Back Story Power Pools




I agree with what you say as a whole, and totally disagree with the implementation you propose to have. I do not believe we are talking here about a system that will actually let people roleplay their character and by doing so have a real constant influence over the gameworld. I am willing to let the Devs take the baby-steps required to get to a game that works for most of the people, even if I sometimes am included in the unsatisfied minority. To that end, I tolerate (and sometimes enjoy) the Magic Oriented CoT's, the crazy Council with their Vampyrs and Werewolves and other mobtypes.

I don't see the words Merchant or Rogue as anything but words, with a meaning and context that changes and evolves. After all, words are nothing more than containers and placeholders for thoughts. If you feel that Merchant is too old a word to be used in the "modern" world, that can be your issue with the BSPP concepts and that's just fine. If the Devs ever decide to implement this concept and perhaps actually use "Merchant", maybe you'll have to take it up with them, but untill then, it'd be a lot better to focus on the BSPP as a concept rather than try to change something that doesn't seem "broken" way before the thing ever made it into the game.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati









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uhh yeah me too. I don't feel like doing all that.

But as other posters have said...great idea. (could use a few more choices but HEY thats not up to you this is "the pilot" If someone important wants to develop. THEY can think of the rest)



Empress ...I'm guessing you were just replying to me because I was the most recent post right?

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im actually replying to many of the post since Tobay announced 2.0 was in the works.

it seems like everyone new to this thread who (appear) to want to get involved.. havent spent the time to go through and see what has been discussed and decided in the three previous pages.

and this thread seems to be taking a step backwards.... were going back to questions about implementation and what "bsps" actually DO.... and rather than building onto what has already been discussed... or at least countering whats been said...

all I see are a lot of unlabled "QRs", people reading the first post and saying: "wow, this is an awsome idea, but I think you should change this, that, and the other thing"

....even though, often times... the topic has already been discussed/brought up at length in the past.
For community members who seem to be interested in this thread... it just seems unfair to not care enough about it to actually contribute.



I love the idea. How original. I have an idea of my own though. Why be so generic as Merchant, Rogue, and Lone Wolf when you could have "traits" that describe the character's past. For example, a blaster could have the Law BSPP, or a tanker could have the Creativity BSPP.

This may or may not have been mentioned without me noticing it (I'm a terrible reader). These power pools could include; Creative, Law, Knowledge, Scientific, Social, Athlete, Otherworldly, Lonesome, Outlaw, and Financial.

Creative would be involving creative ways to increase the effect of your powers. Law would be involving a "lawyer" or "detective" origin, with ways of defeating crime quicker. Knowledge would be a mix of the "Student" and "Mentor" power pools.

These are ideas I'd like to throw out. In my opinion, each BSP should be diverse and subtle if they aren't going to be required, as mention many times before. Still, wonderful idea.




i think your just changing terminology...

the BSP are already structured to maintain "ways of thinking" (not specific professions)

a "merchant mindest" IS a trait... as is a Rogue mindset, and a Lone wolf mindset.

the BSPs are intended to be a vague discription of the "sort of person you were, and are"

if anything, your new suggestions are merely new/overlapping BSPs we havent listed yet, or listed under another name.

its the same idea, though.



Alright, but my suggestions were just to make the range of names for BSPPs more generic and broader.



true, but have to be careful not to be TOO broad... otherwise the system would need to be made more flexable to support "option" in a players choices... and such flexability, over the whole system could lead to mini-max behavior...

also, just as a minor point... though "knowlege" is, truely, a broad category...

there is a big difference (in concept and in "ability application") between AQUIRING knowlege.... and IMPARTING knowlege

another analogy might be having a catagory called "things"....

sure, its broad, and general... but its too broad... broad to the point that it loses its meaning...
are we the sort of person who aquires/hoards things? do we like things... what sort of things do we care about?

we need to avoid being TOO vague... when comming up with pool..

board enough to allow anyone's background to "fit" the pool (you could be a CEO or a street urchin and still be a "merchant")
without being so vague as to "bite off more than we can chew" in terms of what powers could exist for such a pool



This is the most beautiful post I have ever read. If there is ANY way to implement this or something like it, I'm all for it...



Okay, Stille would definately want Lone Wolf. I love my soloing. Wait...most of my toons would be Lone Wolf-ers then.




I thought the first two powers in Knowledge would be "Student" powers and the last two would be "Mentor" powers.



and for all the /unsigners....i veto your veto and /sign it in your name!

"PvP Messiah"



I thought the first two powers in Knowledge would be "Student" powers and the last two would be "Mentor" powers.

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why do that... when we could have 4 student powers, and four mentor powers?

why make the pool general... and then sacrifice the depth of each catagory that applies to it...???

Ive said it before.. but to keep it all up to date...

I think there should be 6 powers in each Backstory pool, 2-3 inherants, 3-4 click/toggle abilities... have them unlock the same way that the current powerpools unlock

with an independant system for aquiring backstory powers (think... more like titles, than primary/secondary/pools) and a limited number of aquirable powers over a character's growth....

there should be ample room to get a little bit of a lot of different pools, a lot of a few different pools, choose pools that you feel actively benifit your character's abilities, or choose pools that (IC) flesh out your character's personal history.



...I think there should be 6 powers in each Backstory pool, 2-3 inherants, 3-4 click/toggle abilities... have them unlock the same way that the current powerpools unlock...

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I think that all of the Backstory Powers are supposed to help you define you character in terms of personal traits rather than active abilities. What example can you give for a BSPP that has to be a toggle?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Can we get a "revenge" History Pool? My main's story is (in summary- its novel length) that his parents (famous villains) were killed by the Rikti. Wolf blamed heroes, extermination campaign, joined Council, was abducted by Heroes, put in Zig, genuis found, tada.
Oh, and also the duo idea was genuis. I have a friend whose 20 lvs behind me and lackeying him is too much hassle, but if he protects me...



Can we get a "revenge" History Pool? My main's story is (in summary- its novel length) that his parents (famous villains) were killed by the Rikti. Wolf blamed heroes, extermination campaign, joined Council, was abducted by Heroes, put in Zig, genuis found, tada.
Oh, and also the duo idea was genuis. I have a friend whose 20 lvs behind me and lackeying him is too much hassle, but if he protects me...

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He he, It's really exciting to me that people all want this to happen, but most want it to happen for different reasons. Some people want to take Student/Mentor to team up with buddies, I personally would like to have Rogue and see what it's like to get to 50 without storylines, whereas some people just want to dunk their accounts into a big ol' bucket of Lone Wolf.

Sure, we can add Revenge! It sounds like a cool concept, but I need to know what kind of mechanical boosts you are expecting. Keep in mind that they should NOT be combat oriented. If they are, then not too heavily.

Thanks for the support!



This is a cool idea. I have several back stories that should have appropriate powers to go with them, but I do not have time to share with the forum at the moment.




...I think there should be 6 powers in each Backstory pool, 2-3 inherants, 3-4 click/toggle abilities... have them unlock the same way that the current powerpools unlock...

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I think that all of the Backstory Powers are supposed to help you define you character in terms of personal traits rather than active abilities. What example can you give for a BSPP that has to be a toggle?

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it is supposed to define your character's "personality" but if you look at the original suggestions for "benifits" of the pools.. the concept has always been about quantifying qualitative data...

turning "I was a master, and teacher, in the greatest ninja clan in japan"
"When my Ninja MM has a sidekick, he is able to boost both his own abilities, and his sidekick's abilities"
it is a system by which we players would be able to "show" the history and background of our characters through in game abilities... essentually, giving true ingame "Value" to concepts like origin and biography.

And, in my defence I did say "click/toggle", so im not necessarly implying that there will be toggles infused throughout the BSPPs...

but an idea for toggles might be, say... a set like "gambler" (probability modification)
with toggles that enable the character to, say, increase the likelyhood of "heal/end" drops or "damage/accuracy" or "def/dr"

....thats the sort of thing that would DEFINATELY work better as a toggle (enabling the character to, essentually, "choose" which he/she is going to get.)

for sets like Student or Instructor.... there could be toggled PBaoe's for the grouping benifits of of those Pool concepts.

you could have something like a "Vendetta" pool that could give players damage or DR benifits versus different enemy types (minor, sure... but it would be cool to have a little "one up" on CoT, because your character has been training to fight them for his whole life, or something)

things like that.

for some sets... a toggle might just be the "end game" power... (a togglable version of stamina, perhaps.... in a Pool called "Berzerker"or something, with click abilities that boost a characters combat effectiveness for a short peroid, at the cost of something else...)

while, other sets might be completly imbued with them, enabling a level of versitility in that particular pool for the character to use what they need when they need it.

and still others... might not have any.



All good examples, thanks

I like your Gambler idea especially if its applied to the secondary (Heal/Buff/Debuff) powers, at probably the cost of Endurance, or even HP.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



"applied to the secondary powers?"

the gambler I talked about was Inspiration pick ups.... so a character could choose to get more frequent drops of a particular type of inspiration...

the Berzerker idea I mentioned would be a sort of risk/reward trade off.... and It wouldnt likely be a single type...

so you'd have one that boosted accuracy and lowered D, one that increased damage but lowered DR.... the reverse of those two...
a power along the lines of dull pain
and a toggle-stamina...

off the top of my head.



where's 2.0, Tobay?



Just as a point.

None of these are actually good enough to be power choices.


They would make GREAT story arc rewards that you could choose to do for your Hero.

Think.. each starting hero / villain has a contact in their starting town. Like. hroes in Atlas hall, or Villains on the isle. These contacts cannot be outleveled, so established characters can still benefit from them.. Anyway, this guy or girl is the person who unlocks your background story arc.

You either tell this reporter your History, or it is some kind of computer you 'write' your history in to, or a Historian who's like a 'fan' who talks to you about your history. These missions should probably be solo only.

Anyway.. you have an option when talking to him. Something like

Hey [name]! I'm a big fan of yours. A reporter like me does some digging, and I want to publish a book on hero/villain History! I remember the time you.. (options)

[rogue] Lived rough on the streets, living by your wits
[science] Studied at College, learning science.

etc. You choose the option and then it takes you to te first in a series of missions based on your selection. Like.. Science could start with you going about in a lab clicking glowies, and then an 'accident' happens and you get your powers, and you fight off i dunno.. folk raiding the lab or whatever. or a rogue starts on the street and gets in brawls with hellins.. anyway, more thought would go into those, but they would make awesome story arcs, and a way to start off your character by doing your first levels with it if you want!

Anyway, just random thoughts off me.



where's 2.0, Tobay?

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I'll compile it on 4/14/07 (This Saturday).

Sorry for the delay.

Update: It's taking longer to revise than expected, and I have fallen ill. I will update soon.



Just as a point.

None of these are actually good enough to be power choices.

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I dont believe any of them are intended to "replace" powers.... rather they are a way of customizing your character's more "non-com" aspects (i.e. it isnt going to let you blasts blue bubbles from your hands... its going to explain why blue bubbles blast out of your hands, and how you are best able to blast blue bubbles from your hands)

these pools are meant to compliment the current sets and pools.... not compete with them.



Hello all,

After reading through this thread, there are some awesome ideas out there. However, I may get flamed for this, but I think there should be a different series of bonuses. Something like:

Socialite: 5% bonus to damage resistance in a team.
Loner: 5% bonus to experience when doing a full mission alone.
Scrounger: Finds more Salvage than normal.
Hunter: 10% bonus to Damage Resistance against a certain enemy type.
Quick Learner: Bonus to receiving enhancement or inspiration drops.

You pick this first "Background power" at level 0 (character creation), and at level 10 you would get the first choice of your BGPP which has to be along the lines of the original background. At levels 20, 30, 40, and 50, you can choose other power pools or further enhance the one you originally chose.

Each of these enhancements would require a mission or story arc to accomplish. This would probably be a mission at level 10 (as most badge hunters have limited time), then progress to an arc of expanding length at 20, 30, 40, and 50.

Other than this minor change in implementation, I agree 100% with all ideas (except Merchant, which still doesn't agree with my anti-powergaming side).

"May all your hits be crits." - Knights of the Dinner Table

Heroes: Roseheart (Spine/SR Scrap), Jesus Freak (SS/WP Brute), Animatic (Axe/WP Brute)
Villains: Krazeek (SS/Elec Brute), Oblivion Probe (Bots/Dark MM), Officer Loveless (Stone/Regen Brute), Thrashcore (Sonic/Devices Blaster)