The World is Flat ((Open RP))




((I'd like to point out that you a) Did not announce there was a Carbon Spark flying towards me and b) Did not give me a chance to react. I believe that falls under the category of god-modding Diov...))

Daonri looked at the new carbon copy of herself, deflecting the beam of energy in the process.

"Heh. This fool hopes to defeat me with myself? How cliche."

All of a sudden, Aoleleb turned toward the SD. A portal opened at arm-height for him, from which he pulled out a sword. An electrical current was running down the blade. ((Look familiar? )) Using his gargantuan strength, Aoleleb flung the sword at SD. ((You should know what happens if this hits Nether. ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Experiment stretched his shoulder slightly, having SWORN he heard something crack... However, when Burning called over, Experiment resumed grinning broadly.

"Why, yes, it CAN heal... But, y'know, you didn't want me here in the first place, so..."

He twirled the device in his hands, smirking. "Ever heard the phrase, 'don't piss off the healer?' Yeah, I live by it, so... You just, keep pickin' those thorns out... Maybe you'll be lucky, and one of them WON'T carry some alien virus!"

Then, of course, came the snickering.



((Think again. The carbon copy is not a voltaic sentinel...Reversing the polar fields won't work this time.))

"Hey Shimmer! Little help!" H'taed yelled, still stuck in Daonri's telekinetic field. "Don't you have ANY automated defenses around here or SOMETHING?"



Shimmer growled slightly, hitting a few more buttons. "Nyah nyah 'automated defenses' nyah. Seriously, do you ever stop whining? Jeez."

The floor, made of panels it seemed, slid away at every other square, revealing gattling guns, energy turrets, and beam weaponry. They all swivelled to the closest enemy, and began charging. The gattling guns began spinning the chamber, while the energy weapons began priming the cannon for fire.

"Seriously, I was hoping not to use these." Shimmer muttered, covering his ears with his hands.



SD held out her hand and the sword stopped about 2 feet infront of her.

"For me? Thank you."

She grabbed the sword and charged Aoleleb. As she swung it at his midsection, the electricity along the blade flared red.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



"Come, wolf" El D called to the Warwolf.

"It seems that I have a new friend, a large one at that."

It was a bit of a presumptuous statement. The Fenris Project growled at him again, wincing and baring teeth. That man was not Council. Not even a Vampyri.

He turned to Quickshot and slowly walked up to hear on all four, sniffing at her the whole time. He decided if anyone was Council she was. She had technology and guns and no magic fire. So he watched her intensely, briefly looking where El D had spoken, from time to time. He stayed between her and him, now to defend this strange new person who had defended him as a sort of repayment.



*clink* The sword merely glanced off Aoleleb's granite armor.

"Hi there."

Aoleleb reached down with one hand and grabbed a lone power cord. He unplugged it and grabbed the pronged end, which he shoved towards SD.

((Don't know if this will work, but if she's made of static it should at least do SOMETHING.))


Doanri whirled around as she heard H'taed's voice. She had forgotten she had left him trapped.

"This might be fun."

And then she started flinging H'taed around the room. Slamming himk into walls, cielings, robots, etc.

((Has there ever been a person you wished you could do that to? ))

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Slamming himk into walls, cielings, robots, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

((Thank you.))

The second H'tead struck a battle drone, it circled its arms around him, and began firing jets all the way downward to keep him still, and to avoid being thrown into the air with the telekinetic power.

Following that, two more drones blasted into the air, and fired pure bursts of energy at Doanri.



"Ohh [censored]" El D thought "I just could have been hoping that would have worked"

"Ahh, it seems my statement was a bit presumptusous" El D said "Well...I may not be able to take both of you on at once, but...." the last word hung in the air ominously.

"I know someone who might be able to" he said, once again his vioce loosing its harmonic tones, sounding much darker.

At that a massive red bolt of energy streaked down, smashing the ceiling of the ice castle, and compleatly envoloping El D. When the lightning bolt dissapated, there stood the armored figure, but his face was once again white, with black triangles, his eyes narrowed, glowing an demoic red energy.

"Now you see my true other side!" El D shouted at them. "No longer am I held back by my good-side, I have broken free!"

Then, his armor in covered by a "net" of electricity, it now seemed to send out a dull yellow glow.

"My good-side is fighting to regain control, so you'd better hope that you last long enough to see him, as he may reliquish from fighting" he said "By the way, you can call me Warheart"

At that the demon brought his axe off his shoulder, and after charging it with some of his energy, send it in a spinning arch straight at the Warwolf. Then he lept into the air, poised to land right where Fenris was.

"Lets see what you do now!" Warheart laughed malicoiusly, hurtling right for the wolf, with his axe some distance ahead of him, still spinning onward, a whirlwind of blade and searing red energy.

Silently he thought "If you move wolfie, that axe will shear your new friend right in half....And if you don't that axe will hit you then I will come down and crush your skull into the ground, then I'll kill your friend...."

Warheart is the "actual" form of El D's other side, hes a Super Strength/ Electric brute, Gaurdian server, Warheart the Demon

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Hazard heard Velkon reguarding and arachnos screen. He looked up at Velkon, dropping what he was doing. "We have another villain?" "They aren't all 'bad guys'." Proto called out to Hazard with an armful of herbs and various types of berries. "Is the only thing you worry about, reputation?" Night, who was with Proto, took him over to one of the larger leaves she had found and they both set their berries, herbs, and a few nuts in a pile.

Night walked over to Velkon. "Don't worry about Hazard. He's been a pain since we found him." Night sat down near him. "By the way, my hero name is Night Protector. Just stick with me and I'll make sure non of these boring people annoy you in any way."


While Night was talking to Velkon, Proto was setting up a small healing device near Burning. "Hold still, this might sting."


((OOC: Traige beacon. ))



"Heh, I'm not really worried about annoyance, and I'm not really a villian" Velkon said. "I'm more of a lost cause. You see, I was created to fight Statesman and the others, but in the Praetorian dimension. I was sent here to kill this world's Statesman by my origonal world's States, Tyrant. He had captured my after my comm. system went out and I lost contact with Arachnos, who were my creators. I have just recently figured out the flips that changing dimesions brought to me, and I hope to eventually help Statesman and the others, but untill then, I'm trapped on the Rouge Isles. By no means do I wish to commit to helping Arachnos at all, I kill their enforcers where ever I see them. I only do what I need to for survival, untill I can escape."

Then he stacked the wood he had cut into a cone-like shape, and, sending one blade out of either arm, slid them together to create a spark, igniting the large mass of fire wood.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector




A few snaps could be heard, as Experiment fell from the cluster of branches he had gotten stuck in. He hit the ground, a bunch of leaves and sticks landing on top of him. He stood, and dusted himself off yet again, before assuming an offended position.

"I will have you know that I have a VERY complicated personality! I am in NO WAY boring! Come on!"

"...Well, actually, all you do is make terrible jokes, and slash people. You really don't do much else." his PDA chimed in, only to have 2.0 growl in response.

"I invent things too."

"No, you invent things that blow up. They're useless for anything else, unless they are, like, the twentieth device you tried at. Even then, they don't work the way you intended. His healing device was originally meant to be a transiever, allowing him to communicate with Longbow at long-range distances," the device explained, "Trust me, don't trust him with any electronic devices."

"...That is very rude of you."



"Move," Quickshot whispered to Fenris. She dropped on her back and fired three shots at Warheart. The shots were like small insulators, designed to absorb electricity.


SD just laughed as the power cord hit her. She absorbed the energy, and grew slightly. Grabbing the cord, she ripped it out of Aoleleb's hands and threw it to the side. In return, Aoleleb was about to get a faceful of electricity.

Co-leader of Vae Victus Sinistus (Freedom/Infinity)
Exorii: Lvl 50 Kat/Elec Stalker, fully IO'd, T4 Incarnate
SG: Hands of Ashra



Night let out a smal chuckle. "I was talking about Hazard and hotspot."

"I'm not boring!!" Burning yelled from distance. "You just hate me for my devilishly good looks!"
"You on to something with the 'devil' thing. Not so much the 'good looks.'"
"Ok, THAT wasn't funny."
"Who said I was joking?"

Hazard sighed, then started cooking the meat above the fire. He cut up the meat, splitting the meat evenly among the heroes and villains, saving the largest for Velkon. Shortly after, he separated the berries and chopped up a few herbs for salad.

Hazard walked over to a bush and began picking off the largest leaves. Each one about the size of a plate. He washed off the leaves, just to make sure they were good an' clean, then put the food on each one. "It may not be the best meal, but its ready."



The spinning of the axe came to an abrupt halt making a ringing sound resonate through the metal. The Fenris Project had put up his forearm and blocked it. The axe had sunken in about two inches. It would have been less if it hadn't been laced with energy but it still hardly penetrated his thick hide.

He threw his arm releasing the axe sending it spiraling into the wall, sticking in the ice.

"Move," Quickshot whispered to Fenris.

He knew that command. He leapt to the side, allowing her a clear shot.

Then it was his turn. Fenris leapt up on a collision course with the demon. He roared, baring large teeth and claws ready to eviscerate the demon.



Falcon jumped backward while unsheathing his sword. He moved the blade, blocking the gunshots with the side of his sword and sending them in different directions. He moved the sword gracefully, hitting every bullet coming his way, and deflecting them perfectly. While he couldn't controll the direction of all of them, he sent most of them back at H'Taed.

Falcon found the perfect time to strike, using the little time in between two gunshots to perform a teleportation jutsu, teleporting right behind Shimmer. He swung his sword, aiming for Shimmers neck.



The deflected bullets pinged off of H'taed's armor, but didn't do as much damage as intended. A slight magnetic film around H'taed protected him from piercing and smashing objects. Nothing major, of course, it merely slowed down bullets a little. A few even got past the field and punctured his armor.

H'taed was grateful for the save via the robot. He still was held by the telekineses until Daonri was actually distracted enough to let go, but it gave him some options.

He sent a slow spiral of electricity down his leg...

down the drone's leg...

and into the floor.

He was going to electrocute everyone and everything touching the floor. The electricity would also conduct into the walls and ceiling, lightning up anything touching those as well. Shimmer and H'taed, and the drones for that matter, would all be fine due to H'taed's static upgrades. Aoleleb would also be ok provided he kept his granite armor up. Daonri, and Falcon's strike, however...

They were going to be fried.



Warheart laughed, seeing how "effective" his axe had been.

"Well, I see a solution to these bullets" he thought to himself, as he neared his colision with the wolf. He started to turn slightly, to build momentum, and as he just colided with Fenris, grappeling the strong claws of the beast (and realizing that this creature had the strength of a giant in the process) with his metal covered arms, he compleated his movment, facing the wolf now in the path of the bullets.

"You may or may not be hurt by those" he said, indicating the bullets "But the impact with the ground might do something". At that he stomped down onto the wolf's chest with his metal greaves, and released his hold on the creature's arms. This almost reversed his angle, and also sent him off to one side of the building.

"Catch!" he shouted, his eyes looking behind Fenris to the gun-carring woman.

Then he was on his way to the ground aswell, already a good 10 feet from where Fenris was heading, and the distance was just getting greater.


"If he builds gadgets at all like that" Velkon said, indicating Experiment's healing nod/Longbow Comm. "I'd take one."

Then he leaned over so that only Night could here him.

"But I can also heal what ever damage I get if it DOES explode" he whispered . Then he got up and walked over to where the food/leaf plates were. He picked up two and started over towards Proto and Burning, giving them their food, then he returned to help pass out more of the food.

Just after the food was passed out (Velkon noticed he had gotten the biggest piece), and he had just resumed his seat near the fire, Velkons wolf-like ears twitched at a small and far off sound.

A sound like a distant howling noise, his ears just picking it out from the other noises of the forest.

"Meh..What ever it is, its far away at the moment" he thought, and took a large bite of the cooked rex meat, almost taking 1/4th of the large helping he had.

"Should it come up again, I'll say something" he thought, compleating his thoughts for now, and moved to take another bite of food.

That howl was Fenris, it had happened a while ago, i know, but the echo took a while Heres to a werewolf vs werewolf fight soon!!!!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Daonri saw the static racing down H'taed's leg and floated slightly up off the ground. As she did she reversed the telekinetic field around H'taed and now the robot. She pushed them both DOWN. Along with the robot's jets, it would probably send them through the floor.


Aoleleb took the blast of lightning right in the face. Thanks to the fact that stone doesn't conduct electricity however, he was fine. He turned his attention back to Shimmer, realizing that he couldn't damage SD nor she him. A small blade of stone formed in his hand, which he chucked at Shimmer's head.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon was about to hit Shimmer when he saw a little bit of red lightning jump from one piece of metal to the other. He quickly glanced over at H'Taed, then Daonri. Falcon did a quick teleportation jutsu over to her.

"Daonri! Get me off the ground!!" Falcon yelled over to Daonri, getting his hands ready for a shield jutsu.



Daonri flicked a hand over toward Falcon Strike. A small telekinetic field lifted him off the ground as well.

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid." - John Wayne



Falcon preformed the shield jutsu, cause a round, light yellow shield to form over Daonri and Falcon. This was to protect them from any attacks that can and will be used within the 5 seconds.


((OOC: I'm running out of things to say out of character. ))



Fenris huffed as he cracked the marble floor with his impact. He landed right in front of Quickshot. His pain only fueled him, just like he was trained. He would only feel it after the fight was over. Even in his rage he looked back at Quickshot briefly. Wether it was for commands or concern for her safety or even just a random passing glance could not be known. He immediately sprung up and launched himself at El D, both fists hammering down together with enough force to fold a car in half. After which he latched onto the shoulder of his armor with his teeth and squeezed like a vice. The Council had trained him not to cut or slash with his teeth but to use his strength to create incredible pressure in his bite.

The cracks made by Fenris and El D had already began shrinking inward to their centers.

((I will be heading to South Africa tomorrow for the next 11 days for vacation. I will not be totally gone (unless the hotel has no internet) but I will most likely be posting less. Just letting everyone concerned know.))



"Arrhhggg!!!" Warheart shouted, now falling down towords the floor, with the large wolf clamped onto his shoulder. "You'r gonna become a problem, arnt ya" he growled at the wolf, then he wraped his arms around the wolf's chest, crushing with all of his might. Then, he started once again to turn, slowly in midair, and sent a massive ammount of electrical energy, enough to overload the strongest Juicer Freak, coursing into Fenris. He finaly compleated his slow rotation, the wolf's back once again facing the ground.

"You'r not getting away from this..." he growled, and he threw all of his weight, ammounting to about 873 pounds, downwards.

"Think of this as The Power Slam to HELL!!!" Warheart shouted, as they came crahsing into the solid, icey floor of the castle, creating a crater that spanned the entier width of the marble floor, the ends even spiking up 7 feet on the walls on either side. A huge cloud of dust shot up, obscuring all from view.

But a red, energy electrical aura could still be seen.

Warheart still breathed, and was still sentiant, even after such a HUGE fall.

"Lets see you get up from that..." he muttered to the wolf, and with that, Warheart started to rise out of the crater, staring straight at Quickshot.


I'm assuming that Fenris' weight is a Heck of ALOT (read your bio, thought it was cool, but cant remeber the weight) and with Warheart's combined weight, plus falling down from where they were, would be about I'm guessing over 3 thousand pounds of force going into the ground. Cool right?

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Approx. 550-600 lbs. so yeah, a heck of a lot is right. He may not show any pain now, but I am not god-moding. He is just trained to lick his wounds later.))

A furry hand reached out from the dust, clasping the ankle of El D. Fenris grunted as he strained to swing him with all his might to send the demon into the wall as hard as he could.

He leapt out of the healing crater toward Quickshot. He landed in front of her covered in pulverized marble dust. She got a look from him as if he was asking, "What should I do now?" Fenris cracked his back from the impact and turned. A low growl came from his throat as a warning to El D to keep his distance.