The World is Flat ((Open RP))




The Lord of Balance, Null, stood atop his mighty tower.

His tower in the center of a world which was flat.

It was Null’s job to make sure that every once in a while, using the help of a mysterious source, he would pinpoint several individuals with great amounts of dimensional potential.

A being did not have to be powerful to have potential. The weakest empathy defender could shift history in a cataclysmic way that would change the universe in too much of a good, or bad way.

Null, locating these individuals, would bring them together into his realm.

A World which was Flat.

They would then be forced to expend their dimensional potential by fighting each other. After exhausting all of their potential through fighting, they would be transported back to the real world, where they would no longer be able to do the single catastrophic act which would send everything spiraling into darkness, or ascending into light.

Of course, Null had to make sure the contestants couldn’t escape before their potential was used up. Once within the World that was Flat, nobody could leave, save for dying.

Knowing that the lesser beings would not take very well to their new situation, Null devised a system to ensure that nobody would wreck HIS world in a dramatic way.

Null had used this strange system of his several times throughout, before, and after time. At the end of the great fight, he would award the last being standing the one thing they asked for, with however many specifications and nit-pick details they choose to throw in.

The being gazed across his vast lands.

His world was divided into six sections, not entirely unlike pie slices.

Vast and hilly plains of grass…

A land blanketed in snow and ice…

A forest with trees that reached into the skies, and that were wider and taller then sky-scrapers…

A land of fire, where the very ground was made of molten magma. Mountains loomed, and fire spilled from their fiery depths.

A land where dust and boulders littered the ground, a massive and seemingly bottomless canyon spanning across it.

And finally, a large swamp, complete with a land filled with the homes of the dead.

The six lands surrounded a central flat and smooth area made completely of stone…

And in the dead center of this world…

A World that was Flat…

Was a tower, made of grey stone, and perfectly smooth on the outside, which stretched almost endlessly into the heavens. Archways leading into the dark interior beckoned.

The Lord of Balance raised his hands to the sky…

And drawing upon his vast powers, began to pinpoint those with the greatest potential, and brought them to his world.

A World which was Flat.


The Rules:

Hello all. This is my first time as a GM of an RP, and I’m hoping everybody can find it enjoyable. Here’s the Layman’s Terms situation…

If your character joins the RP, they will start out in a plain room made of grey stone, and perfectly cubed. The only feature being a portal in the center of the room, which will transport you to one of the eight selectable areas of your choice. The whole event will be explained to them in a dream by someone they trust prior to being yanked into the Flat World.


Some god-like figure has determined that you character/characters have a certain amount of Dimensional Potential, and that if he leaves you be with this potentially, you will somehow radically alter history in a way that makes it either too evil, or too good. So he has brought you to his world, which is flat.

Each character comes into the RP with THREE LIVES. Once your character dies three times, their dimensional potential is considered to have been “drained.” They and any of their personal minions are then transported back to their normal lives.

Dimensional Potential is NOT drained simply by fighting, every time you are defeated, it represents a defeat that COULD happen in reality, thus decreasing your potential. So only by dying can your potential be drained, hence the three lives rule.

Being drained of your dimensional potential DOES NOT drain your characters’ powers, abilities, or so forth in any way. Any major events they can/have accomplished in real life will go unchanged. In this case, you are only having the potential for ONE PARTICULAR EVENT drained from you, thus ensuring your characters’ lives in the real world will not be affected in any way by the fight in this world.

The Idiot’s Term: You get three lives. After that, it’s game over.

After dying, your character will reappear in the portal room.

Just a reminder, but there are no actual penalties for dying.

The Landscape.

As I have mentioned above, the world is composed of seven “sections.” Think of it like a pie with a central piece carved in the middle. Think of it as a compass. The lands are now going to be listed starting at the southernmost region, and moving clockwise.

A hilly plains region. Fairly simple straight-forward place. Lots of grass and a few haphazardly scattered rocks.

A land of snow and ice. Really, do you even NEED to be told what such a place is like? In terms of elevation, this place is completely identical to the plains region, only everything is a frozen over hell.

A forest region. Imagine your regular old forest. Now take the trees. Make them taller and wider then your average sky scraper. The place is home to UNIVERSAL LIFE CYCLES, meaning that ANY form of plant/animal can live there without any consequences.

A fire and brimstone region. Just take your average volcano, have it erupt, throw in some random fire lakes, and TA-DA. You have your generic fire-lands.

An Earthy Region. Basically, this land is filled with pits, caverns, and so forth. Spanning the entire land is one really big canyon, which is seemingly bottomless. Various slopes and naturally formed rock-steps allow you to traverse the sides and edges of said canyon, and naturally, several caves and pits can be located in these said sides and ledges. The bottomless pit, you will find, IS bottomless. No matter how far down you go, it will go down farther.

A swamp complete with graveyard. Ah yes, no RP is truly complete without one of these. This is a swamp, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what they are. Random crypts, mausoleums, and scattered tombs litter this place. It is filled with corpses. (Go figure.) The only other interesting feature of this swamp is that there are certain areas of muck which act like quick sand. Think tar pits from the dinosaur ages.

Finally, the central region. This is a perfectly smooth and flat space made of non-descript grey stone. A giant tower made of the same spirals up into the heavens. (In this case, it really is endless. There is no means of reaching the top.) Several tall archways circle the tower, giving a view into the inky depths within the tower.

The edge of the world. This world is flat, and perfectly circular. The edge appears to simply extend into an endless generic white void. However far you fly/teleport/whatever away from the edge, this void WILL go on forever. Take notice that the entire world in itself seems to have a total ground level that goes on forever, hence why the bottomless canyon can exist.

Each land is approximately ten miles or so from side to side, and fifteen miles from center to edge.

These lands CAN be affected in a variety in ways. Feel free to cut down trees in the forest, create avalanches in the canyon, and stomp on the ground in the lava lands until it erupts to carry your sorry self into oblivion. HOWEVER…

A: The tower in the middle CANNOT BE DESTROYED OR DAMAGED IN ANY WAY. The same goes for the entire land the tower is in.

B: However much you damage a particular region or transform it, it will gradually shift back into its natural state. Chop down the entire forest? It will all grow right back in a matter of hours. Burn the entire ice land to cinders? Freezing and bitter winds will chill you to the bone again in a matter of minutes.

C: Feel free to plant whatever miscellaneous generic buildings around that you want, from log houses to cliff-side villas. Just be aware that this world is ENTIRELY UNIHABITED, aside from native animals in each region.

D: Now this one refers a little to the next section below, so bear it in mind as you read that. Land changed to fit or suit your base will not change back, UNLESS your base grows too big. (More then a fifth of the total region.)


For ease of use, every player and entity entered into this thread will be assumed to be at Power Level 50. Players may have powers they do not currently have at their present in-game level within reason.

Each player, no matter the specifications, can build a base of some sort. If you already have a base in the real world, you will conveniently find it already built in the flat world as if it has always been there. However, PLEASE BE REALISTIC. A single person is NOT going to need a base the size of a city. (Although I will not stop you in that regard.) Each person is also restricted to ONE CITY EACH AT ANY TIME. If you take over a rival city, you will find that it will dissolve around you like so much chocolate pudding out on the sidewalk on a hot day. If a city is destroyed, you are allowed to build a new one. However, it cannot be the same city you used previously, and it cannot be in the same area you used previously.

Armies. Now some people are not going to like this rule, but only masterminds, or certain select people chosen by the mastermind in question can have armies.

A few things to keep in mind about armies…

If the mastermind that CREATED the army is defeated, the entire army goes bye-bye as well.

You are restricted to a maximum of two armies, and each army should only be big enough to occupy a city. No army is allowed to occupy an entire region, although patrols are acceptable.

Now then. How do you go about making an army when there are no sentient inhabitants on the planet, hmm? In case of soldiers, a simple backup command through whatever communications device your mastermind may possess, and the people you need will be group teleported in. (Note, any armies and/or allies brought into the Flat Word via this means are completely illusional. So the real people in the real world will go about their lives normally. However, in the said event that these people die in the flat world, it really doesn’t make sense if you can just summon them up again. Unless special circumstances arise, npcs are considered PERMA-DEAD after being killed. If an army is defeated, masterminds are allowed to make new ones. However, it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that you don’t just raise a new army in the blink of an eye from nowhere after one is destroyed. Please, put some reasoning and thought into making armies. It doesn’t make any sense if you can just conjure an army by snapping your fingers. As a side note, all actual troops in an army are ALL NPCs, all of which can be controlled to a certain extent by other players. (The said “certain extent” is defined by the army, and both manipulators involved.)

On a more minor note…People who are not masterminds, but still have summons, (like corrupters with dark servant, for example) CANNOT make armies of that summon. In those cases, you are restricted to three of said summons at all times. (So the corrupter could have three dark servants following him around, but no more.)

Giant Monsters. Sometimes they’ll be massive beasts who breath death and have eyes made of hellfire. Others are giant mechs made of only the most devastating weaponry. Here are the rules are on the most powerful entities and beings allowable in-thread. Giant Monsters. Every character is restricted to ONE giant monster at a time, and if you are a mastermind, said monster takes up one of your army slots. So you cannot have two armies and a giant monster, but you may have one army and one monster. ANYONE may have a giant monster. However, like armies, you must be REASONABLE when it comes to these. You CANNOT go around snapping your fingers and conjuring a new giant monster every time the previous one dies. Put some THOUGHT into it, please.

God Moding

A few standard rules, really…

You know, the basics, no auto-hitting, no one hit kill attacks, and please, if you get attacked by ten people at once, unless you teleport, chances are at least ONE of those attacks are going to hit.

Doomsday devices are allowable, BUT ONLY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. You cannot just snap your fingers and have a doomsday weapon. Such a thing should take several posts, fight scenes, and dialogues to create.


Now then. I will be the GM of this thread, and if anybody violates the above rules too many times, or in extreme cases, Lord Diov will be summoned into the thread in a dramatic fashion to revert things back to their natural state. After all problems have been taken care of, Lord Diov will depart the thread again until needed.

Please, no in-thread fighting. If you have any concerns/comments, please issue them using pms to the offender in question, and the thread GM. (Me.)

Cheers all. BEGIN!



The grass, trees, bushes, and small furit trees around the sleeping giant were pushed away by some unknown almost unnatural force. Ragrok The Maruader woke up senseing the disturbance in the harmony of his surroundings. A sheet of rock, dirt, sand, and mud rose up out of the ground and surrounded Ragrok.

He let out a roar -- suddenly a rush of air came down around the rooted giant. The air formed sort of a cage around Ragrok. Ragrok struggled in vain to get out of the air cage. Air was slowly being removed from the air cage untill he was unconscious.

Ragrok woke up in a small grey room with a portal in the center. ((Sounds familiar )) Ragrok tried to pull rocks, dirt, sand, mud, and some ash out of the groud around him but it was furitless. He was surgeing with power, he focused himself with one powerful blow he attacked the wall closest to him, only to be met with hurting fists.

The only way out, apparently, was through the portal. Ragrok growled to himself and stepped into the portal where he awoke in what looked like his homeworld... a forest planet coverd with trees that reached into the skies, and that were wider and taller than any sky-scraper that ever existed. Ragrok was greeted by a small fox-like animal growling at his foot, he growled back at the fox-like animal -- the fox ran away after hearing the sound.

Bears and deer roamed the forest co-existing together in perfect harmony. Ragrok was happy here, once again he tried to call stone, mud, sand, dirt, ash, and some crystal-like structures to surround himself. All the earthly materials he called around himself seeped out of the ground, on to him, and finaly sealing in place.

Ragrok let out an ear shattering roar and began to explore his new home.



Shimmer descended the steps of the base quickly, holding the pulsing, glowing energy rifle at arms length. Experiment 3.0 raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"This device is about to self destruct!" Shimmer replied, throwing the rifle into 3.0's hands. A foot then connected with the demon's chest, sending him out the window. "You can have it!"

However, when 3.0 got back upstairs, Shimmer was nowhere to be seen. He glared around, but no reflective head was spotted. Blind Messenger exited the stairwell upward, scroll in hand.

"Hey, Blind, did you see Shimmer? I need to pummel his face in."

"Uh... No? I saw him run down here with some weird rifle thing that kept expending energy, but apart from that..."

However, what the two villains didn't know, was that Shimmer had been pulled from his base, and thrown into another.


Shimmer rubbed his metallic head, causing a slight squeak. He looked around his main Conferance Room, seeing no differences. He stood, and approached the window to call to Experiment. However, the second he looked out, a single phrase popped into his head that he just HAD to say.

"I'm not in Paragon anymore..."

Lakes of boiling, molten lava flowed around his base, creating a semi-moat, and a nice little area of protection. However, the constant sounds of machinery usually in his base had stayed. Apparently, he still had his robots.

He raced up the closest stairwell, leading to his laboratory.

He activated the surveillance feed, allowing him to view the exterior of his base. No damage, as far as he could tell, had been done to the ground detachment base. The five turrets on all four sides of the silver and black base were still functioning, the exhaust ports for the drones to leave from were still open, and the forcefield was still active.

He nodded his approval that his base had kept itself online, but was slightly disturbed. "If Experiment 3.0 is not here, then it is likely Blind Messenger is not either... I mean, they are useless fighters, but they ARE capable meat-shields and distractions... I may actually have to be CAREFUL..."



((BWAHAHAHA! Prodiguy, OFFICIAL master of comedy in the RP section! I salute you!))

Charles Dark Aura was dreaming.

In his dream, his wife was there.

"Hello Charles Dearest." She said softly.

"Emily? What is this? Charles exclaimed.

Emily just gazed at him. "You're going on a trip. Remember this well, Charles. Destroy all you come across."

Then she vanished.


Charles Dark Aura woke up. He was in wide open hilly space, with lots of grass, and a few rocks lying scattered around.

"Emily..." He muttered softly.

A nearby rock levitated into the air.

"Destroy. All. I. Come. Across." He muttered.

The rock sudden crumbled into dust in midair.

Charles Dark Aura screamed, and the ground around him shattered into base dirt and gravel as his telekinetic might ripped the area surrounding him apart.



((Official? Really?

...Do I get a trophy? A certificate? Heck, a little nametag would be nice. "Hello, I am [Prodiguy], and I am official master of comedy. How may I pun(t) you today?"))



Gina Turner looked up from her workbench. She felt a tingle at the base of her neck. Something had pigued her attention, but she didn't know what. On the workbench parts and pieces of an intricate and high-tech pistol lay in neat rows. She narrowed her eyes and looked about the work room. Her eyes stopped on a black rune pulsating in the floor near the corner. It wasn't supposed to be there. The villain known as Quickshot gumbled, stood up, and walked over to the rune.

Crouching down by the rune, she studied it intently. Quickshot was a genius of sorts, and people always wondered why she lived like she did. She could store vast amounts of information and recall any of it at a whim. This was one of the reasons she was such an excellent assassin (verified Class A) and why she had never been caught. This rune looked like a transportation rune; so who was trying to port into her work room? Suddenly she felt a rush of air and was pulled to the floor with a painful THUD. She cursed. Loudly.

Suddenly the floor seemed to turn to liquid and she sank through. Managing to maneuver herself, she landed on her feet in a square gray room. She saw a portal in the middle of the room, through which could be seen a dark forest. She swore loudly again. And she was looking forward to a quiet weekend of reading and modifying her pistols...

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((Hey Diov, Nether, how are yall? :P))

Amadren walked down the street at an incredible pace. Today was the day! He had finally cracked the GoPC Anti-Teleportation field and was going to finally be able to destroy his brother Aoleleb. His steps slowed as his mind turned to the strange dream he had had last night. Aoleleb had warned him about a competition he was going to take part in whether he liked it or not. Amadren shook his head and continued walking. As he neared the coast of Sharkhead Isle he rose into the air and flew across the ocean to a small island just offshore. On this island was a portal that led to his own private city, patterned off one of the CoT bases he had destroyed not to long ago. As he walked into the portal, he found himself not in his lair, but in a gray cube with a portal in the center. Amadren snapped his fingers and a small imp-ish demon appeared at his shoulders

"Yes Master?"

"Don't 'Yes Master' me. You know I hate that."

The Imp let out a small chuckle.

"Search my library for the scroll on competition dimensions. Read the whole thing and report back to me on where I am."

The Imp dissapeared and reappeared a second later. He was a fast reader.

A quick rundown of where he was gave Amadren all the information he needed.

"The World that is Flat, huh? I think Aoleleb may have mentioned that once before he joined THEM!" He spat out the word "them" with extreme venom.

Amadren snapped his fingers and the impish demon dissapeared. He stepped through the portal and landed right in a copy of his meditation room.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Charles Dark Aura flew across the skies.


Searching for the enemy.

He flew over a desolute swamp, and arrived at a large canyon. He settled down on a ledge right before the bottomless chasm.

"Yes...This place...Will serve me well..." He muttered.

He leapt off the clif, and flew down some ways. He started to set his trap.

His trap to catch prey.



Amadren sat down in the middle of the room and began meditating. His mind swept across the area around his city. It was in the middle of the fire-lands of the World that is Flat. He smirked at how the dimension had sensed his personality. He stood up and muttered afew incantations and his elite guard appeared. They were all demons, as were all his servants, and were totally devoted to him. Three of them were Demons from the Plane of Stone. They were the meat-shields of his guard. Two of them were Demons from the Plane of Fire. They were incredibly powerful attackers that were the damage-dealers of his guard.. The last one was an incredibly powerful Demon from the Plane of Darkness. He served as the "behind-the-scenes" man, using his powers of darkness to hinder Amadren's enemies. They stood around him in a circle as he sat down to begin a ritual to summon guards for his new lair.

((Think of Amadren as a demon MM. I always wished they had put those in in the first palce.))

((Edited to be carbon of Zombie MM. Sorry guys ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



On one of the walls in her cell, there was a note posted. It was written in scrawling cursive, but was still readable. Quickshot ripped that paper off the wall and began reading it.

"Greatings Dimensional Potent. You are probably wondering why you are here. The answer to that question isn't as easy as you would think. But what you need to know is that if you outlast, then your one wish will be granted, however detailed or nit-picky it is. Who or what you need to outlast won't be known until you meet, but until then I will let you know you aren't alone. Feel free to call Jasper, he can join you at anytime." They knew about Jasper? "And you will find your base in this World that is Flat. The portal before you will either take you to a section of this World that is Flat, or to your base, you choose. There are seven sections, each of differing climates, landscapes, elevations, and dangers. In the center is my tower, which I suggest you not invade. Good luck Dimensional Potent."

Dimensional Potent? What was this guy thinking? Quickshot folded the paper and stuffed it in her pocket. She double checked her pistols. Both were in perfect working order, with the modificaitons she was going to make this weekend... strange. It was the least of her worries after being sucked through her work room floor. Her side pouch was full on specialty shells. Everything looked good.

"I hope I'm getting paid for this," she gripes. Stepping through the portal, she found herself in the middle of a dark, dense forest. Surveying her surroundings, she started moving south.

((Quickshot is a Thugs MM, but she has no henchmen other than Jasper. Jasper is a Bruiser, but despite his brute strength and size, can be as silent and trackless as a ghost. Her two pistols are basically Caster Guns (for those of you that have seen Outlaw Star, and they also work as regular guns too), except they don't take shells, the energy is created by the gun itself. The exception are the specialized shells that Quickshot keeps with her.))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



Ragrok crashed his two stone, crystal, and molten fists together causeing derbis to be spewed aross a 10 yard radius around him forward. The vines obsturcting his view up ahead of him where cut to peices and boiled away from the magma, crystal, and stone that had impacted the vines. Ragrok grumbled something inconhertely in his native tounge while stepping forward.

His natural heightend hearing picked up the crunching of the leaves a few meters forward of him. Instictively Ragrok unrooted himself (lowering his defences serverly) and snuck sliently closer to where the sound was comeing from. He moved recklessly and open to attack if noticed. ((*HINT*))



"Any news?" Shimmer spoke into the microphone, his voice completely scrambled. The drone responded in the next room.

"We assume so, Lord Shimmer. A new structure was sighted in your domain, and we have sent scouting drones to acquire proof that this new arrival is either friendly or hostile."

Shimmer responded with an affirmative grunt and disconnected the microphone. After waiting a few secods, he took the Voice Masker away from the mic. and sighed.

"I have no idea where I am, I don't know where my free-thinking minions are, and I don't even know if Experiment 2.0 is here to pummel or not," Shimmer mused quietly to himself, leaning back on his spinning chair, "I am slightly depressed."

However, another robotic voice interrupted his emo-scene. "My lord, the scout drones are nearing their target."

They were, too. Three medium-sized, store-bought gray drones jetted toward the place they had detected unusual activity. However, they stopped about half a mile up. They seperated, splitting up to get the best recon positions available. If anybody were to look up, they would see three blue, blinking dots at seperate intervals, the recording devices of each drone.



Charles Dark Aura had finished his trap, and made the trigger.

To the next region.

A large massive fire land, filled to the brim with fiery mountains, spewing their depths out into the world.

Charles Dark Aura landed on a mountain-top near the center of the region, barely missing the three drones as they whizzed by behind him without him spotting them.

He began to set his next trap...

His plan was to stratigically work from region to region, creating a wide telekinetic network of traps, linked to his mind. After a while of experimentation in the canyon, Charles had learned that the land quickly repaired any damage done to it.

He used this to his advantage, creating the traps so that they could be used multiple times, taking advantage of the naturally self-healing world.



((Considering we're the only two that have said we're in a forest, I'm assuming that Ragrok is trying to sneak up on Quickshot.))

Quickshot stopped when she heard the what sounded like two rocks being smashed together. It was coming from behind her, and a little to the left. The noise stopped, then she heard the soft crackle of leaves being stepped on.

Waiting for the perfect moment, Quickshot spun around and fired two unerring shots at the sound. Twin glowing yellow balls flew forward...

((They'll explode into a lot of violent energy on impact))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



Amadren stood up and stretched his cramped muscle as he finished his ritual. His lair was now guarded by about 50 behemoths and 10 behemoth overlords. The area around his base was covered by motion-sensing arcane cannons. He muttered another incantation and a being of pure darkness appeared in front of him. This was Xivilai, Amadren's top tracker and assassin.

"Scout this region for any signs of life. If you find anything do not engage, report directly back to me."

Xivilai nodded in response and dissapeared.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Xivilai stood atop a stalagmite sticking out of a pool of lava. Even though the tip was barely the width of a penny he was perfectly balanced. He had sent an orb of negative energy with a message to Amadren a few minutes ago, reporting on Shimmer's base and Charles Dark Aura. He now stood surveying the latter, waiting for new orders. The orb floated back a few minutes later and merged with him again. He heard a voice in his mind.

"Permission granted, you may engage the the lone unit. Deadly force authorized."

Xivilai did the being-of-pure-darkness-equivalent of a smirk. He lept down from the stalagmite making no more sound than a breath of wind. He landed perfectly behind Charles and got into position for what was usually the only attack he needed. His fist was propelled forward with the power of darkness. ((AS ftw!))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Ragrok walked right into the two projectials hurled at him. They exploded with intense impact, shattering the crystals on his body, but the granite armor underneath the crystals were unscaved. Being a few meters away from arm reach Ragrok reached down to the rich soild underneath his massive stone coverd feet.

He tore out the roots and truck of a small 5 meter tall tree, he swung the tree by its roots at the source of the projectials. Ragrok charged at the source (moveing slowly ((Granite Armor, Crystal Armor (really weak, only for looks), and Minerals is on)) ). He readied himself for his attackers retaliations.

((Think Hulk throwing tree at tanks.))



Xivilai missed entire as Charles suddenly spurted forth from the mountain top, his darkness entrenched hand smashing through air.

Fortunately for him, he hadn't hit anything, so he hadn't been revealed.


Charles had completed two of his traps now. He was about to head for the next land when he noticed something.

A large building, surrounded by a force field.

He floated and blinked.

Then headed for it. Why bother waiting to booby trap all seven regions when he could do that AND kill anyone he saw along the way in the process as well?

He flew through the air towards Shimmer's base...



Xivilai let out a curse in demonic as his punch missed its mark. It was fortunate for Charles that he was out of earshot, as hearing that word most likely would have made his head explode. He jumped after Charles like a possessed rabbit, making sure to land on solid ground.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



"Watch out Burning!" Night Protector yelled as loud as she could. Ducking another blow from the Carnival of Shadows, she returned the favor by jabbing her left fist, swirled in darkness, into the Illusionists stomach. Burning Fang, on the other side of the room, moved his arms in front of him in a defencive stance. Blocking an attack, he sent a ray of fire toward a nearby enemie.

Night sprinted toward her attacker, ducking into a roll, jumped, and kicked at the confused enemie she was now above. Night bounced off and and started a fury of attacks at her new target. Burning had to work fast. He threw a barrage of attacks toward the Carnival and ran to Nights aid. He ducked the flying, energy infused rings that were being thrown at him, and responded with a few fire attacks of his own. A blast hit his target with force, knocking the wind of the target, and sending her to the floor.

"One down!" Burning yelled throwing a few more blasts at Nights enemie. Night took advantage, pushed the fencer into the line of fire and headed toward the last few Carnival. BAM!! It hit her. A kick from above sent night to the ground. She tried to get up, but her attacker grabbed her and threw her against the east wall. She was out cold.

"Night!" Burning had to do something. He lit his fists up and ran toward the mob. A sudden kick hit him from behind as his knees, then his chest hit the floor. He rolled over and looked up. "G'night #*&%$..." The Carnival Mistress said with an evil laugh, then punched Fang as hard she could.


Maira awoke and stood. "What is this place?" She looked around. "A room of....light?" Light clouds surrounded her. She could see though, off in the distance, darkness was coming. The light and dark clouds sooon met, dancing around eachother. They combined to make brilliant shades of blue, green, red, yellow, pink, and other colors. It soothed her. The clouds split as the darkness moved from the light, half and half.

The darkness came first, surrounding her, holding her. She embraced this warm feeling inside her. Her feet left the floor, she was flying! She flew to the light, meeting it. It warmed her, like standing under the sun. She embraced this feeling as the light and darkness moved toward eachother once more. Brights shades of yellow and pink, orenge and blue. Then, out of nowhere, there was a cloud of darkness, that seemed darker then the rest. It swirled and she made her way toward it. She closed her eyes as she drifted toward the the cloud....Waiting for it....


Blake flew around in what seemed like grey space. He couldn't see the ground, but he knew it was right under him. It was the same shade of grey as the rest of this place. "Ok, I'm annoyed now! Can I go home?!" Blake yelled, hoping it would solve his question. He sighed as he continued to fly.

Blake landed and looked for any life. After turning around at what seemed a hundred times, he finally saw what looked like a brown-ish dot in the distance. "Yes! My ticket home!" He rejoiced as he flew as fast as he could toward the dot. The closer he got, the more it looked like a building.....A portal.....A...Clockwork? He finally stopped about 150' before what seemed to be a gaint Paladin. About 18 stories higher then Paladin!

It didn't move, and Blake was starting to get nervous. He took one step as Paladin came to life. He jumped backward. Then the gaint beast took one step forward, and the ground shook like nothing he had ever felt before. He turned around to run. Shortly after it became a sprint. What am I doing? I can fly! Blake jumped up, only to come right back down with a 'Thunk!' Ok, mabey I can't.... Blake started to sprint as fast as he could. He tried to throw a fireball, but that backfired as well.

He was soon at the edge of a gaint black pit. He turned around and walked backward 'till he was at the edge. He looked up. Is that the Grim Reaper? A black hooded figure with a flaming blade was controlling Paladin as if it were a demonic animal. Blake looked down, looked back up, then looked down again. Am I....nude? @.o Blake looked back up and saw as the clockwork pulled back its mechanical fist for a punch. Blake took a step back, not realizing he was already at the edge, and dropped into nothingness....


Thwack! Night hit the ground as if she had just jumped off a building. "Oh my head..." She looked around in what seemed to be a greyish room the shape of a cube. On the other side of the room was Burning Fang. He must have been knocked out. She rushed over and tried to wake him up. "Blake, Blake!" She yelled as she shook him. She bit her lip, pulled back her hand, I hope he forgives me for this.. and smacked Burning on the side of the head. The sound alone could make anyone cringe.

"Ahh!!!" He said as he jumped up. "Where am I? Maira, is that you?" He looked down. "I have clothes!!" He said jumping up and down with a smile. "Um.....What?" Night asked. "I just had the worst dream. There was this gaint Paladin, the grim reaper, I was lost in grey space and.....and....I was nude!" Burning yelled. "I didn't need to know that last part." Night replied. "I wish my dream didn't end....." She sighed. "We need to get out of here." The both looked toward the portal in the middle of the room.

"We were sent here for a reason. Lets head in." Burning nodded as they headed for the center of the room. They walked in and appeared in a forest a split second later. "Now where are we?" Burning asked. Night shrugged. "We better look around. We have to see in there is someone around who can help us."

And with that, Night and Burning started their adventure into the wild forest.

((OOC: Ok, just so everyone knows, Burning Fang (I.e. Blake Carinson) is a fire/fire blaster. Night Protector (I.e. Maira Letheren) is a dark/dark scrapper. I'll wait a bit before I send in my other two victems. ))



((Oh god, running 4 characters at once. That's something I could never do, I'd get lost. ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Just wait, after those two, I'm bringing four more. One at a time.... *evil laugh* ))



((I'll be entering ONE last character, since Charles is stuck until Prodiguy responds...))

Lord H'taed strolled down the halls of the 137th floor of the Husk Corporation tower. He was whistling.


"You know, usually I'm a really bitter person but today is-"

"MOVE IT!" Screamed a Mr. Poe husk as he and a hoard of other husks stampeded across the hall, crushing H'taed beneath them as they charged.

".....Ow.....Pain....." H'taed shook his head. He checked his armor, it was still fine.

"Well. That's a rel-" SMASH!

The giant foot of the twenty foot tall monster made completely of metal and weighing ten tons hit him.

It rose again as the monster chased after the husks.

"..............Getting..................Darker.... .................." Muttered H'taed.


A Mr. White husk tripped over his body and his mug of essence fell through the gap in H'taed's hood and smashed across his face.


Lord H'taed woke up.

"Where am I?"


H'taed turned.

Before him, in the mists, was the great machine.

H'taed felt his legs turn to jelly, and collapse beneath him.

"Trial...All...Balance...You...Fight...All...W in."

"You mean...Like that one time Diov went to that illusional land?" H'taed asked the monstrosity before him.


"But where? Where is it?"

The great machine fell silent.

"What is it, great one?"

...The World is Flat...

The H'taed fell. The invisible surface that had been supporting him vanished.

He fell into the infinite expanse of nothingness below him.

"Hail to the machine..." The monstrosity above muttered.


Lord H'taed woke up.

He was in a cubical grey room, with a portal in the center.

He looked into it, and saw a forest.

"Hail the machine..." H'taed muttered, and stepped into the portal.


Before Night and Burning, a figure slowly materialized out of thin air.

He was easily ten feet tall, although he was stick thin. He was decked neack to toe in medival style armor, with red tribal runes running down it. His clawed hands clenched slightly, and the red gem on his belt flashed with light for a moment. His face was completely obscured in the shadows by a large hood that covered his head. Several long spikes protruded from his shoulders, and red static clung and crawled all over it, sometimes arcing from spike to spike.

Fortunatly, his back was turned to them.

"Hail the machine..." They heard him mutter. He started to walk forward, completely oblivious to the two heroes behind him.



Burning Fang fell down in awe..... Night was sure he was having a heart attack from what just happened. Night Protector, on the other hand, was kinda used to it by now. They watched as the mysterious man continued to walk forward.


((OOC: Before I continue, I'll go ahead and explain my characters 'looks'.

Night Protector [Age 20]: Dressed in full metallic (sp?) armor. She is close to 5' 6", with yellow and black fire stripe pattern running across the whole outfit. Her firestripe pattern is continued on her cape with the same fire stripe. Her belt is black with those yellow bars. I believe its called 'amples'? (I'm not good at remembering costume names. All I do is creat a really nice outfit, then live with it. ) She has dark-ish brown skin with black hair in a ponytail. (Not Ponytail 'up'.) She has a black tiara with a yellow gem in it, and a not-so-bright yellow lipstick to complete her collection. I like the outfit, but some people call it boring. *cough*weirdos*cough*

Burning Fang [Age 21]: Also in complete metallic, is about 6'. He has the 'fire' patern in a kinda-dark red with a brightish orenge for the flames. The matallic gloves and boots are spiked, and his belt (jewel) is the same red (belt strap) and orenge (jewel) colors as the rest of the outfit. Burning Fang has the 'mask with hair' option. Red mask with red (orenge) 'fury' hair. He has a red visor with orenge (naturally), 'small' should pads (orenge outline), and a fireball chest detail with BLACK and orenge. (Didn't see THAT coming, did you? .....Ok, mabey you did... )

Other info: I have yet to get Burning Fang past level 3. Night Protector is my REAL (hero) main at level 32.

I hope that helps. ))


Night was helping Burning Fang calm down. "Calm down, its OK." She wispered to Fang. "I-I......I think I wet myself..." He replied. "Ew." She gave him a pat on the back and helped him up. Taking a chance, she decided to speak up. "Um, sir! Hello, I'm Night Protector and this is Burning Fang." She pointed to Fang, who seemed to still be a little nervous. "Can you help us out? I think we are lost."

((Must...wait.... Can't...hold back....altities...much longer!! ))



((OOC: Should I make Darkness Foretold (Necro/Dark Mastermind) a serious character whos main purpose in life is to kill people, or should I make him an odd and unusual person (high pitched voice that makes an akward laugh after every single freakin' thing he says. ) who need mental help bad? Yet, he is Highly amusing.... ))