Dear Devs, Please post more




So what does Ex look like? And Lighthouse?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, there was a thread with both their pics not that long ago, but it must have been purged cause I can't seem to find it.

Anyway, I did dig up a shot of Lighthouse and his "terminator eye" here

[/ QUOTE ]
lol trying to find a picture of lighthouse, I haven't so far, but I found everywhere he's worked in the past 10 years, where he went to school, and even what he majored in.

But still no picture

[/ QUOTE ]
No, that IS really Lighthouse in that link. Here's the original post by Ex Libris, and the related article

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, seriously, that is Lighthouse! Did you think I just dropped a link to some unknown schmuck I found while surfing??

[/ QUOTE ]
I stand corrected, just couldn't see a name on there, and I seem to remember This picture going around right when he started and just wanted to check.
Thanks for that link too obsidius, lots of cool piccys there

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet mercy!!! It's our Lighthouse, back when he was but a wee Nightlight!!! Your link is a bit busted, but I figured it out. It's HERE.



Best. Thread. Ever.

Ex, we owe you a 12 month supply of Pumpkin pie for those pictures!



Musical theater? Guys & Dolls?

Does indeed look like a younger picture of LH though.

Wouldn't surprise me, as he's listed as the Sound Tech

(My wife's major is Theater actually. She did costume & stage management, etc.)



K, I've read the whole thread and while much ground has been covered, the most pressing questions have not yet been answered:

Ever had Australian Old Tuey's lager?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, yes I have. Do you happen to know a place in Arizona where I could get more?

umm.... Is Blue superior to Orange?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had a Tuey's Orange (or even heard of such a thing), but Tuey's Red, while different, is not of notably greater or lesser quality than Tuey's Blue. Of course, VB > Tuey's Blue, but Tuey's Black > all.

...Or were Blue and Orange no longer in reference to Tuey's? In which case Blue is -1 while Orange is +2, so clearly Orange is superior to Blue. You should have gotten that much from running through Outbreak...




Musical theater? Guys & Dolls?

Does indeed look like a younger picture of LH though.

Wouldn't surprise me, as he's listed as the Sound Tech

(My wife's major is Theater actually. She did costume & stage management, etc.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Squeeeee! My love for Lighthouse just increased exponentially.



Musical theater? Guys & Dolls?

Does indeed look like a younger picture of LH though.

Wouldn't surprise me, as he's listed as the Sound Tech

(My wife's major is Theater actually. She did costume & stage management, etc.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Squeeeee! My love for Lighthouse just increased exponentially.

[/ QUOTE ]

Henceforth, Marcian_Squee shall be your other name

Nice pic, though.



*Hint* There is a server that shares the first letter of _Castle's_ real name.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which, for those interested, leaves the letters: C, F, G, I, J, L, P, T, V.

[/ QUOTE ]

Champion Charlie
Freedom Fred
Guardian George
Infinity Ian
Justice Joe
Liberty Louie
Protector Pete
Triumph Tom
Victory Vincent

Am I right?

Yes I included Fred and George in case Castle is secretly a red-headed Weasley step child.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wrong! Try Again!

P.S. Careful he might have been a red-headed weasley step child as you put it (facts on this will need to be verified,) but I don't doubt his Viking stomp effect now. Oh and he is the proper pronoun for teh Castle.



Hm. In which case I'll forward my guess of "Justin" for no proper reason.



Hey the book lady replied to me.

Round 2.

Champion Calvin
Freedom Frank
Guardian Greg
Infinity Isaiah
Justice Jeremy
Liberty Lionel
Protector Paul
Triumph Theodore (like the chipmunk )
Victory Victor



Hey the book lady replied to me.

Round 2.

Champion Calvin
Freedom Frank
Guardian Greg
Infinity Isaiah
Justice Jeremy
Liberty Lionel
Protector Paul
Triumph Theodore (like the chipmunk )
Victory Victor

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a Victor in the building... and my dogs name is Frank Black but no cigars for females yet!

Please channel harder or use the internets to help you figure it out.



Hey the book lady replied to me.

Round 2.

Champion Calvin
Freedom Frank
Guardian Greg
Infinity Isaiah
Justice Jeremy
Liberty Lionel
Protector Paul
Triumph Theodore (like the chipmunk )
Victory Victor

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a Victor in the building... and my dogs name is Frank Black but no cigars for females yet!

Please channel harder or use the internets to help you figure it out.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's right, they have Dr. Doom working for them

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



K, I've read the whole thread and while much ground has been covered, the most pressing questions have not yet been answered:

Ever had Australian Old Tuey's lager?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, yes I have. Do you happen to know a place in Arizona where I could get more?

umm.... Is Blue superior to Orange?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had a Tuey's Orange (or even heard of such a thing), but Tuey's Red, while different, is not of notably greater or lesser quality than Tuey's Blue. Of course, VB > Tuey's Blue, but Tuey's Black > all.

...Or were Blue and Orange no longer in reference to Tuey's? In which case Blue is -1 while Orange is +2, so clearly Orange is superior to Blue. You should have gotten that much from running through Outbreak...


[/ QUOTE ]

I wish I could find Tuey's old here in CT - but they don't export it out of Australia (Darn you Aussies! /em shakefist! )

I was actually thinking of just normal old colors



I will settle this.




Okay, Ex. Internet-stalking level Search Fu Technique 1: Unanticipated Search String Activate!

Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?



Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig is far too cool to be me. He's one of our best Producers, though -- he's great at cracking the whip and getting people to get things done.



Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig is far too cool to be me. He's one of our best Producers, though -- he's great at cracking the whip and getting people to get things done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a particular reason you're so shy?




There is a Victor in the building... and my dogs name is Frank Black but no cigars for females yet!

Please channel harder or use the internets to help you figure it out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Internets? Huh?

Round 3. And then I give up.

Champion Cory
Freedom Fester ( *snap* *snap* )
Guardian Gabriel
Infinity Igor (yes, master )
Justice James
Liberty Luke ( Cool Hand )
Protector Perry
Triumph Travis
Victory Val

Running out of Is and Vs. If I'm not right I'm going to need a better hint.



I just tried calling the office and pretending that I belonged there in order to learn Castle's name. They have tough security questions, though, such as “And who may I say is calling?”.



Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig is far too cool to be me. He's one of our best Producers, though -- he's great at cracking the whip and getting people to get things done.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm guessing he was standing right behind you when you typed that, right?

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



I will settle this.


[/ QUOTE ]

Ex_Libris has spoken!

..and Yay for a response to my tough question! (A boo is in order, Blue is the best color!!eleventyOne1! )



Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig is far too cool to be me. He's one of our best Producers, though -- he's great at cracking the whip and getting people to get things done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very well. No doubt it was his coolness that would have deflected my attack from reaching deeper.

Internet-stalking level Search Fu Technique 2: Alacritous Archival Analysis, Activate!

_Castle_, AKA Thales, AKA Rook became a community rep in October of 2005, registering on the forums appx 3-1/2 hours before making his official introduction as the game designer and stalker rep.

No further leads at this time on first name, so I'll just say...Gerry?



Post from Castle when joining Cryptic: [ QUOTE ]
Hey folks! My name is Castle and I'll be your Cruise, I mean the Stalker Community Rep. I'll be reading threads and looking into the many issues you all bring up.
Background: I've been in the Game Industry for over 13 years. I've played online games since the mid-80s when I used to spend far too much money playing Island of Kesmai on Compuserve. I was active in the Ultima Online community when I played that (for 2 years after release -- Skara Brae Rangers!), I was active in the Everquest Rogue community during my time playing that game (Hello to the Safehouse folks!) and I was one of the first one hundred outside beta testers for City of Heroes. I've also played Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call I & II, Dark Age of Camelot and most recently World of Warcraft.
I'm a recovering Power Gamer. Unfortunately, it's only been a few weeks since my last Min/Max'd munchkin character. One day at a time...
Lastly, I've played several Stalkers Internally and on the Beta server at levels ranging all the way to the current level cap. I plan on playing a Stalker on Live, as well.
I'm looking forward to working with you all!

[/ QUOTE ]



Hm, doubtful that it could be so simple, but might Craig Zinkievich be the name behind _Castle_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig is far too cool to be me. He's one of our best Producers, though -- he's great at cracking the whip and getting people to get things done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you on the Cryptic Hockey Team?



Man, I suck at finding the names of people who aren't Statesman or Geko.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)