Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




Hertz does Voices. Gotta Catch 'em all!



Heh, I like how the explanation of the universe is based on the game code.

I think you could have about half of the Troll's speech relegated to background noise while Stan and Lou have their own (amusing) conversation in the foreground, and have them throw in the bug question near the end of the Troll's speech.

Also, a few background sounds wouldn't hurt. Like, when they are commenting on the "big troll" that's coming towards them, you could add some thudding footfalls getting closer, and perhaps some sound effects as the scarab is being moved around.

Awaiting more episodes! =^_^=

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



John Cleese. He he he...

Blasters wouldn't take 'im, too smart!



I think you could have about half of the Troll's speech relegated to background noise...

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm stuck at work, but I'm already imagining ways I can just cut about 30 seconds of his speech completely. Most of it isn't funny, but what's worse, most isn't even necessary.



Hey, Hertz!

I was just checking through my old PMs, and I see that you were one of the people that helped answer some of my newb questions in these forums!

Thanks for being awesome! Keep making stories.



I think you could have about half of the Troll's speech relegated to background noise...

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm stuck at work, but I'm already imagining ways I can just cut about 30 seconds of his speech completely. Most of it isn't funny, but what's worse, most isn't even necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]

No no no, don't worry about it, having one that isn't 'great' is okay, plus it's got a good amount of exposition... just let it stand and move forward, it'll look better when it's surrounded by others as it'll add much needed 'lore' to the story.



I've just re-cut #12 and removed about ... oh, thirty seconds of it. Nigel the Troll still does blather on a bit, but it's cut down considerably. A lot of unessential stuff was hacked out, but I think I preserved the important bits. Let me repost it here:

Stan and Lou in the Troll Tunnels (repost of special limited edition director's cut)



Excellent British dry humor. Bug in the code....



I'm enjoying these immensely. I've listened to almost all of them so far, in one sitting, so I've gotten to hear the genesis of the storyline as well as the technical aspects.

I think you've got the pacing down now, but even in the beginning it wasn't all that cluttered. Sometimes friends do talk over one another, so it sounded natural to me. However, for exposition's sake, it's easier to get everything when they aren't.

I am definitely looking forward to what comes next, and I'm about to head off and listen to #13. It'll be a great way to start off my morning. Keep up the good work!



"...the lowest, most despicable sub-human creatures I can find!"

"What... Stalkers?"



great job on the Scarab. I really didn't see the whole "bug" thing coming at all. And the discussion of the game physics was hilarious.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Hm... Hellions only go up to level 14, what're you going to do now they've reached level 15 to enter Bloody Bay?



LOL.... Great.....

Especially The Leaving the Sewers Behind sketch.

Too much truth in that one.





"I hate you..."



hahahahahaha! Thats so true! 'you did x bajillion things, but got a teeny bit too much xp and are now level 13 and its a mere trifle for you.. time to move on' 'but.. we really want to.. we did all this..!'

etc.. haha, after doing a story arc and having it cut off right before a badge mission yesterday i can relate so much ;_;

These are really awesome.. keep it up



Hm... Hellions only go up to level 14, what're you going to do now they've reached level 15 to enter Bloody Bay?

[/ QUOTE ]
I expect what I'll do is have them join a new villain group when they hit level 21.

Which one? I don't know yet. I'm still mulling between Family, Tsoo, Sky Raiders, and Freakshow.



I like how the title screen gets better with every episode too.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



That's thanks to Vixy Chic -- she volunteered to do that, and then didn't list herself on the credits page. Thanks, Vixy!



If you'd accpet a recomendation, Family all the way!

Serisously, since I first heard them, I never imagined them as fitting Hellions. Family was honestly my first thoughts when I head them (so I figure this is my first real chance to ask )

I think if they do switch to the Family, you should throw in that Lou feels more comfortable in the clothes. He has that mob style voice, you know?

Either way, I'm still loving the series. I love it whenever they stumble their voices over each other in arguments. Also;

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you Superman. You and your sidekick can just go on in."

Edit: Fixed the quote



Another great episode



Here is #15. As always, remember the caveat: I do these to make myself laugh. If you find them funny too, that's a welcome bonus.

Stan and Lou in Bloody Bay





It's official, my Shivan's are all now named Skippy!



Aww... I almost feel bad for Skippy. next time I get a Shivan, I'll call him Skippy and I will love him.