Back Story Power Pools




Howabout, when you unlock these pools, you can choose one at any specific level, without having to skip a power?

Say, choose the power, and then choose a BBPS?

Also, why put slots in them? What are you going to effect? Why not have them just as powers, and not allow slots in them at all?

That right there would take care of the combat gimpness, --TFK

1) Knight Lord - [50 BS/Regen Scrapper] Guardian
2) Haile Korhal - [50 SS/WP Brute] Virtue
3) Pink Incineration - [50 F/F Blaster] Virtue



I wonder if there's a way to boost things that we don't normally look at boosting, as a way to provide minor bonuses without pushing things into that "overpowering" category. Let me just launch straight into an example, rather than dancing around it.

(Very rough example): Strategist -- Maybe you've spent hours studying The Art of War or maybe you just have an intuitive feel for combat. Either way, your keen eye makes it easier for you to discern patterns in your enemies' combat. (You have a slightly increased chance to receive Insight-family inspirations. This power is always on.)

Lone Wolf could allow for an increased chance of Enrage inspirations when solo (since you're alone, you can go all-out, without having to worry about teammates getting in the way).


Technologically Adept (or Inventor or Gadgeteer or whatever): Machines just make sense to you. Even if you don't fully grasp the inner workings of a given device, you can still coax it into doing what you want. (You have a slightly increased chance to receive technology-origin enhancements.)

Now, I don't know if that's even possible to code. I'm just trying to give a sort of impression of what's in my head, for ways we can improve a character (through backstory) without creating too much potential for abuse.

I think of the PC game Fallout as a potential model, as it had a system of Traits and Perks that allowed for character customization. I suppose any of the recent d20 stuff is another model, with Feats.


Say, choose the power, and then choose a BBPS?

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That's what I'm thinking. In almost every instance, a backstory pool would have to offer an enormous bonus to make me want to pick it instead of a conventional power. Like, enough of a bonus that it would be obviously overpowered and broken.

So what if it's essentially an "extra" power at set levels? Even something you can opt into, like the patron pools, and ignore if you're not interested.

Perhaps a "backstory" contact who sends you on a mission relevant to the backstory -- one to "earn" the power. One mission to test out the power -- you play through this second mission with the power active, and if you like it, you go on to mission 3, if you don't like it, you can wipe it out and pick a new one. And then the third mission, after which, the backstory becomes "locked" in place.

Of course, Ouroboros allows the possibility for retconning characters, allowing us our own personal Crisis of Infinite Cities.

"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.



For some reason these reminds me of the traits from Fallout..or am I thinking perks. Anyways..




Heh, I could never get the hang of that game, but I get what you are saying.

And I agree totaly, the bonuses would have to be enormous for me to choose them over another, O.o --TFK

1) Knight Lord - [50 BS/Regen Scrapper] Guardian
2) Haile Korhal - [50 SS/WP Brute] Virtue
3) Pink Incineration - [50 F/F Blaster] Virtue




Marcian, are you still planning on doing a version 2? If you are, I'd like to see it added to this thread, so that we can keep all the support it's garnered so far.



I've been tinkering with it, to be sure. I'll see if I can get something banged up over this impending four day vacation. Sorry about the lost steam.

I'm hoping that the Devs have noticed all the momentum that this thread has received.

If I make a new idea, I'll probably make it a new thread that links to this one and notes how many posts were made purely supporting it.

Thanks for the support!

Cipher, your idea of boosted odds of receiving certain Inspirations is decent in theory, but it falls apart in my mental playtest. How long before the min/maxing? Blasters only getting enrage and accuracy, Masterminds only taking heals and discarding the relatively useless Insights?

The core rule of BSPPs is that they should never be used for "best builds evah". They should be used to suit one's personal preference and affect none of their team mates significantly.

Keep the conversation going!

Kick off 2008 by putting Back Story Power Pools in your signature!



Cipher, your idea of boosted odds of receiving certain Inspirations is decent in theory, but it falls apart in my mental playtest. How long before the min/maxing? Blasters only getting enrage and accuracy, Masterminds only taking heals and discarding the relatively useless Insights?

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Yeah, I didn't think it would entirely pan out as the solution to all our woes. I was mostly trying to think of something that would generate a new jumping-off point for the conversation on what backstory pools could do. I'm totally open to discarding it.

I agree, absolutely, that I'd like to avoid min/maxing. We pretty much have enough of that already in the game, so I'd like to think of something that could be useful, but in more of a "flavor" way.

"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.



I absolutey am in love with this idea. I have it linked in my sig.

I think, personally, that it should be something you get to pick when you make your character, and that you gain certain abilities as you gain levels. For example, at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 (maybe fewer, say 10/30/50), you get the next level automatically. I don't think it should be a power pool choice, per say.

For example - A Lone wolf could receive:

Level 10 - "Unleash" - Being alone has it's advantages. Without needing to worry about team mates or collateral damage, you are able to unleash your full fury in combat - 3% damage buff.

Level 20 - Survival - Learning to endure without the aid of others is key. Because of your nature, you are better able to evade attacks while alone. 3% Defense buff to all but psionics.

Level 30 - Intuition - Without having to watch over team mates, you have learned the art of studying your enemy and finding his weakness. 1% boost to experience earned.

Level 40 - Rampage - When in danger, you sometimes have no one to rely on. When severely wounded, you unleash the beast inside of yourself and gain a 20% damage buff and 10% defense buff to all but psionics.

Level 50 - Pride of the Wolf - Your nature is known to many. Because of this, your confidence is intimidating. Gives a constant 2.5% accuracy debuff to enemies in melee range.

These are, of course, just rough numbers, probably overpowered. But I think a sort of "upgrading inherent" is just the kind of thing we need to make people give a flying fig about their origins and backstories, instead of just leaving their Bio information blank and not caring who their hero is, instead caring what is Archetype can do.



It occurs to me, fellow BSPPers, that mayhaps they don't need to be Pools. Maybe they can just be four or five traits that you pick as you reach levels 10,20,30, 40... not restricted by a specific group, ya know?



It occurs to me, fellow BSPPers, that mayhaps they don't need to be Pools. Maybe they can just be four or five traits that you pick as you reach levels 10,20,30, 40... not restricted by a specific group, ya know?

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That's sort of what I'm leaning towards, as I think about it. That way, you can exercise a greater degree of customization as to who your character was.

"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.



This is a very cool concept idea but it may not work from a game development perspective.

A lot of the powers buff things that may or may not be easily buffable in the game engine, so this could be a lot of work.

It would also not be worth power slots, and there is some risk of new players buying these powers, gimping themselves, and quitting.

If it was a bonus you could pick like an origin (AND RESPEC!), that would be better. It would be cool to get some PVE-only non-combat RPish buffs like these as such things can be a lot of fun in complex RPGs. However I think in a practical case the buffs would have to be things that can easily be added to the game engine.

The game does need some more non-combat gameplay IMO.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Good job...shall we start a comprehensive list of the ones we want then?

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A Master list will be included in the aforementioned "Back Story Power Pools V. 2.0".

Off the top of my head, here are the ideas:

Rogue: Increases Newspaper Mission fun.
Student: Dedicate one's self to sidekick.
Mentor: Dedicate one's self to teaching others.
Genius: Receives Items at an increased pace.
Lone Wolf: Excellent for Soloing Missions.
Divine: Receives minimal punishments for death, enabling a "reckless" playing style.
Merchant: Favors Story Contacts, with whom purchases and sales are very profitable.

and more when I think of them...

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I like the sound of these..

Here are two points that just came to me, not sure yet if they've been mention yet.

First: The changing of your BSPP: I can see that in one instance it would make complete sense to be able to do... and that is Student/Mentor. For a Hero/Villain to basically be bound to another player for the entirety of their career.. at 48 or whatever.. they could 'respec' from Student into Mentor to "pass on" what was taught to them. That I don't really see as a cheat.. and would make perfect sense in a story-driven powerset idea. =)

Second: How do the Kheldians figure into this theory? As a Peacebringer, you are unable to choose anything other than Natural as your Origin. The Warshade is forced to take Science. If this is (as per the point I have gotten to in the thread) intended or wanted to be a part of or tied into the Origin one takes... how would this be addressed to those of Kheldian "blood?"


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



I hadn't factored that in, as I've never even breathed the same air as a level 50.

I guess that trounces that theory right proper, unless someone wants to propose a solution.

As I familiarize myself more with the City of X progression concepts, I'm beginning to have an inclination that these powers should be unlocked similar to the costume slots, capes, and titles. That is to say, supplementary gains at certain levels.



I hadn't factored that in, as I've never even breathed the same air as a level 50.

I guess that trounces that theory right proper, unless someone wants to propose a solution.

As I familiarize myself more with the City of X progression concepts, I'm beginning to have an inclination that these powers should be unlocked similar to the costume slots, capes, and titles. That is to say, supplementary gains at certain levels.

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I'm glad you were able to post so quickly after mine...

I just finished the entire thread.. and was wondering.. is there a V2.0 thread somewhere else? Or has the V2.0 just not panned out?


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



Heh, the version two will happen when the time to do it aligns with my passion to write it up.

Perhaps I'll work on it tonight, actually.



I like this idea quite a bit!

...I wonder whether backstory features like these could be elaborated to include many more categories - and THEN, to make the times when you level-up and get only slots less anticlimactic, also give the character a backstory "power" to select???

Or, I suppose, give the character a choice between backstory or slot?...? That may not be popular - but from my perspective I'd love to be able to choose either a power OR slots OR a backstory power every time I level - allows for more freedom.

Anyway, the reason I like this idea is I've played the game enough at this point to see the redundancy in powers, and this feature allows for the Uniqueness factor to find its way back in.



I would love to be able to flesh my characters out in a more quantifiable way, even if it didn't have any real game impacting bonuses. It's all about options.



For a long time, people have been discussing alter egos and origin stories. Today, I would like to introduce:

The Back Story Power Pools

Back Story Power Pools are Power Pools available at a level 4 (or some other very early level). These powers represent the experiences that a character has had in their life previous to becoming a hero/villain that have shaped how they approach the Herculean task of changing the world.

Back Story Power Pools (from here on referred to as BSPPs) provide benefits to the players that enhance the experience of the world of CoX without altering the strategies of fighting or detracting from those who choose not to use them.

The restrictions for picking Power Pool Powers still apply. You still need to have 1 or 2 to pick 3, and two powers to pick 4.
Here are some examples of ideas.

Even before you began your official career in Paragon City/The Rogue Isles, you led a disreputable life. Whether you were a high profile hit man or a self righteous pick pocket, you understand how complicated crimes work.
1) Pilfer – Your hands are faster than most people’s eyes, allowing you to grab and hide objects at incredible speeds. Due to this, your interruption time for mission related objects is lowered 20%.
2) Eavesdrop – Your ear is constantly to the ground on the subject of big crimes. You know when they are going to happen before anyone else. You must complete one less newspaper/radio mission before unlocking a Safeguard/Mayhem mission.
3) Criminal Efficiency - Every second is an opportunity to either slip up or hit it big. You value these seconds, and make the most of them. When you enter a Safeguard/Mayhem Mission, your team immediately gets a 2 Minute bonus. This power may only be stacked once.
4) Blueprint Knowledge – A good rogue knows the area before attempting to get anything out of it. You are the best warrior you know, and glowing mission objectives appear on your map when you enter the mission.
Obviously, the purpose of the Rogue Power Pool is to increase one’s enjoyment of the newspaper/radio missions. This can be great for those that don’t like the story of CoX and just want to play.

You may have been a college student. You may have been a religious scholar. In the grand scheme of things, you study hard and learn quickly, a skill that can be invaluable to a developing hero.
1) Subservient – When someone tells you what to do, you do it well. When you are in lackey/sidekick mode, your level is increased by an additional level, making you the same strength as your Mentor/Boss.
2) Protective – You take care of your Mentor/Boss loyally. Toggle: While this power is active and you are within an appropriate range of your Mentor/Boss, they receive a defense bonus.
3) Visual Learner – Learning by example is a specific strength of yours. When you complete a mission in Sidekick/Lackey mode, you receive an experience bonus.
4) Studious – Through your studies you’ve valued mistakes and negative experiences, as they are the best teacher of all. When in sidekick/lackey mode, your experience debt burns off at a twenty-five percent higher rate.
This is a good Power Pool for beginners. Additionally, it can serve as an incentive for players to make long term duo characters.
[u]Although I did not write it out, I suggest a symmetrical version of this called "Instructor", which rewards people for being Mentors/Bosses. The third power of that pool would allow one to have two lackeys/sidekicks.[u]

Lone Wolf
You’ve been by yourself most of your life. That doesn’t bother you, though. In fact, not much bothers you anymore.
1) Inner Strength – When you are on a mission without a team, Inspirations provide an additional 5% bonus.
2) Unshaken – You’ve been outnumbered so many times, it doesn’t frighten you. When more than four enemies are simultaneously attacking (drawn aggro from four enemies), you receive an 8% attack bonus.
3) Vicious Strike – When you are alone, sometimes you have to play dirty, just to survive. When you are on a mission solo, you have a slightly increased chance of stunning enemies.
4) Wanderer- The more you are by yourself, the more you learn. When you complete a mission solo, you receive an experience bonus.
This is for the breed of folk that want to solo City of Heroes/Villains, or for those that just want to feel hardcore by diving into the fray themselves.

Before all of this started, you dealt in currency, and lots of it. You understand its value more than most people.
1) Silver Tongue – You can haggle and negotiate easily, always getting the better bargain. When buying Enhancements, you receive a 10% discount.
2) Businessperson – Your ability to come off trustworthy always gets you in with people. When completing missions for non-broker contacts, your relationship meter fills more rapidly.
3) Haggler – Somehow, when someone buys from you, they always think that they are coming out ahead, even though you completely ripped them off. When selling Enhancements, you sell them for an additional 10%.
4) Business Deal – Friends give friends discounts. Your Kindred Contacts sell you Enhancements at an additional 20% discount.
These enhancements enable people to be more focused on enhancing their character and contacts, driving them to complete the story missions. Also, it may influence trade, as Merchants will inevitably buy enhancements and then sell them for profit at the market.

Obviously, many of these will have to be tweaked. There are several more that I have in mind, but I am not trying to sell the individual pools, I am trying to sell the idea in general.

What do you think?

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I think this is an awesome idea. Like others have said, these are unique, but minor enhancements so I think they should be given to you free of charge, no power picks/slots. Make it part of character creation and maybe you get each power automatically at a certain level interval. (say 5/10/20/30)



I remember thinking this was a good idea when I first saw it sometime last year. With a new issue coming out soon and people once again thinking about exciting new features they'd like to see, I hope that anybody who, like me, forgot about this proposal (or has never heard about it) will take a look with new eyes. It really has a great deal of potential.

Naphil, 50 Peacebringer
Captain Darkspirit, 50 Warshade
Operative Acier, 50 Bane Spider
Durante Ragno, 50 Fortunata
et al.



10,000 views... I wonder if I can get this stickied...



Well thought out, but these sound alot more like FULL-AT's than just simply powerpools.



lets make this happen for i13



lets make this happen for i13

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I like your thoughts there, kid.



A necro. But, for once, a necro of a good thread. Great idea as ever.



Great Gatsby I'd give my batteries to have these implemented!!

The question I'm having though is what happens to all those that out leveled choices and/or the mish(es) to get them? Or would it be like the midnight club arcs where the contact automatically shows up in your active combat list? Would say a level 50 get all his/her bspp choice(s) once he does the miniarc?