The World is Flat ((Open RP))




Velkon hit the floor with a boom. Proto, Night, Burning, and Hazard looked up quickly to see what had happened. "Velkon!" Night yelled as she ran to his aid. Hazard took the hint. Danger was very near.

Hazard quickly took up his bow, looking up just as the girl dissapeared from the tree. Another figure slowly fell to the floor, Hazard following its every move. This unkown being seemed to scare Hazard a little. Something was very off; he had to keep his guard up.

Proto looked up as Hazard did, turning off the scanner in the process. Set set down the scanner and quickly put on his helmate, grabbing his blaster afterward. He pushed the buttons on his keypad necessary to activate his robot and aim it at the figure slowly lowering. If the being attacked, red rockets would be bursting in air.

Burning lit his fits in response to the large crash. As soon as he saw the featureless entity, he jumped to 2.0's side. "Time to form a truce." Something caught his attention mid-sentance as he looked where the avatar was landing. "Night! Velkon! Watch out!"


Darkness Foretold looked up to Servant. "Our work is almost done." He turned around and dismissed his dark servant before he became a permanant being in The World is Flat. Darkness also summoned another Lich. Hopefully, this one would die of old age instead of war.

He walked up to the white crystle in the middle of the large room, slightly tapping it, just to make sure another ambush wouldn't spawn above them. Silence. Darkness thought about it before finally picking up the crystle. "Should we take a closer look at that statue?" "Yes...We should."

Darkness and Servant walked through to the statue, the army parting as they moved. Dark inspected the statue, looking for anything unusual, besides an erie glow. A small stand was in front of the statue. It was unusually placed, but it looked like it could fit the eight-ball sized crystle in his hands. Darkness carefully set it into place.

The white glow of the statue lady disappeared, followed by a low rumble. The rock moved slowly to the left, reveiling a nice medium sized opening of a hallway. What was in it? Thats what he had to figure out.



"I got it."

Experiment fired a spine from each arm, sending them flying at Velkon and Night. Attached to each was some sort of organic lining, and to that, Experiment himself. The spines were intended to wrap around the two, and pulling them back. Even though 2.0 had no super strength to speak of, the pull of the spines and his natural strength, would probably be enough.

Even while the spines were flying, Experiment flashed a grin to Burning. "Well, I already had a 'truce' with the girl, but, y'know, we can too..."

((In case you hadn't noticed, Experiment loves getting on people's nerves... And he also notices things quite a bit faster than most people... Which is quite a dangerous thing when combined.))



Seeing Night move to his aid, Velkon now was VERY sure that he needed to apologize for not responding eralier, but now was not the time.

"Thanks" he said, as she helped him to his feet.

Then he noticed that 2.0 had sent two things flying at himself and Night. They looked painful, but to him, they would be only inconviences, but to Night....

"Betrayer!" he yelled at 2.0, as he pushed Night out of the way, aligning himself unluckaly so that the spines would hit him instead of wrap around him.

The first one pierced right above his left bicep, the second going into the right side of his chest, bairly missing his heart.

*No worry I can reco-* Velkon was thinking, but as the second spine impacted his chest, he thought a little differently, actually he thought nothing, as his recovery cells hadnt ben prepaired for such a hit, so Velkon went down, and didnt get up.

He had lost consciousness.

His cells were working over time, almost as hard as when the rex had almost bitten his arm off, but two injuries like that, and soo close together, Velkon's cells alone might not beable to heal him.

So there he lay, two spines protruding from his body, his life-force increasing, only to slip away in greater quantities.

His body couldnt hold this up for long....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"Oh...I'm SURE you have it now!" Burning said, rushing to get Velkon up and out. "Get Night! And do it WITHOUT killing someone!" He put Velkon over his shoulder and ran behind a rock. He looked at Velkon's wounds, kinda making Burning's stomach uneasy.

Proto Zone ran over to Burning and a small device at hand. "I'll help, you go. Just make sure my robot doesn't get blown to pieces." Burning nodded while leaving. Proto pressed a button on the small device and set it carefully near Velkon. "Traige beacon. Hopefully it works." The small green gas that the beacon released began to reconstruct Velkon's tissue. Slowly, but surely it would work.

Proto took out his blaster and moved to the edge of the rock. He had to protect Velkon, along with himself. He carefully looked up from behind the rock, blaster at hand, ready for anything that came. This was going to be a long fight.



The triage bacon was indeed working, but at a slow pace.

Velkon could feel himself slowly reawakening, but only in his mind, as his body was still to recover befor he could move.

It was almost as if he was watching his body repair itself.

He still sensed that the powerful presance was there, and it was advancing towards the group. Velkon could also sense that Night was ok, and that warmed his thoughts that she hadnt been harmed.

He willed his body to heal faster, as he wanted to help the group, well, not really for 2.0, as he still thought he had attacked himself and Night, but help them none the less.

He would save his confrontation with 2.0 for after the fight.

His body seemed to acknowlage a deeper, healing reserve, healing him to almost fighting status/real conciousness, but he still needed to get the spines out.

He could feel them pumping some type of toxin into his body, but it had little effect. The sensation of the poison was enough to want them removed, though.

If you had looked closely at Velkon's face, you would have seen him smiling slightly, and his eyelids flicker in their acceptance of oncoming awakeness.

Then his eyes slowly opened, seeing Proto holding a blaster at one side of some barrier they were behind, no doubt to protect them from the presance.

Then, after about 25 more seconds, Velkon started to slowly prop himslef up, letting his body stay near the small healing device on the ground.

"Thanks...." he growled weakly. "I'l be good in a bit..." he said, as he continued to let his healing abilities and the device work over him, prepairing himself for the oncomming battle.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Experiment huffed, blowing blonde hair out of his eyes. "Y'know, oddly enough, I am not that surprised." He leaped into the air, jets activating, and rushed toward Night at an amazing pace, and continued talking to himself out loud. "I mean, I guess I should have expected someone, at some point, to think I was attacking them..."

He landed, scratching his chin. "Although, jumping in FRONT of both spines didn't really ever occur as a posibility...."

He brought himself back to earth, or wherever they were, and bowed slightly. "Greetings again, fair maiden. If you would please come with me, I will be your security detail until Mr. Shishkebab decides to be a 'hero' again, and attacks me for trying to save you both earlier."



Velkon herd 2.0's remarks about his "heroics".

It hadnt occured to him that 2.0 might have been trying to help them, he just acknowlaged it as an attack.

*Heh, I got stabbed for what? Not looking before I leap?* he thought.

*No, I got stabbed because I didnt want Night to be hurt* he reasoned

Now he had two mental notes to thank people.

#1) He hadnt responded to Night


#2) He had reacted to soon on 2.0

"I just dont have a handle on things today, do I?" he mumbled softly, his vioce still weak from the hits from the spines.

Then he just concintrated on healing.

He was almost ready to remove those spines....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



"So...where do you want me to toss it?"

H'taed asked Shimmer, the ball og gooey explosive doom still held aloft by static.



A few more taps of the computer, and Shimmer grinned. The screen ignited in holographic splendor, showing what seemed to be a forest-like area, and several dots on the map. Most were yellow, except for a single dot, bright red, the same as his armor.

An exhaust hole opened on the inside of the tower, and Shimmer spoke with a slightly cheerful voice. "Put it in there. A scout drone will be filled with the stuff, and I can send it into that area... Let's see how many enemies we have. If it turns out whoever those people are around my 'friend' are his enemies, I may just take him out and save the lovely explodey goo for another time..."

An evil grin spread across his face. "If it turns out they are his allies... Well, I think you know what would happen."



The Avatar reached thr gound right near the 6 contestants. It didn't say anything. It simply sood there watching them.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



H'taed chuckled at that, and the ball of explosive chemicals shot into the tube.



Proto watched Velkon get up. "Woah, watch yourself. Lay back down, you need the rest. You need about another five good minutes around that beacon. Once you get your strength back, I can remove those spines without further damaging you. Just relax..." Proto spoke to Velkon calmly, showing that a villain really can care fo someone.

Night was just getting off of the ground when 2.0 came. She was still a little bit dazed when he picked her up, and she swore there were about seven 2.0s trying bring her to safety. Night closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. Besides, she needed to save up some strength.

Burning got to Hazard's side, this time letting his defence down. Hazard still had his bow up to the new ugly white thing. "Who are you?" Hazard said with strength in his voice, he was determined to take control of the situation one way or another.



The Avatar...well, I'd say he "looked" at Hazard, but he has no eyes to speak of. (()) A voice suddenly radiated from it. It was filled with the power of infinity.

"Silence worm! I could ask you all the same question."

Suddenly, the Avatar switched to a light blue color and a different voice spoke out of it.

"Honestly Omnis, do you have to act like that all the time? You may be all powerful but it nevers hurts to make some friends you know."

It then switched to a green color and yet another voice spoke out of it.

"She has a point Omnis. These people could be valuable allies."

Then it switched back to white again.

"Would both of you shut up! We'll never get anything done if we stand here arguing all day!"

Then the Avatar turned its attention back to Hazard.

"As I was saying, I could ask you all the same question. Who are you?"

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Experiment jetted up again, holding Night tightly as he spun in mid-air show-offishly. He then flipped, slowing himself just enough not to break his legs, but to still look pretty daring as he landed near Proto and Velkon. He placed Night down, and turned toward Hazard and Burning, spines ejected in a battle position.

He ran up behind them, his spines sheathing enough to be ready for a strike, but behind his bright red layer of armour panels.

"So, what're we waiting for? An invitiation?"


Meanwhile, a few whirring seconds after the glob of chemicals went into the port, a scouting drone absorbed it into the power cell. It glew bright yellow for a second, and then ejected from the tower towards the waypoint set by Shimmer's main computer.

The view of the drone appeared on the screen as it passed over a few more lakes of lava at high speed. Greenery could be seen quite a ways away, but would be close enough for a full scan within half an hour.

"This shall be humerous, I am hoping. Help yourself to any drinks, food, and machinery in the tower... Except level 24, the level below the roof. That place is filled with... Several failed experiments, I suppose you could call them. As long as nothing gets any sense of presence up there, you'll be fine."



"I am a hero of Paragon." He began to say. "All of us here were forced into this world. You wouldn't know anything about it, would you?" Hazard kept eye contact on the being. "Why don't you listen to the nicer side of your split personality? I like her." Burning asked rudely.

"Fang, you idiot!" Proto wispered to himself from behind the rock. He couldn't understand why a nice girl like Night would bother teaming with a dimwit like Burning.



H'taed nodded at that.

"Good. Right now, I'll just conduct myself through the frame of the tower for as while, make sure nobody gets inside and such. I'll also adjust any gadgets I come across to be immune to electrical attacks. Including EMPs, that should come in handy.

H'taed seemed to sink through the floor in a burst of static.


Charles Dark Aura finally hit the ground.

"They will SUFFER!" He hissed. Glancing back, he took a nice good look at the tower.

It was approximately three miles in diameter, and extended around...

He screwed his eyes.

He couldn't tell how far up it went. It seemed to go on forever.

He shrugged, and looked at the base of the tower. Something caught his eye. It was an archway leading into the tower.

Look around, he spotted another archway a ways along the structure. There appeared to be one archway for each region of the world, each entryway facing a regional pie piece.

He headed into the inky blackness of the twoer to explore...



((OOC: Is anyone going to continue the conversation in the ice region?))



((I haven't seen Nether in a while. :/ ))


The Avatar suddenly doubled in size and its arms were engulfed in white fire.


In doubled in size again and the fire spread until it covered its entire body.


Once again, it doubled in size and stood taller than all 6 of the contestants together. It lashed out with a lightning-fast kick towards Burning.

((Word of advice: Never, and I mean NEVER, suggest there is ANYTHING wrong with Omnis.))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((There is something wrong with him.

He's about to be obliterated. ))



((Honestly Diov, do you think I don't have a plan for your little doomsday bubble thing? Haven't you noticed a trend in almost all my characters yet?))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((No. Because as of yet. I don't HAVE any doomsday devices made.

What made you think I did?))



((Fine, whatever you call that ball-of-explosive-chemicals-carrying droid))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



((Well, technically, that was an accident. So, I suppose it could be called a Bad-Day device.))



((Since when does a tiny ball of liquid with the power of a single tripmine count as a "Doomsday device?"

Please. Plus, if it DID qualify, then it would technically be Shimmer's, not mine. ))



((Well Shimmer's sayin it would obliterate us all, and generally explosive chemicals tend to be pretty explosive. Anyways, Shimmer, ya may wanna check that dot on your map now and tell me what color it is :P))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne