Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




Okay, that Dr. Strangelove-ian accent in #5 was just priceless. fantastic work Hertz, I hope to hear more as well. Definately made my night shift at work much more enjoyable.

Triumph Server and a spattering of heroes/villians on all others.

@Dr. Earl Grey



Well, just an FYI, at least one of these has now seen internet radio-play. DJ Jester off of w00t Radio played the Breakout one after tonight's Jester's Court.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



He's gonna freak out if he ever goes to Croatoa...



I love this. I hope the next one is CoT in Perez Park.



When I do the Circle of Thorns, it's definitely gonna be in Perez. I'm pretty sure I know what the gist of their conversation will be, too...



Just throwing my support...

I love this series! I'm sharing it with my SG.

Good stuff!!!!

*If brains were super powers, they'd be a toggle because it ain't always on.*



Stan and Lou are entrenched in the community of COX.
Maybe they'll become a permanent part of the game and we could find them in one of the zones, say Outbreak just standing and talking.




HAHA! Great job! Made my morning, make more!!!



Stan and Lou are entrenched in the community of COX.
Maybe they'll become a permanent part of the game and we could find them in one of the zones, say Outbreak just standing and talking.


[/ QUOTE ]

That would be spiffy. Or, stick them in Pocket D.



"If brains was superpowers..."

Hilarious! I must be psychic because episode 6 was fantastic.



The. Best. Audio. Stuff. For. CoX. EVER!



The. Best. Audio. Stuff. For. CoX. EVER!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed! Stan and Lou are now going to be heard on w00t Radio. Thanks Hertz for the files! Six is my favorite one so far...

"If brains were a superpower yours would be a toggle, b/c it aint always on..."
ROFLMAO I'm still laughing at that..

w00t Radio



Nice to hear Jester. Congratulations Hertz for getting these on w00t. I stumbled across these yesterday and find them very entertaining. Can't wait to listen to the future ones.

Also, I just noticed that on Episode 5 The Sewers, the scrolling credits at the end say Stan & Lou Chapter 4 Galaxy City



I'll have to check this out later, when I get home. YouTube is blocked here.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Nah, thats a good start but I think old Saturday Night Live skits fit better. Stan & Lou = Willie & Frankie's long lost brothers? You tell me.



Sorry there's no Stan and Lou this morning — I do rehearse for a play many weeknights, and I didn't have time last night to record anything worth posting.

I did want to post on the thread, however, to let everyone know what I was considering. Over the weekend I would like to record some more Stan and Lou and launch them off into a serialized story. It will still be much easier to lampoon certain aspects of the game if the two of them are doing something familiar: doing missions, traveling from zone to zone, visiting contacts, etc. As anybody knows who is a fan of "The Order of the Stick," you can only go so far in skewering game mechanics until you start to need characters and plot.

There is already a plot in my mind. No spoilers... but should still be funny.

What I wanted to say is that I may, in the future, need additional voices to help round things out. Acting ability and comedic timing count, of course. Ability to do accents and character voices is a plus. What I really would like is a female voice actor or two, if there are any volunteers.

I don't know yet what I'd use additional actors for, exactly, but I can foresee a use for some if I had any.



Boo! No Stan and Lou today

What, you want to play COH, work, AND have a life and can't find a measely 5 hours or so to record something for your fans?? Boo, I say.

Seriously, I look forward to listening to future episodes. I can't wait for them to try breaking into Steel Canyon Bank (or some other zone) in a Mayhem mission. I can just picture their normal banter getting them in trouble as they argue over the best way to get the vault open.



Nerf scissors indeed.



I can't wait to listen to these (but youtube is being an *** to me at the moment)



Heh, how can he be so smart about radiation and yet so stupid over rock/paper/scissors.

I'm guessing that the next part will be the result of that open box? >_>

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



This is amazing work!

The devs should link to this on the main page. Brilliant!

Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.



Another great episode Hertz. Your variations on the dumb game were great. Will you shoot him with your bow?

Cat ambulance... I couldn't help but laugh.