFU Entropy Ripple
MR NotSoFurious
Geen Machine
Geen Evolution
Zero Gia
To Serve Man
Desk Jockey
Doc Geen
Mr Derby
Wings For Marie
Sound Tech



I don't know if this will help anyone, but I had some spare time on my hands so I did some work.

2. 42_-9-353-982-4-6_-9-27-283-5_-963-22-283-88_-98-74567
5. Z Z Z R Z Z R R

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyway, line #1 is the original message, line #2 is the message with the number equivalents (on a phone), lines #3-5 are the other letters associated with the numbers on line #2.

I'm still working on it, but maybe this will help someone, or at least save them some work

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



OMG It's the hook to Funkytown
do do do doot doot do doo doo doo doot!
(I kid, I kid)

SNAFU Entropy Ripple
MR NotSoFurious
Geen Machine
Geen Evolution
Zero Gia
To Serve Man
Desk Jockey
Doc Geen
Mr Derby
Wings For Marie
Sound Tech



*woosh* I have know idea what you just said

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



*woosh* I have know idea what you just said

[/ QUOTE ]
I was inferring that if you keyed the numbers you got onto a telephone it'd play the hook (Repeating "catch" part) of the late disco era song Funkytown. (Also a secondary reference to South Park but I won't go there). You can play "Jingle bells" on a telephone by keying 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 2 3 for example.

Yea - I'm wierd.

SNAFU Entropy Ripple
MR NotSoFurious
Geen Machine
Geen Evolution
Zero Gia
To Serve Man
Desk Jockey
Doc Geen
Mr Derby
Wings For Marie
Sound Tech



*woosh* I have know idea what you just said

[/ QUOTE ]
I was inferring that if you keyed the numbers you got onto a telephone it'd play the hook (Repeating "catch" part) of the late disco era song Funkytown. (Also a secondary reference to South Park but I won't go there). You can play "Jingle bells" on a telephone by keying 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 2 3 for example.

Yea - I'm wierd.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait a second, That's IT! It can be only one thing...

A message from the TOUCHTONE GENIUS!



Just one comment: my drawing is Laly Bellule (it's noted on the very image) not the Paragonian Knights



and of course, another I11 puzzle was in the Times.


[/ QUOTE ]

The volume on the front cover is given as Vol. XIXXI, when previously it was Vol. I. That isn't even a proper roman numeral. Maybe it's significant.



Quick, someone replicate my drawn weapon timing results with the other drawn weapon sets so I know I'm not insane.

- Protea

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure that testing procedure actually proves anything since you only run through the set once. I think a proper test would require an attack with the exact duration as brawl that DOES put the weapon away. Then you could run through multiple attack chains, one with repeated redraws and one with no redraws.

All your test proves is that starting with the weapon undrawn pushes things back by 1 second. A 1 second delay in a five minute fight is completely irrelevant, unless we get hit with that 1 second penalty repeatedly.

No one was claiming that the weapon draw itself takes zero time - just that the time is included in each attacks duration whether you have to draw or not. If an attack time is fixed, whether it includes a draw or not (as Back Alley Brawler indicated), your test would show exactly the same results. If Gash is set at 2 seconds (to pick a number), it will take 2 seconds regardless of whether the weapon is drawn. By adding a weapon draw at the beginning of your sequence, you obviously push the entire sequence back one second. However, any effect that occurs only once at the beginning of a fight is not having an impact on DPS. It only means that you start swinging one second earlier or later. You need to test with two non-weapon attacks, one of which causes a draw and one which does not, but that have the same duration. Alternatively, if they don't have the same duration, you can adjust accordingly but that introduces another layer of complexity and potential source of error.

Edit: Two additional comments.

I'm not saying that a weapon draw does or does not affect DPS, only that the testing method was flawed.

Upon further thought, I think a corrected test is actually very simple. Add another Brawl attack at the end of the sequence and time from Brawl to Brawl. If Back Alley Brawler is correct, timing 'Brawl to Brawl' should be the same whether you have a weapon draw or not. And, unless I'm overlooking something, if he is wrong, this would be a conclusive test.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Thx for posting bokuman's art of my character, King Chrono. This is awesome! King Chrono

As of now, this is my only character art, but there will be more to come in the future. Come check me out at deviantART or my supergroup, the Legion of Valor!

deviantART page

Legion of Valor

General Flag - Hero - Tank
Spy Smasher - Hero - Scrap
King Chrono - Villain - Brute
Witch Hazel - Villain - Dom

Server: Victory
Supergroup: Legion of Valor
SG website: [url=""][/url]
Deviant page: [url=""][/url]



Are you guys just not doing the Athy and LiquidX advice columns anymore? What gives? Nobody writing in to ask good questions? I Find that hard to believe but if so please feel free to invent your own questions to answer or do something else. Just ain't as entertaining without them.



Are you guys just not doing the Athy and LiquidX advice columns anymore? What gives? Nobody writing in to ask good questions? I Find that hard to believe but if so please feel free to invent your own questions to answer or do something else. Just ain't as entertaining without them.

[/ QUOTE ]

No one is writing them any questions....seriously.

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



I have absolutely no idea what the heck that last puzzle thingy means. Good luck though .

Do not anger a Dragon, for you are crunchy and good with Ketchup.



Are you guys just not doing the Athy and LiquidX advice columns anymore? What gives? Nobody writing in to ask good questions? I Find that hard to believe but if so please feel free to invent your own questions to answer or do something else. Just ain't as entertaining without them.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you would like to write in questions, we would appreciate it.



I'm almost sure it has been adressed "somewhere" but after searching for the past 20 minutes, I need to just ask:

What happened to the Market Report????????

This was one bit of nice handy and actual useful information that i relied on a lot in learning to play the markets!!!

Did I miss something, seems i have - I know there was a "temp" fill in a few weeks ago , and then ..........?

:::MAIN::: Blu Bird / Virtue/ 50- energy/energy - Blaster