Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




Awesome I especially liked how they got the price of the scarab given to them like on those cheasy antique tv shows my grandma watches all the time! xD

One little typo though, in the credits, you put
Stan and Lou Episode
10 (King's Row)

Edit: Woo! First post on page (my) 3



very funny stuff. i am glad you don't waste your time watching Antique Roadshow on PBS.




I was just turned on to this by jimmy. man thease are great.



sent a compressed sound file in a different format (16K Hz when I record in 44.1K Hz), but hey, them's the breaks.

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And then there is the Vocorder-pitch aspect and resulting flange-artifacts.



And then there is the Vocorder-pitch aspect and resulting artifacts.

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Yep. If you know of a cleaner way to convert 16 KHz to 44.1 KHz without the tinny sound, I'd be all over that.



Two words: Comedy Gold.



Two more words: Striga Isle

oh, and War Wolves!



Watched the first linked 2.

If it had been actual video, it would have been far more funny. Without it, 5/10.



Watched the first linked 2.

If it had been actual video, it would have been far more funny. Without it, 5/10.

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Sorry you didn't appreciate the audio-only format. I really don't intend to put in the work in editing together any video for this — it really doesn't lend itself to a visual format. It'd be a lot of work for very little actual gain in story and humor.

edited to be less brusque



My comment was not meant to be insulting! I make videogame videos myself (mainly for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater). It is just you can not release something to the public and expect to get only positive, great responses. Once you release it, you just have to suck it up and take the responses like a man. (or, woman. Whatever.) Don't take it personal, it's the internet.

And to clarify my scoring of it, the 5 is based on comedy. Yes it was funny, it was very funny. But it was not entertaining. That is the basis of how I felt about this, and is my own opinion. If you enjoy making these, then continue how you wish.

Yes, I may or may not have seen the original brusque post.

I will not respond again on the current topic at hand, as to avoid the inevitable flaming.



My comment was not meant to be insulting!

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And my comment was not meant to be brusque, but it was. Thank you for pointing out that there is no video, and that you would prefer video, but I'm not changing it. It's too much work for zero return. If there are people such as yourself who can't use their imaginations and require video feedback, they'll just have to be disappointed.



I want a giant walrus.



Another good set there, Hertz. Keep up the good work despite the awkward criticism...



Here's #11: Stan and Lou in Kings Row (Again)

Edited to change YouTube link, re-uploaded different mix.

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I am listening to improvements in the timing and mix of this one. The two vocal characters step on each other's lines less and less... and their voices are clear easy to focus on over any background/sound-effect tracks. This is a true sign of progress... and the Talent getting 'comfortable' with the comedic pacing in each new episode.



Another good set there, Hertz. Keep up the good work despite the awkward criticism...

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Thanks. He had some good criticism, really. But I can only score it 1/10 because I wanted it in the format of an operatic soprano aria from "La Boheme."



More good stuff here, Hertz.

Somehow I get the feeling that Stan and Lou are gonna take this toy to Hami to try and get an answer.



Quick, someone go to the nearest badge channel and tell them Paladin's almost made and to hurry before he's completed!



Hey, HEY! Just because eveyrone's drooling over I9, doesn't mean you can just forget about our Hellion buddies!



Here's #11: Stan and Lou in Kings Row (Again)

Edited to change YouTube link, re-uploaded different mix.

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I am listening to improvements in the timing and mix of this one. The two vocal characters step on each other's lines less and less...

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I like the interrupting of each other. It makes it really sound like they're from NY city. It gives the overall performance more of a "real" setting to them.



I haven't forgotten. But as I said, I do rehearse for a play some weeknights. Our play opens in about two weeks, which means I'll be rehearsing more frequently as opening night approaches. We don't rehearse on weekends (yet), so expect more Stan and Lou this weekend.

I have the next several bits planned out, though not yet written.

Roughly speaking, they will visit the Trolls, then cross over to the villain-side zones via Bloody Bay. Along the way they just might have to pick up a Shivan Shard...



Here is the next one: [link removed because I re-cut this one and posted it downthread]

This one isn't as overtly funny, in my opinion. It's a bit dry, and a bit too long, but it gets all the rest of the stupid exposition and story setup out of the way. Those of you from across the Atlantic will recognize a very bad imitation accent.



Granted the Troll boss was a bit long winded (and that's something I never thought I'd say) but there were a few real gems in there, including the " blasters wouldn't take him, too smart" that I fear may have awakened my roommates.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Those of you from across the Atlantic will recognize a very bad imitation accent.

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The Scottish accent could use some work (it sorta drifted in and out of Irish) but the English accent wasn't bad at all actually, it didn't want me to gouge my ears out, so that's a plus, he sounded very posh, but I'm guessing that was the point