Accolades and Exemplars




/signed for all the reasons stated by the OP.

Kilia Zyr - 50 Empathy/Energy Defender (Master of Statesman's Task Force)
Howard Meeks - 50 Warshade (Master of Statesman's Task Force)
Carson Mane - 50 Ice/Kin Controller
Coercion - 40 Thugs/Poison Mastermind
"Her Imperial Majesty's Champion Huntsman of Justice"




In all seriousness: Unfair to those that earned the accolade early? I have yet to see a post from a player in that situation that has opposed this idea. All of these posts seem to indicate that it is overwhelmingly unfair the way it is now.

As long as new accolades are added to the game or the level requirement for others are lowered, the problem will get worse. Issue 10 is the perfect example of this. Even to players who did get thier accolades at the earliest level possible, is it fair to them that someone can get Vanguard even earlier? Or to all existing players that new players can get a new accolade at level one?

Making all accolades available while exemplared, clearly seems the fairest thing for everyone.






So did they say anything recent about this? Or in closed beta?



Someone asked Positron about it when he was standing in Ouroboros chatting with players. He responded "Possibly." So at least we know he knows about it.



I definitely agree to this. I wasn't much of a gamer when I started and my first toon's first thing to earn? A cape in her mid-thirties. Accolades followed somewhat later... I do exemp a lot so I can play with friends and most missed is the end from Atlas Medallion.




Just because I can do it doesn't make me think that how things are today are how they should be. I'd rather see them work at all levels. I don't care about having this advantage over other people. I just do it because it's nice to have the powers on a lowbie. I don't care if other people get to keep them on exemplar. "Unfair" simply doesn't enter into the picture at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is exactly how I feel. In fact, "unfair" enters the picture as it is now, but vanishes if they make them available at all levels once they are gained.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)






This is a great idea.


Accolades should be available for exemp'ing down as well up to a limit. As you aforementioned, maybe set a designated level range for each Accolade, regardless of when you get it. For example, Demonic can be active from lvl25-50 (regardless when you get it). I would argue the best thing would be to make the limit lvl25+ so that it *can* be included in the TFs and PvP zones available (at least as far as I know over in Villain side). That would balance the unfairness of upper lvls getting Accolades on their alts early on.

In regards to i11, I'm wondering if lvl50s would be able to use the flashback while teamed with a lowbie alt, and grab the badges needed for the Accolades (thus getting them on the alt as well). Works as a Flashback for the lvl50 but as a Flashforward (as someone mentioned) for the lowbie. This would seriously put a hurt on the whole Accolade benefits making it severly unfair.

Also I do agree, that at times badge hunting has put a hurt on the Accolade earning. My first problem was out-leveling a contact from which I wanted to finish the arc for a badge; this is solved by the Flashback system, once fully up and functional with all mishs available. My second problem is the Accolade issue with the restricted level from when you get it. Makes it incredibly difficult to freely exemp down without worrying about the added things you lose (other than your powers).

I think a lvl25-50 unrestricted limit on Accolades would fix this, and along with the Flashback system it would allow new and old players the benefit of playing the game for what it is, then if later they decide to hunt down Accolades and badges for laughs and added bonuses they can do so. The inverse (which is what we have now) is ridiculous. Dying multiple times to avoid out-leveling the low-range in which to get the Accolade, simply just kills the game.

I would seriously hope to see this change. Kudos on bringing this up Mad, you got my full support.



The game should allow you to use the Accolades you have earned regardless of your current level.

[/ QUOTE ]


For the many, many reasons already brought up in the thread, please Devs, make this change.

I realize some of this may come down to pride (*cough*RV Isolator*cough*), but please, do the logical and not-completely-illogical-and-actually-quite-silly thing and make all Accolades stay in effect while Exe'd/Mal'd, especially in light of the new content that is specifically designed to be used by level 50's, which auto-exemplar's for the vast majority of the content.

Pretty please?



OK? So??????

I took the time to earn accolades early on quite a number of characters. Nope it wasn't easy and Yes it was a pain in my fanny. But you all think you should just get the acc's at level one BECAUSE you want them at level 1? LAWL!

If a character has a legitimate reason for skipping an accolade at the earliest possible lvl I am all for THAT player getting an accolade use at lvl1( you know? like there werent villian acc's at the time I made my character) The rest of you are a big bunch of cry babies and don't deserve anything you didn't work to achieve.

If you all want to join a REAL issue? ASK the dev's to please reconsider the current structure of io set bonuses when maled. That's alot more detrimental than flippin accolades.



Your logic doesn't pass the Task Force Commander arguement. I can earn my TFC by doing the exact same thing as you - beating Numina at level 40, Positron at level 15, and all in between. Yet if my security level is different, we get accolades at different levels. So there's already an unequal setup even if we're both the same "level" when doing the earning.

And how did you earn the accolades early anyways?
Did you kill Fake Nemesis or Carnies at level 30? I doubt it. so either...
- You had someone else kill them for you. In which case don't come here talking about how YOU earned them early.
- You sidekicked higher to earn them. So you were level 49 and killed Fakes, I was level 49 and killed Fakes, we both did the exact same thing, why do you get to use your FPR +10% HP in Warburg but I can not?
No one's asking for anything except what they rightly earned, the same way you earned yours. Why do you claim your accolade earning is better than anyone else's?



OK? So??????

I took the time to earn accolades early on quite a number of characters. Nope it wasn't easy and Yes it was a pain in my fanny.

[/ QUOTE ]

For context on the next comment, so did I.


But you all think you should just get the acc's at level one BECAUSE you want them at level 1? LAWL!

[/ QUOTE ]

I think people should get the accolades at level one because it doesn't encourage obnoxious play like the current system, doesn't punish people who had level 50s before the accolades were introduced or before they learned that they existed or how to get them, and helps to even up PvP by giving everyone access to them as long as they invest the time to get them-- without having to make a brand new character and have someone else get them their accolades before they could have reasonably earned them themselves.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Perhaps from a different perspective...
One person has an Atlas Medalion which provides +5 End when they're level 27 or higher.
Someone else has an Atlas Medalion which provides +5 End when they're level 40 or higher.
Someone else has an Atlas Medalion which provides +5 End when they're level 7 or higher.
Yet all 3 did the exact same thing to get them. Why are the effects not the same?



All? The bigger problem is STILL the malefactor issue. I don't really care about the accolade part. Please think about that for a bit.The malefactor part in flashback's, pvp zones and what have you.



For those not watching the Test board, Castle speaks!
(Castle seems to be getting invovled since this relates to powers.)

So maybe we can at least get a bit more dialog going after I11.



/sign for pretty much all of the reasons listed above.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



BAB has responded on the Test Forum as indicating he is for this too but it is Positron's decision.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



As it was mentioned in the previous thread, people who care strongly about this issue may which to send a PM to Positron so that he is aware of how many people feel strongly about it.



Oh, they are aware of the player feelings on this. However, apparently it is a coding issue (according to Castle). Even though two of the developers have stated that they are personally not fond of the situation, it seems that this is coming down to coding time, after the design crew gets the clue that people are unhappy about this.

As to PM'ing Positron, I think that while he is aware of the issue, filling up his PM box is unlikely to change his mind.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Thats true, but this issue needs to be bumped up, its been bumped back enough for coding reasons in the past. Keep the pressure up I say.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



When talking about a coding issue it's important to distinguish what type of issue.
There's the "that will take a lot of effort because it's new and we have to design the whole system"
and there's the "that takes a bit of time to type and then test".

This is probably the latter, since the request is to make Accolades work just like Veterans powers. It doesn't need to be INVENTED, it just needs to be DONE.



Thats true, but this issue needs to be bumped up, its been bumped back enough for coding reasons in the past. Keep the pressure up I say.

[/ QUOTE ]

Best bet now is to hope ish 12 includes both Epic Villains and alterations to the accolade system.

As to constant spamming of Positrons' PM box.....aside for aggravating him I dont see it having any effect. By now he likely knows of the unhappy players about the accolade system and for all we know a redesign is already in preliminary stages (speculation on my part)

Now its just a matter of time. Meantime any new toons of mine shall still undergo the "accolade power grind"