Discussion: June 8, 2007 The City Scoop!




Never ceasing to amaze us here is the latest edition of "The City Scoop" a publication by Supers, for Supers.

We certainly love to see what turns out each week.

If you have any desire to get involved please PM Marcian_Tobay or Teldon with your questions or submissions, you may also contact any member of the "Scoop" staff if you wish to contribute to one of their regular features.

Here's a link to the "The City Scoop" if you missed it in the Announcement section.



The crossword is relatively easier this time around.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



The crossword is relatively easier this time around.

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On a scale of 1-10, how difficult would you want the quiz to be?

1 would be something like "All the answers are in the rulebook or are references to the very core story".

10 would be something more like "References so obscure and brilliant that people will be making threads to compare notes, even then in trouble".

I'm a bit confused as to what the public desires more on this aspect. The first crossword that came up had people comparing notes all the way until the end. This one's easiness is such that it is our first hard point of observation for this edition. Which is preferable?



Well, different people will obviously have different preferences.

Using that scale of 1 to 10, I would personally rate this one as a 2.5 (needs a bit of obscure knowledge, but nothing a veteran of the games/forums won't think of within a second or two), and the first one as about 7 or 8. (I missed the second one, and the third one was "contaminated" by the duplicate answers.) I would personally like about a 5 or 6; some obscure knowledge (like Cryptic staff names), but the clues will be thoroughly unambiguous when applied to the answer (ie no cases of "it could mean almost anything"). I'm not sure if this is possible.

Having said that, well done on another issue of the Scoop.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



The crossword is relatively easier this time around.

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On a scale of 1-10, how difficult would you want the quiz to be?

1 would be something like "All the answers are in the rulebook or are references to the very core story".

10 would be something more like "References so obscure and brilliant that people will be making threads to compare notes, even then in trouble".

I'm a bit confused as to what the public desires more on this aspect. The first crossword that came up had people comparing notes all the way until the end. This one's easiness is such that it is our first hard point of observation for this edition. Which is preferable?

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I heard that in the first draft of the crossword, 02 across was missing the "not".



*bites ChaseArcanum's ear*

(FYI, I had nothing to do with the writing of this particular crossword)



Can someone please explain this email I got?


RE: Caps Lock Is Cruise Control for Cool Zociety



Nice issue as usual, but I'd like to see the CLICCCZ folks pwned or something.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Love the market watch.



Well, that's just the best darn way someone can come to the forums!

Welcome to the forums, friend! Thank you for the feedback.



whats the awnser to number 2 on the crossword



I have to add that I am still stuck on 9 down.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



I have to add that I am still stuck on 9 down.

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cough, I've got a COLD. It's like my nose is a carrot.

By the way - I must say I *love* the City Scoop. It's great to see the positive, we-love-the-game community vibe made real. My personal favorite so far is LiquidX's column.

It is critical that you pay attention at this time.

Gaming in Limited Times
Guide to Plant/Ice Doms



I have to add that I am still stuck on 9 down.

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cough, I've got a COLD. It's like my nose is a carrot.

[/ QUOTE ]

The one thought that clue gave to me was "but those aren't Giant Monsters, are they?"

However, I've never farmed them, so I don't know.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Wowsa! This thing just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for the great read.



The Market watch is very interesting, considering I bought my Hamidon Goo for less than one million infamy two weeks ago. <_<

I really don't mind the crosswords being too easy or too hard, but using the H word ticks me a smidgen.



I like the City Scoop and all, but will there be some asking others to do things in it? I have seen the couple of issues and I have seen the art section done by THE group of the art forum. Don't get me wrong, the Art group is nice, but the people who are the most popular there are a little bit closed off to new people. It takes alot of patience to get in good with the top group in those forums, but make one mistake and it'll take ALOT longer. I think having different factions have a go at the scoop might be nice and makes it more open to everyone and less of a elite type thing.



A) if you think this is an elitist thing, you're off in the tall grass.
B) we have been adding new people every week. we have been adding guest columnists (based on quality of posting not just being part of the cool crowd).

Honest to god, this is completely 100% about good ideas. In EVERY post that kicks off the Discussion for every issue, we make it completely clear exactly how to get a hold of us if you think you have an idea you want to contribute.

The key to getting involved isn't who you know, it isn't how much you've posted. It's about having a good idea. We're here to pick what's best about these forums and this community. If you think there's something we missed, point it out to us.

Last thing I'll say: I've had my name tacked to the end of the State of the Archetype articles for the last two weeks, in case anyone wanted to volunteer or nominate someone. I have so far gotten Zero nominations. Please don't make it like we're trying to be exclusive.

Stop trying to lay your grade school clique trip on this, because that's not how it is.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Lemur, I think everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Flareback, My experience with the players creating the City Scoop is that they are pretty open and welcome new input. Why don't you take advantage of the contact info Ex Libris posts above and offer up your idea(s)?

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I agree with what Lemur said, but I'd like to add this as well:

The key to getting involved isn't who you know, it isn't how much you've posted. It's about having a good idea.

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That is something I especially emphasize. You probably don't know me, but I'm one of the main people when it comes to bringing new people into the fold. It works like this: People seek me out, state that they would like to be in the City Scoop, and I send them back two questions. <ul type="square"> [*]What do you feel you can bring to the City Scoop? [*]Where may I find validation of your answer to the above question?[/list]
The response varies. One person told me they could help with fan fiction, proceeding to include links to their previous works. One person told me that they were an idea person, telling me about various projects with which they have assisted in the community. So on, so forth...

If their response is good enough, I tell the rest of the team, who double checks to make sure it's a good choice. Pending that response, I officially send them an invite to the team!

That is but one method, though it is the main one. Like I said, I, personally, have brought many people into this project. A good number of them are people of whom I have never heard before this began. More than once someone has arisen and the conversation with the rest of the team has gone as follows:

Marcian: "Dark so-and-so wants in. I like their ideas. Here's their work."

Team: "Never heard of them, but... wow. That is some mighty fine work. Bring them in!"

Marcian: "Word."

There's a lot more to say on the subject, but I feel I may begin to ramble soon.

The short version of what I just said? No. There are no clicks. It's all good, hard, honest work.

If you'd like to contribute, I'd be happy to consider you. Please send a description of what you could bring to the team, along with proof of your claim.


Edit: This took me a while to type, and I did not see that Lighthouse had already responded.



The Market watch is very interesting, considering I bought my Hamidon Goo for less than one million infamy two weeks ago. &lt;_&lt;

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Heroside or villainside? Just curious.

The Market Watch is a snapshot, and though it shows some stable trends, I can't deny that fluctuations happen - sometimes wild ones.

A little while ago I was doing some badge-crafting in the morning, and I saw the price of some common thing or other (not Luck Charms or Runebound Armor, it was something more mundane, like Improvised Cybernetics) jump from 12 inf to 1000 inf as people drained the available supply. It was a pretty fascinating thing to watch. At that moment I appreciated the service that resellers were providing - they pulled things out of the supply pool in times of overabundance, and made them available in times of shortfall.

Anyway, I will continue to try to provide insights into the Market - look for more articles in the Market Watch series going forward. Anyone is welcome to shoot me a PM if they have ideas or want to participate.

- Protea

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



I like the City Scoop and all, but will there be some asking others to do things in it?

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We have been considering many people to see who is both willing and able to step forward and contribute on a regular basis. We are also tracking which servers have had our attention, to help us from playing favorites with one particular group of players. It isn't easy — some servers simply have a traditionally limp response to being interviewed. (I have tried many times on Triumph, villain-side, sometimes for hours, in multiple zones, and have had to give up.)

I think that since we have only had two issues with a dedicated art section, it's a little premature to level accusations of elitism.
I think having different factions have a go at the scoop might be nice and makes it more open to everyone and less of a elite type thing.

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It took us weeks to get organized and get our house in order before we could even do one issue. A weekly rotating staff would be a nightmare I don't even wish to consider.

What I would encourage you to do is to write up your own article on whatever topic you feel is under-reported. Proofread it, polish it up, and send it in to Marcian_Tobay or Teldon. We encourage people to send in stuff! Just be aware that since the Scoop appears on Friday, our deadline for story submission is Wednesday. Last-minute stuff can't be put in.



I'm not saying he's not entitled to his opinion, I'm just pointing out how what he's claiming doesn't actually jibe with the facts of the situation. I'm sorry if I came across as a little miffed, but I really don't like seeing the "superiority comlex" card get played when there is absatively no reason for it considering all the things we've done to include people.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I like the recipes, and the stock reports on wentworths, and the black market. Seeing as I am both a villain and a hero, I need the information from both to make informed decisions about what to sell and how much to sell them for. thank you.



I like the recipes, and the stock reports on wentworths, and the black market. Seeing as I am both a villain and a hero, I need the information from both to make informed decisions about what to sell and how much to sell them for. thank you.

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tiltschel, this was your first post in the forums!? Welcome! Come in and know me better, lad! (A dollar to whoever gets that)

Ya know, I'm starting to think that our lil rag is actually bringing more people into the forum. Sweet!



Welcome tlitschel!

durn, ya beat me to it Marcy!

"The cure for cowardice is not more whimpering and cringing, but to bare your teeth." Fr. Pontefescue

"The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses." ~ Utah Phillips

Remember Greg McKendry