Stan and Lou -- More COH audio




That... was... really... surreal...



I'm glad you liked Skippy the Shivan. Sometimes I wonder if it's just me that thinks it's funny that a fearsome monster could sound so depressingly emo. I think I'm going to try to get them to cover about two City of Villains zones and then come back to Paragon via Pocket D (I think Port Oakes and Mercy Island, even though they've sort of out-leveled Mercy).



Well, speaking for myself...

The silent laughing hurts. I had to keep pausing the darn thing so I could laugh some more. "I knew you didn't want to be my friend." I did *try* to stay quiet... but it's a good thing I don't have any cubicle-neighbors.

Joining the chorus of kudos. Have heard all 15 and can't wait for the next. Brilliant concept, brilliantly executed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your hard work and for sharing it with us. Make as many as you like, I'll keep coming back.

Oh, yes: are you offering these as downloads anywhere? If so, I'd like to burn them to a CD if I may... thanks in advance.



There has been some talk of having the MP3s up on w00t Radio's website. I'm not sure how that's going yet — I know I still have to send some of the later episodes to DJ Jester, but he's got a few to start with.



Loved Skippy.

Actually if you are talking CoV zones you may want to consider Cap au Diable over Mercy. First, if they are leaving via the villain's chopper it's the zone they would end up in. Second, there is a ton of potential humor in the zone with the Luddites, the Goldbrickers and all of Aeon's weird experiments.



Well, what they need to find is some group that could qualify as "mutant." I'm not sure which enemies on that side qualify.

Port Oakes has a number of ways I can have a funny and unique voice: for one, Mr. Bocor; for another, the Radio. It also has Mooks, but they're not significantly different from Family that I'd want to focus on them specifically. It has Snakes, but why would I use Snakes when I could do the Radio or Mr. Bocor? It also has Coralax, but are they Natural or Mutation? And should I save Coralax for Sharkhead Isle?

Mercy Island has... well, Snakes. It also has Arachnos, but I think I ought to save Arachnos and Longbow for later in the series.

Cap au Diable has Demons, Goldbrickers and Luddites. Lots of potential there.



Huh. I'm racking my brain and I can only think of two mutant villain groups in either City. Outcasts and Lost. The Corolax we've seen so far are Humans altered by the coral of Sharkhead, but with the tie in to the Leviathan, I'm not sure if they're mutant or magic.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Well if you want to stay away from Arachnos this wouldnt' work, but the Fortunatas are usually women born with psychic abilities who Arachnos recruited. If you wanted to use one of them then Mercy has two very prominent ones in Kalinda and Seer Marino (they also hang out in Cap if you aren't looking to use signiture chracters).

If you wanted to use Lost (who are really mutated, not mutants) they hang around the docks in Port Oakes.

Sadly Outcasts are probably your best bet for mutants and they don't hang out in the Rogue Isles.

You could always just have them visit someone who works for Arachnos or Aeon Corp who is an expert on mutations.



But there's also Spectral Pirates in Port Oakes, right? Pirates would be fun to do voices for. Not every episode has to concretely advance the plot.



Oh yeah, there's a mess of ghost pirates that hang about Fort Hades. That's where the Arachnos have their ghostbusting equipment too. <_<

Heh, maybe Stan and Lou would take a crack at trying to capture one for some odd reason.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



I am taking the advice of gnosis and making the next one about the Fortunatas. In fact, here it is:

Stan and Lou on Mercy Island



I'm confused



...Ow, my head...

That was perfect. Everything was so fast-paced and every line delivered so perfectly yet none of them made any sense.



I knew that is what that episode was going to be about



Ah... more good episodes. Skippy was good, reminded me of Droopy Dog. At least... the voice... the personality was certainly different.



haha that one was great



Yes, the voice is very like that of Droopy. Droopy has the right combination of depression and persistence — and like a Shivan, unstoppable when angry.



I was going to have be starting to been reading this thread, but I began to remember having been already doing it.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



So how many times did you flub the lines before getting it right, Hertz?

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Not as much as you might think. I had to re-do lines more often because of sound spikes (like when you say Buh or Tuh or Duh or Fuh or Kuh and the microphone pops). I did practice the lines a lot...



Hang on. The Fortunata said that the plan would have worked. "We will have been going to have paid them their money and they would have just put it right back in the bank." (EDIT: went back and got the right quote)

The plan would have worked, they would have given Arachnos 100k Infamy that the organization would no longer have access to, but since it would have been a net gain of zero for Arachnos, the Fortunata got their heads all turned around enough so that they dropped even the idea of attempting the bank job, which was how the conversation got started in the first place.

And if I was Stan, I would have shown up to the Fortunata's anyway. She already said she would have been going to say yes.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Youtube's still processing it

Edit: Awww, was hoping for that guy who did a recording of Radio Free Opportunity's missions

I can't believe they didn't realise it was themselves Oo



Very self-referential!



I thought Paragon used radios and Rogue Isles used newspapers for all their 'top secret instructions.'