The World is Flat ((Open RP))




"No!!" Burning Fang had just let out a burst of flame toward Night. With nothing he could do, he lit his hands up and ran toward H'Taed furiously.


Night couldn't move as the pillar of fire drifted closer and closer to her. She kicked and squirmed trying to get away from the grasp of H'Taed. Her strength was draining, and with nothing alse to do, she closed her eyes.


Darkness starting his scrying spell once more to search through the canyons. Looking through every single corner he could, he once again, found nothing. "This is getting annoying...."


Servant forced out to bolts of darkness into her skeletal new 'friends' as they were thrown into a wall, and destroyed. She let out of sigh of relief before continuing ahead. The moved quickly, but silently through the ruins. This time, she was ready.


Proto was glad the Behemoths gave up their chase and he heading into forest area. Near the edge, he landed and took a rest before anyone else could see him.


Bio Hazard Zero reached the sight of the two heroes and H'Taed fighting. He fired off an ice arrow toward the fire, a net arrow toward H'Taed's feet, and an arrow to H'Taed's back before you could say "Bio Hazard strikes again!"


((OOC: And with that, I finished my move.

OOC EDIT: Edit! I need to learn to type faster.

OOC EDIT #2: *Evil laugh* Four against one! ))



((I speak from experience when I say "H'taed is still prolly gonna kick our butts" ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((He's a beast, but he's not invincible, and Diov is good about taking hits I'm tempted to bring another character in, as Quickshot is kinda stuck until Darkie posts))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



The ice arrow froze the fire beam successfully.

As Burning Charged towards H'taed, he rolled his eyes beneath his hood.

Then he bodily lifted Night up in his hands, and chucked her at the charging Burning. He was going too fast to stop and dodge in time, and it was unlikely Night could do anything to prevent the impact either, considering she had just been draind of all her energy.

Then the net arrow and the normal arrow struck. H'taed froze up for a moment. There was silence in the air. He was perfectly still.

You could have heard a mouse fart.

"Oh, you did NOT just do that." H'taed growled.

H'taed had a glass jaw, although he was somewhat embaressed to admit it. He relied so much on his insane speed and his powerful variety of attacks to get him out of situations, that pretty much any direct hit was fatal. The arrow had dug straight through his armor and into his body.

However, now he was pissed.

With a pop of static, H'taed vanished from his spot. The net that had been entangling him was torn apart like so much tin-foil.


Bio Hazard Zero's view was suddenly obscured as Lord H'taed rushed into view. He reached behind his back, and yanked the arrow that Bio had shot him with out of his back.

"This is yours." He said.

Then he flung it at Bio. Only it was charged with an electrical pulse attuned to Bio's electrical signature. It would home in on Bio until it hit him, and in addition to being a razor tipped arrow, it was also now tipped with a static charge. Being hit by it would hurt. A LOT.



((OOC: In reply to Nether and Elemental...You guys are good! And Diov, you forgot about that stone hammer that was about to hit you.....I think it was, Elemental's character. Rant done!

OOC EDIT: Nevermind, he's just backup...I think.))



((Eh, I was gonna post earlier, I decided to wait a bit...))

Ragrok reached down and picked and summoned a large stone. He threw the stone in the path of the slug heading twards him. The slug periced the rock, and continued to come twards him, as did the rock twards Quickshot. He saw that the round was armor perceing or was some sort of special round. He put his large beastly hand out at the round and tried to grab the round.

The round was severly slowed down but still packed a punch, Ragrok had the rocks on his hand and his lower arm shatterd. He lifted his huge feet and slammed it down createing a localised earthquake. Seconds later he created another localised earthquake with his other feet, in the oppsite direction.

With luck the two localised earthquakes would cause the surrounding trees to fall down in the way he had hoped the would. He let out a taunting roar twards his opponet.



The forcefield shimmered, much like its creator's head, but did not falter.

Inside, Shimmer simply watched from a comfy chair at the telekinetic's attempts. He growled slightly, then smirked. He flipped open a switch on his chair, and hit the button underneath.

The energy field surrounding him base immediately expanded about twenty feet, right toward Charles. It then reversed to its original state, looking peaceful as ever. If Charles was hit, he would probably be blown back a good fifty feet due to the force.



Aoleleb stopped in midair as H'taed appeared in front of Bio. He reached out with his hand and a boulder ripped itself out of the ground and placed itself between Bio and H'taed. The arrow hit the boulder dead on and stuck in it.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Charles was caught by surprise when the force field expanded, and he was thrown back fifty feet, spiraling through the air before he could recover.

He rubbed his nose and glared at the shielding.

He reached out with his hand, and pointed at a nearby mound.

It slowly melded and changed under the influence of Charle's telekinetic powers. It stopped when it resembled some sort of cannon made of rock.

Which it was.

Suddenly, it fired a huge gob of hardened rock and lava at the dome of energy.


H'taed charged forward and grabbed the boulder with both hands. He hefted it above his head, and threw it at Bio.



((OOC: Hey! H'Taed, don't reply yet. I saved lasts nights document to post today. Unfortunately my Pop-up blocker is restricting me to open it. You think you can wait a bit while I retype the WHOLE thing?

OOC EDIT: *phew!*))



Burning got up and lifted the drained Night onto his shoulder. He set her down by a tree, she looked as if she was about to faint. "You'll be alright." With that promise, he backed away and burst into flame. He jumped into the air using the fire under him to propel himself into any direction needed. He flew up to about 100 feet above the battle and aimed to H'Taed. "Your fired..." And with that, he shot a fireball at H'Taed.


((OOC: Night is out of her mind at the moment. Please leave a message!))


Darkness Foretold spoke his scrying spell and began to search the Swamp region. He found Servant in some cryptic (No pun intended) ruins. He had finally found her. He got up from his former position and lifted his hand upward. A quick teleportation spell later, a portal opened, and he walked in.


Servant was fighting a few more skeletal strays when Dark appeared beside her. She dispatched of the last skeletal guard and walked to her master. "Lets get out of here." "Sire, I request permission to search the area." Dark was silent, a liitle displeased from his servant's command. "Very well."

They started looking on the walls and stones of the ruins. "Here!" She yelled as Dark quickly caim to her aid. She pointed to a grave with demonic writing on it. "I can speak demonic, I can't read it."

"Non shall pass....
Non shall live....
The woman in white
will surely give."

She read it in her demonic language. "Well, that was short and stupid...." They were startled by a sudden rumbling from behind them. Stone steps, leading into the ground welcomed them into what looked like a trip into the underworld. Two stone torch holders lit themselves in responce, as if to say "Welcome" in the most foul way possible.

Darkness Foretold stopped Servant short on her way into the steps. "Hold on." She nodded her head in approval. Darkness began to chant a curse across the ruins. When finished, zombies, skeletal/undead warriors, and undead battle mages lined themselves up around Dark and Servant. He summoned his lich and two dark servants as well. Servant replied summoning a dark servant of her own.

"Now we are ready..."


Proto zone finally caught his breath as he started to head into the heart of this massive forest. He turned on his target sustems and pulled out his rifle. "Time to set out on foot."


Bio Hazard Zero pulled out two arrows. One was an ice arrow and the other, a glue arrow. He shot the ice arrow at the rock and jumped out of the way as it broke into a million pieces. He pointed his glue arrow at H'Taed's feet, and fired.


((OOC: <--- Is tired and will post again tomorrow.

OOC EDIT: Sorry about the wait, finally edited.))



((Um, hey burning. That electric arrow was in my boulder that H'taed just threw at you.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Darn it!!

*Starts editing*

OOC EDIT: Edited! Sorry about the wait and all... >_&gt)



((*poke* Anyone there?))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Yeah, I'm still here, been pretty busy, with the US Figure Skating Championships and all, but should be back and more active come Sunday))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((OOC: I'm going to check out my wings (Got 'em today! ) then start up on another character for this RP.))



((OOC: Im sorry if this is seeming bitchy or such, but how many characters do you need. One or two, maybe three is enough for any one man, woman, child, or other. Sorry, just expressing my opnion.))



((OOC: Its all part of my ebil plan. Mwahahahahaha- *cough - cough* hahaha- *cough*......

OOC EDIT: Why hasn't anyone else tried to continue this RP?))



((I'm still here, but with work being as hectic as it has lately, I've been too tired to just down and write a good post, let alone adding in my second character. But like I said earlier, come Sunday I'll have more time.))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra




...Counter Strike: Source this time.))

The forcefield seemed to bend inward slightly, then reform.

"Hm... Fine... You want to play roughly? We can play roughly." Shimmer muttered into a microphone, shouting a disfigured, robotic voice toward Charles instead of Shimmer's voice.

Then, a large, well-armoured robot smashed itself out of the toward, and phased through the forcefield, covered in its own version of it. It aimed its two glowing arms up at Charles, and two blockers slid from their places. The two arms glowed a deep, cold blue, and then the rail guns fired. Following that, five missiles fired from the back. Which split into ten. Then twenty. Then fourty.

The cluster missiles split into eighty portions, and flew high, low, and around Charles, hoping to catch him by surprise.

Meanwhile, the Assault Bot below began walking through the lava, his armour protecting him entirely. Then, he slammed his foot down, causing the ground to rumble under Charles, and then erupt in a fountain of lava and molten rock.

((Shimmer's line of attack-

"Send out the troops!"

"Oh, they died? Well, send out the melee-bots!"


"Oh, that failed?"

"...<.< *Run away*"))



Charles, floating in the air, was unaffected by the storm of lava the assault bot had created. He lazily dodged the rail cannon beams...

Then the swarm missiles came.

Charle's eyes widened slight, but he extended his hand, and using his telekinetic powers, redirect most of the missiles, caused other to spontaniously combust far before they got close, and others simply fell from the air.

However, one got through his field of telekinetic might.

And blasted him straight in the chest.

Keep in mind, it wasn't an ENTIRE missile. It was less then a TENTH of an actual missile. But it still hurt like hell.

The tiny explosions ripped through Charle's shirt, and gorged away some of his flesh. Not all of it, mind, just the first three layers of it.

Charles gritted his teeth. It was a sheer miracle that he was still air-born.

Then he glared at the assault bot.

His telekinetic field crushed it into an infnitely small pulp of metal. ((I know, I'm taking some liberties with Charle's telekinesis, but in-game the move is an auto-hit TOGGLED hold.))

Still clutching his heavily woundec chest, (which was starting to seep and crust with blood,) Charles redirect his telekinetic power again. This time, he fired it like a lance-A long thin sharp and pointy beam of invisible force of DOOOOM headed for the force field.

The lava cannon, in the meantime, fired off another shot...


The glue arrow hit H'taed's feet, spilling glue everywhere and rendering him immobile.

He just mocked a yawn.

"Here's a tip. Never try to slow down someone who can run faster then the speed of sound. PSYCH!"

With a pop of static, Lord H'taed's lightning reflexes kicked in, and he vanished from the spot. The glue didn't even slow him down one bit.

H'taed appeared directly behind Bio Hazard, conjured his electrical swords, and they descended upon his head...



Aoleleb stomped his foot against the ground as hard as he could. The resulting shockwave sent a bottomless Fault straight toward H'taed! ((Stone Melee ftw!))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: I'm taking Night, Proto, Dark, and Servant out of the RP as of this time. They are doing what they were doing, and they will continue to that. Night is currently knocked out. Proto is searching for 'friendly' life. Dark and Servant are still walking through an endless maze of stairs.))


Burning Fang threw as maney fire-bolts (short beams of fire) toward H'Taed. Some of them, being controlled into any direction Bruning wished. Some of them would fly into H'Taed, and if he moved, the others would take affect.


Hazard jumped to the right.


((OOC: What? I can't think of anything else to say!

OOC EDIT: As of Saterday, Night Protector is level 34! *runs to Infinity*

OOC EDIT 2: Ok, I give up. I can't think of a name for my Empathy defender. I made up all these character stories within five minutes. This is the one that is making me think.... My head hurts.. ))



-Flash!- Falcon's Strike vanished and appeared behind the victem. He brought his blade up and began to swing down. The man jumped away at the right time, barely missing the blade. He screamed as loud as he could while running out of the alley. Falcon took out a dart and threw it was the man's neck. Within seconds, the man fell to the ground.

Falcon pulled the man onto his back, jumped up to the rail, and pulled himself up. He ran up the metal stairs on the side of the apartment complex. From on top of the building, he jumped from rooftop to rooftop of the buildings of Cap Au Diable.

"Almost there....."

Falcon stopped on the side on the building. Under him was a drop of about 20 feet. He jumped down, springing his feet into a perfect landing. He made sure no one saw him before going into another alley and opening the back door of an empty office building.

Falcon climbed three floors of the building and followed a series of hallways. He opened one door, leading into another hallway, and another door, another hallway, door, hallway, door, hallway... He go to the second to last door on the left and entered an old CEO office. The only light in the building was a lamp sitting right on the desk.

He set the man into one of the visitor chairs. The main chair turned around. A man in a dark navy blue jacket stood up. The face of a scared man looked at Falcon before grabbing something from his back pocket. He pulled out a nice fold of money. "I see you did your job." The man said calmly. "Now for your reward..." He set the money on the desk, in between him and Falcon.

Strike moved toward the money, and at the last second, threw a shuriken toward the man. It hit the man in the chest, kocking him off balence and onto the floor, hitting his head on the corner of the desk on his way down. He was dead. Falcon took the money from the desk, and the rest from the corpse.

"I got what I came for." He smiled under his mask and walked out of the room. Down the hall was a shadow like figure, within a second, he was gone. He appeared behind Falcon and hit him on the side of the head with a paper-weight.


Falcon woke up in a grey room. He got up and rubbed his head, then walked toward the portal. Taking out his sword, he stepped through, and came out of a field of plains. He sighed and took off toward the gaint grey tower just north of where he was. "I hate this place already."


((OOC: This ends part seven the character creation screen! ))



Amadren's attention switched to the plains screen as Falcon Strike appeared in the dimension.

"I hope that's the last of them. I'm getting tired trying to keep track of all these people" ((hint hint))

Amdren's probe zoomed in on the new figure. From the Sword in his hands, which looked like a katana but probes are never good at making out detail on items that small, and the few hidden weapons that were very slightly visible, Amadren assumed this man was an assassin. Particularly useful in games like this.

Focusing his energies, Amadren opened a portal in front of Falcon Strike. It was fairly large and far enough away for him to avoid if he wanted to. If he walked into it though, it would drop him right in the middle of Amadren's meditation room.

((You don't have to walk into it if you don't want ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne