Community Notification Discussion!




what does /jranger stand for anyways? I never understood that one.

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JRanger would reply to every thread he disagreed with:

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He was then banned. /jranger is now used in memory of his permeating dissent.



Just 10 minutes after I said this ...

sooner or later the sheriff has to just step in and do his job

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the sherrif shows up. I can't say I'm either surprised or unhappy about these changes; sometimes it's necessary for the pendulum to swing far in the other direction. Cracking down on the fluff and inane noise on these forums is a good step.

I don't think one word responses are, in and of themselves, bad but they're a slipperly slope that contributes to the overall deteriation of the forum. Of course, not many people would object to a "Yes" or a "/Signed" since those are positive responses. "No" is trickier. I don't believe that a negative opinion should require justification anymore than a positive one should, but while "Yes" is an affirmation "No" always comes across as dismissive. That in turn leads to ruffled feathers and flamewars. Slippery slope. And then you end up with nonsense like "/JRanger" which was exhausted of what little humor it had after about the third use.

And, really, how hard is it to type "I don't think this is a good idea, even if I can't put my finger on it" (which took me all of 9 seconds to type) rather than just "No"?

I wish they would just enable the poll feature in the Suggestions forums; people can then click No and move on.

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
Freek, 50 mind/psi Dominator
Black Khopesh, 43 db/wp Scrapper
Circuit-Boy, 40 elec Brute
Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
Blue Banshee, 35 sonic Blaster
Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
Dr. Radon, 32 rad Corruptor
Phantom Pirate, 32 db/wp Stalker



And then you end up with nonsense like "/JRanger" which was exhausted of what little humor it had after about the third use.

[/ QUOTE ]
To you.

And, really, how hard is it to type "I don't think this is a good idea, even if I can't put my finger on it" (which took me all of 9 seconds to type) rather than just "No"?

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I was taught to be concise and explicit, not verbose or vague. I always will be, through whatever medium I am engaged in.



"Welcome to the Official City of Heroes Message Board! We hope you enjoy your time here discussing the game and getting to know your fellow gamers.

The primary function of this message board is to provide an area for player interaction and also to submit feedback to the development and publishing teams behind City of Heroes. "

The quotation above was taken directly from the Rules and Regulations post, it is often hard to involve in community building and the feedback process at the same time, so our moderators help filter out some of the noise. Our moderators are not here to keep you in line, our moderators are here in the event that you cannot keep yourself in line, and repeat violations will lead to the removal of your right to post to the forums, just the same as in game violations can lead to your removal from the game environment.

The server sections and for fun are more often allowed to develop more of a community culture and less about direct feedback to the development team, that isn't to say it doesn't happen, but that is not the sole purpose of those forums. We do not pull feedback from server forums, those are created for player use.

Please use the notify moderator button on violations in these sections. That isn't to say they won't fall into the searches and have violations picked off from there, but it isn't on our high alert priority list.




what does /jranger stand for anyways? I never understood that one.

[/ QUOTE ]
JRanger would reply to every thread he disagreed with:

[/ QUOTE ]
He was then banned. /jranger is now used in memory of his permeating dissent.

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Ok let me get this straight, some guy named jranger responded to a post he disagreed with. And he got banned for this? I am still not following you. I disagree with folks all the time but I have never gotten the ban stick. Am I long overdue to be banned?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



So Ex, did you neglect to mention the PvP forums as exempt, or will all of PWNZ be banned come tuesday?



what does /jranger stand for anyways? I never understood that one.

[/ QUOTE ]
JRanger would reply to every thread he disagreed with:

[/ QUOTE ]
He was then banned. /jranger is now used in memory of his permeating dissent.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ok let me get this straight, some guy named jranger responded to a post he disagreed with. And he got banned for this? I am still not following you. I disagree with folks all the time but I have never gotten the ban stick. Am I long overdue to be banned?

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He responded to hundreds of posts he disagreed with, with "no". Although he provided explanation if requested, he was often just flamed for it. Eventually banned.

EDIT: If you want to discuss this take it somewhere else, such as the jranger tribute thread tribute thread linked above, this is a bad place for it.



So Ex, did you neglect to mention the PvP forums as exempt, or will all of PWNZ be banned come tuesday?

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Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



what does /jranger stand for anyways? I never understood that one.

[/ QUOTE ]
JRanger would reply to every thread he disagreed with:

[/ QUOTE ]
He was then banned. /jranger is now used in memory of his permeating dissent.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ok let me get this straight, some guy named jranger responded to a post he disagreed with. And he got banned for this? I am still not following you. I disagree with folks all the time but I have never gotten the ban stick. Am I long overdue to be banned?

[/ QUOTE ]
It was more for just typing two letters without anything more to explain his point of disagreement, or to even form a coherent counterargument or discussion. That's my PoV anyhow.

You, ER, at least type more than two letters to your responses, AFAIK Even Ultimus does that

(j/k guys )



I must say I am dissapointed with this announcement.

Generally the only reason I post at all is to be funny (ish). Very unhappy to see that this will be discouraged.



Stay in the Fun Zone.



You, ER, at least type more than two letters to your responses, AFAIK Even Ultimus does that

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I thought Ultimus went and created a new thread every time he wanted to reply to anything.

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True, but this is more of a problem for a "merge thread" feature or such, not so much fluff moderation




These forums just went from bad to worse. Now we must cater to the emotional police because some posters (who apparently are very thin-skinned) couldn't handle criticism. It's become a case of "be polite and agree" or just don't respond at all...even if their post is a classic example a person opening their mouths to confirm that they really are an idiot.

Guess I might as well bookmark the Dev Digest since that's the only interest I've got in reading these boards anymore.



Try PWNZ, I think you'll like it




These forums just went from bad to worse. Now we must cater to the emotional police because some posters (who apparently are very thin-skinned) couldn't handle criticism. It's become a case of "be polite and agree" or just don't respond at all...even if their post is a classic example a person opening their mouths to confirm that they really are an idiot.

Guess I might as well bookmark the Dev Digest since that's the only interest I've got in reading these boards anymore.

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I don't understand the issue. Nothing's really changing except that the devs are cracking down more on fluff posting AFAIR from the OP. Nothing is denouncing dissension of other posts, so long as it doesn't turn into flaming, which has always been against the forum policy.

There's still plenty of room for fluff and banter in the For Fun and Server boards also .




These forums just went from bad to worse. Now we must cater to the emotional police because some posters (who apparently are very thin-skinned) couldn't handle criticism. It's become a case of "be polite and agree" or just don't respond at all...even if their post is a classic example a person opening their mouths to confirm that they really are an idiot.

Guess I might as well bookmark the Dev Digest since that's the only interest I've got in reading these boards anymore.

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You'd think it was the end of the world. They're just notifying us that they will be enforcing the rules they already have posted.



well, you just probably lost a lot of people for this stupid policy. so glad you decided to make all the babies feel all warm and fuzzy by not allowing a simple no or yes reply.

good job

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Honestly, most of those posts are made for a good reason, ESPECIALLY with all the "READ THIS FIRST" stickies in suggestions.

Next time I need to go fight an AV, will you get a Dev to come with me and hold my hand?




Refrain from such posts as :

* +1
* /jranger
* no

or other such “fluff” posts that do little to contribute to the discussion. Continued such posts will result in action on our part to curb the behavior.

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You forgot to include "first post after dev".

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That idea sounds familiar...

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I was curious why your post got locked so quickly the other day. Turns out it was because they've been planning this. Seems prescient to me.

The useless one word posts are pretty annoying for anyone trying to have an actual discussion, so I"m happy to see them leave. It's not that I have a problem with fluff; I have a problem with uncreative, groupthink fluff.



wow, really?

So they now ban because it makes more work for them?
These forums moderators are just getting worse.

Seems to me if you make some enemies and they "notify" your posts you'll get banned. Doesn't sound like they'll research it at all.





will you notify us if we are on your "watched" list?

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Yes. What's worse - it's retroactive, and as far as I can tell, all the way back to your forum registration date. Or at least as far as the periodic databse purges allow for.



So Ex, did you neglect to mention the PvP forums as exempt, or will all of PWNZ be banned come tuesday?

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Official Stalker of Pwnz



Notice how /signed and "yes" aren't on that list?
So they support one form of fluff but ban another?
That borders on hypocracy.



Notice how /signed and "yes" aren't on that list?
So they support one form of fluff but ban another?
That borders on hypocracy.

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... "borders on" ...? That's like saying Moscow "borders on" Russia ...! It is hypocrisy.



All the Mods are saying,
is give self-moderation a try.

They'll have to split themselves with moderating the Closed Beta Forums and the regular Forums. And to make sure things are ok here in the regular Forums, all they are asking is for us, the community, to keep it civil and to not just go spamming to pad the thread count.

Personally, I'd like to see that the Mods being able help the Devs with getting feedback from the Closed Beta testers, and therefore getting speedier delivery from Closed to Open testing, than to see them being distracted.