The World is Flat ((Open RP))




Amadren was sitting in his meditation room again. His city was up and running with all the defense he though it would need. He was starting another ritual to help him monitor this dimension. Xivilai wouldn't be enough. A blue orb started floating in front of him As he went through the ritual, the orb split into 6 parts thats flew out the door and to the 6 seperate areas of the World that was Flat. A blue screen appeared in front of him. On it were 6 screens, each showing a part of one of the 6 sections of the world. The only part that was not on it was the tower. Amadren did not feel he would have to monitor that area.

Amadren opened his eyes and looked at the screen. Most of the areas were uniteresting, but the one screen that caught his attention was the one with H'taed, Burning and Night.

[color=black] "Hello! What's this? It seems not all the players have arrived yet."

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



"We must keep moving.... Darkness foretold said as he walked through Circle territory. Death's Servant and a Lich followed closely. "Sir, wouldn't it be easier for me to scout fot the relic myself and teleport back to you?" Servant replied. "You know darkness, but you don't know the spells and enchantments you must use to grab this item. Lich!" The lich looked up in acknowledgement. "Scout ahead and take out any of the Circle of Thorns you see." "Yesss Sssire...." And with that he hovered ahead. Darkness Foretold and Servant waited patiently. The lich came about 30 minutes later. "I have ssssecured the way and found your relic." The lich said in its raspy wispering voice.

They moved silently to the room where the mystic relic was being held. Darkness Foretold looked at the alter above and moved quickly to start the ritual. "Lich! Servant! Stay at the door and kill anyone that comes in." "Yes Sire." "Yessss Ssssir..."

Fifteen minutes into the ritual, voices could be heard in the hall. The shadows of mages were coming their way. The Lich prepared for combat, already chanting a spell of protection. Death's Servant took into the Shadows and summoned a servant of her own. She called him X'ielan. She jumped to the Liches side as the three of them prepared for combat.

Suddenly the voices and the shadows stopped in their tracks. Servant didn't know what just happened. The silence sent a chill up her spine. Darkness was still chanting the ritual, but the Lich stopped his spell. She looked over. The lich and her Dark Servant had also stopped, frozen in time.

"Sire, something is wrong." Darkness Foretold continued his chanting. "Sire!" Darkness stopped his chanting and turned around. No one was breathing but him and Servant. He looked around before saying, "Servant, we must get out of he-..." His words were cut short as a figure behind them, dress in half white, and half black appeared.

"Your coming with me..." He said bluntly. "No we aren't!" Servant jumped to Darkness Foretold's side. The hooded man couldn't help but laugh. "Just as I thought..." He said, lifting up his open hand. Darkness chanted a counter spell, but it was of no use. It was an attack, it was a trap. He and Servant fell through what seemed to be a portal of darkness. Something similar to what Darkness Foretold and Death's Servant used to get around.


Thunk! Thunk! Both hit the ground is a greyish cube-like room. Servant jumped to her feet and helped Darkness up. "This should be fun...." Servant said quietly. "Well, we need to find our way to the Rouge Isles. Lets go before anything else happens to us." They headed through the portal...


Hmm.....this is almost nice..... Darkness said as he exited through the other side. He had been teleported to the plains. Rolling hills of grass and few trees covered the area. "Servant, do you know where we are?" No reply.... "Servant? He turned around. No one was there.


Servant appeared in a swampy haven. She looked around for Darkness who was just in front of her. He must have been teleported somewhere else... She looked around a bit before heading out. This might take awhile..... She said as she headed out on foot into the marshes.

((OOC: And here ends part 2 of the character transfer. I will be doing editing from time to time as I see mistakes. Sending me a tell on which mistakes to fix would be most helpful!

Darkness Foretold [Male]: A Necro/dark mastermind roughly 6' tall. Age: Unknown. He is knwn mostly for his bitter anger.

Death's Servant [Female]: A dark/dark corrupter that serves Darkness Foretold alone. This is Night Protector's Archvillain. Death used to have alot mroe powers, but when fate arose, Death's powers was split among Night and herself. She serves Darkness because he has sworn to help her regain her powers. Unfortunately, at the cost of serving him for eternity.

Enjoy! ))

((OOC EDIT: Aaaaand...Edit. fixed a few spelling errors and added some quotes where needed.))



Lord H'taed turned around slowly, and eyed the two smaller heroes.

"Well what do we have here?" He said.

"Goody Two Shoes and a Wind Up Toy Soldier. Why are there ALWAYS heroes at these kinds of things?" He shook his hooded head sadly.

"Oh, and by the way...PSYCH!" And he vanished.

Lord H'taed was the avatar of Lightning. He had a wide variety of electrical powers at his disposal, one of them being to directly control the electrical synaptic patterns in his brain and muscles, giving him LIGHTNING REFLEXES. This allowed him to run and move at unfathomable speeds.

He reappeared directly behind the two heroes, and used his electrical manipulation to conjure two swords made of electricity, one in each hand. They both descended to decapitate Burning and Night.



Burning lept to the right and threw a fireball at his new target. He quickly got back up and waiting for the next attack. This is going to be alot harder then he wanted. "So where did you get those powers? Did you attach a lightning rod to your back?" He said with a grin.


Night rolled backward the lept over and behind her target. "Your not the only one with moves speedy!" She lept to a shadow of a nearby tree. Taking in the darkness, she disappeared.


Darkness Foretold sat down to meditate. Becoming one with this new small world, he went to work to find his Servant. He muttered a scrying spell and looked first into the realm he was in. Looking into every last corner of his realm, he found nothing.


Death's Servant lept over the swamps and marshes as they came. She soon came across a patch of gravestones. "Well, atleast I'm not alone." She said with a smirk, and headed forth.

((OOC: RP PWNz all! ))



((Oh god, not H'taed You have doomed us all Diov ))

She saw the tree fly towards her and ducked. Quickshot quickly straightened up to see a hulking, rock encrusted barbarian trying to run towards her. Except he seemed weighted down by all the rock clinging to him and wasn't going very fast. She chuckled at the sight.

Reaching into her pouch, Quickshot pulled out a brown shell with a red rune scrawled into the side. She smiled cruelly as she loaded it into one of her pistols. Taking aim, as he was still some distance off, she fired. If he thought he could take this one full force like the last, his time on this World that is Flat wouldn't be very long. The shell was specially made to go straight through rock like it was butter.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



"Aahh" Sam yelled as he was thrown onto the hard floor of an Arachnos prison. "You will not fail Arachnos or Lord Recluse again." The crab spider activated the cells red forcefield and walked away. Sam was left on the ground with nothing but a pair of worn pants and a set of old shoes.

Strike three.. He thought as he tried to crawl to the metal bed on the other side of the cell. What was only a few feet seemed like a mile. Sam didn't have a shirt, so a scar from his left shoulder to his right waist was visable for everyone to see. This had been the third time he had dissapointed Lord Recluse.

The first time he failed, he didn't take out a certain target within a certain time limit. He was beaten and taken to Lord Recluse. Recluse struck him with one of his spider blades.

Almost...there.... Sam continued to crawl to the cell bed. The scar on Sam's back, the sorce of his pain, was a reminder of what it is to fail Arachnos.

The second time was to take out a group of heroes. Sam never got to face punishment though. He was saved by a young heroin by the name of Night Protector. Night was too far to save him this time. It was funny. A villain, being saved by a hero, and a female hero at that. More information on that later.

Sam was at the metal bed, but it took all his strength to climb onto it. He needed his power suit. A mechanical suit with rocket boots and a keyboard type device on his arm to control his robots, usually made from metal scraps and stolen pieces of tech Arachnos never used.

The third time Sam failed. He was givin a 'simple task' of raiding a longbow base, taking out the leader, and 'recovering' a computer program. This backfired when the base leader was non other then Miss Liberty. Not only was he scratched and bruised from his torture, but from getting beaten by a hero. Why did Arachnos have to take every single stupid mishion so seriously? Infact, why am I the only one that gets beaten for mistakes. It all didn't make sence to him.

His body began to numb from all the pain. Finally, enough of his body had numbed to take a nap. Atleast before Arachnos came back to torture him. Sam began to drift off, and went to sleep for the first time in days....


Sam woke up later refreshed. It didn't take long for his to realize somethinng was wrong with that picture. My back hurts. My back ALWAYS hurts. He pushed himself up a little easier then before. First off, why was he wearing his suit? Second, why hasn't he been taken away to be beaten. Third.....Where was he? He took a look around. A grey cube with a portal in the middle. Why is there always a portal? He pushed a few buttons on his arm-piece to show his map. "Unknown location. No satalite." flashed where his map used to be. "Great....I'm in an alternate dimension."

After turning off his map, he headed toward the portal. He walked through and reappeared in a rocky/canyon area. "Oh kay..." He pushed a button on his pad to activate his rocket boots. He had to find out where he was.

With that, Sam was on an adventure as he set out toward the south.


A group of Crab Spiders headed toward the cell. They deactivated the force field and walked in, to be met with nothing. The Crab Spider set out toward Lord Recluse.

-clip- -clip- -clip- -clip- -clip- -clip- The Crab Spider's boots clanged across the metal floor. "Lord Recluse, sir. It seems Proto Zone has escaped." The minion said. "RAAAAAHHH!!!!! Send the troups out. Go find him. I want him back to me before midnight!" "Yes sir." The minion replyed as he took off.


((OOC: again. Proto Zone (Sam, age 32) is a level 41 tech mastermind. When he was little, he was found in a crumbled building and taken to an orphanage. At the age of 15, Arachnos took notice at this bright boy with the ability to creat almost anything. At 19, he was taken by Arachnos to be trained against his will. Proto Zone never liked Arachnos, but he was forced to work. Beaten if he failed, tortured if he resisted.

Night found Sam after he escaped from Arachnos before he was taken away to be beaten. Night took the time to help Sam, and understand what was really going on. Night respected Sam's wishes and kept his secret of his shady past. Eventually, Arachnos found him and took him back to the Isles.

Feel free to make 'pun' of Proto Zone. I've heard Proto Zoned (I.e. AFK), Proto Baggins, Proto Rooter, Proto went from Pro to zero, Proto Phone, Photo Zone, protozoa (most common), other ones which I know I'm missing. I'm making a list, so keep 'em coming!

Let me know if there are any spelling or grammer errors that I need to fix. Send me a PM! ))



Amadren's attention switched to the canyon zone as Proto Zone came into the dimension. With a flick of his thoughts the probe zoomed in on Proto.

"This dimension seems to be getting pretty full. I think that should be the last of them."

But then another of his screens flickered. A man stepped out of a portal in the middle of the woods. He was about 6'4", had grey hair and was wearing a black robe



Aoleleb stepped out of the portal into the wooded area. He had hoped to never see this dimension again, but it seemed that was now a futile hope.

"Krystell, can you hear me?"

"Yea, I can hear you. Where are you? We lost your signal a while ago."

"I'm back in the World that is Flat. I hoped I'd never see this place again. Last time I was here it wasn't exactly pleasant."

"Well at least we can still communicate, last time you got sucked into that place we couldn't contact you. I guess that upgrade to the comm system works after all."


"Is something wrong?"

"No, something about this place I can't quite place it."

"Ok, well, be careful."

Aoleleb heard gunshots off in the distance. He rose into the air and flew off toward the source of the sound.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Um....LordDiov...

*poke - poke*

EDIT: I'll start writing up my last 3 characters tonight and post 'em tomorrow.

EDIT #2: I think I'm going to upload some pics of my characters as well. Can anyone show me a guide for uploading pics? How can you use pics from other users? Thanks in advance! ))



((o.O 3...? Do you really need that many characters?))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Well, I could do every single alt that I made, but I'm sure that having 30 characters (Not counting the Khelds I will have in the future...which makes 32....) is against the rules...

<--- Smiley happy))



((OOC: Speaking of alts, does anyone know a good name for a Plant/Thorn Dom? (No, that is not one of the characters I will be using in this RP.) ))



The fireball hit Lord H'taed dead on...

And flew right through him.

It was somehwat confusing, especially when he vanished a few seconds later like he had never been there.

"Just my after-image...Sometimes I just run too damn fast." Said a voice from behind Burning.

With a pop of static, the two electrical swords descended towards Burning again.



Burning Fang looked at the swords as if it were the last thing he would ever see. He had to snap out of it! He created a sword out of pure fire and heat to counter one of the swords. For the other incoming sword, He lit is right arm as hot as he could, and held it up toward the electricity, spikes first.

"Night! Hurry up!!"


Night was jumping from tree to tree as fast as she could, dancing around H'taed. She finally found a good spot to hit H'taed dead on. Where ever he was, she could strike, but for now, she had to wait.. She watched as the swords headed straight for Burning. She closed her eyes and mumbled something under her breath before opening them again. "Be safe Blake."


Darkness Foretold mumbled another scrying spell and began to search the ice realm. Every corner, every mountain, and yet he found nothing. This was going to take longer then he thought.....


Servant was jumping from limp to limp of the few trees and vines there were. Then she found it. A gaint set of ruins that looked as if it could hold 10,000 crypts. But, she couldn't help but feel a little interested in her find. She walked toward the ruin, and opened the door. She smiled as she made her way inside.


Proto Zone saw the biggest canyon he has ever set his eyes on. It looked miles wide, and even more deep. "This doesn't look very friendly." He sighed and turned, hoping to find a different way around. He pushed a few buttons on his electronic keypad and activated his rocket boots. Am I the only one here?


((OOC: Just like before, let me know if there are any spelling errors I need to fix. ))



Amadren was pacing the floor in his meditation room. If Aoleleb was here that meant they would have to fight each other eventually. Yes he had planned on killing him earlier back on Earth but he didn't have everything he needed here.

He stopped pacing and turned to face one of the walls. If he was going to keep pulling minions into this world he needed an easier way to do it. He started an incantation and a portal started to form in front of him.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



The blade of fire caught the electrical blade, but Burning's superheated arm did nothing to the second blade. It sliced right into his arm, sending a violent jolt of electrical energies through his being, sapping his endurance and transfering it to Lord H'taed.

H'taed raised his second sword, (the one blocked by the fire sword) and swung again.



"AAaahhh!" The pain going through his arm was unlike anything he had ever felt. He lifted his sword to Block the next incoming attack, and braced his feet into a position to get up and run.

"Night!!!!!" Burning yelled as loud as he could. He needed help, and he needed it now.


Night Protector found the moment as soon as she saw the blade lift above H'taed's head. She jumped down at amazing speed with her arms in front of her, aiming towards H'taed's neck. She was still covered in darkness, so H'taed could never see this coming.


Darkness Foretold muttered his scrying spell again to search the next area. The forest sector. Dark's mind came apon it. Five beings were in the area, but none of them were Servant. He continued to search. I'm not alone....


Servant entered the dark ruins looking for anything of value. Surely there had to be a historic artifact or ruin painting somewhere. She was looking for something to possibly tell her where she is.

Something shifted in the dark room. Two skeletal guards awoke from their deep sleep as they crept toward Servant. Slowly getting closer without Servant knowing. They rose their sword to attack.....


Proto Zone was just making his way into the fire pits. Flying silently as he looked at the valcanoes and lava pools scattered among the area. But what is this? A tower? A gaint medevil tower surrounded by a forcefield came into view. There was movement, but Proto was not yet close enough to see who or what they were.


((OOC: This is fun!

Like I said in another thread, if the above makes your eyes burn, contact me and let me know how to fix it. ))



"Sir! Scanners picked up a sentient being coming toward us!" a robotic voice echoed through the halls, causing Shimmer to flinch.

"You realize, of course, that I can hear you."

"...Well, yes sir, but I just assumed--"

"That I wanted to go deaf? Just... Quiet down and destroy him."

"Certainly, mi'lord."

With that, two blue drones fired from the open air-ways into the base, shutting them behind them as they enabled their laser-blade arms. The then jetted toward Charles' position, ready to strike down and burn any opposition.

((Sorry for t3h m4x delay, but I was playing Battlefield 2142.

...What? It's Battlefield 2142!))



Bio Hazard Zero.... ((OOC: Love teh uber names. )) He aimed down the large archery range to a large bag of sand.


The arrow flew toward its target, hitting perfectly in the middle. Joseph let out a small grin as he loaded another arrow into his bow and aimed for the target farther back.


Direct hit. The bags of sand emptied themselves as Joe continued to load arrows and waste targets. Each one farther back then the last. A small buzzer rang on his bow. "Time for dinner." He said to himself as he packed his supplies and headed toward his mansion.

"How was your practice today, sir?" His butler asked. "Just fine, thankyou." Joseph replied. The butler took his master's bow and quiver, and set them on their stands. Joseph headed toward toward the Dining Room, and sat down at his rather expensive table. This great room could sit, and feed up to 14 bodies.

The butler, otherwise known as Marty, came in with a plate of food and set it down in front of Joseph. The hot plate of steak, potatoes, and saled with homemade dressing could make anyone's mouth water. After the meal, he resumed his daily activities of more practice, tea, shower, boxing, and watching the sunset from the top of the house.

The day went by quickly as Joseph settled in his bed. He was off to sleep at no time. Now is he could do something about that snore...


Joseph woke up from discomfort. He picked himself up and inspected the new, cold, grey room. His robe was folded neatly beside him, along with his quiver, his bow, and sunglasses. He quickly put on his clothes and put his quiver over his shoulder.

He inspected the portal in the middle of the room with interest. He loaded an arrow and walked foward quietly into the portal. Like the others, he just wanted to get out of here.

He appeared in what looked like a forest. After inspecting the forest's gaint trees for a while, he headed forth to see where this path would take him....


((OOC: Isn't it ironic how the rich guy always uses a bow?

Just like before, let me know if there are any spelling mistakes I need to fix, or if I should scrap my story all together. ))



((Since Shimmer's base doesn't sound very "medevial" Im going to assume the tower is mine))

As Amadren finished his portal spell a scroll appeared in front of him. It read:

Report from Sector 4, Middle Level.

Being seen outside of tower. Current Threat Rate: Minimal
Wearing powersuit. Presumed to not be aware of defenses but currently out of range.

"So, the powersuit has found my tower. I'll let the behemoths deal with him. He doesn't require me to pull a special demon out to destroy him."

As though they could read minds, the behemoths at the door on the bottom floor rose up into the air. There were 5 of them, and an overlord. As they flew, they all launched a fireball ahead of them to weaken Proto Zone.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Night hit dead on at H'taed's neck.


The strike sent him stumbling FORWARD.

That knocked him out of position, both his electrical swords go awry...

And now both of them were less then a centimeter from striking Burning in the neck and decapitating him.


Charles flew towards the assault bots, and paused mid-air.

Both the drones suddenly stopped moving...

Then fell out of the sky and into a boiling lake of lava below, both of them bruning to nothingness in seconds.

Charles flew towards the force field, trying to figure out a way to get through it. He settled for simply testing its strength via a MINOR experiment.

Charles flew a little higher, then cast his hand, aiming it at the moat of lava surrounding Shimmer's base.

Using his telekinetic might...

A HAND, formed entirely of molten rock and fire, rose from the stream, and began to punch at the force field.

((I took liberties with the drones, I know...But Charles was using TELEKINESIS. In-game, the move is a TOGGLED AUTO-HIT HOLD.))



This was definitely going to be one of those days...

The first clue was the dream. The Heist didn't dream. Ever. Nonetheless, as he slept, a strangely soothing voice began to speak to him. It seemed like it had been trying to warn him of something... some kind of board game.

When Heist had finally escaped his slumber, he found, strangely, that he was still standing. His body, not accustomed to the brain bing in a half awakened state, he been moving on its own accord. He tried to survey his surroundings as he blinked away the sleep from his eyes. The first thing he noticed is that he had very nearly died. Directly in front of him was a canyon of immeasurable depth. Taking a few cautious steps backward, he noticed that there was something strange about this world... He could see around him for miles. Rather than curve away from his view, the world just went on forever. He could clearly see a tower jutting into the sky despite it being many miles away. Stranger still, his powers told him immediately that the flow of time in this place was not natural. Rather than keep the steady, stoic pace it normally had, time here seemed to move independently around the space, flowing at different speeds in different areas.

A sense of dread started to creep into the Heist... He wondered if he would still be able to control it's flow at all. Without his time control, his normally amazing reflexes would find themselves amazingly normal. He slipped on his clawed gauntlets and ran towards the tower, hoping to find some answers about this place. Next time I have a dream, remind me to stay asleep, he thought to himself. It was definitely going to be one of those days...



Xivilai watched in amazement as Charles sent the bots hurtling to their demise. He was even more amazed as the hand of molten rock tore itself from its pool and began punching the force field. Maybe he should let these 2 duke it out for a while before popping in.
Aoleleb floated above the battle between H'taed, Night and Burning. He had bent the air around himself so he was invisible. As he looked down, something didn't seem right to him.

((Edited to replace Aoleleb. Those 2 haven't posted in a while))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Burning Fang propelled himself backwards just in time to escape the swords, but his arm was bleeding badly. With his good arm, he Sent a ray of fire toward H'taeds Head. He was angry, but weak. He could only hold himself up on one knee.


Night hit her target with exact timing and accuricy. She dropped her stealth and jumped back into a defencive stance. "You not getting away with what you did to Burning!" She yelled with anger in her voice.


Darkness moved his sights toward the fire and molten rock 'world'. It caught his attention. "Multiple bases, and threats.....Joy...." He looked quickly through the this area before heading to the next.


Servant heard a noise behind her at the last second, and teleported herself five feet back. She fired two shots of dark-matter toward the skeletal fiends, pushing both of them back. They lost their head (litterally), got up, and started swinging furiously toward Servant......


Proto noticed the behemoths coming toward his direction. "What? Do the Circle of Thorns want to destroy me every single place I go?" Proto dodged the fireballs and fired a burst of laser shots from far away. He Flew in the opposite direction as he did so. "Ihatethisplace! Ihatethisplace! Ihatethisplace!"


Bio Hazard Zero heard a thump, then the sound of a really angry woman. He loaded and arrow and headed toward Night's direction.


((OOC: Please look to the post of Bio Hazard Zero up top. I finished editing it after you three posted. ))



H'taed gathered himself back up, and noticed the beam of fire heading towards him.

"Naw, I don't feel like it..." He said.

With a crack of static, he was gone.

And he reappeared directly behind Night. He grabbed onto her arms and held her.

Burning's fire beam was heading right for her.

Worse yet, if she didn't do something fast, she would be unable to dodge the beam. H'taed was slowly draining all her endurance away from her simply through contact.



The behemoths dodged the beam and gave up the chase. They weren't going to risk straying too far from their post.
Recognition hit Aoleleb like a lightning bolt as H'taed grabbed Night! A hammer of stone appeared in his hands as he dispelled the bent air around him. He flew towards H'taed with his hammer at the ready.

"I've got you this time!"

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne