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  1. So, my /Willpower Brute's Indomitable Will can be any color in the rainbow, or indeed invisible, but my Widow's Indomitable Will is profoundly different, and must be represented by a pulsing yellow aura that clashes with the color scheme of her other powers?
  2. Fortunately my tanker can still use Jump Kick while in Granite/Rooted. Which is nearly as ludicrous-looking with those toggles on as Eviscerate is.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
    Also, if you play through the whole VEAT Specific story arc, you end up leaving the army and proving how amazing you are by beating the crap out of anyone in your way, INCLUDING Kalinda, to the point where you officially are a Destined One.
    The Kheldian arc still blows the VEAT one out of the water, any day of the week. It has multiple plotlines, all connected by the larger story of the war against the Nictus, and the Nictus' own attempts to take over the Council. By comparison, the VEAT arc is amazingly flimsy. I found it the only really disappointing thing about the villain Epics.

    Well, that and waiting a year for buttcapes on Widows.
  4. Please do not allow Posi to write the story arcs for going Rogue.


    Someone Who Has Played Through the VEAT Arc

    P.S: Or the guy who wrote the i15 Strike/Task Forces.
  5. Menteur


    I just use the market to transfer cash.

    Yes, it does have an associated cost, but it's often easier than finding someone trustworthy at 2 in the morning when you just -have- to play a poor alt.

    Besides, market influence transfers may be the first useful purpose level 1 intangibility TOs ever served.
  6. Probably a rotating bind, set to a single key.



    o "em slap$$bindloadfile c:\covbinds\smack2.txt"


    o "em smack$$bindloadfile c:\covbinds\smack1.txt"
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Villain SF>>>>Hero SF

    The villains SF is just soo much more enjoyable. If you can't beat it the first time, don't write it off. Just like teams were failing the ITF left and right when it came out, it will take awhile for a stable strategy to develop before this SF can be completed regularly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As it stands my only attempt so far had 3 VEATs, 2 Brutes, a Stalker, a Dom and a Therm corruptor, all played by people who knew what they were doing. Nothing else in the SF posed a serious challenge to us, but we worked on Reichsman for over 30 minutes, and while we cleared the ambushes and kept up a steady steam of damage, it was never enough to actually kill him. His "unbreakable" ability always kicked in, and restored him to 75%ish health. Possibly it would have been different if we'd had a Mastermind to use the temp power intended to shut off Unbreakable, but as I understand it, that temp power doesn't even work correctly at present.

    I haven't written the SF off at this point, but I am feeling some frustration. It may be fair to say that we should have brought more debuffs. I'll have to see how things go in future runs.
  8. ZOMG.

    Does this mean I'm going to have to be the one who stands around the mission map, slamming my fist into my palm?
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    6. How are you dealing with inappropriate content?
    1. We’ve worked very closely with our customer service department to develop systems for this. In the end, we implemented a number of different systems. We have language filters that check for bad words and won’t let you publish them until you remove them. We’re also allowing players to flag content for inappropriateness. We also track all users and flags for any potential vote griefing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is the inappropriate language filter that will be applied to player generated content the same as the current in-game profanity filter?

    I ask because I'd hate to be denied the ability to publish, simply because one of my characters refers to himself as a 'god', but that's a word that has been flagged by the chat filter as profanity for as long as I've been playing this game.
  10. Ahem.

    The thread thus far has been suspiciously lacking in 'Devs hate villains' content. In order to correct this gross imbalance, I present the following:

    So Sunstorm gets a redname developer before Mako, Black Scorpion or Scirocco? Not just Mynx, Blue Steel and Hero 1, but Sunstorm? Seriously?

    That being said, nice to have you and welcome aboard.
  11. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about this announcement.

    It's a strange feeling.
  12. Well, there was nothing really new in there for people who've followed the CoX boards. Still, if it piques the interest of a few potential players enough that they give the game a try, that's a good thing.

    Every time I open one of these internet PR-pieces, I secretly hope to see something like "In order to address the perceived imbalance in content between heroes and villains, we'll be adding 3 new zones to the Rogue Isles and 10 new Strike Forces in i13." I know it won't happen, but apparently I have no control over the impulse.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    He can't have an English degree. He has a job.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's a beacon of hope to all of us.

    *returns to his stack of scholarship and grant applications*
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    if this is an april fools....great job.... if this is for real then there better be an option to turn it off or ill quit playing.... all i see it as is a gateway for more lag and distraction.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Anyone else feel sorry for these folks who just can't seem to grasp simple concepts on the interweb? And then they get upset and post on forums about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Anyone else find the number of people who have taken the announcement seriously even more amusing than the joke itself?
  15. DAMN it Devs! Why must you always penalize villains! You know that villains have access to fewer sounds than heroes, why must you shove it in our faces by forcing us to see a visual representation of how we're getting screwed again on redside!

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    And for those who are hoping and praying the VEATs make up for it.....COME ON. You know deep in your hearts that anything made for villains has to be WORSE than warshades and peacebringers......and those are pretty poor excuses for ATs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. I don't know that.

    I really don't think the devs wake up in the morning and say "Now, how can we screw over villains today?" I think they genuinely want to create a game that is fun to play. It is my belief that the CoX game developers would be most happy if -both- sides of the game rocked and did so in a thorough and consistent manner.

    I think they're doing the best they can but, until recently have been seriously limited by a dearth of resources. Would I like the developers to give redside more attention? Hells, yes. But I hope and believe that, with the VEATs, they'll achieve something that feels powerful and cool in regular play, but not something that's broken just to 'prove' to villains that they aren't being ignored.
  17. So you say the numbers are available, but optional?
    And that we will be able to choose costumes by set?

    I am intrigued and pleased.

    No Doom present. Carry on.
  18. I'm not advocating anything here, but I think there's a strong chance that the next time Dr. Brainstorm shows his face in the Rogue Isles he's going to get his [censored] kicked.

    I find the options villains have been given somewhat underwhelming, considering the new hero sets. The Buff/DeBuffs, formerly exclusive to villains, seem a particuarly pronounced example. They're arguably villains best tools for team-based PvP, and villains seem to have acquired little in return for them.

    I am curious about how they're going to change an AoE intensive brute primary into a single-target stalker set (electric melee).
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    so we have to pay extra for costume/emotes now?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is still a full complement of free Issues and content scheduled for this year and beyond for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

    This pack is something that we were able to make available outside of our regular release schedule. So, no, you won't have to pay for other new costumes and emotes. We realize that the Wedding Pack won't be for everyone, but hopefully those who are interested in it will find that they like having the option to obtain it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So can we expect to have to pay for any new holiday emotes/costumes that come down the pike? This summer, will I have to shell out an additional $9.99 for a new "sparklers" emote, along with some appropriately patriotic couture? When Halloween comes along, will the special "pumpkin head" full helm only be available to those willing to plonk down some extra cash?

    I'm not saying that there's no chance I'll buy it, and I apologize if the tone of these questions sounds hostile, but if this is likely to become a regular trend with special events, to charge fees above and beyond the usual monthly one for extra (arguably minor) perks, I'd like to know in advance.
  20. I think that I speak for a lot of folks out there when I say that I have little real understanding of the larger implications of this change, but I intend to jump to immediate conclusions about the effects it will have on the game.