The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((OOC: Great! I'm acting like Prodiguy! Or....atleast I think so.... I just clocked 40 hours on my new Kingdom Hearts II game. And in ONE WEEK! And that was AFTER I watched all 52, 30 minute episodes of the KH2 walkthrough. I'm not weird, I just love the game! ))


Bio Hazard shot a flash arrow at the mud bomb and ran behind a rock. He didn't know what would happen when they hit, but he knew it wouldn't be good.


Burning Fang carefully aimed for H'Taed and shot a rain of fire toward his location.

((^^^ Is still about 100' above the battle. ^^^))


Falcon looked at the portal in front of him. He didn't know why there were so maney portals in this world, but it didn't matter. He walked in.


((OOC: The rest of my alts are a little.....busy, at the moment. Make yourself at home. They should be back shortly! ))




...Only 40 hours in a week? You have too much other stuff to do, don'tcha? Seriously... N00b.

Hehe. I love KH II.))



((OOC: I'm not trying to be THAT off-topic but....I'm in the last level already.

[SPOILER WARNING: Now I just need to beat Sepha-whatever and enter the castle of d00000m! :GNINRAW RELIOPS] I feel better... ))



The mub bomb stuck to the arrow.

It flew through the air.

Since it had not specifically been aimed at Lord H'taed, it was an easy thing for him to catch the arrow as it flew past him.

Then the mub bomb exploded in a heavy blast of energy, creating a third crater and filling the air with a static haze.

Lord H'taed still stood tall, not the worse for wear. He was naturally immune to his own inate element.

Then he activated his lightning reflexes and he was gone, just in time for the rain of fire to miss him entirely.


Burning Fang hadn't taken a little something into account.

They were in a FOREST.

The fire scattered onto SEVERAL trees, lighting them up like fire crackers.

Then the wind started to blow...and stray cinders blew into more trees...

Burning Fang had just started a forest fire. Lord H'taed had realized all hell was about to break loose and had made a run for the hills.

Then the trees began to fall...

Three burning giant logs of doom fell towards Bio Hazard.

Another thing Burning Fang had discounted were that some of the trees here were taller then sky scrapers.

Including a few he had set on fire.

While the fire could not spread up the tree that quickly, the bases had already been signifigantly weakened.

Burning Fang heard a huge whoose noise behind him...

As a tower tree bigger then the Empire States Building began to fall towards him, eclipsing everything in his view. Thousands of tons of pulverizing wood rushed down onto him.


Shimmer's energy beams blew apart most of the zombies, and maimed several of the others after a few well placed shots. That threat was taken care of.

Still, there did not appear to be any exit from the room. The elevators had no call buttons, and the pool of blood had risen another few inches.



Thankfully the wind was blowing away from Quickshot (ei. North), so the fire was mainly going away from her. Woops, time to go, she thought as she lowered herself to the ground. Knowing she wasn't going to be able to follow H'taed, she headed south, towards the icy mountains.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



Aoleleb reappeared in the middle of the burning forest

"That idiot!"

Aoleleb reached out his arms and bands of stone about 10 feet tall started ripping themselves out of the ground and smothering the flames. A large block also popped out of the ground underneath falling tree headed toward Burning and lifted back up.

After all the trees were safely out, he dissapeared once again.
Xivilai almost laughed aloud as he saw the operating tabel. If this was what he thought it, it was THE oldest trick in the horror book. He boldly walked across the room and ripped the sheet from the covered figure ((Yes Diov, I am absolutely aware that this is not even remotely close to what I think it is.))
The portal dropped Falcon Strike in the middle of Amadren's meditation room. As he appeared, Amadren turned to look at the assassin. His entire demon guard turned to survey the new arrival as well, but turned back to watching the entrances as Amadren waved them away.

"Well, it's nice to see you've decided to join me here in my little tower. I don't know why, but you seem different from the others. More...ruthless. I'd like to propose a partnership between us. I can provide you with some powerful weapons to use in this world.

As he said this, a contract appeared in the air before Falcon. Next to it floated a small dagger with an incredibly sharp point.

"You will have to sign this contract though. A small formality but a necessary one in this world."

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Beneath the sheet...

Was nothing.

There had been nothing but air beneath the sheet. Apparently, Charle's mind did not obey the laws of horror flicks or physics.

There was, however, a single white card on the table.

It read...

"We Regret to Inform you..."


The magma dome opened slightly.

Charles Dark Aura walked out, fully healed.

The magma dome sealed behind him.

He snickered.

Shimmer and Xivilai were still trapped inside. And the brilliant punchline was...

He had weaved his mind into the cacoon.

So they were now effectively trapped in his mind.


He laughed psychotically. The only way they could escape the deranged aybss of his mind was if the dome was destroyed. And they couldn't move their physical bodies while their minds were trapped. Soon enough, they would rot away long before anybody found the dome and cracked it open.

Plus, if their MINDS died inside of his mind, they died anyway. A nice double trap.

Charles turned back to Shimmer's base, and started to fly towards it again. He needed to make sure not one brick stood upon another, after all...


There was a soft *DING* from behind Xivilai.

The elevator doors opened, and out walked a ten foot tall behemoth made entirely of gore. No skin, no bones, just GORE. A meat monster. The hulking monstrosity slowly shambled over to Xivilai. The elevator door snapped shut behind him, and then sank into the wall, disapearing.

Xivilai and Shimmer were trapped in the hospital, and the hospital was trapped in Charle's mind. Not exactly the best place to be.


Lord H'taed blazed across the ground until he reached a land of fire and brimstone. His intention was to skim all the way to the ice zone, when...


He ran headlong into a large dome made of molten magma.

He rubbed his smarting head, got up, and glared at the smooth and solid dome.



Amadren's attention flickered to one of his screens as Falcon apparently considered the partnership. Charles had emerged from his magma dome and Xivilai and Shimmer were no where to be seen. Amadren let out a demonic curse and turned toward the portal that shimmered on the wall. He focused his energies and the portal started to glow with an intense brightness.
Xivilai stood in a defensive stance in front of the gore monster. This could end up being bad. As the monster started to move forward, Xivilai noticed a distinct...weightlessness around of his body. He looked down and realized he was being summoned to another location.
The portal stopped glowing as Xivilai was wrenched through it. In front of him was a very angry looking Amadren.

"I'm going to assume I won't have to do that again."

Xivilai looked down at the floor and nodded an affirmative. Amadren pointed at his own shadow and Xivilai understood his punishment. He sank into the ground and merged with Amadren's shadow.


Aoleleb reappeared in the lava zone as he realized that the forest fight was over. He looked in the distance and saw a large medival tower looming in the distance. With the sense of dread that comes with unwanted recognition, he flew toward it.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Wow.....Just, wow...... ))


Burning dropped from the air and landed on his feet. He cursed, knowing that the rain of fire was a stupid mistake, and walked to Night. He sighed as he sat down beside her, and rested his head against the tree. "I hate today."

"Are you alright?" Bio said, walking toward the duo.

"We're fine."

Bio Hazard was silent for a second. "That was a big fire you started." "Yeah, I know," Burning replied. "But the last thing I need is someone, other than Night, pointing out everything I do wrong."

"Fine! Yell at the guy who just saved your life." Hazard crossed his arms and waited a few seconds before turning to leave. "I'm sorry......" Burning finally said. "I almost got us all killed. I'm not trying to be angry."

He got up and walked toward Hazard. "Burning Fang." Burning lifted his hand up to Hazard offering a handshake. "Bio Hazard Zero." Bio Hazard shook hands, then pointed to Night. "Who's your friend?" "Well....." Burning began to say. "She is Night Protector. That guy we were fighting appeared out of nowhere. The next thing I know, he shooting lightning at us! He also had an unusual smell which I don't really want to describe."

Hazard looked over to Night. "Is she OK? I can help..."

"No, she's fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, she'll wake up in a bit. Its part of her creepy self heal thing she does."

"Ah, ok. Well, I better go find out where I am."
Hazard turned around to go.

"Wait! Er.... Your pretty good and... You think you could help us out? We don't know where we are either."

Hazard smiled. "Sure, why not."


Proto Zone was flying near the tops of the trees when he saw smoke to his left. He changed direection and headed toward it.


Falcon looked at the contract, looked up, then looked back down. He put his hand on the dagger. Taking it, he cut his wrist, making the dagger red. He lifted it up to sign....

~Falcon's Strike~

"Now.... What do I have to do?"


((OOC: I'm going to look at the previous posts again. I can't help but have the feeling that I'm missing something. And no, I'm not talking about Servant and Darkness Foretold.

I also think I made a few spelling errors. Let me know if you see them, and how they should be fixed! ))



Amadren nodded with satisfaction as Falcon Strike signed the contract.

"Good. As of right now, I don't have anything for you to do. Just go out and kill whoever looks threatening. You'll know when I need you."

Amadren turned to look out the window of his meditation room. He gasped, so quietly that Falcon Strike wouldn't hear him, but he gasped all the same. He turned back to Falcon Strike

"But if you see a man in a black robe, leave him alone. He's mine!"


Aoleleb looked around him at the behemoths scattered on the ground. He'd carelessly forgotten that Amadren could summon weaker minions that served as guards. Fortunately for him, the Behemoths had carelessly forgotten to report his presence to Amadren. The air around Aoleleb bent to deflect light waves, effectively making him invisible. He started up toward the top of Amadren's tower.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon looked at his wrist. This better be a good choice. He walked out of the room. And with a little of ninjitsu, he was invisable.





The 2 invisible contestants passed each other without even realizing it. Aoleleb was finally in Amadren's meditation room! Amadren was sitting on the floor apparently preforming some kind of ritual. Aoleleb started sneaking up toward Amadren. As he did he could make a few mumbled words.

"Azarath Tumetrion Thaseerus Hokthar Muromra Onod Iktharis..." As he hit the last word in the incantation Amadren jumped up, spun around, threw out his arm and roared "DREHMORA!!!"

Chains flew out of the walls, ground and ceiling and held Aoleleb in place! The chains were made out of Inphantium, an unbreakable metal, and no matter how much he struggled he could not free himself.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. And you were always considered the smart one. Yeah right!"

"What do you want Amadren? You knew I was coming all along, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charged. I actually have a use for you, imagine that, and have trapped you to enact my plan.

As he said this, a woman in a long, flowing, purple dress decloaked right behind Aoleleb.

"I'd like you to meet one of my friends..."

"...Don't you mean demons?"

"Both actually. This is Daonri. She's a powerful telepathic demon with a unique penchant for taking over minds." Amadren put a light stress in this last part.

Aoleleb's eyes widen with fear as he realized what was about to happen! He struggled desperately against the chains to no avail. Daonri descended upon him like a vulture does a piece of carrion.

As Daonri dealt with Aoleleb, Amadren scanned the land outside his window. A faint red glint caught his eye. Amadren sent a thought to Xivilai, who ripped apart from his shadow and streaked out the window.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Ragrok had spent a great deal of time joging over to where Quickshot had ran off to. His hearing kicked in, a sheet of granite rushed up from the ground on to his existing granite armor, and was sealed into place with crystals and other minerals. He crouched down low, hopeing he wasnt seen, and hopeing to blend in with his surroundings as a large rock.

He sat and watched as the fight moved on.



Falcon was waiting outside the room. He heard a fight inside, a VERY short fight. He walked in and calmly turned off his invisability jutsu. (Sp?)

"Nice catch..."


Burning Fang and Bio Hazard Zero were talking around a small campfire when Night woke up. She looked around before going to the fire. "What happened Fang?" She asked. "Nothin' really." Burning replied. "We made you some dinner." Hazard said while handing her a plate of various fruits, mixed with salad.

She gladly took the plate and sat next to Burning. "So.... Who are you?" Night asked. "I'm Bio Hazard Zero. I was helping with your fight." "Oh! Well, thanks. What happened?" "Well," Hazard began. "There was one other helping. He seemed to controll power of the earth. The villain was draining your power when I shot him in the back. The fight seemed to drag on for quite a bit. Burning also started a massive fi-" "You could keep that part out..." Burning Fang interupted. "Very well. Anyway, it won't be the last time we seem him."

Night sighed. "Well, we just got here and someone already wants to kill us." "I'm not surprised." Fang replied. "Atleast he doesn't have a twin."

The trio took time to eat their food before Hazard spoke up. "I noticed that shortly after destroying anything in this world, it grows right back. We must have burned 6 of these trees, and 15 minutes later, they were fully grown again. It was very unusual." "Thats creepy." Fang admitted. Night noted this. It might be useful in the future.

A person a a greyish tech suit landed behind them. "Maira?"


*A little earlier*

Proto was almost at the campsight. He stopped when he saw something shiny in the corner of his eye. He flew to it. What he found was truely remarkable. His assault bot was laying right in front of him! He knew this because of the 'Proto Zone' sticker on its lower left part of its neck.

Proto was busy doing repairs, up until about 5 minutes before the above.


Servant and Darkness had finally reached the bottum of the stairs. They entered what seemed to be a very large room. The room looked exactly 1 mile long, wide, and high. On the other end, was a very large statue of a white sorceress.


((OOC: ))



Lord H'taed stood, still rubbing his smarting head.

"Pain..." He hissed. He narrowed his glowing red eyes beneath the darkness of his hood.

The dome was responsible for his head-ache. Therefore it needed to be obliterated into tens of thousands of tiny pieces.

H'taed conjured a mud bomb in his hand, and walked towards the dome, imangining its impending destruction.


Charles hovered a few dozen feet over Shimmer's base, glaring down at it through his red tinted glasses.

Deciding he should simply test the automated defenses first, to see how they worked without their master's guidance, he shot a narrowed beam of telekinetic lance energy at the nearest turret...



It was as if she had stepped into another world. The forest just stopped. There was no slow trickle of ice and snow; there was forest, then there was tundra. Seeing cliffs in the distance, Quickshot headed for them.

About half way there, she noticed a sparkle some ways off. Tightening her scarf, she changed direction towards the sparkle. Sunk about halfway into the snow was an icy-blue sphere. Crouching down, she pulled it out. The sphere was about the size of an eightball and glowed softly. Quickshot tried to feel for what it's purpose was, but it was blank. Standing up she looked around. Nothing caught her eye that could have left it there; possibly from the last inhabitants of this World that is Flat. Dropping it in an empty pocket she kept on walking...

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



The lance of energy struck the turret, sending it into the lava.

However, had he not done this, he probably would have been completely safe.

"Automated defense systems, online." a grainy, electronic voice spoke from the tower, every available turret turning toward Charles. Rapidly, bolts of energy began firing, aiming directly at the telekinetic user.

Meanwhile, Shimmer rolled his eyes in the blood-filling room. He placed a small device on an elevator door, and stepped back a few feet. Hitting a button, the explosive... Well, exploded would be kind of stupid here... It 'did its duty.' After all, if the door was destroyed, the blood would flow out into the elevator shaft.

The oddest thing about the situation, in Shimmer's mind, however, was that he didn't find the fact that he was waist-high in blood odd.

Which, in itself, sort of makes sense. I mean, if it not being odd is odd, then, obviously, it would be the oddest thing, since it has nothing else odd to go against.



Charles merely laughed as the energy bolts headed his way. He had learned after his first round with the turrets.

A very large rock the size of a small apartment building suddenly rushed in front of him, taking all the energy bolts head on. Several large chunks of it fell away, but it served as a nice temporary shield.

Charles, in the meantime, started to fire off several more telekinetic lances at the attacking turrets...


Lord H'taed planted the mud bomb on the magma dome, and leapt a ways away.

"Old Mcdonald had a farm..." He began.

"And on his farm he had a BOMB, Bada-bing, bada-bang, bada-BOOM!"

The mub bomb exploded with enough force to pulverize an elephant.


Shimmer was probably surprised when not only did the elevator door explode, but the entire hospital seemed to shatter into trillions of tiny bits.

He observed he was lying on the ground, surrounded by vaporized chunks of hardened magma.

"Woa. Sorry there, didn't think anybody was IN THERE..." Said a crackling voice.

Before him stood an eight foot tall giant, (yet he was as thin as a stick) decked head to toe in mideval armor, covered in softly glowing tribal runes. A large hood obscured his face, save for two glowing red eyes. Several spikes stuck out from his shoulders, and red static ran up and down these.

"The name's Lord H'taed. What about you?"


*KA-BOOM!* The lava dome exploded in a shower of hardened magma.

H'taed peered through the mist...

And saw a guy with a shimmery head lying on the ground. He seemed intact enough, considering he had been in the epicenter of an exploding magma dome. It was a miracle the shrapnel had missed him.

Figuring from the being's frail (yet advanced) appearance, he was probably a mastermind. Probably tech, at that. H'taed had no cares for lesser beings who would serve him no purpose-But a mastermind was differant. Masterminds were badasses of destruction, bad to have as an enemy, and a powerful ally. So Lord H'taed made the choice of trying to get a new ally.



[Edit: Bah, double post...]



Shimmer stood, clearing his throat quietly and beginning to dust himself off.

"Well... That was interesting... I am Dr. Shimmer, and I am confused. 'Lord H'taed,' you say? Interesting name. Would you happen to have seen a slightly annoying person, gives minor headaches a lot? And, in conjunction with that, could you help me destroy him? You know, that'd be greaaaat..."



((Hope it's not to late to add a character. I want to explore this one more and this seems to be the best thread to do it.))

The loud ringing of the bank's alarm was drowned out by the sound of the wall being broken through. The Council had been planning the robbery for quite some time. The Handler smiled as he stood to the side issuing orders. Unfortunately for him the police knew of the planned robbery and had set up a large strike force concealed in various positions. They swarmed the building with speed and precision but stopped upon the sight at the vault door.

The handler ordered it to get into the vault. The Warwolf was like any other they had seen. It was massive; standing up to the ceiling it put its claws on either side of the vault door and pulled. The foot thick steel groaned and popped. The Warwolf, called The Fenris Project, let out a monstrous growl as he pulled. He was wrapped in thick chains. One on each arm with loops on the end for control. One around his neck as a collar and a third control chain around his chest. The collar had a dangling Council insignia with his name inscribed on the back.

The Police snapped out of their awe as the Seargent ordered them to fire. The Fenris Project was peppered with bullets. All doing little more than sending small puffs of fur flying.

The Seargent was prepared though, "Bring up the Javelin!"

A heavily armored Officer ran up clomping with all his gear. Not typical gear for police outside Paragon City but here it was needed for super-powered criminals. He swung his rocket launcher over his shoulder and aimed in. The Seargent cleared the backfire area then slapped the helmet of the armored Officer.

The rocket launcher let out a huge bang and the rocket screamed toward The Fenris Project. The explosion cascaded around him making him step forward. The Handler merely smiled and blew into his whistle.

"Throw!" He shouted, pointing at the source of his annoyance.

With one motion Fenris yanked the door out of the reinforced wall and hefted it above his head. Police scattered as the vault door sailed towards them. One officer fell onto his back as it bounced over him and through another wall.

Fenris' ears perked at the sound of the whistle only he could hear.

"Carry!" The Handler shouted, this time pointing into the vault.

If it weren't for the Handler's directions the police wouldn't have been spared. The one problem with the Fenris Project was his intelligence. For all his strength, his indestructibility, and his loyalty he was easily outsmarted. Without a handler the police could distract him, lead him outside, and heroes would wear him down slowly but surely.

But now he had his orders. Get stuff in vault. Carry. On all fours he barreled into the vault. But all that was there was a portal. The walls were bare. Fenris tried to lift the portal but it wouldnt budge even with his strength. He turned around to find his handler but there was only another grey stone wall. He clawed at it and tried to smash it but nothing happened. He grew angry and charged the portal to ram and smash it to bits. The nine foot tall animal went straight through the middle and tripped over himself in surprise. He skidded across snowy ground. Fenris got up and looked around in confusion. The white snow already began clumping against his gray fur. He shook it off and looked around.

With no Handlers in sight he stretched up and let out a low howl. A sound that felt heavy, and big.

((So the Fenris Project is nearly indestructible, but not completely. He is easier to trick because he is of animal intelligence. It is also possible to turn him against others, even if you are not Council. I think of him more like a Monster than a character so try to reign him in if you like. Or just go head to head with him. While not necessary more ingenious tricks and traps will do better for alleigance or defeat.

By the way...

"Old Mcdonald had a farm..." He began.

"And on his farm he had a BOMB, Bada-bing, bada-bang, bada-BOOM!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Usual Suspects right? My favorite movie.))



((Hehehe...Yep. The usual suspects. And welcome to the thread.))

Lord H'taed raised an eyebrow. "You're the only one I've seen since I've reached this portion of the world. Do you have a base of operations nearby? If so, we could locate the intruder and I could help you take him down, then after that we can get a plan set up. How does a temporary alliance sound? Until we're the last two standing on this world?"



Amadren looked up at Falcon Strike and merely nodded in reply. As he did so Xivilai streaked back into the room and assumed his tangible form. In his hands was a small red gem, about the size of an eight ball. It was glowing with a faint red light. Amadren reached out and took the gem from Xivilai. It was unmarked and perfectly round. All in all it looked like an interesting bauble, but nothing more. Amadren tossed it up in the air where it seemed to stop and hover right below the ceiling, casting an eerie red glow on everything.

Daonri turned around having finished with Aoleleb. With a snap from Amadren's fingers, the chains surrounding him flew back into the walls.

"So brother, how do you feel?"

"I feel...Hungry!"

A bestial roar rose from Aoleleb's mouth with the ferocity of a hurricane. The mere force of it blew the lone window in the room to pieces. Thundering across the room, Aoleleb jumped out of the window and flew off into the distance.

Amadren snapped his fingers and the window repaired itself. "Good job Daonri. You're dismissed."

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



El D, the heroic half demon had just settled down to a nice slice of "Extra-Large" Pizza, with all the toppings.

Being over eight feet tall, with a weight tipping the scales at 532 pounds (and that with-out a full suit of armor) Has some difficulties, like finding a varity of food that wont cost over three hunderd dollers a meal.

"Man, after a day like that...I'm gonna need a bit of rest..." he said, in his deep, semi-harmonic, semi-demonic voice.

But, just as he was about to bit into the pizza slice, he vanished. To a onlooker, it would seem as if he ciesed to exist, with the pizza slice falling uncerimoniously to the floor.

"Great" El D thought "The Circle have finally captured me..."

But, upon seeing the grey room he was in, with the strange portal in its center, he thought a little differently....

"Well, I may still not know where I am, and I'm still hungry, but the only way out seems to go through that portal" he said to himself.

And with that, he leaped into the portal

Where he immerged was a strange land indeed, it was one of ice, strong freezing winds, and frozen ground in every direction.

"Dang, some one forgot to pay the heating bill" thought El D

At that, he heard a deep, heavy howl, seeming comming from somewhere southwest of him.

"Oh crap.." El D muttered "Wolves....Why does it have to be wolves?"

Then he activated a residual portal, to a pocket inside of the Dimension of Fire, the place the Behemoths and their lord, the Baphomet call home. El D reached in and, his face now wreathed in flames, dull-green eyes shimmering with fire, his body was covered in a strong, black as night armor that glinted in the refracting light from the ice, with a large, billowing black cloke.

"This is gonna be on hellofa trip..." El D said out loud, as he summoned a fire sword in his right hand and checked his large, silver axe with his left. The axe, which he called "Zombie Killer" had served him decently well agaisnt the Banished Pantheon when they successfuly summoned Adamaster on to Earth.

"Well, lets see what all the howlin' is about" and El D rocketed off, flying in that direction, a yellow-orange wake of energy burning the snow from the ground.

Had he looked back, he would have seen the snow reforming nearly instantly on the ground. There was more to this world than El D realized...


My main, El D (lvl 40 fire/fire blaster) has a strong back story with the CoT, with his "half-demoness" coming almost directly from the Baphomets home dimesion.

Gaurdian Server RULES!!!!!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Having reached the bottom slopes of the icy range in this area, Quickshot started up the mountains. About 4 miles up was huge ice palace carved into the side of a glacier. A devious smile came onto her face.

"Wonder if anyone's home..."

Guns cocked, safeties off, Quickshot was heading for the giant door when she heard wolves howling. She cocked her head trying to ascertain the direction, but with the crags around her it was almost impossible. So the legendary Fenris wolves may not be a legend after all, she thought. If these ones are as big as they sound, I'd rather be inside than out. She opened the doors and headed inside the palace. They closed behinder her on their own accord.

She walked into the largest entrance hall she'd ever seen. It had to be a trick as the outside of the structure didn't look this big. Straight ahead of her were two curving staircases heading upstairs, between them a dark hallway leading deeper into the palace. There were a few doors on either side of the room, but she ignored them for now. Guns ready, Quickshot headed down the hallway, into the darkness.

((Hope you don't mind me making up things in the icy wastelands. More to come later ))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra