Back Story Power Pools




/signed so hard I broke my pen.



/signed so hard I broke my pen.

[/ QUOTE ]

He he he... We are getting the weirdest /Signed's here.

*Checks Views*

Oh, goodness! We've almost hit Flame status! YES!!!!

Argh, I haven't put out 2.0 yet. Sorry.

Anyone know if the Devs have read this yet?



Totally unrelated, but Marcian, have you switched your Avatar?!?!!?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, it is a rather disturbing version of Mr. Poe right now.

Several people on these forums, at my request, have made rather awesome A Series of Unfortunate Events avatars. I shall be rotating them regularly. Thanks for noticing!



Yes, it is a rather disturbing version of Mr. Poe right now.

Several people on these forums, at my request, have made rather awesome A Series of Unfortunate Events avatars. I shall be rotating them regularly. Thanks for noticing!

[/ QUOTE ]
You're welcome... I just noticed a drastic change in brightness from your previous avatar, and also what I think was a slight gender-change

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Oh, *Pshaw. My gender is the underling of my mood.



Oh, *Pshaw. My gender is the underling of my mood.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ummm... I meant your avatar's gender... but... o...k...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I uh... I knew that. Hm.

I'mma just go change my ava gender to female and scratch this whol issue.



Oh, *Pshaw. My gender is the underling of my mood.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ummm... I meant your avatar's gender... but... o...k...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I uh... I knew that. Hm.

I'mma just go change my ava gender to female and scratch this whol issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Alls I'm thinking while I read this is I can get pl'd way easier, pl someone alot easier, and all those ehn I'm getting and don't need I can make a mule char with the other sets and make a huge buck. The percentages you throw out would be enough to make alot of things sooo much easier. I like the idea of having backstory pp's but the ones suggested need some major tweaking.



Alls I'm thinking while I read this is I can get pl'd way easier, pl someone alot easier, and all those ehn I'm getting and don't need I can make a mule char with the other sets and make a huge buck. The percentages you throw out would be enough to make alot of things sooo much easier. I like the idea of having backstory pp's but the ones suggested need some major tweaking.

[/ QUOTE ]

As was noted in the Original Post. I'm no numbers master. The numbers represent the vague area I want to touch, but I literally don't have a single stat in City of Heroes/Villains memorized.

I hope that the Devs, seeing this, would make it more playable.



Any bonus needs a negative to make it worthwhile for roleplay.

In the "Freedom Force" games, you could get all sorts of extra skills, but you had to balance them out with weaknesses. Get high resistance to fire, then you'd have to take a high weakness to ice.

Take a movement speed increase and you might have to take "Brittle Bones" which makes you more vulnerable to smashing damage.

In this mindset, take your examples...

4) Wanderer- The more you are by yourself, the more you learn. When you complete a mission solo, you receive an experience bonus.

(NEGATIVE) If you are teamed up on a mission, you get less experience.

3) Vicious Strike – When you are alone, sometimes you have to play dirty, just to survive. When you are on a mission solo, you have a slightly increased chance of stunning enemies.

(NEGATIVE) But when you are teamed, your chance of stunning others decreases dramatically and your chance of getting stunned increases.

Superman has Kryptonite, Green Lantern cannot influence things with a yellow color, Spider-Man runs out of web fluid, The Thing is really vulnerable to itching powder, the Hulk is weak against Psionic attacks, Professor Xavier is vulnerable against sonic attacks, Wolverine is plagued by appearing in 20 non-related comicbook continuities in one month, and so on...

Extra bonuses must mean extra weaknesses.



How cool! I'm pretty new, but still! If NG games would make these actual pool powers, that would be perfect!



Meh. I dunno. Needs a bit more work and variance, and some of the powers need to be altered to make it balanced.

In the place where you were, flowers have been falling. Ice that had collected is thawing

That time, you were finishing my training. I was to tell no one, and let it remain thousand times a secret

The sound of a faraway drum invites the winter that is the ancient rhythm of sadness



I just read through the whole thread and found some really cool ideas in it, please post the revised soon so we (you) can stop going over the same things again and again.

Yes it needs tweaks, but thats what the dev's are for, no one ever said it was perfect yet.




I like it. /signed

Larry Jablonski
Infinity Server

Arc Name: Old Folks Home
Arc ID: 261041
Synopsis: The Octogenician can control minds, but only of people over 80. He's taken an old folks home hostage. Beat up old folks screaming about the good ol' days to defeat the Octogenician!



Bravo. Well thought out. And there is no doubt it will give a certain something extra to certain players. Maybe you are a big shot in your SG and want to bring a couple of the youngers guys along for a tough mish. I like it. Now if I could just get someone behind my Advanced Travel Power Pool idea...



/signed x1 BILLION





[/ QUOTE ]

It's like /signed, without all that nasty redundancy!

Thanks for your support!







This is my favorite idea posted on these forums this side of Insect Masterminds and some sort of mech AT.



Not a bad concept. They're independent of combat and largely innate and you've kept their proposed values to be moderate, yet valuable rewards. I'd only be concerned that the absolute lack of combat value may make anyone spending 3 slots here to be labled "combat gimp" by some groups. I think THAT would be unfair... I don't doubt that the hero could still function well on some difficulty levels, but the impact of these selections will have to be weighed to insure that players aren't paying too high a price in combat performance for their out-of-combat benefits

[/ QUOTE ]

That was a concern of mine as well. My counter-argument to the "power-gimp" idea is that some players would be ingratiating themselves through the clever use of these powers.

Rogues would be invaluable to any pick up group that wants to do a Safeguard/Mayhem mission, and would you say "no" to a Student that has buffed out their "Protective" power? Merchant powers would be moot either way, unless of course a clever Merchant leveraged their powers into constantly green SOs. At which point, who would complain?

As far as Lone Wolf? That power pool is in there for people that don't want to put up with pick up groups.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who is a Mastermind dedicated to their pets, I often finding myself staring at the Power Selection screen thinking "But I don't WANT more fighting skills."

They aren't a great idea for those that are combat oriented. They will, however, promote Alt-itis to the nTh degree.

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I believe that there was an idea for making the back story pools seperate from main powers.



These are pretty cool! I don't think I'd actually spend actual power picks on them, but they're very cool ideas!

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if there was some way where, if you picked one power @ level 4, you'd still get to pick your other powers (Primary/Secondary), it'll be a bit better

. Picking a BSPP wouldn't affect the powers that you'd naturally pick; you'd pick your Back-Story, after picking that, you'd pick your primary/secondary.

At Level 6, you get to pick the 2nd out of that pool, [u]OR[u] once you pick one back story, they'd automatically become unlocked after you reach certain requirements (Read a few plaques, gain a badge or two... OH with the addition of I9, if you pick the Merchant pool, if you get all of the selling badges from WW's, you get the 4th power out of the pool.).

Also, it'd be better if all these BSPP's were passive buffs that can't be slotted as opposed to the few that were toggles.

Sorry if these ideas were already stated, but I didn't go through the entire post. It sounds like a great idea, you and whoever came up with this are creative