Introducing the 'City Scoop
EDIT: ex is too fast.
In what form will this "publication" present itself? Will it be an interactive html type of deal?
The publication will be in html format but will be posted here on our forums. It will be a collective effort to gather up and showcase what is happening on a weekly basis. Most of the information will be links to other areas on the forums or websites, as well as synopsis and interviews of reporters and contributors.
We really want to get in and showcase what is happening in a lot of different and unique areas of 'City of' life.
So the target is to have a new edition posted on the forums each Friday.
I like it, I like it.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
this sounds like a great idea.. glad to see it coming to fruition.
i'll be looking out for however many reporters end up running around in an alternate "alter-ego" outfit.. lol.
(but really, it would be cool to see more of that anyway)
My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)
Sounds like this could be fun.
Hmmm.......Dark_Mystics Riddle of the Week......
Ooooo! Oooooo! *Waves his hand in the air*
If I volunteer, can I get myself one of those nifty cool reporter hats?
Ooooo! Oooooo! *Waves his hand in the air*
If I volunteer, can I get myself one of those nifty cool reporter hats?
[/ QUOTE ]
All I am at liberty to say is
I really like the sound of this.
EDIT: How will the content be presented? Will it be done in-game, or out of game? or a mix of the two?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Ooooo! Oooooo! *Waves his hand in the air*
If I volunteer, can I get myself one of those nifty cool reporter hats?
[/ QUOTE ]
All I am at liberty to say is
[/ QUOTE ]
Check your PM's. I sent you an idea.
Thanks for your support!
What we're trying to do is get together a sort of mini guide. Every week, we are going to put out an issue of City Scoop. The City Scoop will contain everything noteworthy that has happened within the last week.
What we're looking for:
Anything noteworthy. If you want people to know that it happened, we're the way to get the word out.
<ul type="square"> [*]Important Messages from Devs and Mods. [*]Patch Notes [*]Updates [*]Important Threads that reflect the community. [*]Player Events (As approved my those in charge)[/list]
Also, we are looking for other projects to add flavor. The following are some ideas to that end:
<ul type="square"> [*]Fan Art [*]Fan Fiction [*]Fan Other (Music Videos, Audio Recordings, Etc.) [*]Puzzles (I heard that somewhere ) [*]Random Ideas [/list]
So, anything you are willing to contribute to either Teldon or myself is something we would love to look over as soon as possible! We are always open for ideas. This group of people is capable of producing same great concepts, and I can't wait to see them!
Thanks in advance! I look foward to this opportunity to further serve and aid the community.
All I can say is Stan and Lou should be a part of the Fan Other submissions I'd be happy to help but I have nothing specific at this time. Only some vague ideas.

I really like the sound of this.
EDIT: How will the content be presented? Will it be done in-game, or out of game? or a mix of the two?
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We're currently looking into that. What we want is something that will be equally available to everyone, regardless of whether they are more gamer or more forumite.
The main idea that we are kicking around is giving it its own forum. Nothing is in stone, though.
I'd rather it not be a forum post. I'd rahter it have more of a newsletter type format complete with pictures and whatnot.

I'd rather it not be a forum post. I'd rahter it have more of a newsletter type format complete with pictures and whatnot.
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We'd be able to enable HTML on that specific forum, which is why we'd give it its own section.
Eh...It still kidna makes me squirm. I just have a gut feeling that such a thing will only be read by forumites. while a gimmiky litttle thing it wont be really new to those that read it. WE pretty much keep up on updates, patches and whatnot. Now if Positron were to have like an Ask Postiron section that would be new and cool but it would still only attract formites.
I know several people in game who wont goto a forum as a matter of principle. It drives me up a wall. Anyway it's your show. I just dont think makeing it its own forum is the best idea.

If it gets front page site links, a section of the forum is just as good as any other place on the net, imho.
I've got an idea for puzzles/games whee!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I've got an idea for puzzles/games whee!
[/ QUOTE ]
One of the puzzles should be a maze, where your task is to guide Lord Recluse past all the pitfalls to the end, in order to steal candy from a baby.
Y'know, like the old diner placemats.
Eh...It still kidna makes me squirm. I just have a gut feeling that such a thing will only be read by forumites. while a gimmiky litttle thing it wont be really new to those that read it. WE pretty much keep up on updates, patches and whatnot. Now if Positron were to have like an Ask Postiron section that would be new and cool but it would still only attract formites.
I know several people in game who wont goto a forum as a matter of principle. It drives me up a wall. Anyway it's your show. I just dont think makeing it its own forum is the best idea.
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There are a couple ideas we have to get the word out to everyone. I'll let you know how they go.
As far as "Ask Positron"... I can pretty much lay down a "No" for that. Ex Libris and Lighthouse are trying to set it up so that the City Scoop becomes "Automated", that is, the forum community would be able to do it without any Red Name blessing. Dedicating a section to Positron would kind of be counter intuitive, as it would be asking them to dedicate more time and resources to the program.
I'm not ruling out anything, but I am saying having a weekly or bi-weekly section that is based on Red Name interaction will most likely not be a successful venture.
Please create an RSS feed for the City Scoop.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Any chance that short stories set in the CoH/V-verse will show up in the Scoop, as well?
Popular idea submissions section?? :-)...get some more word out on player ideas for the game content, powersets, and whatever else is out there.
I think you need a highly paid and pampered semi-occasional guest columnist. Somebody like the guy that did this thread:
I concur with you Angus and second your self nomination.
Hot off the presses and coming soon to a forum near you our very own community will be creating the City Scoop.
This idea was presented by members of this community and Lighthouse and I have started the process of gathering interested participants to help design and develop this community created publication. This is news by players for players.
The City Scoop will feature hot topics, spotlights, interviews, puzzles, event announcements, developer posts, game news and more.
If you have an idea or would like to contribute to the City Scoop please post here or PM Marcian_Tobay or Teldon
We are grateful to work with such an amazing community and look forward to supporting this excellent player driven content.
Ex Libris & Lighthouse
*Discussion on this topic will happen here!*