The World is Flat ((Open RP))




The robot seemed to make a noise, most likely of annoyance, and began sinking into the floor. Eventually, the floor broke, sending the robot, and most likely, H'tead as well, hurtling down the seperate levels of the base.

...However, the sections of the base that hadn't been alerted to the intruders yet, would suddenly begin activating defense measures, mostly to protect their master...

...Who, right now, just dropped to the floor hard, the side of his face majorly scratched by the spear of stone.

"...Okey dokey then... Y'know what? You can go away now."

He aimed the axe at Aoleleb... And a ball of white netting, similar to that of webbing, fired from the tip, aiming to keep Aoleleb pinned, at least temporarily.



Daonri had just made a big mistake.


She had let H'taed exit her field of vision.

She couldn't control what she couldn't see.

Lord H'taed's lightning reflexes kicked in the moment he was free, and now he was pissed beyond the comprehension of normal humans.

He started to run through the various corridors of Shimmer's tower...





Soon, he was traveling at just under the speed of light. (Any faster and he would would become intangible. Even faster, and he would create a super-massive radius black hole that would crush and kill everyone in the world. Not the brightest of moves, so he stuck at just UNDER lightspeed, thank you very much.)

H'taed at a very young age, before he had aquired his lightning reflexes, was very fit, and was very SWIFT. Coupled with the fact that he was equiped with a standard Husk Corporation dimensional accelerator, allowing him to move at superspeeds...

Throw that in with his lightning reflexes, and H'taed could easily beat both Synapse and the flash in a race any day of the year, EASILY.

Moving so fast made him nigh invisible to the naked eye, as well as slowing everything in his perception down. Meaning, that to H'taed, everything seemed to be moving slower. They wern't really, he was just going so damn fast that seconds seemed to span into years for him.

After running up and down various stairs, flashing past Daonri and the hovering Falcon around 259,428 times, he decided to make his move. He conjured two electrical swords again, and sliced at both of them as he passed by. The advantage to this move being, it would be nigh impossible to see the attack coming, they wouldn't be able to retaliate, (since he would be long gone before their nerve cells could even twitch) and, of course, he could simply repeat this over and over again in an infinite loop until Daonri and Falcon were nothing but twitching cloven sacks of severed and chopped up meat lying on the ground.



Warheart let out a deep breath, as he rose from where he had hit the wall.

"I seem to have walked right into that one" he said, streaching his arms out above his head. "You'r gonna wish you never had-" Warheart's voice cut off suddenly.

"NOOOO!!!!" he roared in fury. "NOT NOW!!!!!" he screamed, his voice revibrating off the walls of the ice palace.

A large piller of flame erupted around his body, lasting only a few seconds, and when it dissapated his skin was once again dark red, his armor now in its origonal form, but it seemed battered, the flames that masked his face were thin, and transparnet.

"Heh, thanks for ruffing him up a bit" El D said, his deep vioce sounding weaker than it had before. "But you didnt have to go to such extreams" he laughed, choughing up dust from the fall in the process.

"I'm in no condition to fight now" he said, splaying his arms wide "That fall and slam into the wall may have only inconvieneced Warheart while he we out, but when we traded places again, not all of the injuries left me" he finished.

At that he went down to a half kneeling position. "Hell, for the moment, I cant even seem to stand" El D said "But I will tell you this....For fighting off my other side and helping me regain control, I shall count you both as allies" he said, his voice sounding of pure sincarity. "Do what you will, help me or leave me, I'll be out for a few unless you got something that will keep me going" he said, then he blacked out, falling to the floor, showing a fairly large crack on the back of his skull, his long black hair parting just enough to see it.

His time was running out.....

I figured scince El D is a blaster, he wouldnt react very well to those injruies. Also, when he first changed, he didn't just give over control as he seemed to, but rather Warheart took over in a burst of power. They are part of the same being, kinda like the Rulaaru-god dudes, and they share that same body untill El D eventually casts out Warheart when he later becomes a Peace Bringer, but Warheart comes back to fight both the current El D and PB El D, hungry for battle.

Also, I was wondering, what song fits Velkon better?
Of Wolf and Man by Metallica


Wolf Moon by Type O Negative (sorry, couldn't find it anywhere else, the video is cool if you watch it, amd song starts slow but gets better )


Also, where you going in South Africa, Fenris? I have a relative that just got back from Uganda a week ago. He made it sound cool, but let me tell you, make sure youve got all the passports and stuff that you need, cuz it can take a while to get back with out them. :P

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Funny you should mention the visa thing. My trip is delayed by at least one day. Going to Sun City and Praetoria. All the tourist parts. I would like to see some other parts of Africa but it's not my choice. The only danger I will see is baboons. I think I could take on a baboon. But I wont try. I would say Wolf Moon because I have heard Of Wolf and Man so much. I thought it sounded cooler. For Fenris I just picked "Superbeast" by Rob Zombie. Or if you're into movie scores, I like "Alien Fight" from AvP. Right at the :48 second mark is where Fenris Project comes into my mind.))

The Fenris Project scrambled away from what he thought was an exploding demon. Next to Quickshot seemed to be a reasonably safe distance.

His back was bruised tender. He had cuts and scrapes scattered all over him. He favored one leg that he landed on in the fall. He let out a sort of half grunt half cough to spit up some blood. But he would be fine in time.

The demon smelled slightly different. He cocked his head in confusion one way. Then the other. He wasn't sure what to make of it so he looked to Quickshot and waited for commands. Certainly he wasn't getting any closer on his own free will, that man explodes.



Man, after hearing Superbeast, I sure can see why you picked it. I can TOTALLY see Fenris beating the HELL outta people while this song is playing.

Also, I found a song that I think fits Warheart pretty well, Drop the Bombshell by Powerman 5000. Also, for Warheart, the song I posted earlier, Warheart by Childern of Bordem (I think). Bombshell could also be a cool song for another brtue I'm planning, Phantom Driver, hel be tech ss/fire and eventually scopion patron powers. The 21st Centruy Killing Machine part is where I see him the most.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((For El D and Blood Wolffe: This is gonna be long so don't post anything yet))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((Okay Twisting Nether... Oh. Sorry. You meant no IC stuff right? Well since I posted anyways, El D. Drop the Bombshell is a cool song, but I think Destroy All by Static-X might fit better. Just a recommendation. Another song I like is Power Struggle by Sunna but I call dibs on that gem. I don't know where you are going to post links to mp3 files though so I can't show you. You must discover it yourself I am afraid.))



As El D passed out on the ground two things happened. Quickshot started to go take a look at El D and a woman with skin as pale as snow rounded the corner at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a full length dress that was a pale blue, with an intricate silver pattern running down the left side and along the bottom hem. She looked between the three beings in her entrance hall and spoke.

“Who are you three to start a party such as this in my entrance hall, and not even invite the lady of the house?” Her voice was sweet, but with a cold edge, as if she could freeze your blood in a second. Hearing the voice, Quickshot stopped and glanced up. “So what have we? A half-demon, a human, and a warwolf from,” she pointed at Quickshot,” your dimension. Or a Fenrisian wolf, if I’m mistaken.” She walked a few steps down the stairway, her movements fluidly graceful.

“Null must be up to his old tricks again.” As she spoke, she waved her hand. The crater in the middle of the floor instantly healed itself, as if nothing had happened. “So, which on of you is it?” Quickshot felt a tug from one of her pockets. It was the blue sphere she’d found earlier. Unzipping the pocket, the sphere rose out and up towards the woman. Grabbing it out of the air, the woman spoke to it, “Ah sister, so you have been found. I wonder if your brother was found.” She glanced to the side and mumbled, "Or mine for that matter."

Quickshot shook her head and found her voice. She had seen some strange things in her profession, but this topped most of them. “Who are you and what is that that I found?”

“Me? My name is Puteulanus Glacies. Some call me the Frozen heart." She shrugged. "As for what I’m holding, I can tell you neither what it does nor what it is for. That is for you to find out.” She tossed it back to Quickshot, who caught it deftly. “Now then. Since most beings aren’t able to get inside my Palace, let alone see it, you three must be special. As such, I shall allow you free rein to see the inside as you like.” She paused, let her gaze linger over the three. “I would suggest you do not enter the library again. A second time would not be so pleasant.” She turned to leave, but right as she was about to round the corner and be out of sight she turned again. “And don’t come looking for me. If you did find me, your time on this world, or any other world, would end shortly.” With that she turned with a swish of her dress and left.

Still wondering what had just happened, Quickshot put the sphere back in her pocket. She grabbed a stolen Council insignia and flashed it at Fenris. She hoped it gave her more control than the whistle El D had. “Stay here, I’ll go check out our ‘friend.’” Crouching down by El D she could see the nasty crack down the back of his head. Eaassh, that’s gotta hurt, she thought. Looking towards Fenris, she whistled and waved him over.

((This was added with the good graces of Diov (and Null ) If you wish to know anything more PM me, or if you wish to add something PM Diov as this is his world and RP))

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



((Very nice twist. Makes me wonder if we will see Frozen Heart in the future.))

Fenris only looked at the strange cold woman with curiosity. Which was strange for him, he almost always gave some warning. But he could not smell her, and her appearance surprised him. Both very unusual things to happen.

She dangled the emblem in front of him. There was no doubt now. She had the tools of the trade, the scent was close and most of all, the insignia.

He sat down and watched her walk over to the demon. He was quite proud that she took interest in his fight. He stepped carefully over where the crater used to be when she called him over. But it was as if it had never been there. The Palace was untouched again. So he picked up the pace and stopped in front of her, briefly giving El D an aggressive look. He wouldn't forget a fight like that quickly.



((OOC: I have a shield on! Those hits with those swords of yours have no affect on Daonri and I! The bad part is, and I'm afraid to admit it due to possible abuse, my end is about to run out. ))



((Well I remind you, H'taed is running at near light speed. All he needs to do is run past your little shield a few million times then wallop you when it goes down.

And who exactly are we waiting on to continue the fight in Shimmer's tower anyway?))



Being made of electricity, the jolt H'taed sent throught the floor only made a tickling sensation for SD. She was going to jump through the hole in the floor after H'taed but stopped when he wasn't down there. Being made of electricity also gave her lightning reflexes and could match H'taed's speed. After catching him in her field of vision, she matched his stride, following him as he ran around Daonri and Falcon. At the right moment SD turned, stopped, and dropped a solid wall of psychic force where H'taed was going. Hopefully he was more attentive on Daonri and Falcon.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



"Boss wake up" The voice echoed through Noise Pollutions head.

"DAMN IT! Dan I was having that dream about.....what the <beep!> is going on" Noise Pollution looked around and was in a white room void of any life.

Where in gods name am I. Dan....Dan....come out here you big loaf. There was no answer.

So this is what she was talking about huh, and to think I just thought it was a dream, and I would soon have seen her naked.

Noise Pollution charged his radiant cloud of gas around him and stepped through the portal.

I feel bad for who ever is on the other side of this thing. They are sure in for a long day. A grin crossed his face before he enters.

Learn About The Empyrean Mandate
Schatten-Schlag (LvL 50 Nin/Nin Stalker)

Crocell (LvL 50 Thug/Poision MM)

Victor Smart (LvL 50 Rad/Psy Def)

The Masked Mayhem (LvL 45 Fire/Fire Blaster)



The entrance of the strange being had awoken El D from his black-out, and rather uncomfortobly at that. Like having your thoughts ripped appart, then assembled back together.

"Sheesh....Who ever was just in here, they added to my already quite large headache" he said, slowly pushing himself up off the floor. Then he noticed Qucikshot, and Fenris above him. He looked up, seeing the Council insagnia Quickshot had.

"You are a well prepaired person, arn't you?" El D asked, his voice still weak, but it sounded a little better. He the fully proped himself up into a sitting position.

"By all rights I should be out, and dying, but I felt some type of being in the back of my mind. It felt cold. VERY cold. Warheart must have felt it too, as he wanted to get away from it. He gave some strength to my body. Thats one of the only good things about having him around. Sharing a body means if I get destroyed, we both are trapped back on the Plane of Fire....And the Gods know that I don't wanna go back there."

Then he felt around the back of his head, where the crack was on his skull.

"Damn, you sure did a good job of throwing me into the wall" he said, looking up at Fenris. "Warheart's residual strength is already being retracted" El D said, his voice now sounding as weak as it had before. "Thats the bad end of the stick" he laughed.

"Well, are we allies?" he asked, looking between Quickshot and Fenris.

His strength was again almost failing, as it had before. Once again, his time seemed to be running out....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Great, of all the places to be sent it had to be a land of ice how wonderful. Noise Pollution looked around the barren tundra he had entered.

"Well I better find some shelter and damn quick." He took off into the air like he was shot out of a cannon. "Ah perfect" he saw what might be a cave in the far distance. "It looks to be about one hundred meters off" looking around wondering why he was talking to himself. "This is just not the same with out Murphy here" he sighed.

He once again stored up his nuclear energy and flew off toward the make shift cave.

Learn About The Empyrean Mandate
Schatten-Schlag (LvL 50 Nin/Nin Stalker)

Crocell (LvL 50 Thug/Poision MM)

Victor Smart (LvL 50 Rad/Psy Def)

The Masked Mayhem (LvL 45 Fire/Fire Blaster)



Lord H'taed was paying very close attention to his surroundings. You had to, really, when running that fast.

However, Psychic barriers were invisible. He didn't even see it coming.


*WHAM* He smashed right into the barrier, and smashed right through it. But the collision had knocked him senseless. His body was mostly built with energy capacitation in mind, and was not built for high impacts.

The avatar of lightning was sent spiraling out a nearby window at just under the speed of light. He plummeted to the ground...



((I was waiting on Burning 'cuz it's his shield and I need to know if it holds up or not. And it seems H'taed's little carbon spark has gone rouge! ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Daonri watched with slight amusement as H'taed slammed into the psychich wall and out the window. She dispelled the telekinesis around her and Falcon and dropped nimbly to the ground.

Meanwhile, the netting slammed into Aoleleb and trapped him. Or so it seemed. As the net landed around Aoleleb he opened a portal inside himself and reappeared next to Shimmer

"Night night!"

He brought his fists down in a two-handed overhead smash towards Shimmer's head.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Shimmer sighed, laying on his elbows. "Great. My ally just smashed one of my windows, leaving me with a bunch of psycho-heroes in the process."

He stood, and growled. "Okay then..."

He hit a button on his wrist, and disappeared. A few smashed later, the floor that had been below him exploded in metal and wires, revealing a red and black robot, which then aimed a pulsing rifle at the intruders. "Newly repaired MK III Assault Prototype ready for destructive duty."



A bolt of lightning suddenly streaked up through the sky...

The entire tower shook.

"DIE." Rang a voice from everywhere.

Red electricity started to conduct on the floor, ceiling, and walls, and tendrils of electricity started to squirm forth, reaching for the empty air in the room, trying to fill the entire space.

Lord H'taed was conducting himself in pure energy form throughout the structure. The Assault bot Shimmer had just summoned seemed unharmed by the new electrical current.



((OOC: Falcon can see things near the speed of light, but H'Taed's speed is a little too much for him. Falcon can see little flash images of H'Taed, but thats about it. He can't see where H'Taed is going, and various other difficulties. On the upside, atleast short little flash images are better then nothing!))


Falcon couldn't see H'Taed, but about 2 seconds after getting the field pelted (over and over again), Falcon heard (and barely saw) H'Taed fly through the window. Falcon didn't exactly have the time to rest, so instead, he/I/me/it/him/her/amigo backstepped into a defensive stance. "For someone as strong as Amedren, I'm not surprised that he, or that shadow lackey of his, hasn't come to help us." He wispered over to Daonri.


Night looked up to 2.0 after finishing up her meal. "So, Spiky, what did you do before you ended up here?"


((OOC: *fires a Rain of Chocolate * Enjoy! ))



Experiment shrugged, grinning. "Beat up thugs, stop bank robberies, teach kids about the dangers of Superadine and jumping into vats of radioactive waste. Y'know, the usual for a hero.

"How 'bout you? You and your friends doing anything fun when you got stuck here?"



Daonri put up a telekinetic field around her and Falcon and then looked over at him.

"Hahahahaha! Amadren? Strong? You must be joking right. Amadren isn't strong, he just gets strong people to do the work for him. As for help though, I've been feeling a strong energy for about the past 20 minutes. It feels like it's coming from Amadren's tower."

And indeed Daonri was right. As she spoke this sentence Amadren finished the ritual he ahd been working on. The glowing energy orb, now the size of a bowling ball, suddenly morphed into 2 bracers. These bracers are known as "The Bracers of Omnis". They enhance the wearer's natural abilities about fivefold. As the bracers were finished, they dissapeared and reappeared on Daonri's wrists.

"The Bracers of Omnis? Amadren must be getting worried."

As she said this, she her telekinteic field suddenly started glowing with the pure amount of energy it was made of.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne




The bracers had been a bit of a mistake.

H'taed's conductive form was only lacking one thing that did not allow it to move easily through the air: A conductive material.

The bracers, however...

Arcs and streams of malevolent red electrical energy poured from the ceiling, walls, and floor, and all homed in on the bracers. H'taed was not actually in physical form, so the Telekineses couldn't get him, and while DAONRI probably could stop a few dozen or so of the arcs with her field, there were too many all together, (with more erupting every second) to effectively and entirely protect herself.



"Amadren! You idiot!" Daonri exclaimed as the bolts moved towards her bracers.

Fortunately for Daonri, Aoleleb was nearby and saw what was happening. A lightweight stone appeared around Daonri's hands. They prevented the bolts from reaching the bracers but didn't affect her abilities at all.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne