The World is Flat ((Open RP))




Velkon had been in the cloud only a few seconds, and had just started to try and eviscerate the Avatar, where ever it was, when the coulds powers hit him.

In that instance, his vision blacked out, only to return a few seconds later.

But he wasnt in the cloud any longer.

He was inside what appered to be an Arachnos base.

The very same one he had escaped all those years ago.

"NOOO!!!" he roared in fury, as he began to slash at the surrounding equipment, ripping the technology to pieces.

As if senseing the destruction, 3 Arachnos Riflemen stepped out through a set of elevator doors, and began to fire in Velknos diretion.

He just charged right at them, intent on killing them any way possable.

Back in the Flat World, Velkon's body plummeted to the ground, smashing ontop of the land mine, setting off the explosion, thus rocketing Velkon over to slam into a tree with backbreaking force.

But when he fell to the ground this time, he made no movements, didnt even make a sound, or attemp to get up and fight.

Thats because he was already fighting, at least he thought he was.

He was fighting his worst fear.

Arachnos Base 1-5-Alpha, the base that had mutated him to what he was now...

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Burning and Proto continued to fly at high speed down through the forest. The cloud stretched on for what seemed like miles... No really, I think we hit 30 miles...45 miles ago. Atleast they were getting close. Very close...


((OOC: Give me an hour before I continue with the Falcon/Hazard fight. Also, let me know when Night get's eaten by the zombie cloud. ))



The Avatar looked down at the cloud descending upon the 7 contestants. Illthar smirked as he saw the beast plummet to the ground.

"That should keep them busy for a while"

Then the Avatar dissapeared.


"What the?!"

Amadren had been watching the fight unfold in the forest area through one of his probes. This latest outburst was to the dissapearance of the Avatar.

Amadren snapped his fingers and his little imp appeared at his side

"You rang?"

"Shut up. I need you to go through my Library and bring me any books I might have on the Pantheon.

"Wouldn't you know if you had any?"

"Haven't you gone through that library enough times to know that I have absolutely no clue what's in there?"

The imp simply shrugged its shoulders and dissapeared. it reappeared a few seconds later with a single book in its hands. The book was constantly shifting between the colors of the Pantheon.

"I think this is the book you wanted."

Amadren grabbed the book from the imp, dismissed him, and then sat down to do some major studying.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Experiment raised his eyebrow again as the cloud neared him, and he shrugged. "Is that thing really supposed to hurt me? Come on, Dark Armour Mutation anyone?"

He was devoured rather promptly.

He glanced around the area. He recognized it immediately.

Steel Canyon, the economical center for Paragon City, and his home and workplace, was up in flames. Buildings were falling, citizens were charred and melting on the streets. He had to hold in a cry that would have stained his reputation for decades.

Then, a small *fump* sounded to his right. He turned, and recoiled to an edge. His sister, Jenny Ballard, was burning, her face seeming to slide away from her skull, leaving only bone and fragments of cartilage. He glanced up, and spotted what had caused this. Or, more accurately, who. Or, even MORe accurately, the several whos.

Dr. Keizer Shimmer floated above Jenny, battle suit and drones all flowing with an amazingly electrical aura. Behind them, and to the right, Experiment 3.0 floated, tail and wings flaring out in a menacing manner, his eyes aflame. To the left of Shimmer and his bots, Blind Messenger floated, along with another almost exactly like him, and several zombies below. Above them all, Pyro-Technis' hands were alight, firing balls of flame at every flammable object in his enflaming arc of flammable doom.

"Hello, 2.0." Shimmer muttered darkly, his eyes turning to slits.

"Finally! I've been waiting to Necro-fy you for SO long!" Blind Messenger followed, chuckling like a school girl.

"Good guy, you die!" Experiment 3.0 then came poetically, smacking his fists together in his demonic, idiotic way.

Pyro simply glanced at him, and continued setting citizens alight.

2.0 glanced at every one, and rage started to fill him.


His spines ejected from his arms, and his eyes began to grow almost silver. He was VERY pissed.


He flew upward, slashing in that general direction. The spine scratched Shimmer's armour, and sliced Pyro's already tattered shirt in half.


He then performed a side slash to the right, cutting 3.0's chest straight across. The demon recoiled, and growled angrily.


He flung himself over the demon-version of himself, and brought his spine down the middle of Blind Messenger. He had hit the clone, and caused it to disintegrate.


Blasts, fire, darkness, and spines flew everywhere.



((After waiting a VERY long time for someone to post it is time to get the characters moving again. If this seems like a cop out method.... deal with it. ))

The ice palace was a strange place. The Fenris Project caught the scent of something very strange. He took a few steps away from the other two to see if he could get a better handle on what it was.

A creaking noise came from behind him. When he turned around a solid wall of ice had grown, seperating the three from each other. He sniffed at it, scraped it with his claws testing it, then he smashed it with his fist. It had no effect.

Just as soon as he cocked his head in an attempt to understand it the floor beneath him opened up and he was sliding down a chute made of ice. By the time he dug his claws in his weight had built up too much momentum to stop himself on the slippery surface.

He was ejected out of the castle into a snow drift. He looked back angrily at the chute which was swiftly growing shut. Who knew where the other two ended up. In front of him was the end of the icy snow region. A few feet further were grassy plains. It was as if a glass wall seperated the two, but Fenris passed through into a sunny field unhindered. He shook off the rapidly melting snow his chains clinking together as he did. There were woods in the distance but everything was quiet.

He lifted his head and let out a loud howl in an attempt to regroup. He listened with big furry ears. Nothing. So he ate some grass and began to explore the area.

((I am guessing all the fighting is going on inside their heads now due to the nightmare cloud thus Fenris can't hear it.))



((OOC: Wow. I completely forgot something was going on in the ice realm! Let me recap the things that are already in motion, needs time to be set in motion, things that have stopped all together.

The quests/fights/conversations in progress:

1.) The obvious forest battle:
--a.) Proto and Fang running from the cloud.
--b.) Falcon and Hazard fighting under the cloud.
--c.) Night is about to be hit by the cloud.
--d.) Velkon and 2.0 are battling in their dreams.
--e.) The Avatar's Feminine side is currently baking cookies in the realm of darkness.

The quests/fights/conversations that need some time before continuing:

1.) Shimmer's castle:
--a.) Lord H'Tead (Long live the name!) and Shimmer are making copies of their robots for no real reason other then world conquest.
2.) Amedren's castle:
--a.) Amedren is currently in 30 minutes of story time. To page this person, press #5 now...
3.) Darkness Foretold's army of darkness:
--a.) They are STILL going up the stairs. *rolls eyes*
4.) LordDiov's secret plan for world domination. Beginning with... *Dramatic entry* Shiny things that start with the lett- *gets dragged away*

The quests/fights/conversations that need a slight push to get rolling:

1.) The ice castle.
2.) I swear there was a zombie mastermind making a castle in the swamp region. I wonder where he went... *ponders*
3.) I think a certain dark/dark stalker was roming the wide open plains of the World is Flat earlier.
4.) My last character. (You thought I forgot about him? HA!)

That will be all.

----Burning Fang ))



((If you're referring to Xivilai, Amadren still has him in time out. :P If it's ever needed, you'll find out where he is.

As for the Avatar...Well, he's somewhere. For reasons that will not be disclosed, he is currently hiding. As for his "feminine" side, he actually has 2. Sanandra, who has yet to take control in this story, and Merina, the sane one who sees other ways to solving problems besides blasting it into Oblivion like Omnis and Magnis do.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC: Merina, eh? I like her! ))



El D sensed that something was amiss just as a huge wall of ice rose up from the ground, blocking him from the other two beings in the castel.

A chute opened below him, but he simply flew above it.

"Seems like I'l be seeing you later!" El D yelled at the human woman, then blasted out of the door way.

He heard a low howl, he guessed from the wolf, but he didnt push it farther.

He really didnt want to fight him again.

But when he continued flying, his sceenery changed to that of a rolling grassland.

"Well, atleast the temperature is better..." he said, as he continued flying, his eyes scaning for any signs of life.

Little did he know, the very same wolf was in the same grassland, but far back from where El D had entered.

Seems like his wish that a fight wouldnt reoccur might not come true...
Edit: Yay! I can post as El D again!!! W00T!!!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Arrgghhhaaaa!!!" Velkon yelled, as he ran into the third group of Arachnos soldiers in the base.

He had been shot a good number of times, but his healing took care of that.

And his claws took care of the shooters.

After that group had fallen, he noticed a large computer consoul over to one side of the room.

He walked over, and typed in an access code.

"No....This cant be....." he muttered under his breath...

The computer said that Lord Recluse had killed off all of the other patrons, his mind having snapped from some reason or another.

All Velkon cared about was that he had killed Ghost Widow.

He brought his fist up befor his face, and his claws shot out as he moved his arm down, smashing his entier forarm into the consoul keypad.

"Recluse....Your going down..." he said, as he activated his camo and sped off into the base, looking for Recluse's personal wing of the facility.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



...he had killed Ghost Widow.

[/ QUOTE ]

((OOC: Personally, this is my new favorite line... ))



Experiment slammed into a trash can, denting it fully as his armour plating melted steadily. His panels disconnected, falling to the ground as useless as plastic. He glared upward, spotting Pyro and Shimmer still floating.

Experiment 3.0 was easy enough; Distinguish his eye-flames, and send a spear (cleverly shapen from the remains of a light-post) through his heart. Blind Messenger was even more simple. All he had to do was remove a flashlight from his utility belt, shine it on him for a second, and stab him with a spine.

Pyro and Shimmer, however... They were a little more complicated.

Pyro-Technis would probably be easy if I had superstrength, Experiment thought at first, He has powers, but he's still human. Enough things smashing into him would eventually get him down.

However, Shimmer was another story. 2.0 had no idea what the genius' weakness was.

Now, he was cornered, the trashcan he had slammed into now obviously backed by an alleyway.

"It's over, 2.0," Shimmer muttered, his grin widening, "We've won."

Experiment growled darkly, and his fists flared with the same darkness. He rushed forward, past Shimmer, and began pummeling Pyro with his darkness-encased fists. The villain was already hurt from the battle, but this hurt a HELL of a lot more. His face crunched under the last strike, and he fell. Hard.

Experiment turned as Pyro disappeared from view, defeated. However, his turn turned to a stagger, as Shimmer held the one person that could stop all of the hero's movement.

His mother was held, at rifle-point, by the technological mastermind.

"...Let her go." Experiment said, careful to keep his voice from going aggressive.

"Only if you agree to give yourself up, John." Shimmer replied, his grin widening further. He pushed the gun into her back, causing her to whimper. Experiment took a step, and Shimmer pushed again, causing her to yelp. "No closer, or she dies."

"Let her go, Shimmer," 2.0 repeated, raising his arms to show he was no threat... For now, "You don't want to hurt her. I can see it in your eyes."

Shimmer simply scoffed.

"All you can see in my eyes, 'hero,' is the dead, metal shine. The metal shine caused by YOUR ineptitude!" Shimmer rushed forward, and his bots surrounded Experiment's mother. "Caused by YOUR inability to hold 3.0 back inside of you! YOUR inability to hold down your rage! YOUR stupidity!"

He pulled his rifle around, striking 2.0 with the butt of it, sending him to the ground. He coughed up blood and a tooth, taking in a shaky breath, and standing yet again. Shimmer went for another strike. It hit, even thought Experiment could easily have stopped it. He fell again, and Shimmer began screaming.


Experiment's ears peaked. What was that?

"ALL YOU ARE IS A(n illusion) WASTE OF SPACE! JUST (hallucinating) DIE!" The rifle came up again. It was stopped by 2.0's grip, and he disarmed Shimmer. However, he then spun the rifle over the mastermind, blasting his bots quickly and accurately.

He turned back, and now, everything faded away. His mother, the bots, everything. Now, on a rain-slick street, Experiment 2.0, in a full black trenchcoat, and dark sunglasses, no matter that it was pitch black, faced Dr. Keizer Shimmer, also in black, but this time, a business suit, flanked by about three million more of him. However, they were all on the sides of the street, watching.

"Mr. Ballard, welcome back," Shimmer chuckled, adjusting his black tie, "We've missed you..." A spine fired, missing Shimmer by mere inches. Shimmer closed in, fists encased in energy, and struck, missing Experiment, also by inches. They began fighting Spine-To-Hand, the spines taking most of the energy damage, and the fists of energy absorbing the poison and cuts of the spines.



((falls over choking on bile rising from the throat at the matrix joke))



Night Protector was overcome by the cloud, fighting with her mind as she was plunged into a nightmare she would never forget.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Paragon City, the largest hero gathering in the entire world, was now in front of Night. She stood under the Atlas Statue, a place where heroes gather daily to talk, team, relax, ect., ect.

For awhile, Night thought she was back at home. Heroes flew by; citizens were appearing every now and then to thank a hero or two. Once and awhile, a man would thank <Hero Name> for getting his purse back… Well, I’ve seen weirder.

The problems arose after that point. Small things, like that which just happened, began to take place. Heroes began to talk in jumbled sentences. Various people began walking through walls almost as if it were nothing. Ladies seemed to be battling for their purses from invisible attackers. (Sound familiar? )

After that, the problem took a giant leap. She heard an explosion behind her. She turned, watching as part of the Paragon City Hall’s roof collapsed on it. The people/heroes around them didn’t move. They seemed completely unaffected by the matter.

“Oh boy…” She said to herself, taking a few steps backward.


She felt a figure behind her. She turned by instinct of her etiquette behavior. Halfway into her apology, she noticed the features on the man behind her. About seven feet in length, barbaric choice of clothing, a cloth tied around his mouth, hopefully to protect others against bad breathe.

Recluse’s Fury, one of Arachnos’ top flunkies, stood before her. Behind the cloth, an evil grin flashed across his face. Not bothering to introduce himself, he swung forward into an attack.

Night back flipped, barely dodging the darkness infused attack. It was time to fight…


Hazard turned around, falling backwards into a roll, barely dodging the attack. He walked backwards quickly, eyeing every one of Falcon’s moves. He then evaded Falcon’s next chain of attacks; sword styled uppercut, diagonal swings, lunges that missed by millimeters.

Falcon was fighting faster now. Hazard didn’t have the opportunity to counter, all he could do was dodge, block and dodge some more. Falcon could use this to his advantage. He could use some ninjutsu to catch Hazard off guard... Oh what’s the point? The cloud is going to be here in the matter of a few more seconds…

Falcon teleported himself behind Hazard, hitting him on the back of his head with the hilt of his sword. He smirked wickedly and shoved Hazard to the ground. “Enjoy!”

Hazard watched as Falcon disappeared into the cloud. He held the back of his head where he was hit, feeling the warm blood as it trickled down his wrist. And then the cloud… It slowly moved itself upon Hazard, surrounded him, forcing him into unconsciousness.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hazard found himself in a world of darkness. Well, slight darkness… It was more of a dark world with an bright ancient temple in front of him, surrounded by a lot of torches. The sky was starless; the fire of the torches being the only light in all the surrounded forest.

The rocks cast eerie shadows onto the landscape around him. Something was watching him. Or maybe, something was scrying him. He could tell something out there wanted him and him alone.

What better then to tango right into the temple with a lovely set of arrows in which he can puncture holes into his adversary? He smiled to himself at the thought. He took out his bow and fit an arrow neatly in it. He took his first steps toward the temple, the beginning of a great trial set before him.


Falcon jumped from tree to tree within the cloud unaffected, an unusual force field surrounded him, keeping him from the harm of the cloud. When he was high enough, he set himself into position to teleport to Amedren.


He reappeared about a half a mile from Amedren’s castle, then he teleported himself again, this time to the foot of the castle. He walked in and up to Amedren’s quarters. He opened the door, his hand on the hilt of the sword.

“Anything else I should do?”


Burning Fang and Proto Zone raced against time to escape the cloud. They flew past the trees, dodging the large rocks, through the air at incredible speeds. The cloud continued getting lower, following them, acting as a timer of doom.

Almost there…

They flew around a small hill, flying so low as to almost get hit by the large roots that sprang up from the ground. Up, down, left, right, over, under, around, through the middle of trees and more trees. The forest seemed like an endless maze. “WHERE IS THE FREAKIN’ EXIT?!”


A light, like the light at the end of a tunnel lay before them. They flew, faster and faster to their goal. The cloud continued getting lower, forced the two to fly inches from the ground.

They dodged a few trees, now on a never ending sprint to the finish.

They slipped under a very low branch, barely brushing the forest below them.

The finish line after an exhausting race, just a few feet away… The cloud, millimeters above them.


Fang dropped his flight, dropping into the bright snow in a roll. The cold felt good on his face, the sweat chilled instantly, dropping the temperature of the skin back to normal in seconds. His heart beat furiously in his chest. Fang was exhausted, yet was never so happy in his life.

“Hey, Proto. How does REAL snow feel to yah’?” He said with a chuckle, making snow angels at the same time.

No response.

“Proto?” He said a little bit louder, stopping his snow angel.


Fang sat up and looked at the cloud stuck in the forest, no longer moving. About five feet from the forest lay Proto, also not moving. Fang got up and walked over to Proto. “Proto? Oh Proto Baggins… You have a ring to deliver!”

No reply, not even a move.

Fang fell to his knees and began to shake Proto’s arm. “Hey, Proto Rooter! Wake up! Come on, I won’t make fun of you anymore!” He wouldn’t answer nonetheless. Fang fell silent, suddenly overcome with grief. “What’s….Wrong?”

He took off Proto’s helmet to let him breathe. He had a pulse, and he breathed just fine. Maybe…Maybe he’s just tired from all the stress he’s been through. Yeah, that’s it…That has to be it.

Fang sat beside Proto. If he was asleep, he would wake up, meaning everything would be alright. But why did he feel so bad? Surely the others escaped, and they were probably as tired as Proto. Yes, they are all fine. Everyone is perfectly all right.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Proto was thrown into an Arachnos cell. If he was right, he would be tortured in the morning, and tortured even more at night, then released to do more of Recluse’s deeds; after which, he would fail, and get beaten again.

Proto sighed and pulled himself up to the metal bed. He sat there, waiting for the moment he was released. Strangely enough, the previous moments in The World is Flat made him forget all about his last chance. He was simply waiting just to get out.

Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be getting out any time soon. From within the cell, Proto began having… Hallucinations… Except, these hallucinations were slightly more real…

The floor began to turn black. Small little spiders and scorpions began pouring out of the little cracks near the top of the cell. The door kept changing shape, from one material/design to another. The metal bed suddenly vanished from underneath him dropping him onto the black metal floor. As the spiders continued to draw closer, screeches of insects and the sounds of their legs tapping against the wall echoed through his mind.

Death was waiting on the other side of the cell, and it was high time Proto found a way to get far away from that encounter.


Darkness made it out of the stair way, a vast army before him. He grinned slightly as he looked about his minions. If he was right, then he should continue counter-clockwise to his first target.

There are too many contestants, and the best way to get rid of those contestants, is to take out the main players of the world. His scrying showed Darkness a large world and the people in them. Shimmer and Amedren seemed to be the most powerful in the little playing field. Maybe he could form a treaty with one, but the other must fall.

Darkness stood still on a large tomb stone, facing his army. He spoke to them normally, yet his voice seemed to be carried for miles. “We will take the fight to the ‘leaders’ of this world. Follow me into this vast last. Let’s fight for this new world. Fight and I will unlock your true power. Fight and we will be the new order. Fight and I promise you will all get your former lives back!” He spoke in a clear demonic languege.

Demonic screams and cheers came from the dead When Darkness finished his short speach. Hundreds of thousands of undead warriors parted before Darkness Foretold and Servant. They walked through, ready to lead the soldiers to their new life, or a second death.

They marched forth to their first stop, the earth and sand region.


((OOC: Ok, Elemental, you may now post. ))



Amadren looked up from his book at Falcon Strike.

"Hmmm?" Oh, well, no, not really, not at the moment. I've been doing some research on the Pantheon. They're quite an interesting bunch. From what I can tell, some of them can hardly stand the others, like Merina and Magnis for instance, and while they can't actually cause each other bodily harm due to an agreement they all signed, they take every oppurtunity to embarras one another.

Amadren then realized that Falcon had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I tend to ramble when I'm interupted while studying. There isn't much going on here at the moment...

And then Amadren heard it. It was a very faint noise, but that wasn't why he noticed it. It was in Demonic. Amadren's eyes went wide with surprise. He put his hand out if front of him and a viewing portal opened in front of him. In it was Darkness' huge army.


He turned to Falcon Strike.

"If you want to be of some help, go tell the spellweavers to get ready to maintain an intangibility on the tower. They should be on the level below this. Ask for X'torh, he's in charge of the spellweavers.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon nodded and ran off to the spellweavers den.


((OOC: Do I have to pretend like I'm having a conversation? Becase, to the reader, this is pretty self-explanitory. ))



Experiment's eyes were half shut as he attempted to stand again, the crevice in the pavement under the street obviously his shape. Shimmer landed, his grin layed over in blood.

He rushed at 2.0, only to be gripped by the face, and slammed to the ground. Experiment flew upward into the sky, jets flaring for the third time in the battle. The rain continued to pound down on the combatants as Shimmer ascended, clearing his face of dirt and yet more blood. It seemed his next-to-invulnerable skin was receeding due to the rain fall. Almost eroding.

They fought again, fists striking the body and face like there was no tomorrow. The only thing keeping 2.0 up was the idea that this wasn't real. He had pretty much figured it out when Shimmer mentioned that it was 'His world,' a line very well remembered from a certain movie.

Finally, Experiment shoved his fist forward, past Shimmer's half-hearted block, and a spine ejected, slicing right through the doctor's skull like a knife through heated butter.

It retracted, sending silvery, goopy blood that matched the rest of Shimmer's inner fluids out in an explosion of gore, as well as a few pieces of brain and other such things. He floated for a second, and fell. Neo- I mean, Experiment, then began pile-driving him to the ground, his teeth clenched in anger.

They hit the ground, and a shockwave of energy exploded through Steel Canyon's Copper District.


Experiment's eyes fluttered open majestically, and he sat up, rubbing his head, which was covered in blood. His face had been tilted in a way that the blood of his nose trickeled up his face. He coughed up some in his throat, and began standing, stumbling the first time.

"...He is the One." he muttered, chuckling to himself.



Velkon had been running through the base for about 10 minutes, all the way constantly looking for Lord Recluses personal quarters.

Then he found them.

He opened the door easy enough, as claws like his make some of the best lockpicks.

Which really ment he just slashed up the lock until the door opened.

Inside the room stoode Recluse, but he seemed to be concintrating on something.

He had a red crystal in his hand.

*Thats the Gem of Sarafina!" Velkon noted, as he overherd Recluses mad rambleings.

The Lord seemed to have been concirned that the other partons were going to take the gem away from him.

That why he had them all killed.

And the fact that he was insane didnt help that much.

Velkon just slowly creeped up behind the occipied mad man, and prepaired a strike that would take down a bull elepaht.

One that should take Recluse in the neck, compleatly severing his spinal column.

*Prepair to die, Recluse* he thought, as he finished rasing he arm, and started to send the strike down.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Hint hint Yeah I was going to bring one other person into this, but seeing as I haven't even posted what Quickshot's reaction is and Burning_Fang has enough characters to do his own forum RP, I'm not going to, so rest easy Element ))

[/ QUOTE ]

((OOC: Y'know, now that you've gotten used to all of these characters, and no new characters have been ‘introduced’ in the past month, you can enter your second character now! Plus, it is almost a good time to enter my last character.

Using Microsoft Word helps to hide the fact that I am a really bad writer, almost as if I wasn’t a newb. My first posts, in this RP, certainly showed how bad I was.

Due to my unusual work schedule, I might be going back to a smaller posting period. My *cough*evil*cough* boss just fired another hard worker at my job, forcing me to do a semi-double shift for a week or two. (Don’t ask...This is just extra info.) ))



((I probably won't be posting for a while. Since almost all my characters are "busy" at the moment, I shouldn't interrupt the story too much. When Darkness' army reaches my tower, the spellweavers will make it intangible and Amadren will help to make it and everything in it intangible and completely invisible.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((OOC Thanks for telling us your plan. ))



((Things have been moving too slowly. If your characters don't want to wake up Fenris Project will just have to eat them . Heh heh. Okay, just a nibble.))

The Fenris Project lumbered along through the grassy knolls around large boulders. He wandered in a zig-zagging line toward the forest. He stopped suddenly when he caught the scent of several living things... and something else. Magic.

His hair immediately stood on end as warning to any would be attackers. But his curiousity pressed him onward. Each step taken carefully with amber yellow eyes darting around. There was a dark cloud ahead of him. When he crossed into it he paused for a second. His breathing became heavier and his eyes shut automatically before letting out a giant sneeze. He moved on.

Fenris came upon a clearing with several strewn bodies. He nudged Night Protector with his muzzle. He got no response so he moved on to Velkon. Nothing.

He noticed Experiment 2.0 starting to move, but nothing interesting yet. Still he kept an ear pointed at him.

Then he looked up. Something was there but his eyes betrayed him.

He cocked his head as if to ask, "What are you?"

The Council insignia clinked against the chain around his neck as it rotated.

At least there was meat here for when he got hungry.

((Being an animal I think the Fenris Project would be almost totally immune to a nightmare cloud. That is not to say he is immune to other mind affecting powers. Just that, well, he is too dumb to have a worst fear.))



((OOC: Well, that and the cloud has already moved on, but I liked how you sneezed. ))



((Oops. Oh well, chalk it up to a sensitive nose.))



El D had been flying through the grassland for awhile, when his police scanner went off.

"What the Hell...," he said, pulling the scanner out of his belt and popping up the holo-screen, "what do you know, theres another scanner here....says its in that direction...." he finished, as he rocketed off in the direction the scanner had shown him.

He had flown for a few mintues what he appered in what he guessed was a very large forest-like place.

He pulled the scanner's holo-screen up again.

He was getting close to who ever had the other PPD device.

30 yards.

20 yards.

10 yards.

5 yards.

El D appered in a clearing, his scanner saying that he was right on top of who ever had the other band.

He looked up from his device's screen.

"Okay, anyon-" his voice cut off suddenly, as he noticed that the large wolf he had fought in the ice castle was standing in the clearing ahead of him.

"Ohh s***...Not you again..." he said, dropping to the ground into what he hoped was the most unoffensive posture he had ever been in, putting the band back on his belt in the process.


Velkon's claws were just about to hit home, when Recluse spun around, his fist sending Velkon smashing into a computer consoul on one side of the room.

"You thought you could surpirse Me?! I am blessed by The Well of the Furies, you can possably surpirse Me!" Lord Recluse shouted at Velkon, laughing evily as the clawed stalker rose up from the ground and moved into a fighting posture.

"You cant possably beat Me! I am an Incarnate! The only other person who could come close to hurting me is Statesman, and hes miles and miles away in Paragon City!" Lord Recluse said, his words slightly cringed by madness.

"Well just have to put all of that to the test, now wont we?" Velkon smerked, as he went invizable again, disappering from Recluse's vision.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector