Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




Stan and Lou are entrenched in the community of COX.
Maybe they'll become a permanent part of the game and we could find them in one of the zones, say Outbreak just standing and talking.


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That would be spiffy. Or, stick them in Pocket D.

[/ QUOTE ]Seconded!



I'm guessing that the next part will be the result of that open box? >_>

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Are you fishing for spoilers? Or maybe spoiling for fishes?



Youtube finally let me listen

Tis great stuff, keep it up!



As always, fantastic job Hertz!! So lemme episode in Perez Park with CoT?



Nerf Scissors!



Man, you record these faster than... a... fast... thing...

Edit: They were kind of hard to hear in this episode, I think the background sound was interfering with the voices a bit



Good Job. The echo was drowning out the voices to me as well.



I like that there's now a continuing story going on. I mean, there sort of was before, as the duo were moving from area to area, but now with that scarab.... >_>

I'll echo with the echo comments. I could understand the Vahz guy the last time, but it was a lot harder this time around. I understood Stan and Lou, but the Vahz guy has a thick accent which makes it tougher to distinguish among the sewer noises.

I like the "we take, we don't give" comment about Azuria.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



I'll see if I can re-mix that -- I'm not sure, I may have to re-record him entirely.



Great stuff, as always.



10/10- fricken' awesome! They're going on my SGs web page.



Just found out about this today. This has been hilarious! Cannot wait for the next one!



xD Wow!! Excellent work! I watched 1-9 and my favorite by far is #7. I almost fell out of my seat laughing when I heard the rhymes! Keep em coming!!

Edit: #4 also comes in close My favorite line "That aint a super power. Thats a stupid power."



I've been listening to #9 and there are only a few lines that might need to be re-done. I can hear them on my speakers, but the level does drop. I think I can try to re-mix just those lines. They are:

"And nothing can go wrong if you miscount the surgical instruments before you close up."

"Dr. Vahzilok is very keen on green."

"I am not allowed to give you my telephone number until you have spoken to me seven more times and run several unimportant errands to all corners of the city..."

"I studied Practical Embalming at the University of Cheops."

"Ah, yes, quite true, you noticed that I had mine replaced."

"Gunter! Get me the file on Portas the Ruin Mage."

Let me know which lines aren't clear and I'll try to fix those particular ones. That will be easier than re-doing all of Karl's lines, if I don't need to. Of course, if you can't understand any of his lines, say so.



I can hear them on my speakers, but the level does drop. I think I can try to re-mix just those lines.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you have independent control of the Reverb effects-level? I would simply reduce that level in the mix for any future 'tunnel/sewer' episodes.



I do have that kind of control. However, I did not save a "dry" but assembled mix, so in order to undo the levels I have to go back and re-edit Karl's lines in and re-apply the reverb effect.



So who wants to be the victim of the Circle of Thorns? I need someone — preferably a woman, but not necessarily — to read four lines. Requirements are 1) having a microphone and a recording program, 2) being able to sound annoyed. PM to me here on the forums.

Edit: I may already have somebody who can do these lines.



Rofl @ the appraisal sounds.



Pure Gold!

Triumph Heros

Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP

Triumph Villains

Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison



Portas' appraisal of the Scarab of Doom was only beaten in hilarity by Mort's line about giving them his phone number.

My only complaint about the whole thing so far is this: The victim's lines. They're funny, delivered well, and all that, but it's pretty clear they were recorded in a bathrom or somesuch, rather than the clear sound of the rest of the cast. Otherwise, I like it.



My only complaint about the whole thing so far is this: The victim's lines. They're funny, delivered well, and all that, but it's pretty clear they were recorded in a bathrom or somesuch, rather than the clear sound of the rest of the cast.

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Yeah, it'd be nice if I had a way to get her lines recorded on the same equipment as mine was, but she lives 2,000 miles from here and has a different microphone, a different room, and sent a compressed sound file in a different format (16K Hz when I record in 44.1K Hz), but hey, them's the breaks.